february 30th

Post on 13-Sep-2015






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  • Xylence

    February 30th Theres never a day that one can walk free from reality. It is what keeps one firmly on the ground

    while taking steps that you know for sure will bring you somewhere even if it hurts more than

    anything else to do so. Though you wish that it isnt so, reality is a cage that traps you inside and

    no matter how hard you fight it, it wont set you free. You live on facts alone.

    Then heres another fact.

    You are only encaged if you believe yourself to be.

    There is no need to step outside to dream, to wish and to achieve the impossible. Widen this so

    called cage. Make it so that reality is your playground instead. You are in charge. Someone has

    got it right. Impossible is nothing.

    Turn your dreams into reality.


    Im standing where you left and Im still watching your retreating form. Thats when I finally

    realized that theres no use calling you back.

    Tears camouflaged with the rain as she stood alone on the street. Passersby didnt spare her a

    look as they ran for cover because they knew that the storm would not stop simply after this

    drizzle. Her clothes were drenched and her bag sat patiently on the wet ground, waiting for its

    owner to understand. This wasnt the first day nor was it the second. No matter what the

    weather was, there she stood.

    There was this throbbing pain that pounded against her chest. No one would ever know how

    much courage it took her to finally admit her love for a person that didnt see her as anything,

    not even an equal. Not only did she reject her, that person had decided to tear her apart first

    and then step on the fragile heart that was used to love her. Tiffany Hwang was left with nothing.

    She was trembling whether from the cold or from her own heartache, she did not know. Her

    focus was deteriorating as the rain finally made her sick and dizzy. Tiffany staggered forward

    before taking a step back, losing balance. She dropped on one knee and the world disappeared.


    Her eyes opened slowly, still slightly hazy from yesterday and perhaps it was because of this that

    she could not see the sky but rather a blurry image of a silver rectangle held above her head.

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    Tiffany closed her eyes to rectify her focus and now she could make out that the blurry rectangle

    was instead a metal lid of some sort. Tiffany rolled her herself slightly to the side when she

    found another person sitting semi cross-legged beside her on the ground responsible for the

    blockage of her view.

    Tiffany slowly pushed herself up and groaned from the pain of falling unconscious on the hard

    ground. The strangers ears perked up and pulled in her extended arm that was holding the

    plate now that the job was done. She threw the metal carelessly over her shoulder when Tiffany

    finally sat up.

    Who are you? Tiffany mumbled from her dizziness, rubbing the palm of her hand against her

    forehead. Instead of answering, the unfamiliar girl stared at her with her head on a slight tilt to

    show her confusion.

    Are you broken too? she asked with a voice Tiffany had never heard before. It was soft and

    genuine which made Tiffany truly wonder what she meant by that question.

    What are you talking about? Tiffany muttered as she turned to take a look at her. Her bangs

    were plastered on her forehead and her long blonde hair fell limply over her shoulders as if she

    too sat through the rain. Tiffany blinked, wondering if her eyes were tricking her, when she saw

    the numbers 230 printed on her neck.

    The blonde looked down sadly as she pulled her legs in.

    Im broken too. I have a problem.

    From that expression, Tiffany felt as if her own feelings were reflected in the stranger. It was the

    look that was a mixture of sadness, pain and lost hope. Was she not the only one who was hurt

    by another?

    Tiffany smiled slightly not out of joy but of self pity.

    Yes. Im broken.

    My heart has been broken by someone whom I have loved dearly.

    They said my problem can be solved though. As long as I get repaired in time, I can be fixed.

    They said they can help me return to normal, the blonde answered earnestly and Tiffany

    couldnt help herself but chuckle.

    Nothing broken can be returned to its original state. Theres always going to be a difference, a

    scar. What she did to me cant be fixed, Tiffany replied quietly and tears were building on her

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    eyes once more until it leaked. She was indeed broken. She had no control over the tears that

    refused to stop.

    Unexpectedly, a hand tapped her shoulder and Tiffany turned to find the blonde looking directly

    at her. Her hand reached for Tiffanys face and wiped away the tears. The stranger smiled

    brightly despite the fact that she too was broken.

    I wish that you will soon be fixed of your problem. Although a human heart is much harder to

    mend, I know that once it does, it will still be as beautiful and loving as before, she said


    With that said the blonde stood up and waved a cheery goodbye before taking her leave. Tiffany

    stared at her from behind, not understanding where this certainty came from. Humans werent

    machines. They were not subjected to mechanics and could be repaired just like that, especially

    not the heart. As Tiffany lifted herself up to her feet, she could only think of that stranger that

    had momentarily distracted her of her troubles. Instead, the feeling of worry was most

    dominant inside her. She didnt want reality to destroy this persons optimism.


    How ridiculous was it that even after a few weeks of moping around, catching a cold, recovering

    and forcing herself to be strong, she could only think of three numbers.

    Two, three, zero, she muttered to herself as she typed them onto the blank screen that was

    supposed to be her upcoming novel. At the moment however, her novel was not her greatest

    concern. These days, she would simply wander around her condo, dragging her bunny slippers

    under her and eating ice cream while watching sappy dramas. Tiffanys only reason to leave the

    place was to buy more ice cream. Though regretful, Tiffany would have to say she was one to

    eat her feelings.

    She sighed after her spoon reached the bottom of the tub again.

    If I continue to eat like this, Ill reach 230 pounds, she mumbled humorlessly.

    Tiffany pushed the empty tub away and cleared the document again. Perhaps another drama

    would be nice. As soon as she opened her server, a pop-up blocked her screen and startled


    If February 30th existed, what would you do?

    And underneath was a box allowing her to fill in her answer. Tiffany frowned at the idiotic

    question. For one thing, why ponder on the impossible? So what if she answered the question?

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    It would simply mean she would have one more fantasy that would never be fulfilled like the

    rest. Reality had slammed her hard. Writing stories had been difficult. Dreaming of her future

    was even worst. Might as well follow what she knew was real and at the moment, it was ice-


    Tiffany clicked the X and closed the pop-up. A virus was what was likely to come out of that one.

    Tiffany let herself fall back onto her carpeted floor and lay there with her eyes closed. She would

    just have to give up today like the days before.

    Unexpectedly, the doorbell rang and Tiffany waited it out, hoping that whoever it was would

    simply leave. The person didnt and Tiffany longed to throw the empty tub right at the door

    telling him or her to shut up. Instead, Tiffany got up impatiently and flung the door open

    preparing to scream.

    Tiffanys mind blanked when she saw the girl, whom she had met a few days ago, standing in

    front of her. Tiffany gaped as she studied her from head to toe. For some reason, she was still

    wearing the exact same thing as she did before and was soaking wet as well. Was she out in the

    rain again today? Tiffany didnt know what to say despite the many questions that exploded into

    her mind.

    The blonde was smiling but looked a little disappointed.

    You didnt answer my question.


    Tiffany was slightly embarrassed at the sight of her living room now that another person

    occupied it other than herself. Her collection of tubs was piling up, tissues were all over the

    place and bags of chips took over the floor.

    Just perfect

    Whats your name? Tiffany asked as she offered a towel and a cup of hot tea. The blonde

    thanked her and took a sip.

    I wanted it to be Jessica. I wanted an English name, she answered while Tiffany raised a brow.

    Okaywhats your real name if Jessica is what you wanted?

    Jessica rolled her eyes up as if thinking but returned with a grin.

    Please call me Jessica, she replied brightly. Confusion took over Tiffany once again but she

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    decided to let it go. It wasnt that big of a deal anyways.

    Okay Jessica, Tiffany shrugged. Jessica bit her lip as if suppressing a smile.


    I like your accent.

    Tiffany stared at her with a look of suspicion. Was she purposely extending time so she could

    stay here longer and avoid the rain? Tiffany plopped herself down across from her and had an

    expression of an interrogator as if Jessica was some criminal.

    How did you know I live here? Tiffany asked directly, deciding not to waste any more time on


    Why didnt you answer my question? Jessica asked back.

    Answer mine first. Were you looking for me or something?

    If you answer mine, Ill answer yours.

    What question are you talking about? Tiffany burst out in slight annoyance. Jessica blinked at

    the sudden change in volume and she spoke more quietly.

    If February 30th existed, what would you do?

    Now that didnt make sense.

    That questionwaslaptop youwhat? Tiffany stumbled, pointing at Jessica and then at her


    If you dont have an answer for that yet then Ill wait for it before I answer any more of yours,

    Jessica answered sweetly. Tiffany wanted to drop dead and give up on this unknown person

    sitting in front of her. Of all times, someone wanted to plant a joke on her right now. Tiffany did

    not need any more mysteries in her life. She needed firm ground.

    Okay, you know what? I dont really need my questions answered. Now Jessica, its getting late.

    It may be best for you to return to your home-

    May I stay for the night?

    Did Jessica just completely ignore her?

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    If I stay out, someone will helpcorrect me, Jessica said in such a quiet voice that Tiffany

    struggled to hear.

    You mean your habit of sitting outside in the rain? Yes that needs correction, Tiffany muttered

    under her breath but once she caught sight of Jessicas face, the sarcastic and bitter side of her

    faded immediately. Tiffany noted how quickly Jessicas mood changed from happy to defiant

    and then to the sadness she had first seen her with. Oddly enough, Jessica had changed her

    emotions very quickly too.

    Tiffany licked her lips as she made her decision. Maybe she would regret this some other day

    but until that other day came, Tiffany would take her in.

    Yes, you may, Tiffany responded calmly and even Jessica looked up in surprise. Tiffany

    uncrossed her legs and stood up.

    Ill get you some dry clothes and you can take a shower first. Do you mind sleeping on the

    couch? Thats the only other soft furniture in my condo that remotely resembles a bed.

    Jessica nodded eagerly though she still couldnt believe how quickly Tiffany agreed. It wasnt a

    mistake for coming here. Tiffany entered and came back out her room with fresh clothes.

    Tiffany motioned Jessica to follow and ushered her quickly into the bathroom.

    Hurry up. I dont want to get sick again if you catch a cold. Call me if you need anything,

    Tiffany ordered, trying still to sound as indifferent as possible. Tiffany pushed Jessica in and even

    closed the door for her. That way, Tiffany could wonder alone as to why she was acting like this.

    Tiffany hit her head with both palms when the door slowly opened for a little gap for Jessica to

    stick her head out.

    Thank you, Jessica said serenely despite the absurd display of face-palming she had caught

    Tiffany in. Only when Jessica closed the door did Tiffany realize she was holding her breath.

    Tiffany exhaled and stumbled back into the messy living room.

    Maybe I should clean it a bit Tiffany mumbled as she cleared the bags of chips first. Even

    though it was a chore, it didnt felt like one at the moment.

    If Feb-

    Tiffany gave herself a mental kick for even thinking about that stupid question. Tiffany Hwang

    would not give in to this. She would not.


  • Xylence

    During dinner, Tiffany realized that Jessica didnt really eat much. Instead she kept staring at her

    which really made Tiffany want to drown her slowly reddening face into the soup.

    You should eat something.

    Your noodles taste weird, Jessica replied bluntly while Tiffany flushed for it struck a memory.

    Well, I didnt expect anyone else to ever eat it again so weird suits me just fine, Tiffany

    snapped. If you dont like it you might as well just sleepover at a restaurant instead.

    Tiffany suddenly realized what she must have sounded and regretted it immediately after.

    Jessica continued to look at her but her smile was gone.

    Why are you being so defensive? Jessica asked as if oblivious to her reason of being on the

    streets the day they met. Or maybe she understood too well.

    I just dont usually cook alright? Especially not for other people.

    Except her.

    But you did, didnt you? Jessica stated as if reading her mind. Tiffany placed her chopsticks

    down on the table as she pondered on whether to answer her or not.

    You could say I tried, she started slowly. I cant cook for my life. The first time she tried it, she

    literally spit it out. After that she told me she would cook for me instead, that she will cook for

    me forever.

    Forever meant nothing. It didnt exist. What was forever supposed to mean anyways?

    You should know that from the beginning that there was going to be an end. Forever is only a

    thought for fools Tiffany, she had said to her.

    So Tiffany had learned.

    But again, no such thing as forever so I guess I would have to deal with these weird noodles,

    Tiffany finished quickly and picked up her chopsticks to slurp her noodles.

    From what Ive seen, people become defensive when they are insecure, when there is a fear

    that they know exist but dont want to face it, Jessica said softly.

    Tiffany stopped eating at that. Why was she trying to figure her out anyways and so accurately

    at that?

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    Would you stop pretending you know everything and just stop trying to figure me out?

    Im broken Tiffany. I need to be fixed or Ill no longer be able to continue on. You said you were

    broken too that day. Are you going to fix it?

    Her first response wouldve been a no. Tiffany didnt feel like facing it. She wanted to continue

    on life like a hobo in her own house. Tiffany didnt even want to think about it though shed be

    lying to say that she did not. Memories bothered her every second of the day. Tiffany wanted to

    stay useless like the state she had left her in.

    If youre not ready to mend it alone, maybe you should find someone to help, Jessica

    suggested quietly before taking a bite at Tiffanys noodles. Tiffany watched silently as Jessica

    continued to eat the food she made without complaint. Jessica wiped her mouth neatly after

    she had finished the entire bowl including the soup.

    Your noodles taste weird, Jessica repeated as she lifted her bowl and headed for the sink.

    Yet she still ate it.

    Tiffany was supposed to be moping around. Tiffany was supposed to be gorging herself with

    unhealthy food. Tiffany was supposed to be stuck in her own miseries all alone. Instead, she had

    allowed a complete stranger in to her house. Instead she had cleaned the garbage that littered

    her living room. Instead, she found the courage to even talk about her ex with Jessica.

    Tiffany picked herself up and headed to the kitchen. Tiffany positioned herself beside Jessica at

    the sink and took Jessicas empty bowl from her hands.

    Thanks for eating this junk with me, Tiffany mumbled as she cleaned it with soap. Still she was

    unable to say what was in her mind but Jessica seemed to understand.

    Thank you for letting me stay and help you.

    Tiffany paused at the statement and turned to look at Jessica. Jessica took the soapy bowl from

    Tiffany and started to rinse it. Together, they did the dishes in silence but the company felt nice.

    For the first time in a while, Tiffany let out a genuine smile.


    The blankets and pillow are all out. You can turn the television and the lights off whenever you

    want to sleep. Im going to take a quick shower before I go to bed, Tiffany announced and

    Jessica nodded.

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    Jessica watched Tiffany as she entered the bathroom. Now that she was left alone, she didnt

    really know what to do. Jessica looked around her condo curiously, taking in the picture frames

    that had no pictures. From what Jessica could tell, those pictures seemed to be only taken away

    recently. Jessica nodded to herself in understanding. Surprisingly, it made sense to her.

    Jessica tiptoed over to the bathroom when she heard sound coming out of it. So this was what a

    song sounded like and accompanied with Tiffanys voice, it was perfect. Jessica sat down leaning

    on the wall across from the door and listened carefully. The song was a ballad, one that spoke of

    love but had no real happy ending. Was that what Tiffany was feeling right now?

    Jessica hugged her legs as she listened further. She wished that one day it would be another

    song that she would hear Tiffany sing. A ballad was alright. A song of love was alright but let it

    be about a love that could mend her broken heart.


    Tiffany blow-dried her short hair quickly and brushed her teeth in the same speed. Once done,

    Tiffany opened the door and found a curled up figure sleeping in the hallway. Tiffany bent down

    and saw that Jessica was indeed asleep, her head leaning on her arms. Tiffany frowned at the

    thought of leaving her asleep like this. The distance from here and the couch seemed awfully far

    and well, her couch wasnt that comfortable anyways. She knew through experience.

    Tiffany tried her best not to wake her as she struggled with trembling legs to lift her. She must

    be an extremely deep sleeper for Jessica didnt even flinch when Tiffany tripped and literally

    threw her on the bed. Rolling her a bit more on the side, Tiffany climbed on and had her back to

    Jessica when she clapped for the lights to turn off.

    Reluctantly, Tiffany looked over her shoulder to be completely absorbed in the peaceful

    expression of her sleeping face. Tiffany forced her head back and closed her eyes with

    unnecessary strength.

    If February 30th


    So early in the morning and supposedly a complete secret, Tiffany found herself simply gazing at

    the girl that slept like a rock. She didnt turn at all, her arms were in the exact position she was

    thrown into the night before. Tiffany even leaned closer to check if she was still breathing.

    Luckily, she was. It was a total mistake for not sleeping on the couch herself. Now Tiffany could

    feel her own face getting hotter and hotter.

    The doorbell then rang and Tiffany finally found a reason to look away from her. Tiffany shuffled

    over to open the door.

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    Who are you? she asked flatly after taking one glance at the unfamiliar person. She was tall

    and looked like a child.

    Im looking for a girl with blonde hair and is about your height but exactly one centimeter

    shorter, she said analytically.

    Hmmmsounds familiar.

    Whats your name?

    My name is Seohyun. I wish to escort her back to where she belongs. I realize that she has

    bothered you for a night. I apologize.

    Tiffany blinked. Perhaps Jessica was some daughter of a rich family that was forced to be

    married to someone she didnt know and ran away because of that. Maybe this was her maid or

    something coming to pick her up. Either that or she watched too many dramas lately.

    I uhgive me a moment. Let me ask if she knows you or not, Tiffany said, returning to her

    suspicious self though she couldnt see the threat of a baby-faced girl like her.

    Jessica, Jessica, Tiffany said as she shook her awake. Tiffanys watch beeped on the hour and

    Jessicas eyes suddenly shot open, sitting up immediately. Her eyes were alert and she seemed

    to know what was happening without Tiffany explaining.

    Jessica got off the bed and followed Tiffany to the door. With one look at Seohyun, Jessica

    looked defiant or at least that was what Tiffany thought. They both shared an intense staring

    contest that made Tiffany take a step back.

    Okay you guys seem to know each other. Ill just let you guys talk for a bit, Tiffany whistled,

    retreating to the kitchen. Once out of sight, Tiffany tried to best to eavesdrop. She caught words

    like month, end and time. That was awfully helpful. Tiffany hid herself carefully as she inched


    If its already determined, then can I have the rest of the month?

    That voice belonged to Jessica.

    Im trying my best to keep it a secret T-

    A crazy loud honk from the streets obliterated the rest of Seohyuns sentence for Tiffany and

    she cursed under her breath.

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    Please, let my name be Jessica now.

    The pause hinted that there was some thought going on in Seohyuns head or was it because

    Tiffany was too far to hear their whispers? Tiffany crept forward even more and accidently hit

    the shelf causing the plant to fall and the pot to shatter.


    The conversation between the two stopped abruptly. The girl named Seohyun looked at Tiffany

    and then back at Jessica almost apologetically as she took her hand.

    Im sorry that this had to be a short month, she said softly.

    Jessica smiled gratefully.

    Its a leap year.

    Seohyun let go of her hand and took a step out of the condo. Seohyun inclined her head politely

    to Tiffany who was still on the ground and left.

    Hey wait! I thought you were going to take her back home? she blurted out.

    Tiffany scrambled to her feet and rushed to the door, only catching a glimpse of Seohyun as she

    entered the elevator. Tiffany sighed defeated but when she turned to face Jessica, a distorted

    feeling went through her body.

    You wish for me to leave? Jessica said with an expression she could not read.

    Inot really...I just thought, you know, if your friend or family came all the way to find you

    she stuttered, not knowing how to finish her sentence. Jessica only nodded.

    I said I would only be staying for the night. I guess I shouldnt take more that I asked for huh?

    Tiffany felt a chill go down her spine. It was the way Jessica spoke that bothered her. She

    sounded apologetic but still with that shy smile on her face.

    Tiffany couldnt think of a word to say as Jessica changed back to her own clothes and waved a

    cheery goodbye to her at the door.

    Thank you for your hospitality. Hopefully Ill see you around on the streets again and maybe Ill

    get your answer to my question when we do. Goodbye Tiffany.

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    Jessica exited the house and Tiffany took a step outside her condo to watch her leave. It felt odd

    yet at the same time Tiffany reasoned it to be normal. Tiffany crossed her arms across her chest

    as if suppressing this unknown feeling there.

    Back to living like a hobo. Isnt that what you wanted?


    Tiffany immediately looked up and found Jessica at the end of the hallway.

    Can I hear you say my name again?

    Tiffany froze at the unexpected request. Tiffany pulled her arms in closer if possible and tilted

    her head down.

    Bye Jessica, she muttered and peeked to see Jessica smile like she did the first time she called


    I really do like your accent or well, your voice especially when you sing.

    Tiffanys head shot back up but Jessica already turned away and into the elevator. She was gone.


    Well, its February 26th now. As sad as it sounds, Tiffany had actually been counting the days

    since Jessica left as well as the days till the end of the month. To be honest, it hadnt been that

    long, only that it felt like it had been years. Tiffany strolled mindlessly on the street, and though

    reluctant to admit it, not for ice-cream.

    Tiffany kept an eye out for a blonde but so far she found no one. She wondered if she sat on the

    streets again would Jessica come to find her to hold a lid over her head, to shield her from the


    February is almost ending Tiffany muttered to herself. Does that mean something

    significant to her or does it simply mean that March 1st truly sucks?

    Tiffany sighed, stuffing her hands into her jacket pockets when suddenly someone looped their

    hand around her arm, pulling her to the side. Her first thought wouldve been Jessica. Now,

    Tiffany was sure she had mistaken.

    Arent you preeeeeeeeeeetty, the woman slurred. An expression of repulsion was an

    understatement. Tiffany looked at the aged alien of a woman who clearly had been drinking and

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    seemingly hitting on younger girls.

    Id pay you a lot lot lot if you come stay with me today, she finished with a giggle.

    Yea, no thanks, Tiffany replied flatly, pulling her arm away but the woman had a rather strong


    Come on, Im so rich I can buy you this whole city!

    Not interested! Tiffany shouted back at her. The only thing that was holding her back from

    pushing her down was her conscience. Dont hurt old ladies no matter how wasted they were.

    Ya! Back off! a voice sounded and the owner wrenched the two apart with amazing force that

    Tiffany thought her arm would tear off. Apparently, Jessicas conscience told her nothing.

    Though slightly shocked, Tiffany was extremely glad to see Jessica replace the old hags hand

    around her arm. It made her blush slightly despite the situation.

    Stay away from her or Ill tear this whole city apart and hurl it all at you!

    Interesting comeback. Tiffany wanted to laugh at the indignant expression Jessica had with her

    eyes wider than usual and her nose scrunched up.

    The lady threw one last ugly look before leaving and Jessica looked triumphant.

    Punchee! she called as she threw her own fist in the air.

    Jessica, calm down! Tiffany said, narrowly missing a punch. She left already!

    I. Dont. Like. Her, Jessica growled and Tiffany was very amused by her darkened yet slightly

    adorable expression.

    Who am I kidding? Slightly?

    And whys that?

    I feltI feltI need to check the dictionary before I respond to that, Jessica fumed with a pout.

    Tiffany now knew why she kind of missed her these few days.

    Oh goddid I just think that?

    How did you find me? Tiffany asked quickly, relieving herself from answering her own

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    The streets are filled with cameras you know, she replied simply.


    Tiffany had learned not to ask anymore. She still didnt know how the pop-up came up.

    So whats with the Ill hurl the whole city at you? Thats the most ridiculous threat Ive ever

    heard of, Tiffany laughed for the whole situation just all of sudden seemed hilarious. This was

    something she was going to remember.

    Jessica beamed at her and positioned herself in front of Tiffany to study her up close.

    I like the way you laugh. I like the way your eyes curve when you do too, Jessica said as she

    traced the shape with her finger. Its like those really happy smiley faces that makes you want

    to smile along.

    Tiffany blushed and felt fluttery inside. While Jessica inspected her, Tiffany too was looking

    closely at her.

    Weird was the first thought that came to mind. Jessica would say random things so directly and

    without hesitation, things which one would immediately start to doubt or get offended yet she

    sounded so genuine at the same time that one simply could not. She seemed like a child, who

    did not know the cunning side of the world, saying whatever comes to mind first. Tiffany wished

    she could return to that state. Maybe she could.

    Youre beautiful, Tiffany breathed and Jessica paused in surprise. It felt like time stopped for

    them but immediately ended when Tiffany snapped back in reality.

    Where did you go after you left? Did you go with Seohyun?

    Not going to answer questions I dont like to answer until you answer mine, Jessica sang

    cheekily. Tiffany rolled her eyes.

    Seriously, why would I even think of February 30th? I barely know what Im going to do

    tomorrow and that day is actually going to happen.

    Its interesting. I just want to know and a real answer. Not something to blow me off, Jessica

    said quickly as Tiffany opened her mouth. Tiffany closed it once caught.

    I havent thought about it then.

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    Jessica shrugged playfully.

    Ill give you a few days.

    But I really want to know where youve been staying. Its been bothering me lately. I get worr-

    Catching herself, Tiffany smoothed her hair, unable to finish that sentence. Jessica beamed once

    again and took Tiffanys hand, leading her as they walked.

    Now you know how I first felt, Jessica said quietly to herself with a small smile. So does that

    mean if I dont have a place to stay I can stay with you?

    Yes, she replied without a second of thought. It just blurted out without restraint but it was

    the truth. Jessicas habit of speaking without thinking was starting to rub off on her. It was

    worth it though when Tiffany saw a sweet smile on Jessicas face.

    Lets go eat Tiffany! I heard there are noodles much better than yours around this corner,

    Jessica declared then slowed down a bit. Unless youre willing to cook some more for me?

    Tiffany broke into a small grin and stepped forward to match her pace. Side by side, they headed

    for the restaurant Jessica mentioned.

    For you, I guess I am.


    You said you wanted to eat but instead youre glaring at me with two fingers on both sides of

    your head. It looks like youre about to shoot lasers at me, Tiffany commented dully, her chin

    resting on her hand and her bowl already finished. Jessica shook her head.

    Im taking mental pictures so I can keep this in my memory and these are really good noodles!

    So youre taking mental pictures of a bowl of noodles? Tiffany asked in disbelief.

    No, Im taking pictures of the person who was eating the good noodles. When she eats, she lifts

    her left hand first to keep the right side of her hair from dipping into the soup and holds her

    chopsticks improperly.

    Tiffany raised a brow.

    I've already got several pictures of that expression," Jessica declared proudly.

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    Tiffany took her hands down from her head and pointed to Jessicas bowl.

    Eat, she ordered and Jessica pouted before abiding. Tiffany liked how she listened to her so

    well. Jessica too held chopsticks in a distinct fashion not to mention the way she sat on the


    Im taking mental pictures too now! Tiffany said playfully, imitating Jessica. Jessica stopped

    her slurping to look at her and blinked.

    You look retarded.

    Tiffanys grin disappeared in a flash.

    Gee thanks, coming from the alien that started this, she muttered.

    Its different. I want to capture this moment because Im looking for things to fill in your empty

    picture frames. You are taking pictures to ridicule me, Jessica stated matter-of-factly after

    finishing what was left of her noodles.

    So she noticed. In those frames were pictures that Tiffany took with her ex. Those were pictures

    that she had once treasured beyond anything else. Memories in which she wished to be erased


    You cant leave them empty Tiffany. You should move on, Jessica said directly.

    Tiffany slipped into silence which made Jessica peek at her cautiously. Silence hung over them

    until Tiffany decided to break it.

    Bill please, Tiffany called to the waiter. A sinking feeling came over Jessica, one she had never

    felt before. Did she say something wrong?

    Tiffany only spoke of short sentences for the rest of the day and just before Jessica fell asleep,

    she saw Tiffany sitting on the edge of her bed thinking deeply. So this was how it felt after you

    accidentally upset someone you held dear. It hurt.


    Jessica woke up at exactly 8:00 AM to find Tiffany already long gone. Jessica shuffled around the

    house wondering where Tiffany could be. She was nowhere in the condo.

    Babo Two-" Jessica started but the door suddenly opened and in came Tiffany. Tiffany looked

    at her in surprise as she unwrapped her scarf and took her coat off.

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    I didnt expect you up so early. Did I wake you or something when I left?

    Jessica shook her head.

    True. You sleep like a log, Tiffany agreed with a chuckle and placed the box she carried in with

    her onto the living room coffee table. Jessica knelt down in curiosity, staring at the taped box.

    What did you buy?

    Tiffany smiled but didnt answer. She found a cutter and sliced through the tape that sealed the

    box. Tiffany reached in and pulled up what she had woken up early to get. Pressing the ON

    button, she aimed it at Jessica with a quick click.

    This is now my new digital SLR camera, Tiffany announced as she examined her first photo.

    Jessicas shocked expression was priceless.

    I was thinking about what you said yesterday. Now I see that those empty picture frames really

    showed how stuck I was. I trashed those pictures because I wanted to forget but it stayed empty

    because I wasnt willing to fill it with anything new either. I just didnt know what I wanted to do

    but then you, a complete stranger, could see right through it.

    I just wanted you to find something worthwhile to fill them with. I wanted you to move on and

    be happy, Jessica explained quietly.

    And thats why I bought this camera. Im going to take pictures to fill them all in with memories

    that will be worth my time reminiscing. Thank you Jessica, for being my first picture.

    Suddenly, tears started to fall and both Jessica and Tiffany were shocked to see it.

    Why are you crying?! Tiffany exclaimed as she reached for tissue and shifted over to dab her

    tears quickly. Jessica blinked as she stared down at her own tears that refused to stop.

    I thinkI think Im happy, she said uncertainly. Tiffany looked at her incredulously and without

    warning, Jessica threw her arms around her in an embrace.

    No, I know Im happy, Jessica cried through her tears and Tiffany, though shocked, held her

    until she finished crying.

    Idiot. I should be the one whos supposed to be happy. I expected a youre welcome of some

    sort and in return, she cries.

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    But Tiffany felt warmth from their embrace. She truly wanted to thank Jessica and had a part of

    her that wanted Jessica to be close by.

    Thank you Jessica for mending my heart. Im no longer broken.


    Three, two, one, caramel coffee!

    And the picture was taken. Tiffany felt like she was taking pictures for children, forcing them to

    smile through words. To be honest, she didnt have to because Jessica always smiled brightly for

    her but Jessica insisted because she said she had seen people cry out Cheese before the flash.

    Tiffany didnt like how lame it was so she instead changed it into a word that rhymed. Coffee

    wasnt all that smart either.

    So that was how they spent the two days after Tiffany brought the camera home. Together, they

    would take pictures of almost everything. There were pictures of them individually and together.

    Jessica said she liked the pictures of Tiffany when she smiled. Tiffany personally liked the ones

    they had together.

    I heard you singing in the showers again, Jessica started as they trudged through the light

    snow on the sidewalk.

    Were you sitting outside in the hall again eavesdropping? Tiffany said suspiciously and Jessica

    nodded, unashamed.

    Yep. I even added a cushion in case I fall asleep.

    Tiffany had to be oddly impressed by her.

    I noticed a change in song. I like this one better, Jessica said and Tiffany grinned.

    Me too.

    They walked in silence until they reached the edge where they could see the lake.

    Im so cold! she announced in adorable English after awhile and looked at Tiffany expectantly.

    Tiffanys mind went as blank as the snow as to what she wanted.


    My hands are really cold, Jessica repeated, still staring at her the same way. I dont have

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    Tiffany stuffed her hands into her jacket and pulled out her own.

    Here, you can use mine.

    Jessica stared at the mittens for a good minute before throwing them way over the railing and

    into the lake before Tiffany could stop her. Jessica turned to look back at her.

    I lost your gloves.

    Jessica, you threw them into the lake, Tiffany reminded her.

    Exactly, so I dont have them anymore, Jessica replied as if it was the most obvious thing.

    A part of her wanted to seriously check up on Jessicas background, wondering if her personality

    was developed herself or inherited. The other just wanted to laugh out loud at her antics.

    Tiffany cupped her hands into her own and blew on them.

    Is this right?

    Jessica stuck out her tongue quickly as a reply and Tiffany took that as a yes. Even though

    Jessicas hands were in hers now, they still felt like ice.

    Jessica looked at her with curiosity when her hands were placed in Tiffanys jacket pockets. With

    so little space left, Tiffany leaned in to kiss her. Jessicas eyes widened in surprise but before she

    could react Tiffany pulled away and pulled her orange woolen hat down over her face.

    Ya! Jessica yelled as Tiffany made a run for it, laughing. They chased each other with Jessica

    throwing snow at her while Tiffany ducked and dodged. She could hear Jessicas running

    footsteps die down behind her and Tiffany turned to slow down.


    Time slowed as Tiffany watched Jessica collapse onto the snowy ground.

    Jessica! she screamed as she hurried back and slid down beside her.

    Jessica! Jessica! Tiffany urged her to wake but Jessica was unresponsive to her shaking.

    Please dont scare me, please, she begged as she pulled Jessica into her arms. Jessicas body

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    warmth disappeared completely as if she was turned off. Tiffany reached for her phone and

    could dial nothing. It didnt make sense that it didnt work out here.

    Damn it, why wont it work! Tiffany cursed furiously. There was no one around that she could

    call for help and tears started to leak. It would be impossible to lift her to the hospital for there

    were none close enough and the empty streets only reflected the helplessness Tiffany felt


    Tiffany hurled her useless phone to the ground, shattering across the snow and in front of

    someone who was watching.

    Tiffany looked up through her tears and found that the figure was Seohyun.

    Call the ambulance! she screamed at her in haste. Jessica fainted. Call someone! Do



    Tiffany looked at her with disbelief and stood up to grab her coat roughly despite the obvious

    imbalance of height.

    How could you say no?! Isnt she your friend, your family? You cant just let her die like this!

    Seohyun looked back, unfazed by her anger, but with regret.

    Im neither her friend nor family. Im her creator. She had contacted me this morning in


    Seohyun felt Tiffanys grip loosen and her hands fell limply beside her as she dropped to her

    knees. Seohyun had anticipated this reaction. However perfect 230 had been altered, she was

    not meant to return to the human society like this. The silence echoed painfully in her ears as

    the information sank in.

    Please, just do something. I beg of you, Tiffanys voice quivered. Why is this happening?

    Seohyun kneeled down and looked at Jessicas motionless body before turning back to Tiffany.

    She told you. Shes broken.


    Tiffany sat in the dark living room alone, illuminated only by her laptop. Her expression was

    unreadable, staring at her screen but seeing absolutely nothing. Tiffany looked as if she had lost

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    a battle, worn out, torn and dead. There was so much to take in. It was as if the information was

    pounding at her heart every time Seohyun spoke. So reality had come to find her again and like

    last time it had left a deep scar or possibly more. Tears were not enough to express this pain,

    this distortion.

    Was she truly the idiot that her ex had claimed her to be? The worthless being that failed to

    comprehend anything? In her words, Tiffany was a being that she had wasted her time on

    because Tiffany was nothing but a fool.

    Now she knew it to be true.

    Her system is distorted. Her scheduled time to turn off at 10:30 pm has been altered. You could

    say shes sleeping now but I cant guarantee that she would wake, Seohyun stated seriously as

    she came out of Tiffanys room while Tiffany waited outside apprehensively.

    What do you mean by her system?

    She is programmed to turn off and recharge at exactly 10:30 pm and wake at 8:00 am every

    day, Seohyun explained gently, as if Tiffany was made of glass ready to be shattered.

    Programmed. Seohyun had said programmed.

    When you said you were her creator, what does that mean? Tiffany asked immediately.

    Tiffany, shes a cyborg while Im the scientist that altered her. She was one of the many that we

    had attempted to make one out of.

    How could you do this to her? To anyone that you took as guinea pigs? Tiffany seethed. Her fist

    trembled while Seohyuns expression looked firm.

    When she was delivered to my lab, she had already been in coma for years. Her family was

    gone and there was no one who would acknowledge the fact that she was still in the hospital.

    For them, she never existed. The corporation I work for brought her in as an experiment. They

    wanted to know if human alteration was possible using technology. They wanted a robot they

    could control, a breakthrough in the scientific world. Basically, we altered the mind and body.

    Seohyun cleared her throat in thought of the process.

    It was the hardest thing we had ever done. It took hours, days, months, years. We wanted to

    keep her human form yet inside, she needed to be changed. It was extremely difficult. We

    wanted to give up.

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    Then why didnt they? How could they recreate a person that Tiffany had fallen so deep for?

    How could they destroy a person once again like this?

    She was the first official cyborg that we created despite the countless trials. She was

    programmed to our rules and was unique in strength as well as having the ability to connect to

    the technological world. You could say she was a success. She was trial 230.

    Tiffany had to let out a hollow laugh in spite of herself. So when Jessica said she would hurl the

    city at the women she meant it. A cyborg that could tear the city apart without breaking a sweat.

    Tiffanys fist clenched.

    230 was sent outside for us to see how she would react when forced into a place other than her

    seclusion in the lab. We ordered her to travel, to speak, to manipulate the machines outside. She

    had done extremely well yet during her trips outside, she always returned to one place.

    Tiffanys heart had stopped beating when Seohyun looked at her.

    In her memory, we saw countless shots or pictures of a person outside by herself, a person that

    an emotionless cyborg had taken notice to. That was when she first spoke to me without being

    ordered during my examinations. She asked me why this person was in the rain. I was so shocked

    that she spoke to me so I answered. I said that person was sad and hurt. I explained it to be an

    emotion that makes one unable to smile and some sort of aching inside.

    Seohyun paused. It was the most memorable moment for her and one that made her realize

    what she had been doing was wrong. 230s head had tilted down and Seohyun had seen her first

    real expression.

    Then I feel sad and hurt too, she had said. Seohyun licked her lips before continuing.

    I didnt tell anyone but from then on she learned how to feel, something we specifically wanted

    to get rid of. She felt like a normal human did. Her emotions damaged the mechanics we placed

    in her. Thats why shes broken. The moment she felt sadness for the first time she saw you, she

    was breaking apart.

    She knew it. She had asked and I told her, Seohyun said regretfully. She had the end of this

    month before the company was going to discard her. She didnt fulfill the requirements but if she

    would let us operate on her again, we could fix her. We could get rid of the emotions she had

    learned. Instead she ran away. I tried my best to keep it a secret from the company. 230 went to

    find you. From you, 230 learned sadness, happiness, jealousy, how to worry and she learned to


    She was wrong. Tiffany thought no more tears could ever escape her again but it did. Tiffany

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    was responsible for Jessica. She was such a fool. They were both broken and they knew it.

    Jessica knew she was not going to last yet she had come to fix hers instead. Tiffany was so lost in

    her own that she didnt realize that someone needed to help Jessica too. Instead, Tiffany had

    almost forgotten what Jessica had told her directly. How did she not realize?

    Jessica had been taken away by Seohyun yesterday and Tiffany could not do anything to stop

    her. She simply watched as men placed Jessica in a large case and took her away. It was as if she

    was some doll, something fake.

    Here, Tiffany sat by herself on the 29th, the end of the short time they had together. At exactly

    twelve tonight, Jessica would no longer be here. Discarded was the word Seohyun used. Then

    what would Tiffany do? Who was supposed to help her fill in those empty frames? Who was

    going to be the one Tiffany loved more than anyone else?

    Suddenly, a beep sounded from her laptop and Tiffany stared at it, afraid to believe that it was

    real. The same question had come for her answer.

    If February 30th existed, what would you do?

    The identical box was present and the question no longer seemed ridiculous. There was only

    one minute left until midnight. Jessicas last message.

    This question looked different and felt different. Tiffany had finally found her answer. February

    30th no longer meant the same as it did to everyone else. It was no longer fable. It was a part of

    Tiffanys reality. The way Tiffany saw it now, it meant so much more.

    Tiffany placed her hands on the keyboard and typed quickly the words from her heart. Words

    she prayed that Jessica would receive.

    If February 30th existed, I would make it last forever.

    If 230 existed, I would want her to stay by my side forever.

    If Jessica existed, I would love her forever.

    Tiffany pressed send just as the clock struck twelve. Tiffany closed her eyes as she prayed for a


    Message sent. March 1st 12:01 AM.


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    I really like the way you smile. Its beautiful, she blushed.

    Tiffany inclined her head politely.

    Thank you, she answered as she signed her finally published book for her fan that happened

    to have watched her interviews. This fan had randomly found her on the street and immediately

    recognizing her, asked for an autograph. Tiffany smiled courteously and walked away, her

    camera in her hand. The month of March was almost ending and Tiffany now had a habit of

    taking scenery for she found no one else that could fill in for her.

    Tiffany lifted the camera up and took a shot of the area Jessica and she had first met. To anyone

    else, it was an ordinary sidewalk. To her, it was a worthwhile picture. The area had changed a bit,

    not as many street cameras as before, rather patrollers every so often. Apparently, the camera

    system belonging to the police had been hacked into too many times in the past. Tiffany smiled

    to herself at the news while the police force was baffled as to why anyone would bother.

    Her picture frames werent empty and neither was her heart. They were both filled by one

    person. Tiffany didnt want to be sad and hurt over memories because, though it hardly made

    sense, she didnt want Jessica to feel the same thing. So instead, Tiffany would smile, sing loudly

    in the showers and would feel content simply knowing she had truly loved before.

    Her phone vibrated in her coat and Tiffany stopped to pick it up.


    Tiffany, this is Seohyun.

    Her footsteps stopped as Tiffany froze in place.

    How did you get my number? was the only thing Tiffany could say.

    I extracted it.

    She didnt need to say who from.

    Tiffany, I phoned because I wanted to tell you that your answer has been sent and received. I

    would also like to tell you that I have eliminated 230 from our list and that the corporation

    recognizes the fact that 230 has been discarded. Im sorry that she could not respond to you in


    Tiffany swallowed painfully and her grip tightened on the phone. In contrast to the emotions

    Tiffany was feeling now, Seohyun sounded positively calm.

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    Why are you telling me this? she asked.

    Because I want to thank you for letting her live the way 230 wanted most and that is with you.

    Her heart felt heavier as every second passed during this conversation.

    The one I met was not 230. Her name was Jessica, Tiffany replied quietly and Seohyun paused

    before answering.

    I am glad to hear that from you, Seohyun finally said. Though unknown to Tiffany, she was

    smiling. I wish that for you two, February 30th will exist. Hopefully, you can make it last forever.

    Goodbye Tiffany.

    And the phone call ended. The dull sound of her phone still on echoed in her ear. It was as if

    time had stopped for her. Tiffany didnt understand.

    Hey! I dont like it when someone else likes your smile. Im supposed to be the one to tell you


    Tiffany swerved and across the street was the person she thought she would be unable to see

    again. She had her arm crossed and that pout was the one Tiffany had longed to see in her

    photos. It was she who Tiffany had longed to see.

    Her camera dropped out of her hand and hit the ground as its owner ran across.


    She didnt let her speak. Tiffany buried her tightly in her arms and her smile was brighter than

    ever. Jessica uncovered a sweet smile over her shoulder for she too had missed this warmth


    Seohyun said that I can come to find you not as 230 but Jessica, Jessica said softly in her ear,

    sounding almost uncertain. She said that I can be with you. 230 no longer exists.

    Tiffany didnt need an explanation. Now that Jessica was back, she needed nothing more.

    Thank you for giving me one more chance.

    Jessica suddenly pushed Tiffany away and Tiffany looked at her with absolute bewilderment.

    She had a frown like a childs that Tiffany could not comprehend how it got there.

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    Seohyun also told me that unless you tell me your answer to my question again, I shouldnt let

    you close to me, Jessica stated and even took a step back to prove her words. Tiffany burst out

    laughing at her innocence. It was so similar to when they first met.

    If February 30th existed, what would you do? Jessica demanded, pointing at her. Tiffany

    grinned as she took a step forward.

    All you need to know is that

    Tiffany took her hands and let them slip into her jacket pockets. Jessicas face turned crimson

    red as Tiffanys nose grazed hers.

    I love you no matter what day it is and for us, I promise that February 30th will always exist.

    ~ End ~

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