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Post on 02-Aug-2020






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Falkirk Trinity Church of Scotland SC000652

Tel: 01324 611017 Email: office@falkirktrinity.org.uk

Sunday Worship at 11am

4th August: Theme - Spread the news

11th August: Theme - Count the stars

18th August: Theme - Here, there, everywhere

25th August: Theme - From small beginnings Our Minister Rev Robert Allan, tel: 625124 or email minister@falkirktrinity.org.uk or RAllan@churchofscotland.org.uk Visit the minister’s website: www.reformthechurchofscotland.org Here you will find Andy’s thought for the week, and a regular blog, as well as other interesting and challenging information! Summer Sunday morning arrangements for young people We have a crèche available for the under 5s; from 30th June to 25th August, we have summer family services which last approx. 40-45 minutes – all other children and young people are invited to remain for the whole family service. We have activity sheets for children to use during the service. S-Kidz and Youth Station resume on Sunday 1st September.

Pastoral care If anyone is ill or in hospital and would appreciate a visit from the minister or if there is a time when you would like to talk to the minister about a particular matter, then please contact him on the telephone number above or send him an e-mail. Please don’t assume that he will know unless he is contacted directly. Thank you. Dates for your diary:

Café reopens on Monday 29th July

Community Hub Group meets at 7pm on Wednesday 7th August in the Lounge Church news for September - please have articles or feedback into the office (trinitychurchnews@outlook.com)

by Tuesday 20th August

Family Life Centre team meets at 10.30am on Wednesday 21st August in the Vestry

Faith and Worship Group meets at 7pm on Thursday 22nd August in the Archway Room

Communion services at 11am and 2pm on Sunday 1st September

Buckets of Hope evening with stories from the Tanzania Twelve on Wednesday 4th September at 7.30pm

Kirk Session meets at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th September in the Main Hall Our Minister will be on holiday from the 16th to 30th September both dates inclusive. During that time funeral cover for any members will be provided by Very Rev Albert Bogle (tel 07715 374557). Albert will also lead worship on Sundays 22nd and 29th September

Christian Aid Christian Aid campaign about climate change – The Time is Now – more details can be found on their website www.christianaid.org.uk. The views of David Attenborough talking about climate change can be found by searching his name on You Tube.

We are still looking for someone in the congregation who might lead on sharing the news and work of Christian Aid – if interested, please speak to the minister.

Falkirk Trinity Church News


Keep up to date with what’s happening in Falkirk Trinity by visiting our website at www.falkirktrinity.org.uk or our social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Falkirk Trinity Church of Scotland SC000652

Tel: 01324 611017 Email: office@falkirktrinity.org.uk

Volunteering Sheets with details of various areas of life of our congregation where volunteers are needed are in the vestibule – please take one – could you help?

Tots and Toddlers Since Tots and Toddlers inception on 23rd October 2017, we’ve watched with delight as our little group of “tots” has grown in number (and in years). We’ve watched them develop as little individuals, before waving them off to nursery at the age of three - quite an emotional time for all of us. Four children left us at the end of this session on 24th June, but we are very fortunate in having several new starts to get to know too. Many of the adults have commented on how welcoming the group is and how much both they and the children look forward to Monday mornings. It would be lovely to have a few more volunteers - even occasionally. Why don’t you pop in some Monday morning during term time and see what fun we have? You would get a very warm welcome (and a cuppa) and who knows - you might just feel drawn to being part of our little family. Tots and Toddlers meet on Monday mornings from 9.30am -11.30am. If you would like more information or want to book a place, contact Gill in the Office. Please also spread the word to neighbours and friends who might be interested. Church Walking Group August walks are on Mondays 5th and 12th August, meeting at the Union Inn at 7pm and Mondays 19th and 26th August, meeting at 7pm in Skinflats.

Book Group The book we have chosen this time is a different type of book called “Elephant Moon” written by John Sweeney and looks very interesting. The next get together is on Thursday 29th August in the Graeme Hotel at 7.30pm. Hope to see you there! Church Café The café will re-open after the July break on Monday 29th July. Odd Job Breakfast

All men in the congregation are invited to come along to an “Odd Job Breakfast” on Tuesday mornings. Starting at 9am with a breakfast roll and sausage (and a blether), we will then tackle some of the “odd jobs” around the church. Some weeks there may be quite a few jobs and at other times not so much to do. Please consider coming along and joining us – even if you’re not a DIY person, there will always be something to do – and we hope that those attending will enjoy the fellowship too. Strathcarron Phials Phials for donations to Strathcarron Hospice are available on the table in the vestibule. Please feel free to take one to fill with any coin value. Once full, the phials should be returned to Boston Glegg. Thank you.

Summer Produce Stall The summer produce stall is now available on Sundays. If you have any, fruit and vegetables, plants, jams and jellies or other produce which you would like to share with others in the congregation, please bring them along and put them on the produce table. Others can then buy them for a small donation which will go to Christian Aid. Falkirk Foodbank Collection - Sunday 4th August. Donations to the Foodbank are welcome on the first Sunday of every month. Urgently needed items are tinned potatoes, biscuits, long life fruit juice, UHT milk (1 litre), breakfast cereals, toothpaste and toothbrushes.


Falkirk Trinity Church of Scotland SC000652

Tel: 01324 611017 Email: office@falkirktrinity.org.uk

Battle of Falkirk Commemoration Saturday 20th July saw the culmination of weeks of planning. Gillian and Alastair had represented Trinity at many meetings with Historical Clan societies, Falkirk Delivers, The Howgate and others. Performers and exhibitors had been confirmed, gazebos and crowd barriers arranged, risk assessments carried out and insurances checked. All but the central section of chairs in the church were cleared back and exhibits displayed.

Our amazing café volunteers under Marianne’s leadership had been mobilised and menus decided. They were fantastic and weren’t even fazed when with a week to go we discovered we would be providing refreshments for 120 Spanish visitors!

The day dawned very cloudy as the bollard was put up at 7.15am to keep the car park clear. Joined by a small band of volunteers, AV was setup, music arranged, litter picked, café readied, soup made and volunteers organised. From about 8.30am, dozens of participants and exhibitors arrived, unloaded, were told where to go (in a nice way) and left to park elsewhere. People in armour started to appear along with tents and areas were roped off. The King Robert the Bruce Throne arrived with its attendant security guard and the Archway Room became the robing room for the Noble Knights. Attracted by the Medieval Market in the town centre and children’s activities in the Howgate, members of the public began to appear. Then 120 yellow tee shirted Spaniards arrived for tea and a talk in the Sanctuary! (cont…..)


Falkirk Trinity Church of Scotland SC000652

Tel: 01324 611017 Email: office@falkirktrinity.org.uk

The café was opened, the sound system cranked up and we were in business! Even although all the participants then left to go to Callander Park, we were still quite busy. The battle re-enactors were in full swing, kids were “jousting and fighting” with knights and the first of 3 guided tours attracted 25 folk. The amazing dancers, Treubh Dannsa, entertained a large audience in the Church and then the procession arrived back, now augmented by a Knight on horseback with full retinue and a very large dog! A brief service was held before wreaths were laid at the Stewart and De Graeme tombs and the Men of Bute memorial. The main activities then began bang on time at 2.00pm. About the same time, the café went into overdrive as we discovered that marching from Callander Park to Trinity in costume leads to some very hungry customers! All the café volunteers were amazing as we took the equivalent of 4 day’s lunch takings in as many hours!

The sun came out and suddenly we had a crowd of hundreds, watching the “battle”, admiring Bella the horse and visiting the exhibitions. Clann An Drumma brought the party to life and the young Spaniards and others danced and joined in. Treubh Dannsa danced in the sunshine and Trystin Folk entertained the crowd. Treubh Dannsa dancing live with Clann An Drumma provided a fitting climax to an amazing day.

Next year, we hope it will be even bigger and better so when the date is announced please get it in your diary and see what you can do to help. Buckets of Hope - The story of our trip to Tanzania Come along to hear the Tanzania Twelve on Wednesday 4th of September at 7.30pm as they share with you their experiences of being out in Kazunzu. A diary of their trip is now on the Church website and you can request a printed copy from the Office if you are not on the internet. Falkirk Storytelling Festival The 3rd Falkirk Storytelling Festival will run from Thursday 3rd until Sunday 6th October. We have a great line up of events for you and tickets are now on sale through See Tickets or from the Office. Thursday 3rd at 7.30pm: Join Dr David R Hamilton as he discusses how your mind can heal your body. Tickets are £12. Friday 4th at 7.30pm: Scottish singer songwriter Katee Kross comes to the Faw Kirk. Tickets are £8. Saturday 5th at 7.00pm: Nature writer, Jim Crumley, will give a talk entitled ’Seasons in the Wild’. Tickets are £5. Sunday 6th at 7.00pm: Journalist and author, Steve Finan, will speak about his books, including his latest publication ‘Lifted over the Turnstiles (Scotland’s football stadiums of old)’. Tickets are £5. More information can be found on our website.

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