experts meeting

Post on 03-Apr-2016






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Endologix, Inc. develops and manufactures minimally invasive treat-ments for aortic disorders. The Company’s focus is endovascular stent grafts for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). AAA is a weakening of the wall of the aorta, the largest artery in the body, resulting in a balloon-like enlargement. Once AAA develops, it con-tinues to enlarge and, if left untreated, becomes increasingly suscep-tible to rupture. The overall patient mortality rate for ruptured AAA is approximately 75%, making it a leading cause of death in the U.S. Approximately 1.7 million Americans have AAA, and the incidence of

the condition increases with age.

Endologix is currently marketing the AFX® Endovascular AAA System is available in the U.S., Europe, Latin America and other regions. The Nellix® EndoVascular Aneurysm Sealing System, a novel aneurysm sealing system, is approved for sale in Europe and other markets and for investigational use in the U.S. The Powerlink with IntuiTrak® Deli-

very System is available in Japan.

The technology is a minimally invasive device, allowing for greater patient comfort and quicker recovery compared to invasive surgical alternatives. Covered by 18 U.S. patents with 393 allowed claims, the technology is designed to overcome the significant shortcomings of

first-generation ELGs.

Endologix is a publicly-held company trading on NASDAQ: ELGX. The Company’s corporate office is located in Irvine, California.


“No me queda mas que el sincero agradecimiento a todos los organizadores y encargados de la logística que llevaron con tan alto nivel este evento, a todos lo médicos participantes y además la satisfacción del deber cumplido. Un año mas que este evento se destaca y diferencia en su fondo y forma por brindar la discusión abierta y franca sobre los diversos temas que fueron tratados y por que se transmitió la mas reciente información del sistema mas innovador en el mundo en estos momentos como lo es el sistema NELLIX…Agradezco el apoyo de todos y nos veremos el próximo año…”

Un fraternal Abrazo,

Pedro BarzolaSenior Sales Manager Latin America


Participantes Internacionales: • Patrico Zaefferer, MD - Argentina

• Marcelo Menendez, MD - Argentina • Carlos Triana, MD - Colombia

Participantes Nacionales: • Dr. Ignacio Escotto

• Dr. Alejandro Fabiani

• Dr. Alfonso Espinosa

• Dr. Sergio Benites

• Dr. Oscar Reyes

Participantes ENDOLOGIX: • Elbert Tzeng, Director of R&D - USA

• Pedro Barzola, Marketing Manager - USA


ASISTENTES:- Dr. Gustavo Rubio Argüello- Dra. Vanessa Rubio Escudero - Dr. Patricio Zaefferer- Dr. Carlos Zuñiga Luna- Dr. Erasto Aldrett Lee- Dr. Ernesto Anaya Santacruz- Dr. Sergio Castillo Morales- Dr. Oscar E. Reyes Aguirre- Dr. Camilo Rodríguez- Dr. Carlos Triana- Dr. Francisco Javier Valadez- Dr. Guillermo Zavala Ramírez- Dr. Hector Bedoya- Dr. Sergio Benites- Dr. José Ercilla- Dr. Ignacio Escotto Sánchez- Dr. Alfonso Espinosa Arredondo- Dr. Joaquín Santoscoy Ibarra- Dr. Carlos Sánchez Pineda- Dr. Marcelo Menendez- Dr. Carlos Cabrera- Dr. Pedro Echevarría- Dr. Rubén Hernández- Dr. Jorge Arellano- Dr. Gustavo Carbajal Contreras- Dr. Juan Miguel Rodríguez Trejo- Dr. Neftalí Rodríguez Ramírez- Dr. Víctor Armando Varguez Argüelles - Dra. Paola Rojas Guevara - Dr. Alonso López Monterubio- Dr. José de Jesús Fuentes Quezada- Dr. Rafael Urías Baez- Dr. Luis Armando Villeda Martínez- Dr. Mario Alejandro Fabiani


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