federation newsfeb 09, 2018  · my friends were trembling with fear, but that didn’t stop us. one...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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Headteacher: Mr R Burbage

Website: www.loddonprimaryfederation.co.uk

KIMMY’S ZOO Our Year 2 children had a lovely time learning about the African Animals that were brought in by Kimmy’s zoo last week. They met a tortoise, meerkat, millipede and snake. Some children were even brave enough to hold the snake around their neck.

FEDERATION NEWS Friday 9th February 2018

Loddon Primary Federation Kittens Lane Loddon Norfolk NR14 6JX Tel Infants: 01508 520118 Tel Junior: 01508 520392

CASMA The choir performed at OPEN in Norwich on Tues 6 Feb with 6 other schools. They sang beautifully with a band from London called Khiyo, singing songs from India together with Indian danc-ing. A great night and a great experience for the children. Thank you to the parents that came and sup-ported the school, and Rev Alison who supported the choir. PARENTS EVENING

Thank you to everyone that came to see us for parents evening. I hope you found the meetings useful and con-structive. The teachers put a lot of time and effort into ensuring they do the best for every child. The chil-dren in Yr 2 to Yr 6 have all completed various assess-ments which have been carefully analysed so that we can tweak our teaching to meet the needs of your children.

WORLD BOOK DAY World Book Day is taking place on Thursday 1st March, we will be holding our usual Book for Breakfast event and dressing up as our favourite book characters. Please join us in either hall for toast and a story from 8:30am.

EDP AND EVENING NEWS SPORTS FOR SCHOOL We will be collecting the EDP and Evening News Sports for Schools vouchers this year. The school collecting the most vouchers will win £5000! We are wanting to get playground markings done on both sites, with the support of the Friends of LPF. A bit more money will help us to even more!! Please hand in any vouchers to the school offices.

Wishing everybody a very happy half term. Children re-turn to school on Monday 19th February.

CHINESE NEW YEAR Year 1 are learning about Chinese New Year. We had a Chinese visitor come into school and she told us why Chinese people celebrated New Year at a different time to our New Year (because of the moon calendar). She answered our questions on Chinese New Year and taught us how to say Happy New Year in Chinese and how to write good luck messages to our families.

FRIENDS BINGO AND FOOD Please join us at the Junior site on 2nd March for a Friends Bingo and food evening. Eyes down at 6pm. More information to follow.

INFANT SITE GATE We are upgrading our Safeguarding at the Infant Site by installing a keypad lock on the gate leading onto the playground over half-term. The gate will be open from 7am until 9am, and 3.05pm until 6.30pm. Outside these hours you will need to press the buzzer to enter the school premises.

ROAD SAFETY TRAINING On Tuesday and Wednesday our Year 1’s went out with Sarah from Norfolk County Council to have some Road Safety Training, the Children learned about the differ-ent lights on the car and what these lights mean, the dangers of cars in car parks, different types of paths and how and where to cross the road safely. A big thank you Sarah and to the parents that gave up their time to help take the groups out.

AFRICAN FUSION VISIT TO YEAR 2 Fun, fantastic African drumming with djeme drums, an African dance with lots of clapping and stamping, plus a song in Swahili. The children were very enthusiastic and joined in confidently.

JULIA EDWARDS Recently we had a visit from the author Julia Edwards, who has published 5 books in the Scar Gatherer Series. It was a really fantastic day with all the children getting a session with her to learn about how to create tension in their story writing. The children were clearly very inspired by her and asked some great questions at the end of the day. This was followed by an extremely popu-lar book signing session.

SPORTS RELIEF Non-uniform day on Friday 23rd March for Sport Relief. All donations to go towards Sport Relief.

INFANT CLASS PHOTOS If you would like to order your child’s class photo please return the form to the school office by 19th February.

MY KINGSWOOD DIARY—5th February 2018 Before I went, me and my mum packed my black suitcase and did a double-check. After that I had a lovely warm breakfast and then I was all set and ready to go. Once I got to school everybody was buzzing with excite-ment, I had never felt like this before. When the bell had rung me and my friends had a chat about all of the happiness. Once Mr Harvey had done the register we played Sumdog on the computers and I played against Imogen. Then we had a break and I stood with my friends. After break we all watched a Jungle Film, half-way through the film MR Harvey stopped us and we made our way to Kingswood. On the coach I sat next to nobody and chatted to my friends about what we packed. 1 hour later and we came to the gates, we got all of our luggage out and wheeled them into our dorms. After dinner we did Bouldering and I fell off loads. Once we had done that we all wrapped up warm and sung songs round a campfire. We got back to our dorms me and my friends, all got ready into our bed clothes and I put my fluffy onesie on. Mrs Cleghorn came in and told us a story about a dancing frog who lived with a little girl. We all drifted off to sleep with our teddy bears. Over the next few days we all had lots of fun. We did Abseiling, go carting, team tech, Nightline, archery, rock climbing, orienteering, obstacle courses and loads more fun activities including a disco. First we did rock climbing and it was really scary, a few boys got to the top but we had to hold the ropes that the climbers were hanging onto. Archery was next, lots of people hit the target but it was still quiet hard. Up next was team tech and my group won and we made a block man. Next was go carting and it was so cold that my fingers were numb. Then we did nightline and that was so funny because nobody could see. After that we had orienteering and we won again. Also we had an ob-stacle course and I was a group leader and had to bal-ance on a see-saw. Finally, we did Abseiling and me and my friends were trembling with fear, but that didn’t stop us. One by one we jumped down the wall and a smile broke out on my face. When we went to sleep we all snored loudly and knew we had a great day ahead of us. Once we were all back to school, we told all our funny stories to everybody and knew we had enjoyed ourselves so much. By Tilly Bell.


FORENSIC SCIENCE DAY Year 6 are visiting Hobart for a Forensic Science Day. 6B are visiting on Monday 26th February and 6C on Tuesday 27th February. Please remember to wear school uniform and bring a packed lunch if you have not ordered one from the school kitchen. A permission form has come home today, please complete and return as soon as possible.

NEWSPAPER REPORTERS Our Newspaper reporters are still roving and arranging interviews for the next edition. A couple more places we have visited : The George and Dragon Parkinson Charity Shop

CIRCUS The circus is coming to Loddon Primary Federa-tion!! They will be here from Monday 21st May - Friday 25th May. The Big Top will be on the Junior Site field, and all children will have the op-portunity to learn circus skills in the big top. More details to follow ...

PARKING Please do not park in front of Marmalade House when dropping off or picking up children from the Infant site. Access is required at all times. Thank you

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