expansion and reform 1801-1850. regional differences north farmers changes in society owners of...

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Expansion and Reform1801-1850

Regional Differences

North Farmers Changes in Society

Owners of Industry Middle Class Labor Class

First Labor Unions Develop

Anti-Slavery Societies


South Based on Cash Crops No manufacturing Little transportation

Rail roads; Canals Plantations are self-

contained Aristocracy Society

Nationalism American System

Henry Clay & John C. Calhoun High Tariff

Protect American Industry Tariff of 1816 to pay for internal improvements

National Bank Recharter & Restructure

System of Internal Improvements Infrastructure Roads, Bridges, Canals ERIE CANAL

• Links Great Lakes to Atlantic via Hudson River

Help Settle Western Lands

Sectionalism Devotion to ones region – putting regional

issues above those of the Nation Tariffs

North Favors South Opposes

Land Free v. Market Value Cheap/Free land in West

Slavery Free Labor v. Paid Labor

Nationalism and the WORLD Monroe Doctrine

Asserted European countries should not be involved in American issues

North and South America America for the Americans

Missouri Compromise of 1820 p.115 Missouri wants to enter the union as a slave state Would upset the balance of free and slave states in Senate Missouri enters as a slave state Maine enters as a free state Land north of 36’ 30’ closed to slavery; land south open to


Supreme Court Cases McCullough v. Maryland

State of Maryland imposes a tax on the National Bank

McCullough refuses to pay Enforced federal supremacy over state law

Gibbons v. Ogden New York grants a steamboat monopoly

Runs between NY & NJ Enforced Congress’ power to regulate interstate


Election of 1824 No clear winner in electoral college John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson had most

votes Henry Clay agrees to drop out of race and convince

states to give electoral votes to Adams Adams wins the election Henry Clay appointed to cabinet Jackson calls this “corrupt bargain” Jackson forms the Democratic Party to oppose


Election of 1828 By Election of 1828; most states allow ALL white

males to vote Universal White Male Suffrage

High voter turnout Jackson appealed to the “common man” Jackson is elected first western president

Slave owner

Jackson’s Presidency

Common Man’s President Party on the White House Lawn

Creation of the Spoils System Also called Kitchen Cabinet

Greater Democracy If you are White and Male

Gag Rule Cannot debate slavery in congress

Sectionalism = State’s Rights

Native American Policy Indian Removal Act of 1830 Cherokee take issue to the Supreme Court

Worchester v. Georgia Native Americans are a distinct political group and

not removed to reservations Jackson refuses to accept Supreme Court Ruling Trail of Tears 1838

Cherokee removed from homelands to Oklahoma territory

800 Million, walked, in October

Nullification Crisis

Debate over high tariffs South Carolina calls it the “Tariff of Abomination” John Calhoun leads South Carolina Exposition and

Protest Tries to employ the Theory of Nullification

1832 – South Carolina threaten to secession Jackson threaten with the Army Henry Clay organizes a compromise

Agree to lower tariff over 10 years

National Bank

Jackson always hated the National Bank Felt it benefited the North and rich Felt it did not benefit the common man

Jackson vetoed the charter for the National Bank Jackson wins re-election in 1832 Jackson withdrew federal money from the National

Bank and deposited it in State run banks These banks were called Pet Banks

Manifest Destiny Theory that US should expand and fill continent

Ordained by God Sea to shining sea

Louisiana Purchase War of 1812 Why the West?

Free land More land Natural resources Continue land acquisitions

Western Lands Oregon Territory

Whitmans – set up mission to natives Oregon Trail – From Independence, MO to Portland,

OR 54’-40” or Fight – US wanted to define No. boundary

of Oregon Territory; settled for the 49th parallel Santa Fe Trial – Southern Route



Missouri Compromise 1820

In 1819, Missouri applies for statehood! There are 11 slave states, 11 free states Missouri would upset the balance in Congress Southerners say North conspiring to end slavery! Northerners say South trying to extend slavery!

Missouri Compromise 1820

Henry Clay has a plan!

Who is Henry Clay?

- Congressman from Kentucky

-Author of the American System

-Known as the “Great Compromisor” Henry


Missouri Compromise 1820THE DETAILS OF THE COMPROMISE:

1. Missouri admitted as a Slave State

2. Maine is created and admitted as a

Free State

3. All land below 36, 30’ line is open

to slavery.

Missouri Compromise 1820

Compromise of 1850

By 1850, the United States owns large amounts of land.

Should the new territory allow slavery?

California wants to be a free state, but that might upset the balance of free and slave states.

Compromise of 1850

Again, Henry Clay comes to the rescue! Thirty Years older . . .

Compromise of 1850

1. California admitted as a Free State

2. Popular Sovereignty for Utah and

New Mexico citizens, they choose for


3. No more slave trade in D.C.

4. New STRICT Fugitive Slave Law


Compromise of 1850

Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854

* Under popular sovereignty, settlers would have choice

whether or not to adopt legal slavery in Kansas/Nebraska Territories.

Loved in the South. It would allow slavery legally above 36o30’. Hated in North for the very same reason!

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854

Unintended Consequences! “The idea that every task, however well-intentioned,

comes with unforeseen effects that can overshadow the original goal.”

Pro-slavery groups move to Kansas Abolitionists move to Kansas


Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854

THE RESULT? Bleeding Kansas!

Fighting between the two groups results in 55 dead.

Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 Another unintended

consequence . . .

People are so unhappy with the Kansas-Nebraska Act, they form the Republican Party.


“Slavery must not extend into the



“Slavery must not extend into the territories!”

THE END Or, is it just the beginning . . .

Martin Van Buren

Jackson’s VP in 1832 Wins election of 1836 Presidency suffered because of the Panic of 1837

Caused by Jackson withdrawal of funds Whig Party gains strength

Supported American System Henry Clay & Daniel Webster

Harrison and Tyler William Henry Harrison

War hero; Battle of Tippecanoe Tyler VP Wins Election of 1840 Dies after 1 month in office

John Tyler is the first VP to become President

Webster Ashburton Treaty

Settled disputed land between US and “British America”

Wisconsin Territory & Maine borders changed

Texan Independence Stephen Foster

Led American immigrants to settle in Texas With their slaves

Mexican Government Outlaws Slavery, No more immigration Convert to Catholicism Charges high tariffs

Americans get mad Go to war with Mexico Texans defeated at the Alamo 1836 – Texas in Independent

War with Mexico Texas Annexed Boundary dispute with Mexico Mexican army rushes Texan border 1846 Congress declares war

Zachary Taylor Fought in SW

Winfield Scott Invaded Mexico

Mexico defeated

Spoils of War Treaty of Guadelupe – Hildalgo

$15 million Mexican Cession

Gadsden Purchase $10 million About 30,000 sq. mi. Mexico ceded land south of Gila River; west of Rio


Annexation of Texas 1837 – Texas ambassador visits D.C.

offered Van Buren to annex Texas Van Buren refused

1844 – hot election topics Expansion Oregon Territory Annexation of Texas

March 1, 1945 Texas joins the union as a slave state

Second Great Awakening Religious revival after 1800 Charles Finney

Evangelical worship Tent revivals Camp meetings

Richard Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church Free Blacks and Slaves have a place to


Transcendentalism Return to a simple lifestyle

Before industrialization Before the debate over states rights

Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass

Ralph Waldo Emerson Poetry

Henry David Thoreau Civil Disobedience

Education Reform

One room schools Few educated beyond 10 yrs Horace Mann

Felt ALL children should go to school Make school affordable Government subsidized school Compensatory school laws Prepare children to be good citizens Teach them how to behave at work

Mental Health & Penitentiary Reform Dorothea Dix

Provide aid for mentally ill Helped establish several mental health facilities

Prison Reform Aid with illness Rehabilitate Not punish

Utopian Communities Ann Lee

Shakers Group living with the hopes of perfection celibacy

Brook Farm Transcendentalist thinkers “combine thinker and worker in the same individual” Lasted 6 years

Oneida Commune Celibacy Ended in the 1890’s

Most did not work well; humans are just selfish


William Lloyd Garrison Liberator Radical

David Walker Preacher Freedom by force

Fredrick Douglass North Star Split with Garrison over ideological differences

Educated Women also play an important role in Abolition; but face discrimination

Life under Slavery

Rural Slavery Plantations Field work House work

Urban slavery Skilled labor More freedoms

Slave Rebellion

Nat Turner Observes an eclipse 1831 led a slave revolt Killed masters as they slept

RESULTS Scared whites; both North and

South Led to greater control over slaves

Alex de Tocqueville Wrote Democracy in America

“I confess that in America I saw more than America; I sought the image of democracy itself, with its inclinations, its character, its prejudices, and its passions, in order to learn what we have to fear or hope from its progress”

Peculiar institution slavery

Slavery Arguments Anti-Slavery

Complete emancipation Religious reasons

Not Christian Morality Against values outlined

in Constitution and Declaration of Independence


Pro-Slavery New fear of slave revolts Religious support

Son of Cain Southern preachers do not

speak on slavery “happy” plantation myth Positive Good

cannot take care of themselves

cannot be trusted cannot follow the law

Women’s Life “cult of domesticity”

Husband Children Home Church

Could not vote Could not own property 1/5 worked for wages 1/10 worked outside the home wages went to husband

Women’s role in Reform movements Abolition

Sarah and Angelina Grimke

Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony

Faced discrimination in Abolition movement

Began Suffrage movement

Temperance Move to ban alcohol Saw alcohol as the root of

all evil Domestic abuse Gambling/wasting money

Women saw increased opportunities in reform movements Abolition & temperance

SENECA FALLS CONVENTION OF 1848 Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton ‘Declaration of Sentiments’ Stanton also petitioned NY

state legislature to allow women to own property

Other Women’s Reforms Women’s Education

Catherine Beecher Opened a women’s college Oberlin College – 1st co-ed college

Health Reform Elizabeth Blackwell

1st female medical school graduate ¾ women unhealthy Focused on women’s health

Amelia Bloomer Bloomers or pants for women

Changing Workplace Industrialization

Interchangeable parts Decline of skilled labor

Labor is replaceable and expendable Growth in urban areas Cost of goods decrease as supply increase

Lowell System

Textile Mills Factory Created a company town for girls Strict control over workers

Daddies get pay Curfew chaperone

Warn of future problems Lock workers IN the factory

Working Conditions and Immigration

Long hours 6 days a week Off Sundays for church

Poor ventilation and lighting Unsafe working conditions No breaks

Potty Lunch

Development of labor unions and strikes

Working Conditions and Immigration

Lots of immigration in mid 1800’s UK, France, Spain, Germany, Ireland OLD IMMIGRANTS

Most immigrants settled in urban areas Factory jobs Low wages made union activity difficult

KNOW-NOTHINGS Political party Promoted immigration controls Nativists Secret society

Industry and Transportation Industry

1st Industrial Revolution

Textile mills Lowell System

Employ young single girls with strict supervision and rules

Interchangeable Parts Most industry in


TransportationSteamboatRailroadsNational RoadImprove bridgesCanalsConestoga

Market Revolution

Changed the way products were made

Introduced NEW products Changed the way we farmed Changed the way we worked

Interchangeable Parts

Invented by Eli Whitney Improved the efficiency of factories If something broke, just replace the

part not the whole thing


Invented by Samuel F.B. Morse Allowed for faster and cheaper

communication across long distances

Mechanical Reaper

Invented by Cyrus McCormick Changed the way farmers harvest

crops Needed fewer people to harvest

crops Sparked Americans to move West

Steel Plow

Invented by John Deere Allowed farmers to dig deeper into

soil to plant more crops Increased farm production Sparked Americans to move West


Invented by Robert Fulton Allowed Americans to travel

upstream easier and faster

Cotton Gin

Invented by Eli Whitney Farmers grew more cotton Increased demand for slaves in the

south Sparked desire for Southerners to

move West


Nationalism in Art, Literature, and Architecture Hudson River School – p.113

Celebrates unique American Landscapes Triumph of humans over nature

Novelists James Fennimore Cooper

Last of the Mohicans The Leatherstocking Tales

Poets/Short Stories Edgar Allen Poe – invents short stories

Neo-Classical Architecture White House Monticello

Mormons or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Founded by Joseph Smith Jr.

Product of 2nd Great Awakening Settled a Mormon community in Kirtland, OH

Chased out by mobs Settled a Mormon community in Independence, MO

Chased out by mobs Settled a Mormon community in Clay County, MO

Chased out by mobs Settled a Mormon community in Nauvoo, IL

Joseph Smith killed in Jail – other Mormons didn’t leave

Mormons and the West

Brigham Young In charge after Joseph Smith was martyred Organized Mormons to move west

Established Mormon communities Intermountain West

Utah, Southern Idaho, Arizona, California, Nevada

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