expanding happiness

Post on 22-Jan-2016






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expanding happiness




Ananda Hum - Day 1Ananda represents the energy that generates the transcendental bliss of existence. Hum means “I am” so this mantra helps your individuality resonate with the inherent happiness of life.

Shum - Day 2This mantra is often associated with the 6th chakra, the energy center for intuition, insight and inspiration. It is also connected with the goddess Lakshmi, the agency in Nature that bestows abundance and all possibilities. This mantra helps activate your creative insight, inspiration, and knowing that when you are connected to the Source, anything is possible.

Shanti Hum - Day 3Shanti is the sound for peace. Peace in the mind, peace in the world, peace in all of nature. Hum affirms that this is your identity, your true self. Repeating Shanti Hum is a quiet declaration that universal peace is your essential nature.

Aham Prema - Day 4Prema means love. It includes divine love, human love, and universal love. Prema is the cosmic force of consciousness that holds everything together. Aham means “I am.” Aham prema is an affirmation that your core self is pure love and it puts your life energy in resonance with the love principle running through existence.

Lila Hum - Day 5Lila is the playfulness of life at the basis of all creation. It instructs us that life isn’t compelled by responsibility, laws and determinism. Life springs from play, light, freedom, and joy. Lila Hum identifies your consciousness with this playfulness at the core of creation.

Shreem - Day 6Shreem is another mantra associated with the goddess Lakshmi. This is the divine essence of abundance, happiness, beauty and beneficence. When our awareness is filled with positivity and the quality of infinite possibilities, it is filled with an empowered hope that can create change.


Sarvatva - Day 7Sarva is the root of the Sanskrit word for wholeness, the All, or totality. This mantra declares that the wholeness of the universe dwells within our individual consciousness. This gives reality to our feeling of completeness in our being.

Shree Ram - Day 8This mantra combines the energy of Shree, which is divine joy, auspiciousness and abundance, with the energy of Ram, a mantra which strongly draws those divine qualities directly into the physical body and into the emotions. It has the effect of creating a surge of bliss. Traditionally it is also considered a powerful healing mantra.

Dharma Hum - Day 9Dharma is the life purpose that leads to our spiritual awakening. When we are following our dharma, we are following our bliss. We are aligned with the blissful flow of spiritual evolution.

Sampriya Hum - Day 10Sampriya is spiritual love in action. It is affection, caring, and loving. This mantra brings the pure love of our non-local, immortal self into our physical, localized self, making divine love, human love.

Om Mitraya - Day 11Mitraya is the is God of friendliness and harmonious cooperation. Om Mitraya cultivates feelings of kindness and helpfulness.

Kleem Upahasa - Day 12Upahasa is the spirit of laughter. Kleem is a mantra that attracts whatever you are asking for. Kleem upahasa attracts mirth and laughter into your life.

Shreem Namah - Day 13Shreem is the goddess of joy, abundance and beauty. Namah means respect, by bringing our full conscious being into appreciation or gratitude. This mantra cultivates a feeling of appreciation and gratitude for the abundance in life.

Rabhasa Hum - Day 14Rabhasa means the passion of living. It conveys the sense of a rushing or surging force of energy. Rabhasa hum, means we identify our consciousness, or life force, with the powerful


passionate energy coursing through the universe. It gives us a passionate enthusiasm for life, and growth.

Ravaye Hum - Day 15Ravi means the radiance of the supreme spiritual light. It is the radiance of the spiritual sun. This mantra activates the radiance of our spiritual light, expressing our true nature as bliss.

Prasada Hum - Day 16Prasad is a divine gift or blessing. Prasad is also that state of divine generosity that uplifts and blesses. Prasada hum aligns our awareness to this state and the process of giving as well as receiving blessings.

Seva Hum - Day 17Seva is the Sanskrit word for service. Seva is action performed for the sake of others, but more specifically it is action that is not motivated by individual desire. Instead, it is action prompted by the impulse of spiritual growth and freedom. This is why wisdom traditions extol service as a path to enlightenment. Seva hum stirs this selfless impulse and instills the joy of helping others as its own reward.

Karuna Hum - Day 18Karuna is pure compassion borne of the knowledge of our absolute connection to everyone. Karuna hum elicits compassion for all from this place of shared consciousness in every person.

Vedohum - Day 19Veda is the unmanifest wisdom of life underlying all creation. Vedohum affirms the reality of this infinite knowledge within our awareness and encourages it to guide our thought and action. The awakening to this knowledge brings an upsurge of bliss in consciousness.

Shanti Vira - Day 20Shanti is universal peace, and vira is infinite strength or power. Shanti vira not only brings peace, but it gives you the strength to be peaceful even in circumstances where it might be instinctive to retaliate. It gives you the courage and clarity to be your true self in all situations.


Purnamidam - Day 21Purna indicates the fullness or entirety of creation. It is a fullness that means Nature is inexhaustible no matter how much it gives or creates. The mantra Purnamidam reveals that this fullness of Nature exists within our essence. We are that same wholeness of Being.

Aham Brahmasmi - Day 22Aham means “I am” and Brahmasmi refers to the pure existence, or Brahman. Together this mantra means, the core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root and ground of the universe, the source of all that exists.

What is a Mantra?The word mantra has two parts: man, which is the root of the Sanskrit word for mind; and tra, which is the root of the word instrument. A mantra is therefore an instrument of the mind, a powerful sound or vibration that you can use to enter a deep state of meditation.

According to the Vedic tradition, the ancient sages were able to hear the subtle vibrations produced by everything in nature―the sounds of the wind, thunder, butterflies, rushing rivers and all other creations. They recognized that these sounds are the manifestation of spirit into matter. They identified “Om” (or aum) as the most elemental sound, representing the infinite universal consciousness. For thousands of years, people have used this mantra to expand their awareness of the divine.

The ancient seers also identified all the primordial vibrations or mantras that make up the universe and these were eventually recorded in the Vedic literature―the four texts that form the basis for the Hindu religion. You can actually hear all the mantras yourself if you sit quietly. You’ll notice a background hum in the air, and as you practice focusing on


that hum, you’ll ultimately hear every mantra the sages recorded long ago.

Why do we silently repeat the mantra?Silently repeating a mantra as you meditate is a powerful way to enter the silence of the mind. As you repeat the mantra, it creates a mental vibration that allows the mind to experience deeper levels of awareness. As you meditate, the mantra becomes increasingly abstract and indistinct, until you’re finally led into the field of pure consciousness from which the vibration arose.

Repetition of the mantra helps you disconnect from the thoughts filling your mind so that perhaps you may slip into the gap between thoughts. The mantra is a tool to support your meditation practice. Mantras can be viewed as ancient power words with subtle intentions that help us connect to spirit, the source of everything in the universe. As you experience deeper meditative states, all thoughts and worries drop away and you experience the quiet that always exists beneath the noisy internal dialogue of the mind. In this stillness you may feel oneness with all life and profound peace.

Why do we use different mantras each day?Each mantra induces specific vibrations in the mind, which is why people use different mantras depending upon their intentions. However, mantras don’t have particular meanings―they are simply vibrations of consciousness. When they’re silently repeated, they help us disconnect from the thoughts filling our mind and slip into the gap between thoughts. Since each mantra induces specific vibrations in the mind, Deepak uses a variety of them throughout the Meditation Experience to align with the daily message and meditation.


What if I do not pronounce the mantra correctly?Some spiritual traditions put great emphasis on the correct pronunciation of mantras. After decades of experience, the perspective of Deepak and the Chopra Center is that the exact pronunciation of the mantra doesn’t matter at the non-local level of intelligence. If someone tries to maintain distinct pronunciation while the mind is in the process of transcending, the conscious effort for right pronunciation will undermine the natural meditation process.

It is such a privilege to meditate with you during our 21-Day Meditation Experience. As I reflect on the number of

meditators coming together from around the world, I am inspired.

Now several days into the teachings and meditation practice, you may find yourself wondering, what is a

mantra? These Sanskrit syllables are carefully chosen to work with and empower the teaching of the day. As we

silently repeat the mantra during meditation a few things happen:

We quiet our mind - Repetition of the mantra helps us to disconnect from our thoughts, allowing access to

the meditative state where all distractions and worries drop away.

We access deeper awareness - Through the resonance of the mantra, a mental vibration is created that

allows the mind to experience pure awareness.

We discover our true nature - With daily use during meditation, the mantra is a tool that helps the body,

mind, and spirit relax into their true essence—pure potentiality and happiness.

I encourage you to continue exploring the use of mantra each day during our journey together. To learn more about

the unique mantras selected for Expanding Your Happiness, visit our mantra resource page.

Give yourself permission during these 21 days to open your mind as you let go of expectations and ride the wave of

your present moment awareness. As you do so your happiness will naturally, and effortlessly, expand.


Day 1 — Feeling Joy

Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Expanding Your Happiness! We are delighted that you are joining us.

Over the next three weeks together, we will learn that happiness is much more than an aspiration. Happiness is our

true nature – our very source of being. When we expand our awareness within, we discover that there is no limit to

our happiness. And as we grow in happiness, we can’t help but share that happiness with those around us.

We’re used to thinking of happiness as a pursuit or the emotion we feel once we attain what we want. During these

three weeks we will approach happiness differently – internally instead of externally. Rather than seeking one

temporary joy after the next, we will explore the permanent and limitless source of joy that is our essence. Once we

connect with our inner bliss, we find joy, understanding and fulfillment in all our actions.


Our centering thought for today is:

Happiness is my true nature.

"Happiness is part of who we are. Joy is the feeling."  —Tony DeLiso

Day 1 - Feeling Joy

“Happiness is part of who we are. Joy is the feeling.” ― Tony DeLiso

Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Expanding Your Happiness! We are delighted that you are joining us.

Over the next three weeks together, we will learn that happiness is much more than an aspiration. Happiness is our true nature – our very source of being. When we expand our awareness within, we discover that there is no limit to our happiness. And as we grow in happiness, we can’t help but share that happiness with those around us.  

We’re used to thinking of happiness as a pursuit or the emotion we feel once we attain what we want. During these three weeks we will approach happiness differently – internally instead of externally. Rather than seeking one temporary joy after the next, we will explore the permanent and limitless source of joy that is our essence. Once we connect with our inner bliss, we find joy, understanding and fulfillment in all our actions.  

Day 1 - Feeling Joy

Question 1 of 4Take a moment to write down what attracted you to this particular 21-Day Meditation Experience. Then take some time to list three intentions you wish to fulfill after our three weeks together.

Question 2 of 4Once you have written your intentions, create a brief visualization for each of them. As you journal every day throughout this meditation experience, use your writing entries to inspire their unfolding and clarify your intentions.

Question 3 of 4Remember a time recently when you were happy. Maybe you were taking a walk, fixing breakfast, or thinking of a friend. Perhaps you associated the source of your happiness to that


which you were doing or thinking, but consider all the other times you may have been doing or thinking the same thing, yet you didn’t feel happy. Where do you believe that feeling of happiness came from? Write down your thoughts in detail.

Question 4 of 4Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Day 1

Feeling Joy


Happiness is my true nature.


Ananda HumI am bliss.

Day 2 — Feeling Inspired

Welcome to Day 2 of Expanding Your Happiness.

Today in meditation, we connect with our inner being, the source of all inspiration, creativity, insight and joy. In

opening our hearts and minds to pure spirit, we allow ourselves to take it in to recreate and to renew ourselves.

Inspiration is not only for artists and visionaries, we all benefit when our lives are refreshed and revitalized with spirit

every day.

Meditation opens us to infinite possibilities and allows us to remake ourselves anew each time we sit in silence. To

feel inspired is to step into the present experience unfettered by past disappointments and future fears. You are free

to participate in the creative joy of life in the moment.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am filled with spirit.

"Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough."

—Emily Dickinson

Day 2 - Feeling Inspired

“Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.” ― Emily Dickinson

Welcome to Day 2 of Expanding Your Happiness.


Today in meditation, we connect with our inner being, the source of all inspiration, creativity, insight and joy. In opening our hearts and minds to pure spirit, we allow ourselves to take it in to recreate and to renew ourselves. Inspiration is not only for artists and visionaries, we all benefit when our lives are refreshed and revitalized with spirit every day. 

Meditation opens us to infinite possibilities and allows us to remake ourselves anew each time we sit in silence. To feel inspired is to step into the present experience unfettered by past disappointments and future fears. You are free to participate in the creative joy of life in the moment.

Day 2 - Feeling Inspired

Question 1 of 4

Identify a time when you let go of a resistant position or attitude, and once you did, the inspiration for a solution came through. That inspiration was always there, waiting within you for its opportunity. If we open ourselves and listen we will feel that inspiration.

Question 2 of 4

Identify and write about a few areas in your life that you would like to feel more inspired about. It could be work, a relationship, or your finances . . . write freely and be specific. Now write down the self-limiting beliefs you are holding that might be blocking this inspiration from coming in.

Question 3 of 4

Remember a time when you were deeply inspired. It could have been a recent book you read, or a drawing class you took. Take some time to write in detail what that feeling of inspiration was like for you. Was it expansive? Joyful? Exhilarating?

Day 2

Feeling Inspired


I am filled with spirit.



ShumI am inspired.

Day 3 — Feeling Peace

Our meditation today will connect us to an aspect of our joy that expresses itself as inner peace. This is not ordinary

peace of mind or peaceful interactions with others. This is the permanent feeling of peace that comes from the soul

itself, and encompasses all the other varieties of peace within it. The Bible refers to it as “the peace of God which

passes all understanding."

This level of peace is the core of stillness within that gives us steadiness and quiet comfort when circumstances in

our life may be confusing, as well as when times are happy and fulfilling. This spiritual peace is our calm center that

keeps our life in balance.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am peace.

"Happiness consists not of having, but of being. It is a warm glow of the heart at peace with itself."  —David O.


Day 3 - Feeling Peace

“Happiness consists not of having, but of being. It is a warm glow of the heart at peace with itself.” ― David O. McKay

Our meditation today will connect us to an aspect of our joy that expresses itself as inner peace. This is not ordinary peace of mind or peaceful interactions with others. This is the permanent feeling of peace that comes from the soul itself, and encompasses all the other varieties of peace within it. The Bible refers to it as “the peace of God which passes all understanding.” 

This level of peace is the core of stillness within that gives us steadiness and quiet comfort when circumstances in our life may be confusing, as well as when times are happy and fulfilling. This spiritual peace is our calm center that keeps our life in balance.

Day 3 - Feeling Peace

Question 1 of 4


Recall a time when you felt calm and peaceful, even though the circumstances were not peaceful. Write down a description of that event, and describe how you were able to be calm in that situation. What was the source of this peacefulness if it didn’t come from outside?

Question 2 of 4

Thinking of this same peaceful experience, imagine that feeling of calm becoming deeper and stronger within your soul to the point where nothing happening in the environment could shake it. Describe what that kind of peace would feel like physically, mentally and emotionally. How could this type of peace change your life?

Question 3 of 4

Consider who you admire most as an icon of peacefulness. It could be Gandhi, or Martin Luther King, Jr., or it might be someone in your family. Describe the character qualities in them you want to emulate.

Day 3

Feeling Peace


I am peace.


Shanti HumI am peace.

Day 4 — Feeling Love

Today’s meditation will show you that love is our joyful spiritual center. We don’t need to go anywhere to find love.

This is love that never fades. We never lose this love because it comes from inside. We are our own source of joyful

love. If we look for love around us, we are assuming we lack love, and that we can find it in another person. But, love

is our nature; it is who we are, and it is as near as our beating heart. Our meditation today will help us reorient our

feeling of love to our spiritual core so that we no longer look for love, but bring a full loving heart wherever we go.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am love.

"A joyful heart is the normal result of a heart burning with love."

—Mother Teresa


Day 4 - Feeling Love

“A joyful heart is the normal result of a heart burning with love.” ― Mother Teresa

Today’s meditation will show you that love is our joyful spiritual center. We don’t need to go anywhere to find love. This is love that never fades. We never lose this love because it comes from inside. We are our own source of joyful love. If we look for love around us, we are assuming we lack love, and that we can find it in another person. But, love is our nature; it is who we are, and it is as near as our beating heart. Our meditation today will help us reorient our feeling of love to our spiritual core so that we no longer look for love, but bring a full loving heart wherever we go.

Day 4 - Feeling Love

Question 1 of 4

In today’s meditation we shifted our concept of love from something we seek, to something we are. Write down some of the ways this shift could change how you relate to your partner, or other significant people in your life.

Question 2 of 4

Think of someone you know who is loving and caring unconditionally – like a grandmother. They simply love because that is who they are. They don’t seek someone to make them complete by giving them love, because they already have love within. Imagine yourself loving others with that same unconditional generosity. Write in your journal what this state of love would feel like for you.

Question 3 of 4

Think of a time when you felt your love came from the very core of your being. It held no expectation, need, or lack. Write down how you felt then. Take some time to consider and describe how life would be, living in this state of love all the time.

Day 4

Feeling Love


I am love.



Aham PremaI am love.

Day 5 — Feeling Playful

Today’s meditation connects us to the playful nature of our joyful self. Vedic wisdom tells us that all creation arises

from Lila, or cosmic play. Expressing our playful nature is a valuable way to stay creative, receptive, and revitalized.

When we have fun, we are dancing and singing along with the story of our life. We find our hearts, minds and bodies

are lighter and happier. Play time not only makes us feel better, it spiritually rejuvenates us as well.

Our meditation today brings our awareness to this source of playfulness deep within, allowing us to bring this sense

of fun and joy into our daily life. Let the child in you go out and play.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am playful.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing!"  —George Bernard Shaw

Day 5 - Feeling Playful

“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing!”― George Bernard Shaw

Today’s meditation connects us to the playful nature of our joyful self. Vedic wisdom tells us that all creation arises from Lila, or cosmic play. Expressing our playful nature is a valuable way to stay creative, receptive, and revitalized. When we have fun, we are dancing and singing along with the story of our life. We find our hearts, minds and bodies are lighter and happier. Play time not only makes us feel better, it spiritually rejuvenates us as well.

Our meditation today brings our awareness to this source of playfulness deep within, allowing us to bring this sense of fun and joy into our daily lives. Let the child in you go out and play.

Day 5 - Feeling Playful

Question 1 of 4

List three ways you can play today. It can be as simple as playing fetch with your dog, or filling out a crossword puzzle. Then go out and play!


Question 2 of 4If you feel guilty or self-critical about making time each day to play, list what those feelings are and where you think you acquired those beliefs.

Question 3 of 4List the ways that play will help you be more productive, creative, energetic and happy. Put this list up next to your “guilty” list, and go through it to demonstrate to yourself how adding more play time in your life will make you a better person.

Day 5

Feeling Playful


I am playful.


Lila HumI am playful.

Day 6 — Feeling Hope

Today’s meditation activates the power of hope in our hearts. Hope is a key spiritual component of our joyful self.

Spiritual hope is not a feeble, anxious wish for things to be better . . . it is the active engagement of our aspiration to

the almighty force of evolution. True hope ties our individuality to the cosmos, giving us the guidance and support to

move toward out hopes and dreams. This expansion and fulfillment of our aspirations is an essential joy of life.

We feel happy when our love grows and our territory of influence expands, and hope is the leading edge of this


Our meditation today takes us to the source of hope, the source of our evolutionary expansion of consciousness.

From this still center of being, we illuminate the light of hope in our life.

Our centering thought for today is:

Hope lights my path.


"The greatest joys in life are found not only in what we do and feel, but also in our quiet hopes and labors for

others."  —Bryant McGill

Day 6 - Feeling Hope

“The greatest joys in life are found not only in what we do and feel,but also in our quiet hopes and labors for others.” ― Bryant McGill

Today’s meditation activates the power of hope in our hearts. Hope is a key spiritual component of our joyful self. Spiritual hope is not a feeble, anxious wish for things to be better . . . it is the active engagement of our aspiration to the almighty force of evolution. True hope ties our individuality to the cosmos, giving us the guidance and support to move toward out hopes and dreams. This expansion and fulfillment of our aspirations is an essential joy of life. 

We feel happy when our love grows and our territory of influence expands, and hope is the leading edge of this expansion.

Our meditation today takes us to the source of hope, the source of our evolutionary expansion of consciousness. From this still center of being, we illuminate the light of hope in our life. 

Day 6 - Feeling Hope

Question 1 of 4

We introduced a new understanding of hope today. We want to build a sense of hope that is a force of change that comes from a feeling of certainty and wellbeing within, rather than an anxious kind of hope that vaguely wishes for things to turn out well. Write about an experience you may have had with this stronger kind of hope.

Question 2 of 4You may also have experienced this kind of hope, but not thought of it in those terms. Think of a time when you felt sure you were going to attain a lofty goal, even though the path to the goal was not apparent. That is the hope that comes from your being. Describe this feeling of certainty in your journal.

Question 3 of 4To use this deep hope as a guiding light in life, we need to distinguish it from anxious hope. Write down the feelings you experience in your body when you feel an easy confidence in attaining your goals. Now contrast that with the feelings you have in your body when you are uncertain and anxious about what you want to happen.


Day 6

Feeling Hope


Hope lights my path.


ShreemI am all possibilities.

Day 7 — Feeling Complete

Congratulations! Today we complete the first week of our journey into real happiness. The feeling of completion is an

important part of inner happiness. Feeling complete means we feel whole. We glimpse the vastness of our higher self

and know we do not lack anything. We have everything we need within us; we are everything we need.

This awareness of wholeness is the key to feeling complete, because it is the awakening of self-knowledge that

provides the feeling of wholeness and the feeling of quiet joy that accompanies it. Today’s meditation will awaken our

experience of wholeness - that sense of completeness that is our true self. As we learn to live life from this state of

wholeness, we begin to enjoy everything with ease, grace and delight.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am wholeness.

"To be great, be whole; Exclude nothing. Be whole in everything."

—Fernando Pessoa

Day 7 - Feeling Complete

“To be great, be whole; Exclude nothing. Be whole in everything.” ― Fernando Pessoa

Congratulations! Today we complete the first week of our journey into real happiness. The feeling of completion is an important part of inner happiness. Feeling complete means we feel whole. We glimpse the vastness of our higher self and know we do not lack anything. We have everything we need within us; we are everything we need. 

This awareness of wholeness is the key to feeling complete, because it is the awakening of self-knowledge that provides the feeling of wholeness and the feeling of quiet joy that accompanies it. Today’s meditation will awaken our experience of wholeness - that sense of completeness that is our true self. As we learn to live life from this state of wholeness, we begin to enjoy everything with ease, grace and delight.


Day 7 - Feeling Complete

Question 1 of 4

The feeling of completeness is a unique form of happiness, where we know we are whole and do not feel a lack of any kind. In this state, everything in the imperfect superficial world is nevertheless perfect, just as it is. Write in your journal about a glimpse you may have had of this way of seeing life.

Question 2 of 4Write your thoughts on the differences between seeing life from a place of completeness as opposed to seeing life as an accident of random forces. We can choose the state of consciousness we want to attain, and thereby choose the level of happiness in our lives.

Question 3 of 4Write about an area of your life that you feel is lacking or incomplete. Now instead of approaching that topic as something that is “wrong” or a problem to be fixed, or a hole to fill, consider that this issue might be helping you grow or learn something valuable. Think and write about the ways in which this issue is a hidden blessing, or a way for you to grow stronger and wiser than you would have otherwise.

Day 7

Feeling Complete


I am wholeness.


SarvatvaI am wholeness.

Day 8 — Living Joy

Welcome to the second week of our 21-Day Meditation Experience,Expanding Your Happiness. Last week we

discovered that happiness is something we source inside us, not outside us. We experienced the sprouting of these

seeds of happiness – joy, love, hope, peace, inspiration, wholeness – and felt them take root. This week our

happiness will grow and blossom to enrich all aspects of our lives.


It is natural to express our joys, to share our happiness with others. Watch how young children innocently display

their happiness and delight. As adults we have learned to be more guarded with expressing our emotions, even our

positive ones, and this has the effect of limiting the positive influence of our happiness in our lives. We need to give

ourselves permission to be, to live and feel life as we are.

Today’s meditation is designed to open the doors of our joy and let it expand into all areas of life.

Our centering thought for today is:

We are here to enjoy.

"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."  —Henri J.M. Nouwen

Day 8 - Living Joy

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”― Henri J.M. Nouwen

Welcome to the second week of our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Expanding Your Happiness. Last week we discovered that happiness is something we source inside us, not outside us. We experienced the sprouting of these seeds of happiness – joy, love, hope, peace, inspiration, wholeness – and felt them take root. This week, our happiness will grow and blossom to enrich all aspects of our lives.

It is natural to express our joys, and to share our happiness with others. Watch how young children innocently display their happiness and delight. As adults we have learned to be more guarded with expressing our emotions, even our positive ones, and this has the effect of limiting the positive influence of our happiness in our lives. We need to give ourselves permission to be, to live, and feel life as we are. 

Today’s meditation is designed to open the doors of our joy and let it expand into all areas of life.

Day 8 - Living Joy

Question 1 of 4

Write down three things you can do to discover more joy in today. Find familiar things around you and see them as if for the first time. Maybe it’s the birds jumping between tree limbs outside your window. Slow down and really be aware so that you participate in the wonder and joy of the experience.

Question 2 of 4Think of the happiest person you know. Write down an event where you remember being impressed by how upbeat and buoyant they were. Write underneath that passage: “I want to live joy in my life like that.”


Question 3 of 4List a few of the ways in which you hold yourself back from expressing your happiness. Realize that repressing your joy isn’t healthy. Make a commitment to smile, laugh and show your joy whenever you feel it. Encourage yourself to let your inner joy fully enter your life.

Day 8

Living Joy


We are here to enjoy.


Shree RamI embody happiness and vitality.

Day 9 — Living with Purpose

In today’s meditation we will connect to the current of happiness inside that gives our life direction and purpose.

When we move with this flow of life energy, our actions are filled with value and meaning. Our happiness and

contentment naturally expand when we are living a purposeful life. It’s not necessarily a strong feeling and we may

not always have a clear vision or understanding of that purpose. It may only be a subtle sense that we are where we

need to be, and doing what needs to be done, but that is the heart of a purposeful life.

Our meditation today will align our awareness to this purposeful direction of expanding happiness and fulfillment.

Our centering thought for today is:

My actions have purpose.

"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and

something to hope for." —Tom Bodett

Day 9 - Living with Purpose

“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world:someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” ― Tom Bodett

In today’s meditation we will connect to the current of happiness inside that gives our life direction and purpose. When we move with this flow of life energy, our actions are filled with value and meaning. Our happiness and contentment naturally expand when we are living a purposeful life. It’s not necessarily a strong feeling, and we may not always have a clear vision


or understanding of that purpose. It may only be a subtle sense that we are where we need to be, and doing what needs to be done, but that is the heart of a purposeful life. 

Our meditation today will align our awareness to this purposeful direction of expanding happiness and fulfillment.  

Day 9 - Living with Purpose

Question 1 of 4

Write a short sentence or two about what you feel your purpose is in life. Keep this purpose statement simple, and focus on what it is about your life direction that gives you satisfaction, happiness, and meaning.

Question 2 of 4Next, look at your purpose statement and describe in detail how it gives you joy. For instance, if your life purpose is teaching music to children, then describe how wonderful it feels when a child falls in love with a piece of music, or the look on their face when they know they have played a piece well.

Question 3 of 4List the positive experiences you have had when you were living your purpose. These are the currents of joy that propel your spiritual evolution forward in life.

Day 9

Living with Purpose


My actions have purpose.


Dharma HumMy life has purpose and meaning.

Day 10 — Living Contentment

When we speak of spiritual contentment, we mean more than just feeling satisfied with the circumstances of life. Too

often that kind of contentment includes a tinge of resignation as well. Real contentment is the happiness that at your

core, all is well in your world. In this state, you are aware that you have everything you need right now to feel good

about yourself, others, and life. Even with outer conflicts and uncertainties, your core existence is settled, self-

contained, and you know you possess whatever is needed to meet any situation. Living true contentment is more

than confidence, it is the feeling of inner fulfillment.


In our meditation today we will activate this sense of fulfillment to bring spiritual contentment into our hearts and our


Our centering thought for today is:

I am content, just as I am.

"I think we should be working for contentment . . . an inner sense of fulfillment that's relatively independent of external

circumstances."  —Andrew Weil

Day 10 - Living Contentment

“I think we should be working for contentment . . . an inner sense of fulfillmentthat's relatively independent of external circumstances.” ― Andrew Weil


When we speak of spiritual contentment, we mean more than just feeling satisfied with the circumstances of life. Too often that kind of contentment includes a tinge of resignation as well. Real contentment is the happiness that at your core, all is well in your world. In this state, you are aware that you have everything you need right now to feel good about yourself, others, and life. Even with outer conflicts and uncertainties, your core existence is settled, self-contained, and you know you possess whatever is needed to meet any situation. Living true contentment is more than confidence, it is the feeling of inner fulfillment.

In our meditation today we will activate this sense of fulfillment to bring spiritual contentment into our hearts, and our heads.

Day 10 - Living Contentment

Question 1 of 4

Contentment from a spiritual perspective is the deep experience in consciousness that all is well, regardless of what it looks like on the surface. Write down an experience you have had like this, or similar to this.

Question 2 of 4Think back to that experience, take time to recall how that contentment felt. Don’t consider your thoughts or analyze the experience, just describe the emotional state you were in. Was it pleasant, calming, soothing, loving, and or comforting? Write a short list of these feelings.

Question 3 of 4


Your list of feelings is an indicator that your contentment was coming from your core self of happiness. Know that this contentment is always there and available within you. Write today's centering thought two times: “I am content, just as I am.” As you write it the first time, think of that situation where you felt contentment. When you write it the second time, feel and describe in detail that contentment in the present moment.

Day 10

Living Contentment


I am content, just as I am.


Sampriya HumI am complete contentment.

Day 11 — Living Kindness

Kindness is the gracious gesture of a loving heart. Genuine kindness can’t be faked or forced. It must come straight

from one’s center of being. It is the soul’s recognition that another person deserves the same love you give to

yourself. Kindness bridges our isolated individuality and shows us we are connected at our core. This is how our

happiness expands beyond our ego boundaries and transforms our sense of self.

Meditation today will enliven our core of love and encourage its movement out into our lives as kindness and joy.

Every loving gesture is an expansion of our happiness.

Our centering thought for today is:

Kindness expresses the gentleness of the soul.

"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love."

 —Lao Tzu

Day 11 - Living Kindness

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.Kindness in giving creates love.” ― Lao Tzu


Kindness is the gracious gesture of a loving heart. Genuine kindness can’t be faked or forced. It must come straight from one’s center of being. It is the soul’s recognition that another person deserves the same love you give yourself. Kindness bridges our isolated individuality and shows us we are connected at our core. This is how our happiness expands beyond our ego boundaries and transforms our sense of self. 

Meditation today will enliven our core of love and encourage its movement out into our lives as kindness and joy. Every loving gesture is an expansion of our happiness.

Day 11 - Living Kindness

Question 1 of 4Identify and write your plan for a kind act you can do for yourself today. Maybe it’s getting a foot massage, or buying yourself a bouquet of flowers. Whatever it is, make sure you offer it to yourself consciously, and with a full heart. Question 2 of 4Consider, and write a plan to share an act of kindness today with someone you love. Personalize it so they know you thought about it. It doesn’t have to be a gift, it can be a thoughtful comment or gesture.

Question 3 of 4Write down how you can share an act of kindness with a complete stranger today. You can let the opportunity present itself spontaneously as you wait in line at the café or while driving to work. Again, it doesn’t need to be a grand gesture, an understanding smile or letting someone into your lane are all easy acts of kindness. The important part is being alert to that opportunity to show kindness.

Day 11

Living Kindness


Kindness expresses the gentleness of the soul.


Om MitrayaI am kind and friendly to all.

Day 12 — Living Laughter


Pure, innocent laughter is the most obvious sign of the joy we feel in our hearts. It is also a powerful and instant way

of spreading that joy all around you. Today we want you to notice what that feeling is inside you, just before you


That feeling is your source of happiness. It’s a sense of freedom, insight and delight born of the upsurge of spiritual

bliss. It is as if our soul catches a cosmic wave of happiness and rides along with it.

Our meditation today is aimed at making you more conscious of these waves of bliss moving through your being.

With this increased awareness you can ride them throughout your day with a smile on your face, and laughter in your

heart. Your joy is contagious and your happiness will expand as your smile travels to one person after another.

Our centering thought for today is:

Life makes me smile and laugh.

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." 

—E.E. Cummings

Day 12 - Living Laughter

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” ― E.E. Cummings

Pure, innocent laughter is the most obvious sign of the joy we feel in our hearts. It is also a powerful and instant way of spreading that joy all around you. Today we want you to notice what that feeling is inside you, just before you laugh. 

That feeling is your source of happiness. It’s a sense of freedom, insight and delight born of the upsurge of spiritual bliss. It is as if our soul catches a cosmic wave of happiness and rides along with it.

Our meditation today is aimed at making you more conscious of these waves of bliss moving through your being. With this increased awareness you can ride them throughout your day with a smile on your face, and laughter in your heart. Your joy is contagious and your happiness will expand as your smile travels to one person after another.

Day 12 - Living Laughter

Question 1 of 4

What are the surefire ways to get you laughing? Comedies, jokes, YouTube videos? Write down all the situations that encourage you to laugh, and then make a point of doing one of those every day to get you laughing.

Question 2 of 4


Describe how you feel after you have had a good laugh. Think about it. Are you breathing deeper? Do you feel more relaxed, more emotionally open, energized and alert? As you write, breathe deeply and silently affirm the positive benefits you feel from laughing.

Question 3 of 4Write about something you find humorous and consider who you can share it with who would also find it funny. Take action and share the humor . . . notice and write about how other’s laughter or delight magnifies your own.

Day 12

Living Laughter


Life makes me smile and laugh.


Kleem UpahasaI attract joyful laughter.

Day 13 — Living Gratitude

Today we explore the role of gratitude in expanding our happiness. It’s obvious how feeling thankful for the good

things in one’s life powerfully contributes to a greater sense of happiness and wellbeing, but this version of gratitude

still depends on our mood at the time. It also is limited by our beliefs about what is positive, and our understanding of

what is good.

There is a deeper kind of gratitude that goes beyond our conceptions and beliefs of good and bad. This expanded

sense of gratitude rejoices in life exactly as it is, right now . . . life is perfect in spite of its imperfections. We find

ourselves grateful to simply breathe and greet the sunrise. We feel privileged to engage in the full range of human

experiences: busy traffic, strong coffee, and missing a loved one. Our heart is big enough to embrace and appreciate

life as a whole, just as it is, without worrying about whether it is “good” or “bad.”

This gratitude has reverence and appreciation for the entire dance of creation right now. This is the perspective that

today’s meditation will help foster in our life.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am thankful for all I have.

"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."  —Meister Eckhart


Day 13 - Living Gratitude

"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."  — Meister Eckhart

Today we explore the role of gratitude in expanding our happiness. It’s obvious how feeling thankful for the good things in one’s life powerfully contributes to a greater sense of happiness and wellbeing, but this version of gratitude still depends on our mood at the time. It also is limited by our beliefs about what is positive, and our understanding of what is good.

There is a deeper kind of gratitude that goes beyond our conceptions and beliefs of good and bad. This expanded sense of gratitude rejoices in life exactly as it is, right now . . . life is perfect in spite of its imperfections. We find ourselves grateful to simply breathe and greet the sunrise. We feel privileged to engage in the full range of human experiences: busy traffic, strong coffee, and missing a loved one. Our heart is big enough to embrace and appreciate life as a whole, just as it is, without worrying about whether it is “good” or “bad.”

This gratitude has reverence and appreciation for the entire dance of creation right now. This is the perspective that today’s meditation will help foster in our life.

Day 13 - Living Gratitude

Question 1 of 4

Gratitude connects us with the abundance and goodness in our lives. List the major things you are grateful for. How does this gratitude enrich your life?

Question 2 of 4Today’s lesson talked about a higher form of gratitude that accepts and honors our life as a whole, just as it is—the good stuff as well as the not-so-good stuff. Are there any personality features you have that may not be sterling virtues, but taken in the context of your whole person could be seen as traits which you are grateful for?

Question 3 of 4Have you ever felt grateful for simply being? It’s not a gratitude for anything in particular. It’s gratitude in itself. Gratitude for everything. Describe what that experience was like.

Day 13

Living Gratitude



I am thankful for all I have.


Shreem NamahI honor the abundance of life.

Day 14 — Living with Passion

Passion is the powerful, focused force of happiness directed to a specific interest in life. Passion is a tremendous

asset in expanding our happiness, because it draws our happiness out.

When we think of passion, we usually think about what we are passionate about – opera, chocolate desserts, skiing,

or even salsa dancing. Today we will explore passion at a deeper level as we connect to what really matters, the

source of passion within us. If we can access that infinite source of passion and joy inside, then we can live passion

in all areas of our life.

At its source, passion is not associated with any particular object, it is rather a deep feeling of exaltation or even

spiritual ecstasy. It is the happiness of life exulting in its own existence. Today we will tap into that blissful core of

existence and let our passion flow from that place.

Our centering thought for today is:

My happiness energizes and inspires me.

"You can only feel creative when there is joy. When there is a sense of passion." —Andreas Moritz

Day 14 - Living with Passion

“You can only feel creative when there is joy. When there is a sense of passion.” — Andreas Moritz

Passion is the powerful, focused force of happiness directed to a specific interest in life. Passion is a tremendous asset in expanding our happiness, because it draws our happiness out.

When we think of passion, we usually think about what we are passionate about – opera, chocolate desserts, skiing, or even salsa dancing. Today we will explore passion at a deeper level as we connect to what really matters, the source of passion within us. If we can access that infinite source of passion and joy inside, then we can live passion in all areas of our life. 


At its source, passion is not associated with any particular object, it is rather a deep feeling of exaltation or even spiritual ecstasy. It is the happiness of life exulting in its own existence. Today we will tap into that blissful core of existence and let our passion flow from that place.

Day 14 - Living with Passion

Question 1 of 4

What are your passions in life? List five areas, and describe what quality of energy and joy that passion brings out in you.

Question 2 of 4Think of an important area of your life that lacks passion. How can you channel the passion within you into that area to enliven and invigorate it?

Question 3 of 4Have you ever had a passionate experience that transcended the activity you were involved in? Athletes and artists sometimes call this being in the zone. Time is slowed down, and every action feels perfect, beautiful and complete. It’s as if you have been transported to a sacred time and space even though you are fully engaged in the world. Describe your experience of being in the zone.

Day 14

Living with Passion


My happiness energizes and inspires me.


Rabhasa HumI am pure delight.

Day 15 — Radiating Bliss

Welcome to our third week in meditation together! In our remaining days, we will begin to radiate our inner happiness

out to the world just as a fragrant rose or lilac bush shares its floral scent freely and effortlessly . . . or in the way an

illuminated bulb radiates its light in all directions. In these first two weeks, our inner bliss has become awakened and

self-luminous, and now we are ready to spread our light.

Today’s meditation is about letting this happiness radiate – letting our joy shine everywhere. It doesn’t take effort or

analysis or strategy. Simply be who you are from your core self, and everything gets taken care of automatically. A

flower doesn’t try to be beautiful and fragrant, it simply is what it is, and the rest follows in its natural course.


Our centering thought for today is:

My happiness shines everywhere.

". . . let joy be unconfined . . ." —George Gordon Byron

Day 15 - Radiating Bliss

“. . . let joy be unconfined . . .” ― George Gordon Byron

Welcome to our third week in meditation together! In our remaining days, we will begin to radiate our inner happiness out to the world just as a fragrant rose or lilac bush shares its floral scent freely and effortlessly . . . or in the way an illuminated bulb radiates its light in all directions. In these first two weeks, our inner bliss has become awakened and self-luminous, and now we are ready to spread our light. 

Today’s meditation is about letting this happiness radiate – letting our joy shine everywhere. It doesn’t take effort or analysis or strategy. Simply be who you are from your core self, and everything gets taken care of automatically. A flower doesn’t try to be beautiful and fragrant, it simply is what it is, and the rest follows in its natural course

Day 15 - Radiating Bliss

Question 1 of 4

Where does your bliss flow in your life? How does happiness move through you to others? Is it through family relationships? Your career? Your artistic talents? List the ways you radiate bliss.

Question 2 of 4What are three ways you can more fully connect to the source of bliss within you? They can be simple lifestyle points like: getting more sleep each night, exercising first thing in the morning, or reminding yourself that your best effort is good enough.

Question 3 of 4What three things can you do to facilitate your happiness shining forth freely? Consider what self-limiting beliefs or judgments you might still be holding. Are you ready to let them go?

Day 15

Radiating Bliss



My happiness shines everywhere.


Ravaye HumI am the light of radiance.

Day 16 —Radiating Grace

Grace is an important aspect of expanding our happiness, because it is through grace that we express love and

blessings completely and unconditionally. We are each a source and conduit of grace.

Grace is a loving power and presence that elevates and brightens whatever the challenge or situation might be. As

we mature into our authentic selves, we are more open, receptive, and expansive, and so we naturally feel the

influence of more grace in our lives. It is this same expansiveness and openness that makes it easy for us to radiate

that grace along to others.

Radiating grace is not about adopting an attitude of sainthood, and offering benedictions to family and friends. It

happens naturally, in moments as simple as passing along, or sharing, the fullness of heart that you feel when you

offer a helpful gesture or kind word. When we share grace, our happiness increases many fold.

Today’s meditation facilitates this free flow of nature’s grace from your life to others.

Our centering thought for today is:

I share my divine blessings.

"The quality of mercy is not strain'd . . . it is twice blest; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes." —William


Day 16 - Radiating Grace

“The quality of mercy is not strain'd . . . it is twice blest; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.”― William Shakespeare

Grace is an important aspect of expanding our happiness, because it is through grace that we express love and blessings completely and unconditionally. We are each a source and conduit of grace.

Grace is a loving power and presence that elevates and brightens whatever the challenge or situation might be. As we mature into our authentic selves, we are more open, receptive, and expansive, and so we naturally feel the influence of more grace in our lives. It is this same expansiveness and openness that makes it easy for us to radiate that grace along to others. 


Radiating grace is not about adopting an attitude of sainthood, and offering benedictions to family and friends. It happens naturally, in moments as simple as passing along, or sharing, the fullness of heart that you feel when you offer a helpful gesture or kind word. When we share grace, our happiness increases many fold. <span 1.6em;"="">Today’s meditation facilitates this free flow of nature’s grace from your life to others.

Day 16 - Radiating Grace

Question 1 of 4

What does grace mean to you? Describe an experience from your past that felt like grace.

Question 2 of 4Recall a time, or event, where you were able to give someone the support or advice they needed at just the right time. How did it feel to be the channel for grace to bless them?

Question 3 of 4How does meditation help to open you up to grace, and help you give grace to others?

Day 16

Radiating Grace


I share my divine blessings.


Prasada HumI am divine grace.

Day 17 — Being of Service

Today in meditation we activate the sense of service. But instead of approaching service in the conventional sense,

as a sort of obligation, we will look at it from the perspective of higher states of consciousness. In this view, service is

not only a humanitarian effort, it is a path of joy and self-realization. It is an opportunity to grow in happiness, not a


Service is listening and acting in response to a call for the unique gifts your life offers. This call is not based on your

ego needs, nor does it come from social expectations. The call to service comes from your universal self, the cosmic

part of you that directs your spiritual evolution or dharma. This is why being of service to the world is really a joyful

expansion of the self.

Today’s meditation brings our awareness in accord to this vision of service.

Our centering thought for today is:


My soul expands when I help others.

"When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed." —Maya Angelou

Day 17 - Being of Service

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” ― Maya Angelou

Today in meditation we activate the sense of service. But instead of approaching service in the conventional sense, as a sort of obligation, we will look at it from the perspective of higher states of consciousness. In this view, service is not only a humanitarian effort, it is a path of joy and self-realization. It is an opportunity to grow in happiness, not a duty.

Service is listening and acting in response to a call for the unique gifts your life offers. This call is not based on your ego needs, nor does it come from social expectations. The call to service comes from your universal self, the cosmic part of you that directs your spiritual evolution or dharma. This is why being of service to the world is really a joyful expansion of the self. 

Today’s meditation brings our awareness in accord to this vision of service.

Day 17 - Being of Service

Question 1 of 4

List the activities that you feel are of greatest service to others.

Question 2 of 4Describe the positive emotions you feel while you are giving of yourself to those who need you. Do you feel transported out of your petty concerns? Do you feel a sense of inner joy in easing someone else’s burden or contributing to their happiness?

Question 3 of 4Describe the spiritual benefits you feel from service, not the gratification your small self might feel, or the recognition you might get.

Day 17

Being of Service



My soul expands when I help others.


Seva HumI am service.

Day 18 — Radiating Compassion

Compassion from the soul level happens when we spiritually embrace another soul without reservation or judgment.

Compassion validates people in a profound way . . . it is a deep heart connection that heals by overcoming the feeling

of isolation and separation we all carry. When we offer compassion to another, we activate a connection that

tremendously expands our sense of self, and in doing so, our happiness and sense of wellbeing grows as well.

As we explore the depths of our consciousness, we come closer to the essence of our shared humanity. This private

journey of self-realization actually leads us to a most intimate compassion for all people. Our meditation today takes

us to that inner space of universal compassion and joy.

Our centering thought for today is:

I radiate sympathy and acceptance.

"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace." —Albert Schweitzer

Day 18 - Radiating Compassion

“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.”― Albert Schweitzer

Compassion from the soul level happens when we spiritually embrace another soul without reservation or judgment. Compassion validates people in a profound way . . . it is a deep heart connection that heals by overcoming the feeling of isolation and separation we all carry. When we offer compassion to another, we activate a connection that tremendously expands our sense of self, and in doing so, our happiness and sense of wellbeing grows as well. 

As we explore the depths of our consciousness, we come closer to the essence of our shared humanity. This private journey of self-realization actually leads us to a most intimate compassion for all people. Our meditation today takes us to that inner space of universal compassion and joy.


Day 18 - Radiating Compassion

Question 1 of 4

What does compassion mean to you? Is being compassionate easy for you?

Question 2 of 4Who do you know in your life, or what person in history is a shining example of compassion for you? Give three reasons why they inspire you.

Question 3 of 4Are there any situations or relationships where offering compassion is difficult for you? What specific steps could you take to remove those limitations?

Day 18

Radiating Compassion


I radiate sympathy and acceptance.


Karuna HumI am compassion.

Day 19 — Radiating Wisdom

We value the wisdom of those who have learned well from their life experiences. Today we will learn that there is

another kind of wisdom valued by the spiritual traditions of the world, and that is the wisdom gained from meditation.

This spiritual wisdom is what we are cultivating during our 21-Day Meditation Experience. As we delve deeper into

our awareness, we uncover greater knowledge and joy. We see our essential connection with everyone else from the

vantage point of unity consciousness.

This is the level of awareness that the ancient seers prized, the joyful wisdom of the awakened mind that emanates

insight, happiness, and love to all. Our meditation today will support this natural radiation of wisdom from our being.

Our centering thought for today is:

My being is wise and knowing.

"Play is the beginning of knowledge." —George Dorsey


Day 19 - Radiating Wisdom

“Play is the beginning of knowledge.” ― George Dorsey

We value the wisdom of those who have learned well from their life experiences. Today we will learn that there is another kind of wisdom valued by the spiritual traditions of the world, and that is the wisdom gained from meditation. This spiritual wisdom is what we are cultivating during our 21-Day Meditation Experience. As we delve deeper into our awareness, we uncover greater knowledge and joy. We see our essential connection with everyone else from the vantage point of unity consciousness.   

This is the level of awareness that the ancient seers prized, the joyful wisdom of the awakened mind that emanates insight, happiness, and love to all. Our meditation today will support this natural radiation of wisdom from our being.

Day 19 - Radiating Wisdom

Question 1 of 4

Today’s meditation showed us that we all have a profound and innate wisdom. How have you experienced this in your life? Write about a time that you spontaneously said the right thing at the right time to someone. What did that communication feel like for you?

Question 2 of 4Write a short letter to yourself as a 13-year-old self from your present wise adult self. Based upon our experience and wisdom in this present moment, reassure your teenage self that all worries and concerns will be outgrown and things will turn out okay.

Question 3 of 4Now write another letter to present-day you from your spiritually wise self, addressing your current worries about finances and relationships. Take it to heart that again, everything will work out and be okay.

Day 19

Radiating Wisdom


My being is wise and knowing.



VedohumI am pure knowledge.

Day 20 — Radiating Serenity

In our meditation today, we bring our attention to the peaceful and serene influence we can offer the world around us.

For our serenity to have a powerful transformative effect on others, it needs to come from our inner being, not just our

superficial mood or attitude. We need to be that peace we want to see happen. We need to be serenity, and when we

access this peace we naturally radiate serenity.

Peace and serenity are born from a state of inner happiness – our true self. As we live in alignment with our true self

we naturally radiate our serenity in the environment . . . we are simultaneously expanding the happiness of ourselves

and those around us. Today’s meditation enlivens this state of serenity within our being so that it lovingly influences

each person and interaction we have throughout the day.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am a calming presence.

"We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil." —Swami


Day 20 - Radiating Serenity

“We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil.”– Swami Satchidananda

In our meditation today, we bring our attention to the peaceful and serene influence we can offer the world around us. For our serenity to have a powerful transformative effect on others, it needs to come from our inner being, not just our superficial mood or attitude. We need to be that peace we want to see happen. We need to be serenity, and when we access this peace we naturally radiate serenity.

Peace and serenity are born from a state of inner happiness – our true self. As we live in alignment with our true self we naturally radiate our serenity in the environment . . . we are simultaneously expanding the happiness of ourselves and those around us. Today’s meditation enlivens this state of serenity within our being so that it lovingly influences each person and interaction we have throughout the day.

Day 20 - Radiating Serenity

Question 1 of 4


Whenever you access your silent self, you become a source of serenity. Describe the last time you felt deeply serene and calm. It can even be the experience from today’s meditation. Be specific about how this serenity felt in mind, body and spirit.

Question 2 of 4What steps can you take to deepen your experience of serenity? For instance to deepen your meditations, you may want to ensure you won’t be interrupted by turning off the ringer on your phone or by hanging your “Silence please . . . I’m meditating” door hanger.

Question 3 of 4Who do you know in your circle of acquaintances that is a model of serenity and calmness? Who consistently radiates a calming presence? Consider and write about ways that you can incorporate those qualities of serenity into your own life and habits.

Day 20

Radiating Serenity


I am a calming presence.


Shanti ViraI radiate divine blessings.

Day 21 — Radiating Fulfillment

Congratulations! What a blessing to have shared this three-week journey with you. As we complete our Meditation

Experience, it is appropriate that we arrive at a state of fulfillment, feeling a sense of completion. During our time

meditating together we have located the seeds of happiness deep within our spiritual self, we nurtured them in our

minds and hearts, and then shared that happiness with the world. This journey fosters outer fulfillment, which in turn

creates more inner happiness – so the cycle of joy becomes self-perpetuating, going on and on.

In our meditation today we will honor the expanding circle of happiness that we generate from our silent self, which

effortlessly radiates to all the world.

Our centering thought for today is:

I walk in the light of my fulfillment.


"Our true nature is bliss. That bliss is like the sun that always shines."

—Debra Moffitt

Day 21 - Radiating Fulfillment

“Our true nature is bliss. That bliss is like the sun that always shines.”― Debra Moffitt

Congratulations! What a blessing to have shared this three-week journey with you. As we complete our Meditation Experience, it is appropriate that we arrive at a state of fulfillment, feeling a sense of completion. During our time meditating together we have located the seeds of happiness deep within our spiritual self, we nurtured them in our minds and hearts, and then shared that happiness with the world. This journey fosters outer fulfillment, which in turn creates more inner happiness – so the cycle of joy becomes self-perpetuating, going on and on.

In our meditation today we will honor the expanding circle of happiness that we generate from our silent self, which effortlessly radiates to all the world. 

Day 21 - Radiating Fulfillment

Question 1 of 4

Fulfillment is a sense of spiritual rest or completion in the soul’s journey. Describe a similar feeling of fulfillment you have had either during this meditation experience or some time earlier.

Question 2 of 4Describe any "aha" moments, breakthrough insights, or meaningful experiences you had during these three weeks.

Question 3 of 4What new vision for spiritual fulfillment do you have since you began this meditation experience?

Day 21

Radiating Fulfillment


I walk in the light of my fulfillment.



PurnamidamI feel fulfilled.

Day 22 — Radiating Wholeness

Welcome to the bonus day of our 21-Day Meditation Experience!

Today, we offer a special guided meditation to celebrate the wholeness that is you. This wholeness, the Vedic seers

tell us, is the same wholeness as the cosmos. The ultimate realization of truth we can experience is, “I am the

universe, the totality of life.”

As we grow into this reality, we offer our wholeness back to the wholeness of life itself . . . like a gift of a flower to a

garden. Radiating our wholeness is a further validation that bliss is the purpose and existence of our life, all life, all


Our centering thought for today is:

My happiness is the happiness of the universe.

"Now may every living thing be full of bliss." —Anonymous, The Dhammapada

Day 22 - Radiating Wholeness

“Now may every living thing be full of bliss.” ― Anonymous, The Dhammapada

Welcome to the bonus day of our 21-Day Meditation Experience!

Today, we offer a special guided meditation to celebrate the wholeness that is you. This wholeness, the Vedic seers tell us, is the same wholeness as the cosmos. The ultimate realization of truth we can experience is, “I am the universe, the totality of life.” 

As we grow into this reality, we offer our wholeness back to the wholeness of life itself. Like a gift of a flower to a garden. Radiating our wholeness is a further validation that bliss is the purpose and existence of our life, all life, all existence.

Day 22 - Radiating Wholeness

Question 1 of 4

During these three weeks we have learned about the spiritual connection between our soul and the cosmic soul. What healing intention would you like to send forth to the wholeness of the universe?

Question 2 of 4As your happiness expands outward to every soul, what is your heartfelt wish for them?


Question 3 of 4Take some time to write about ways that you can continue your daily mindfulness and meditation practice.

Day 22

Radiating Wholeness


My happiness is the happiness of the universe.


Aham BrahmasmiI am the wholeness of all creation.


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