fall presentation template

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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A Presentation template


Your Project Title

Your Name

Your Partners’ Names

Your Advisor’s Name


The Major Problem Slide (Significance) What is the overarching problem your project is aimed

at solving. This slide is where you put stats about how many

people are impacted by your problem. This slide is where you get your audience interested in

the problem. How can you get your audience excited about your problem? Bring it close to home for them…

It is about what is on the slide, but it is also about what you say. The slide should COMPLEMENT what you say. You shoud NOT READ THE SLIDE TO THE AUDIENCE.

If you use stats, you might want to reference them in a box like this

Your Particular Small Problem Slide What have other people

done in your field? What is the small part

of the big problem you are going to tackle?

Why is this important to the Big Problem that you outlined on the last slide?

Images are nice on slides like this one.

Your Proposed Solution Slide (Innovation)

How is your team going to work on this small problem? Are you designing a device? If so, this is a good place

to put a schematic of the device. Are you designing an assay? If so, a schematic

process flow could be here.

Specific Aims Slide

Briefly list your aims. Highlight the one(s) you are personally responsible for.

Approach Slides

How are you going to pull this off? Describe your experiments in details in 2-3 slides. Focus on YOUR portion of the proposal. Make sure you outline metrics for success. How will you know if you have succeeded? What are your alternative approaches if you do not


Preliminary Data Slide

If you are lucky, you will have some preliminary data Put it here. Discuss how it supports your Approach Slides. Do not show data without appropriate statistical

analysis. If n=1 and you still want to show it, write n=1 and say

that this is preliminary data.

Functional Requirements Functional Specifications Slide

If your project is designing a THING, or a PIECE OF

SOFTWARE or a PROCESS, you can use this slide. You will refer to the info from BE 467 to make this


Timeline Slide

Make a chart showing the timeline for THE WHOLE project.

What tasks have you done. What tasks will you do. Remember the END DATE is the middle of April.

End Slide

You can do a summary slide here. You can do a Questions slide here (although that is

pretty cheesy). You can leave a bank slide here. You can thank your funders here if you know who they

are. You can thank group members who have helped you if

you know who they are.

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