european exploration & settlement chapter 2 mrs. brown 1

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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European Exploration & Settlement

Chapter 2

Mrs. Brown


Earliest Exploration• The Vikings are believed to be the

first Europeans to reach the Americas–Vikings from Iceland explored

Newfoundland (in Canada) circa 1000

–There were no permanent Viking settlements


Christopher Columbus

• Christopher Columbus was just one of many explorers looking to get riches from the Indies– Came up with the idea

of sailing WEST, not east

– Eastern route was controlled by Portugal


Columbus’ Voyages• Columbus set sail

from Spain with 3 ships in August, 1492– Reached the island

of Hispaniola on October 12, 1492

• Columbus assumed that he had reached the Indies


Columbus’ Voyages• In Hispaniola,

Columbus came into contact with the Taino Indians– Taino were friendly

and welcoming– Columbus soon forced

the Taino to mine for gold

– Within 100 years, almost all Taino were dead


Columbian Exchange

• Transfer of crops, animals, ideas, and diseases between Europe, Africa, and the Americas


Spanish Exploration• After Columbus,

Spain sent conquistadors to America

• Cortes – conquered the Aztecs in Mexico– Aztecs thought he

was a god• Pizarro – conquered

the Inca in Peru 7

Spanish Exploration• The first Spanish

settlement in the USA was at St. Augustine, FL– Juan Ponce deLeon, 1513

• Spanish built presidios throughout the southwestern US– Catholic missionaries

attempted to convert the Indians to Catholicism


French Exploration• Seeing Spanish

success, the French also set up colonies– Explored the Mississippi

River and claimed the territory for France

• Worked as business partners with the Native Americans, trapping and trading beaver pelts


English Exploration• England also

wanted to set up colonies in America

• First attempt at a colony was at Roanoke - 1585– Colony disappeared

• England didn’t try again until 1607


English Exploration• In 1607, the London

Company sent 144 men to Jamestown– Very few of the men

had any trade skills

• Area was a poor place to settle, but alliances and tobacco helped colony survive


Jamestown• Capt. John Smith became the

leader of Jamestown in 1608–“If a man would not work; neither

should he eat”

• Winter of 1609 – the “Starving Time”–Indians refused to trade with settlers,

and only 60 of 500 settlers survived12

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