fatimah’s student led conference student led conference presentation

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Fatimah’s Student Led Conference student led Conference


Language Arts


Even though I love reading, Language Arts is not one of my favorite classes. In Language Arts we make a lot of creative things, like writing pieces, power points, and book projects, and so much more. Every month we do a special project called Reading and Exploration. Even though L.A. is not my favorite subject I still like and enjoy it. Here is a example of a of an R and E:http://burnsburdick11.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/fez1DecRandEPlease watch this video with Andrea interviewing me it will tell you all about what I am doing in L.A.

Social Studies


Social Studies is not my favorite subject but at times it is not so bad. We read in the book and then make a power point, prezi, or even a jeopardy!! Social Studies can be really fun at times. Here is a social studies project:Rhode Island.pptTo find out more Andrea will be interviewing me.

Science literacy

• Video

I like science literacy because you get to read and do fun things. In guys read/girls read, you read the book and do the project we are now starting on the project and making a video based on the book before that we did going blue. Going blue is a class were we save the animals and plants in the ocean, lake, river, or stream that is dying from the water pollution we do. I will explain more in the video Andrea is interviewing me.


In science we read, make, and learn different things. Science is my favorite subject I LOVE SCIENCE. I have a lot of projects and cool things I am going to show you first I am going to show you a clip on the twin towers or any other tower. We learned all about the twin tower and how it fell. We also did a volcano project we learned all about a shield volcano, a cinder cone volcano, and a composite volcano. Here is the project: http://burnsburdick11.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/Sophie%27s+Science+Page We also did a national park project I did glacier bay and I found a lot about it. For more info on Glacier Bay: Glacier

We also made a cricket not a real one but something that moves and you create it here is video all about and it and how I made it

with my partner. Here it is:


We also went on scratch a game you create things sadly I do not know how to post it but scratch was fun. here is a cool video clips about inside the earth:



here is a song if you memorize it you will know everything about the crust ,mantle, outer, and inner core. by


Math is one of My favorite subjects because math is everywhere at the shop in a science lab even when you are cooking. Trust me when you

first walk in to Math, and Science you feel awesome. Math is everywhere!

Math (continued)

I am going to explain something we did in some units and what we learned so far. What we did on page 1.6 is Prime and Composite numbers when I learned these things it was like a new door opening up and I learned something I had never known before. For example 11 is a Prime number meaning its lonely nothing goes in to it except 1. A composite number is where the

number is popular it is surrounded with numbers that go in to it.

Math/ Fractions

On unit 8 we started on fractions adding, subtracting, and multiplying them.Here is how you multiply a fraction 2/8 times 3/8 = 6/24 do you see something wrong with that problem? Explain And Can you explain how to multiply them. The 2nd one you need to figure out by yourself in 30 seconds 3/8 times 12/8 Hint: do a reciprocal for the 2nd fraction. Okay the next one is subtraction

I need some help on this one so I will not be containing any info so DO NOT ask me for HELP!!! 8- 1/8 . The final one that we have learned so far is adding I will not give you a clue on this one either complete in 60 sec 3/24+15/3. And to multiply a mixed

number you have t multiply 2 and 6 = 12 and add the 2 at the top (just for the second one). Well for know thats it for fractions!!!!!!

Math/ Geometry/bar graphs

During our School year we learned about geometry. Geometry is a very easy in geometry there are different kinds of lines, and shapes. There are parallel lines , cemetric lines. There are also different kinds of shape and you know with out geometry there would not be any roads because roads need shapes right???? So I think we would not even know our arm length. Another thing that is really cool is bar graphs because you can tell how much students like fruits or after school activities better and you can

use all of the data and make them in to percents.


Thank you for watching and listening to me say this very entertaining power point you shall now watch our finall our video of math thank you and

enjoy the artistic short awesome video!!!!!!!

Math Video

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