evolution pitchbook

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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A new leadership conference launching in Harrisburg September 30 - October 2



L E A D E R S H I P • I N N O V A T I O N • P U R P O S E












A New Kind of Leadership Conference

In the traditional business model, companies

work to achieve more efficient operations and larger profits

—and then they return some of that profit to the community.

Today, people are saying, “I want to be motivated to come to

work every day. I want to be engaged in what I am doing and

emotionally invested in my job. I can’t do it if it is only about

profit. I need a larger, more compelling reason.”

Leadership • Innovation • Purpose evolution 2015: A New Kind of Leadership Conference

Emerging and seasoned business leaders will come together to look at the world

through a new lens—a lens focused on social impact via service to others and making a difference

through meaningful work. Attendees will receive the tools and ideas to empower their organizations

to take advantage of cultural changes that are transforming the workplace.

IDENTIFY THE CHALLENGEOVERCOMING DISENGAGEMENTDespite rewards programs, compensation systems, and various HR plans put into effect over the past 40 years, 70% of employees are either somewhat or highly disengaged from their jobs. They are not connected with the purpose of their organization. An employee connected with the purpose of a business does 1.5 times the amount of work as an employee who is disengaged.

THE SHIFT TO A MILLENNIAL WORKFORCEIn five years, millennials will account for 46% of the workforce. In ten years, that percentage moves to 85%. Business leaders today must learn how to lead their organizations by understanding and utilizing the strengths of this emerging generation.

REALIZING POTENTIAL • A higher degree of service to others is now regarded as an important component of success. • People prefer to work at businesses that want to make a difference. • Business leaders must position their organizations to reflect the urgency of this new awareness.


MAKE A COMMITMENTBECOME AN ADVOCATE OF PURPOSEEvolution 2015 is aimed at the heart of the typical mainstream business. This conference is about bringingboth purpose and grounded results to your business in a series of personalized and specific takeaways.Attendees will come from diverse business backgrounds representing for-profit and not-for-profit enterprises. You will not find 500 insurance agents or 500 CEOs from one kind of business. We anticipate a diverse group of creative, smart, and thoughtful business leaders who are driven to discover answers in a communicative and collaborative conference setting. Evolution 2015 provides an opportunity to discover a peer group offully-engaged business leaders who understand the value of making a difference.

YEAR OF THE SAMURAI : LIVING to a Greater Sense of Values, Purpose, and Service

Our theme for the first annual EVOLUTION leadership conference is the Samurai —holding honor and truth above all things and consistently observing a defined code ofthought, behavior, and attitude. Business conducted with a sense of purpose sharescommon ground with the Samurai philosophy of living.


A CONFERENCE BUILT FOR PRACTICAL LEARNINGA COMPLETE TOOLSETEVOLUTION 2015 is structured to deliver a series of brief 15-minute keynote sessions, followed by parallel streams of facilitated practical breakout discussions. We are in conversation with leading companies in the purpose-driven movement to schedule a compelling selection of keynote presenters for EVOLUTION.


Warby ParkerPatagoniaZappos

StarbucksWhole FoodsToms Shoes

KEYNOTES: Experience EVOLUTION’s core ideas—bite-sized and digestible. When attendees return to their organizations, they will be able to make informed decisions about where to focus and what outcomes to expect.

WORKSHOPS: Early-implementers of purpose-driven organizations will detail their experiences. Attendees can formulate a blueprint for action within their own businesses and gain a working perspective about what is possible. Test and discuss your ideas.

COLLABORATIVE BREAKOUTS: Small groups (one or two dozen) work with professional facilitators to brainstorm and identify important social issues, come up with entrepreneurial solutions, and even seek the possible funding of these solutions from within the conference.

IDEA CENTERS: The EVOLUTION staff will designate places and spaces throughout the conference area and community (i.e., coffee shops, event lobby areas, and event partner spaces) where participants can exchange ideas or leave thoughts for sharing.

HIGH ENERGY PERFORMANCES: Performers and artists will be scheduled between speakers and breakout workshops to entertain attendees and add to the overall enjoyment of the conference.




Culture is the DNA of an organization. It controls the behavior of leaders. It affects what decisions are made, who gets hired, and how people are treated.

Leadership is the ability to guide a business from an older cultural model—command and control—to a new form that increases and retains a higher level of fully engaged employees.

Innovation is a creative process fueled by curiosity that allows an organization or an individual to face changes in their marketplace. Innovation impacts products, services, offerings, and packaging. It helps organizations avoid obsolescence. Innovation can change the style and structure of leadership or management.

Purpose is the new way of doing business. Today’s emerging leaders are discovering the significance of making a difference—connecting themselves and their workforce to a purpose and using the energy of that connection to have a lasting and positive impact on their businesses—and on the world.

SPONSOR: Sponsorships range from $5,000 to $25,000—Get in front of an exclusive C-Level audience.Your marketing exposure goes beyond the live event and extends to the online resource gallery that will be available year round.

FUND START-UPS: The event finale involves a business competition for emerging leaders. Large cash prizes will be awarded to new business start-ups. Judges will be a blend of CEOs and event partners. A YouTube videocompetition will take place for remote attendees who take part in EVOLUTION 2015 online.

ATTEND: Live tickets are $299/day or $499 for both days. The executive team rate is $1,750 for 5 attendees. The unpublished day rate for college students is $99 (marketed exclusively via universities). Web sign upby event.

PARTNER: Associations, chambers of commerce, and other community leaders can participate by marketingEvolution 2015 to their communities.

COMPETE: Have an idea? Visit www.evolutionconference.org to enter our business plan compoetition for a chance to win start-up funds for your business idea.

For the past 10 years John Dame has been working with CEOs and leadership teams of regional, national, and international organizations. He has seen a distinct difference between organizations that are driven by purpose and organizations that run on the old lines. “I have observed the way that leadership teams get connected to purpose and have concluded that with normal leadership programs, there is little or no discussion about purpose as it relates to an organization.”

At EVOLUTION 2015 we want to kickstart the kind of innovative leadership that creates a greater sense of values, purpose, and service.

Event Team:


F O U N D E R A N D E V E N T H O S T — J O H N D A M E

John Dame, Founder and HostTim Levy, Business Consultant + StrategistDame Management StrategiesFacilitators (core members of the team have a Vistage affiliation)

“Bringing purpose to the front of a conversation is like throwing a pebble into a pond and watching the ripples expand outward from the center. Good leaders with purpose have a lasting effect on the lives of their employees, on the communities where they operate, and, I believe, on the wider world in general.”


John Dame Tim Levy

2015For more information on how to get involvedwith Evolution contact Amma Johnson atammajo@damemanagementstrategies.com

For organizations and individuals interested insponsoring Evolution contact John Dame atjdame@damemanagementstrategies.comor call 717.651.9674.

Make a difference.

E V O L U T I O N 2 0 1 5 | S E P 3 0 – O C T 2 | H A R R I S B U R G U N I V E R S I T Y


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