evaluation of final production work

Post on 12-Jun-2015






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Evaluation of final production work…

By Olivia Barfi

For the masthead, I decided on the name of Jukebox as my magazine genre was chart and new artists music and I wanted it to convey the message of a real jukebox where you can play any music you want.

•For the cover image, I focused on the band which I featured in my double page spread called ‘The chinadolls’. For the image, I dressed all three girls up so they looked like conventional dolls which fits in the band name.

•The chose pose of the image for the girls to be looking shocked but in a playful stance which gives across the message that they have a degree of humour and also so that it appeals to a younger audience.

•For the clothes in the picture, I chose also to have the three girls dressed in wacky patterns and bright colours with ribbons in their hair so they would fit in with the theme of dolls.

For the colour scheme, I decided to go with white, black and red like the NME magazine as the colours were vibrant and bold which fitted in the colourful main image of my band. They are also colours which compliment each other well.

For the strap lines, I decided to have white and black text so it would fit in with the colour scheme and also stand out on top of the image.

For the skyline, I chose to useThe colours red and white to again fit in with the colour scheme and also to stand out on the black background. Also, I chose to list all the features which would be included in the magazine such as the top 20 chart and up and coming music artists to attract the audience of people into new pop music.

For the kicker, I decided on keeping it simple, but again bold colours to attract the target audience of young people and upwards to be appealed. I chose to have just one line to keep it short and catchy and to make the target audience attracted into finding out more about the band.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions or

real media products?•My final magazine front cover challenges forms and conventions of current music magazine front covers as I have used similar a similar layout in my front cover to the Billboard magazine front cover of Lily Allen.

• For example, the strap lines placed all around the image and the masthead being the main focus in large font.

•My magazine front cover also develops on the music magazine Billboard as Billboard’s target audience is for chart music whereas my magazine focuses on chart music and new artists which is like NME and Billboard combined together.

Looking back at your prelimary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression to

the full product?•From looking back at my prelimary task, I have learnt how to make my magazine front cover more professional by merging the layers when working on photo shop.

• I have also learnt how to change the filtered effects on the photos I took to make the colours stand out more and contrast with the other features on my page.In the progression, I have also learnt how to edit photo images, for example in my double page spread image I had to use red eye removal to improve the appearance of the photo in my final product.

• In addition, I feel as if I have improved more in focusing my end product to more of a selected audience because before my prelimary task was just aimed at sixth form students. However, in my music magazine I focused more on young people who like pop chart music.

• I also feel I have learnt how to use better language in my final product as in my prelimary task I just chose to have short sentences and taglines whereas in my final product I had to analyse existing music articles to create a realistic article for my double page spread.

Who would be the target audience for your media product?

•The target audience for my product would be teenagers and young adults interested in alternative pop music as my magazine Jukebox focuses on new, original artists that would not usually be categorised as classic pop music.

• Also, my band ‘The china dolls’ are an alternative to mainstream pop music and do not follow the normal conventions of girl pop stars.

• I decided to have teenagers and young adults for my target audience as these are audiences that are easily influenced by the media and the culture of pop music.

Young ,alternative pop group a kooky take on mainstream pop

• I also wanted my magazine to appeal to young, fresh people you have an original taste in music today. In addition, this audience are most likely to buy music magazines as they are keen to find out what is new in the music scene.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The type of media institution that might distribute my media product is some one like William H. Donaldson as he found and published ‘Billboard’ music magazine. Someone like him would also publish a magazine such as ‘Jukebox’ as they are both from the same genre of pop and new artists music. Also, the magazine ‘Billboard’ and ‘Jukebox’ have a similar target audiences and layout .

Similar masthead, as they are both stretched out across the top of the page

Jukebox and Billboard have both used similar layout of strap lines with two paragraphs in two different colours to make certain points stand out.

For my contents page I decided on using a similar layout to the Billboard contents page, although I decided on having the page information on the right hand side and just one main image instead of three side images and a main.

For the layout of the paragraphs I decided having the title in capitals similar to Billboard and then small, brief paragraphs about what would be included on each page. This appeals more to a target audience of young people as they could just skim read the page.

Similar layout to the billboard magazine with the date and name in the right hand corner of the page.

I also decided on having a similar

layout to the Billboard magazine,

as I included a similar underlining

of the title and similar layout of


High-saturated image- to make it appear vibrant and colourful to attract a young audience.

•For the contents page image, I concentrated on having the three girls posing with Christmas decorations as it was a December issue which is similar to the Billboard magazine issue as they have used a band member of Paramore and dressed up them for Christmas.

•I also kept with the theme of dolls with the hair and makeup, I also faded the picture into the text. I did this so that the border of the image was not so apparent and so it looked more professional looking.

For the main title, I decided in having a quote from the chinadolls themselves, which I added in a hint of sarcasm like NME does in their articles. So I developed on this and decided to play on the fact that they say they are average girls but actually they are far from being average.

In the main image, I decided to have the band posed on velvet sofa like dolls having a tea party to show the kooky, fun side of the band. I took inspiration from the music artist Paloma Faith

For the separate individual shots, I decided on having each band member look in a different direction to show how they are each very individual in their own way.

I also chose to use frames around the individual shots to effect that the images are actual picture frames in the chinadolls apartment which links to the written article. I did this to keep with the ‘theme’ and to keep my layout continuous.

For the introduction I decided on having a brief overview of the band’s success and I chose to highlight the bands name and the editors name

I also added in a caption, to show the readers the names of the band members so the readers could become more personal

I kept with the same colour scheme as before to keep the magazine professional looking

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