facebook strategy for ahlanlive

Post on 21-May-2015






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These strategies have been known to affect brand pages positively and as such from

popular research and experience, they have been selected specifically for Ahlanlive.

1. Develop custom tabs for customized contents. Advertising our brands pages is always extremely important. One of the greatest

features of Facebook’s new pages is that we can now link directly to specific tabs.

This means that we can separate which pages our users view by default based on

the ad THEY HAVE CLICKED. This is good for Ahlanlive for example if we want to

share content explicitly for male and female or for slim and fat people, we can

have them directed to different pages (tabs) and as such, different contents

would be displayed to them. This would instantly convert a lot of visitors to Fans

and would cater for the lapses in twitter where we might need to have different

accounts for different keywords.

2. Integrate applications to Increase engagement.

This strategy focuses on eliminating what Google analytics calls “BOUNCE

RATE”. The last thing we want is after our hard efforts to market and promote

our page, users then come in and leave immediately. The best opportunity we

have is to engage them through games, quizzes, polls, sweepstakes etc. this

actually keeps them longer on the page, pushes them to invite or broadcast to

friends etc and this relatively good for promoting viral marketing and also

engaging fans thereby making them to grow natural love and interest in the


3. Joining the conversation.

This step is often neglected and is one of the best strategy’s to engage, acquire,

convince and interact with our fans. This simply means that each time someone

contributes to our wall posts, makes an enquiry, a compliment, tags a photo or

video or any form of interaction, we should at least acknowledge that action as

this would actually and gradually help us to make our fans know that we have

them all in mind, we know them and we care an pay attention to their efforts on

our page.

Failing to engage with our fans means losing potential customers and revenue as

we would be losing to our competitors who engage their fans regularly. It takes

extra effort to engage our clients and fans and going that extra mile is worth it as

it will always keep them coming back and speaking well about us.


4. Posting interesting and relevant content.

Just like other areas of social media (blogs, twitter etc) it is extremely important

to provide interesting content to our readers. By regularly referencing other

relevant content, our fans would keep returning to our page. While attracting

repeat visitors is not the single most important component of fan pages,

repeated engagement is easily the second most important variable. This strategy

is also good because visitors that regularly return to our page regularly are

significantly more likely to become paying customers.

5. Repost comment by other users.

Reposting comments and information fans post is very important as this helps us

share the information is a “SOCIALLY LEGAL” way so that we are not seen as

“DUPLICATE” and often than not, sites like “HOTKLIX” usually rank high and do

not allow posts from any source to be reposted on it. This means that if we

repost, we can leverage such medium as the post becomes unique to us courtesy

of the original contributor and this actually gives our Fan Page a face which is

actually what most fans want now.

6. Regular update.

While it is extremely important to monitor the conversation that users are

having within our branded facebook pages, it is also extremely important to help

spark the conversation. By posting questions to users, creating new topics within

the discussion forums (a medium we have actually abandoned) and performing

activities that create a dialogue, we will keep users coming back to u=our Fan

page. Just like I have emphasized quality content and engagement, persistence is

also important. If we don’t continue to engage and interact with our fans timely,

we would find it difficult to attract new fans.

7. Posting and tagging users in photos.

This is one of the free and most effective promotional activities we can carry out

on Facebook. When we engage and interact with our fans regularly, we would

know those who would love to be tagged and featured and this would go a long

way in ensuring that we do not offend or tag anyone wrongly. Hosting events

and functions is also a good way to get photos of fans related to our brands. This

way, we can either tag them or ask them to tag themselves and this way, the

engagement would virally spread to their friends and “Friends of Friends” (this

further depends on their privacy settings).

Finally, the Facebook steps above are actually guidelines as the best Facebook strategy is to

implement these guidelines in daily usage of the page. This would also help in giving the

Brand page a “FACE” as the keywords in Facebook fan pages are FACE, ENGAGEMENT,


branded comments and contents.

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