fdmk 320 c3p4 marketing breif

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Jennifer Dunbar FDMK 320 C3P4

DATA PROTECTION Communicating a commitment to protect personal information

“Your car can tell your home’s thermostat to turn on the air conditioning as you’re driving home. Your security camera can record a video clip if the smoke alarm goes off. And you can use your activity tracker to control lights in your house” (In the privacy of your own home, 2015)Our Ethical Responsibility to protect customers’ personal information is a top priority and part of our corporate Privacy Policy. Just like our employees will never share sensitive information, our products should respect privacy in accordance with company standards. As we have created ways to prevent theft of information, from Wi-Fi products, we are obligated by our own policy to make customers aware of the safeguards available in our products, apps and their devices. Every product we create that is paired with remote device operations is subject to data leaks. The Smartphone has become a way of life, with 72% of US adults reporting ownership of a smartphone (Poushter, 2016), and with millions of apps downloaded every day, it is our responsibility to users of our apps to do our best to help them protect their personal information. Our Integrated Marketing Plan will effectively communicate information to our audience about our protection of their information, and how they can protect themselves from data thieves.


• Our Current Customers

• Smartphone users andApp users


• Transpaent communication

• Data Protecion


• We protect your persoanl information

• Safegard yourself from theives


• Social Media• email• In App

Messaging• Text Messagin• Mail

Our Customer is our number one priority. We have been given their personal information, name, address, phone number, and details about their shopping and buying habits. Those who have registered their product for warranty are given a short statement that says “we will not share your information”. Smartphone and app users, also find this message within their app and they are asked to password protect their new product. Each time a product is registered the user is given the privacy policy and a reminder to password protect their product. This data collections is one way our marketing team gathers information about our clients. Their registration begins a process of data protection. When a customer purchases a Wi-Fi enabled product, we offer a copy of our Privacy Policy. This document is long, and filled with legal information, regulations and laws. We know, few read the policy. What they need to know, could be, Our Promise, and should be placed at the top of the privacy policy. A few short statements about, data protections, our communications process and what customers can do to protect themselves, will make the message simpler to understand and still provide all necessary details of the company Privacy Policy. It is up the client to understand where their information is and who is using it but, it is up to the manufacturers to make it easy to understand and resolve security issues between our product and their device.

Smart Products: How We Can Manage the Risk to Our Customers Through Marketing

The message must be transparent, we Promise to protect your Information”, “We will not Release your Personal Information”, “By giving us your email you will be signed up for special offers and updates about our products”. Please, Password Protect Products! We will run this campaign through social media, email, and the apps for our products, we will offer email, text messaging and US Mail service for those who opt-in. When registering for text, email and US Mail, there will always be opt-out options attached. Social media is platform for two way communications and data gathering. Using this valuable platform will give us an understanding of our customer and help us meet their needs and exceed their expectations.Data is as risk. In 2016 LinkedIn, Yahoo and Myspace all had breaches and according to Pew Research Center reports about 91% of all adults are in strong agreement that they have no control over their personal data (Snider, 2017). With a newly passed data protection regulations, passed by the FCC and not going into effect, we can place our interests well above standard in our privacy protection for our customers. We believe reaching our customers will solve many issues that have arisen from the wireless connections from all of our products. With easy networking, and so much information stored on the smartphones we are using to manage our time and our lives, we must protect valuable data within every app. The accidental release of information can be avoided by the password protections portion in everything we sell.

References In the privacy of your own home. (2015). Retrieved from Consumers Reports:


Poushter, J. (2016, February 22). Smartphones are more common in Europe, U.S., less so in developing countries. Retrieved from Pew Research Center: http://www.pewglobal.org/2016/02/22/smartphone-ownership-and-internet-usage-continues-to-climb-in-emerging-economies/

Snider, M. (2017, March 2). FCC sets aside new Net data privacy rule. Retrieved from USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2017/03/02/fcc-sets-aside-new-net-data-privacy-rule/98599438/

When?What can I do six

months from now?What can I do six weeks from now?

What can I do today?


Does this seem worthwhile?

Is this the right time?

Does this match our efforts/needs?

Am I the right person to reach

this goal?Is this applicable in

the current socio-economic



How can I accomplish this

goal?How realistic is the

goal, based on other constraints such as financial



How much?How Many?

How will I know When it is


MeasurableWhat do I want to

accomplish?Why is this goal

important?Who is involved?

Where is it located?

Which resources or limits are



Setting SMART Goals will ensure they are manageable. Basing the communications plan on Materiality and Corporate Responsibility will ensure transparent, clear communications with our customers.

“We will not share your information”

“Our Customer is our number one priority”“By giving us your email you

will be signed up for special offers and updates about our

products” “We Promise to help You protect your Information”

Our Promise

The Message

Please, Password Protect Products!





Unless we stay true to our Personal Morals and Practice Professional Ethics, we could become tangled in the Doppelgänger of Deceit. McDonald’s and Keurig, Green Mountain, appeared to be taking actions to improve the Quality of Life for their customer, but in reality the reflection was not at all what they presented.



e Rea



The Message

“We Promise to help You protect your Information”

Follow This simple step by step to password protect your smart

“By giving us your email you will be signed up for

special offers and updates about our products”

Transparent corporate reasonability In all our messaging will engage the customers, encourage trust, and create Life Time Value Consumers

The Materiality Process, is successful when Personal Morals and Professional Ethics are used to create a Transparent Image of the company, that only copies and reflects their Values and Mission. Listening and Communicating with consumers will create a trust and return Life Long Value to the Customer and Sustainability for the company.





The Message

Follow This simple step by step to password protect your smart

Please, Password Protect


In all actions, we will follow Sustainability Ideals as established by our focus on moral standards, company mission and vision.

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