€¦  · web view2019-07-31 · i could not rest if a round my grave. i heard the steps of a...

CHINGA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FORM 2 AUGUST HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT NAME…………………………ADMNO…………………………CLASS……………. 1. Your class will be visiting Masaai Mara for one week during the August holiday.Write a packing list of items you will carry.(20mks) 2. ORAL SKILLS A) Identify the odd one in each set.(4mks) i. Enough staff dough graph ii. Depot report rapport debut 1

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Page 1: €¦  · Web view2019-07-31 · I could not rest if a round my grave. I heard the steps of a trembling slave; His shadow above my silent tomb. Would make it a place of fearful gloom


1. Your class will be visiting Masaai Mara for one week during the August holiday.Write a packing list of items you

will carry.(20mks)


A) Identify the odd one in each set.(4mks)

i. Enough staff dough graph

ii. Depot report rapport debut

iii. Wept debt receipt doubt

iv. Machine chef chess machete

B) Read the oral narrative below and then answer the questions that follow.

Narrator: story story!

Audience: Story come!


Page 2: €¦  · Web view2019-07-31 · I could not rest if a round my grave. I heard the steps of a trembling slave; His shadow above my silent tomb. Would make it a place of fearful gloom

God created the tortoise, man and stones. Of each he created male and female. He gave life to tortoise and man, but not to the stones. None could have children but when they became old, they did not die, but became young again.

The tortoise, however, whished to have children, and went to God. But God said, ‘I have given you life but I have not given you permission to have children. You always come and ask for children. Do you not realize that when living things have had several children they must die?’

But the tortoise said, ‘let me see my children and die. So God granted his wish.’When man saw that the tortoise had children he too wanted children. God warned man, as he had

the tortoise, that he would die if his wish was granted. But man also said, ‘let me see my children and then die.’That’s how death and children came into the world. Only the stones did not want to have children,

and so they never die.


i) What is the significance of using the words ‘story story’?(3mks)





E) Give the homophones of each of the following words. (2 mks)

(i) Oral

(ii) Colonel -

(iii) Ate

(iv) Berry

(v) Coup

(vi) Rain




Write a letter to the school principal apologising for reporting to schoolone week after opening day.gie adequate

reasons why it happened. (20mks)

















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Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.

Most of us know our ______________2 human rights are. We often demand that they be respected. This is as it

should be. Unfortunately, some of us do _____________2 realize that others have a right too. For instance, you have

the right to __________3 loud music. You have to consider if the music would be a nuisance to other people who want

peace and ____________ 4. What about the way we dress? Should we dress to please ourselves? Should you dress to

please others? Definitely, we come first. We must not dress in a way that ____________5 to modesty of others. Also,

many people defend the right to _____________6. They know how harmful this is to our health.

I however strongly believe that smoking should not be done in ______________7. Doing so denies others the right to

enjoy a pollution free environment and ______________8 their health. Remember nobody is likely to___________9

your rights if you do not respect those of others.

Long live____________10 human rights.

3. (a) (i) Outline the entire riddling cycle.(5mks)







(ii) Give five songs and state five of their functions(5mks)







iii)Why do we study oral literarure.(5mks)





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iv) Define a genre(2mks)



v)List the major genres in oral literature(5mks)







vi)Give 5 qualities of a good story teller(5mks)







(b) Identify the silent letter in the following words (5mks)

(i) Married

(ii) Government

(iii) Half

(iv) Difference

(v) Wrong

(d) Write down five features of oral narratives.(5mks)






(e) Write a public notice to notify other students from other schools to attend your school cultural day. (5mks)


Page 5: €¦  · Web view2019-07-31 · I could not rest if a round my grave. I heard the steps of a trembling slave; His shadow above my silent tomb. Would make it a place of fearful gloom

Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow.

An Old Woman and her Deformed Son

There was an old woman whose children died in infancy and only a deformed boy survived to grow into adulthood. The boy was a hunchback.Although the old woman loved this hunchback son of hers, she was secretly ashamed of his physical appearance. She was so ashamed that each day she was on the look – out for visitors who might come around just to make fun of him. To keep him away from the public eye, she used to confine him in a drum most of the time. So, right from his childhood the boy grew up in a drum . He was taken out only a few times during the day when the old woman was sure that there were likely to be no intruders around. When the boy attained circumcision age, he was duly circumcised. After circumcision he said to the old woman, “Mother, I now want a wife, can you please find me a girl to marry!” “Yes, my son”, said the old woman. “I will try. I am indeed very pleased to learn that you are already thinking of a wife.”By and by, the old woman went to look for a suitable girl to marry her son. She approached a pretty girl and asked her whether she would be interested in marrying her son and the girl, promised to think about it. Without disclosing her son’s physical defects to the girl, the old woman set about wooing her intensively. She brought all sorts of gifts to her mother, helped the girl to collect firewood and even helped her with the work in the shamba. Reluctantly the girl gave in and there upon requested the old woman to make the necessary arrangements so that she would meet the future husband. The old woman cunningly suggested that the girl should accompany her to her house where she would be able to meet the boy.

The old woman lived a long way from the girl’s village. On the day when the girl decided to visit her prospective bridegroom, she walked and walked until sunset. It was a very long journey indeed. When she eventually arrived, the old woman pretended that the young man was around and would appear shortly. The girl waited and waited but the boy did not appear at all. At bed time the girl was told that the boy was already in bed sleeping. She was shown a separate place to sleep, and thus no opportunity to either see or talk to the boy as would have been expected of people who were planning to live together. Very early in the morning the girl asked the old man, “ Please, where is the boy you want me to marry?” and the woman replied, “ My son woke up early in the morning and went to work in a different village yonder so that he can earn something for your bride price”

Although the girl was visibly disappointed, she tried to conceal her sentiments and appear to be at home with everything around the house. The old woman and the girl went to cultivate in a banana grove. While they were away the boy jumped out of the drum and busied himself about the house with the little chores singing:

Khanenuya munju, mwange, Khanenuye munju mwangeMkhasi nakikhali misilu, maji kakuombelesay musecha kacha Khuema, abele khuchuma nacha sina?Menyile, mukhang’oma, kurumba kuli khumukongo(Let me busy myself in my house. Aren’t women foolish? Mother fooledher. “Your husband has gone to work.” How could I have gone to work? I just live in my little drum because I have a hunchback.)

The girl heard the boy’s singing but it was so faint that she would neither comprehend the meaning of the song nor even make out as to which direction the sound came from. However, out of curiosity she stopped from time to time and listened. This went on for several days until she started to guess the meaning of the words in the song. On getting the message home, she was quite disturbed. Her suspicion was strengthened by the fact that each morning they left for the shamba without sweeping or washing utensils but on their return they found everything tidy about the house. One day she deceived the old woman by telling her that she was going to attend to the call of nature while in fact her intention was to discover the house and stood listening keenly at the door. She got really upset with the boy’s derogatory song. She pondered with herself, “ So this is my husband to be? A hunch back confined to drum? No wonder the old woman deceived me the way she did. What girl in proper senses could marry a man like that? Anyway what can I do now? I must put an end to this continued bluff…..”


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One morning she said to the old woman, “Mother, today will you go to look for firewood while I go to the plantation alone?” The old woman said, “Yes, my daughter, we can share work that way.” She had grown so used to the cheerful and friendly manner of the girl, thinking that she would not mind staying on as her daughter – in law even after discovering that her son was deformed. Indeed she was already contemplating making the revelation to her.

And so each went her separate way. But as soon as the old woman vanished from sight the girl dashed back and stood at the door which had now become a familiar ground for spying on the hunchback. She listened briefly as the boy sang mischievously inside the house. Then she stole a quick glance peeping through a side hole.To her amazement, she saw that he was a real hunchback! Quite oblivious, the boy went on sweeping the floor and singing. The girl felt that she could no longer stand it. She broke into the house suddenly with the intention of beating up the mischievous fellow. But before she could get hold of him he dodged nimbly and slipped back into the drum. Nonetheless, the girl fuming with anger picked up the drum and smashed it on the floor. A pool of blood started oozing from the broken drum. The poor hunchback was dead.Considering it appropriate revenge on the old woman the girl felt no remorse for the action she had taken. She rolled over the cold body of the hunchback as a lump of anger swelled up in her throat. When the old woman returned home and found the mess she had done in the house she screamed at the top of her voice, “ 00h , oh…. Uuuuwee…. Uuuuweeeeeee!” But it was all in vain. The deformed boy whom she had been ashamed of showing to the public was dead and gone forever! Yes, instead of feeling relieved by the burden of shame she now felt great anguish for this loss. After killing the hunchback the girl also disappeared never to be seen again. The poor old woman remained there weeping and feeling quite forlorn.


(a) Identify two socio – economic activities in the community. Support your answer with the evidence from the

story. (4mks)




What is the role of the song in the narrative? (2mks)



(b) Describe the character of: (4mks)

(i) The girl




(ii) The old woman



(c) Identify and illustrate any two moral lessons we learn from this narrative (4mks)




(d) How is the old woman to blame for the tragedy that befell her? (1mk)



(e) Place this narrative in its correct genre. (3mks)


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Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

Bury me in a free land

Make me a grave whatever you will,

In a lowly pain, or a lofty hill;

Make it among earth’s humblest graves’

But not in a land where men are slaves.

I could not rest if a round my grave

I heard the steps of a trembling slave;

His shadow above my silent tomb

Would make it a place of fearful gloom.

I could not rest if I heard the tread

Of a gang to the shambles led,

And the mother’s shriek of wild despair.

Rise like a curse on trembling air.

By France Watkins Harper (USA)

(i) Show the rhyme scheme of the poem and describe it (2mks)



ii) Give four pairs of rhyming words.



Identify four pairs of words that are pronounced the same way from the list below. (4mks) Plate flu ware herd rein mare wear

Rain had flew plait mere coach heard.

………………………………………………………..………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………..………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………..………………………………………………

iii) Study the oral literature form below and then answer the questions that follow

Mti mkuu ukigua, wana wa nyuni huyumba.

(when an old tree falls, the baby birds scramper)

a) Classify the above form of oral literature (2mks) ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………


b) Mention three features of style which are common in this form.(3mks) ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………




Page 8: €¦  · Web view2019-07-31 · I could not rest if a round my grave. I heard the steps of a trembling slave; His shadow above my silent tomb. Would make it a place of fearful gloom

c) Other than stylistic devices mention other major characteristics of the above form. (3mks) ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………


Farewell Achebe, the literary giant who wrote with a feathery touch

We lionise people too much when they die in this part of the world. But Chinua Achebe richly deserves all the praise he is getting.

The other literary giants of his age – Wole Soyinka and Ngugi wa Thiong’o – are both great in their own ways.

But the one thing that struck me about Achebe is that he seemed to write with a smile on his face. There was a playful sense of mischief. His sense of humour while addressing serious issues made him thoroughly readable.

I didn’t enjoy Things Fall Apart, possibly because I read it too young. I found Okwonkwo’s end too tragic at an age when all the stories I had heard about community heroes concluded in emphatic triumph.

The creditorBut for no particular reason, the story I remember most is the episode where an angry

creditor comes knocking on the door of Okwonkwo’s father, Unoka.The creditor was thoroughly worked up while Unoka was a picture of calm. After listening

to his creditor’s charges, Unoka pointed to a wall where he showed him several sticks he had drawn indicating how many sacks of yam he owed other people.

“I have many debtors who I owe far more than you but they have not come knocking on my door at dawn,” he said, though that’s not an exact quote (I’m writing this from the memory of books read as a teenager; the literary expert will write more accurate reviews). Here is Achebe addressing the subject of the balance between rashness and bravery in, I think, Anthills of the Savannah. “The coward watches the funerals of his brave neighbour from the dung heap in his compound.” You will struggle to find such multilayered wisdom away from Achebe.

Was it in A Man of the People where a thief barges at the door and the victim simply cries: “God will not agree!” The voice, with a Nigerian accent, pops directly from the page to your ears as you read it.

Something that unites the great writers of Achebe’s era is their direct political activism.The best recent summary of this is to be found in Soyinka’s excellent semi-autobiographical work,

You Must Set Forth at Dawn.The book offers a vivid portrait of the tragedy that is modern Nigeria. Through all the dramas of

coups and wars, the writers were never far from the action.Sadly, the ethnic tensions that will be familiar to Kenyans are never far from the surface.

Soyinka, a proud Yoruba, opposed the Biafra secession movement. Achebe, an Igbo, sided with Biafra. Soyinka tried to organise a conference of writers from both camps that would send a strong message of unity as the nation headed towards war. The Achebe camp boycotted, he writes. (I will now have to look for Achebe’s There was a Country to get his own version of events).

In Kenya, writers such as Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Micere Mugo were at the forefront in searching for solutions to the problems society faced, something that holds lessons for the current generation of writers.

Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieMy former colleague Munyori Buku attended a talk by Achebe at university where he told

them: oyiina kaenacho, zumarizu (where one thing stands, another stands beside it). Having not touched a work of fiction for a decade, I will test that proverb by reading Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun, which was recommended by Prof. Egara Kabaji in yesterday’s paper.

Meanwhile, we should celebrate, not mourn, Achebe. He achieved a feat only a few dozen people ever will. His work belongs in the category of “permanent literature”. It will be read for as long as man lives.

2(a) What aspect of Achebe’s literary works made them readable? (2 marks)





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(b) How can we tell that the author doesn’t read much. (2 marks)





(c) Identify an instance of irony in the passage. (2 marks)





(d) In note form, relate the encounter between Unoka and his debtor as brought out in the passage.(4 marks)




____________________________________________________________________________(e) What can the current generation of writers in Kenya learn from Ngugi wa Thiong’o and

Micere Mugo?(2 marks)





(g) It will be read as long as man lives. (Add a question tag). (1 mark)





(h) What is common among the great writers of Achebe’s era? (2 marks)


(i) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage. (3 marks)


Page 10: €¦  · Web view2019-07-31 · I could not rest if a round my grave. I heard the steps of a trembling slave; His shadow above my silent tomb. Would make it a place of fearful gloom

(i) Boycotted: _____________________________________________________________


(a) For each of the following words, write another word that is pronounced the same way.


(i) Assistance: ……………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Him: …………………………………………………………………………………..

(iii) Cellar:…………………………………………………………………………………

(iv) Floor:………………………………………………………………………………….

(v) Sees:………………………………………………………………………………….

(b) Circle the odd word from the following groups of words according to the underlined vowel sound(s)


(i) Pulse further fur nurse

(ii) Book zoom shoot boot

(iii) Have fame race fate

(iv) Shake brake same sudden

(v) Barn ban bag hag

(c) Your class has learnt that there is a live performance of the literature texts at a local theatre. The first person

they plan to see is the principal. You being their class prefect is sent to discuss the issue, fill in the missing


Principal: Come in please, Good afternoon.

You: ……………………………………………………………………... (1mk)

Principal: Oh… Yes what can I do for you?

You: ………………………………………………………………………(1mk)

Principal: (Looking straight at the student, voice raised). How do I come in? I

thought this is a departmental affair. Have you discussed the matter with your subject


You: ………………………………………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………………….. (2mks)

Principal: Any issues on academic trips should actually be brought to me by

your teacher.

You: ……………………………………………………………………… (1mk)

Principal: Anyway since the trip will be of good help to all form four students,

I will have a meeting with your teacher.

You: ………………………………………………………………………………..

................................................................................................. (1mk)

Principal: Oh, when is the performance taking place and what are the charges?

You: ………………………………………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………………….. (2mks)

Principal: That is too soon. Anyway you can leave.


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1. Eleza jinsi nchi ya sagamoyo imefanana na nchi za Kiafrika. (hoja 20)

2. Eleza jinsi mbinu ya majazi ilivyojitokeza katika tambthilia ya kigogo.

3. Eleza sifa za majika.

4. FASIHI SIMULIZIEwe kiliziUlozowea kujifichaNyuma ya mama kujikinga, dhidi ya milioYa radi ilo juu mbinguniJua kesho ni siku ya sikuSiku ya kujua mbichi na mbivuKutofautisha jogoo na vipira

Ngariba taposhika, chake kijembeNdipo utakapojua bayaniUkoo wetu sio w kunguruIkiwa hu tayariKisu kakidhihakiSidhubutu kamwe, wanjani kuingiaSije kuniaibisha miye, amiyo na akraba nzima!

1. a) Tambua kipera hiki ala.1…………………………………………………………………………………………………….


b) Fafanua sifa za kipera ulichotaja hapo juu ala.5…………………………………………………………………………………………………….






2. a) Eleza maana ya misimu ala.1…………………………………………………………………………………………………….


b) Fafanua njia tatu kwa kutolea mifano jinsi misimu inavyoundwa ala.3…………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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…………………………………………………………………………………………5. FASIHI ANDISHI:TAMTHILIA –KIGOGO1. “Huduma muhimu ziletwe karibu pia; si hospitali si barabara si maji safi, si vyoo, si nguvu za umeme, si elimu.”a) Eleza muktadha wa dondoo ala.4…………………………………………………………………………………………………….




b) Eleza mbinu ya lugha iliyotumika katika dondoo ala.2…………………………………………………………………………………………………….


c) Jadili sifa tatu za msemaji ala.3…………………………………………………………………………………………………….



d) Thibitisha namna usaliti ulivyokithiri katika sagamoyo ala.11…………………………………………………………………………………………………….












MATHEMATICS FORM TWONAME: ……………………………….…………………………. ADM NO. ………… CLASS …..

1. Evaluate using tables √21. 32+1982

0 .3247 (4 mks)


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2. Solve for x in the equation 9 ( x−3 )×81(1−x )= 1

27x(3 mks)

3. Find the x and y intercept of a line whose equation is 4x – 3y = 9. (2 mks)

4. Determine the equation of the perpendicular to the line 4x – 3y = 9 and passing through p(4, 3) (2 mks)

5. The masses of two similar containers are 200g and 250g. If the area of the base of the smaller container is 100cm2, find the area of the base of the larger container. (3 mks)

6. Use logarithms to evaluate 0 .072842

0.06195 (4 mks)

7. Two polygons are such that the ratio of the sum of their interior angles is 4:5. If one polygon has 2 mores sides than the other, find the number of sides of the larger polygon. (3 mks)

8. The figure below represents a racing track measuring 90m by 70m. Each end of the track is a semi- circle of diameter 70m. Find the number of laps one has to make to complete a 10,000m race. (3 mks)

9. A trader bought some computers from USA at a price of us 4500. At what price must he sell them in Kenya, having paid an import tax of Ksh. 9,000 and wants to make a 10% profit (1us$ = Ksh 72)

10. In the figure below, triangle ABCE is smaller to triangle ACD. Calculate the length of BC. (3 mks)

11. Chuchi, Karanu and Nding’ori are 3 causals in a Juakali shop. Chichi earns twice as much as Kamau and Nding’ori earn sh. 70 more than chichi. Their total earnings are SH. 1,120. Express the ration of their earnings as chichi, Karanu and Nding’ori. (3 mks)


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12. 10 people can dig 2 acres of land in 7 days. How long will 8 people working at half the rate of the first group take to dig 1 acre of land. (3 mks)

13. The sum of 2 numbers is 5. The difference between 5 times the first number and 3 times the second number is 17. Find the two numbers. (3 mks)

14. Given that cos (x-20) =sin (2x+32) and x is an acute angle, find x. (3 mks)

15. A company sells cereals in boxes which measure 10cm by 25 cm by 35cm. They make special edition box which is mathematically similar to the original box. The volume of the special edition box is 15120cm3. Determine its dimensions. (3 mks)

16. An electric pole is supported to stand vertically on a level ground by a tight wire. The wire is pegged at a distance of 6m from the foot of the pole. The angle the wire makes with the ground is 3 times the angle it makes with the pole. Determine the length of the wire the nearest centimeter.

(4 mks)

17. Use reciprocal tables to evaluate giving your answer correct to 3 significant figures. (3 mks)

100 .834

− 3129 .64

18. Under an enlargement transformation point A(1, -4) is mapped onto A1(2, 5) with a scale factor 3. Find the centre of enlargement. (2 mks)

19. Given that Cos A=5/13 and angle A is acute, find the value of 2 tan A + 3 sin A. (3 mks)

20. If tan θ=8/15, find the value of

Sinθ−Cos θCos θ+Sin θ (3 mks)

21. The sum of three consecutive odd integers is 219. Determine the three integers. (3 mks)

22. Without using tables, evaluate


Log 2−Log18 (3 mks)


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23. (a) On a graph paper plot the points A(1, 2), B (2, 2), C (2, 1) and D (3, 3) and join them to form quadrilateral ABCD. (2 mks)

(b) (i) On the same grid draw quadrilateral A1B1C1D1 which is the image of ABCD under an enlargement centre P(1, 1), scale factor 3. (3 mks)

(ii) State the coordinates of vertices A1B1C1D1.

(c ) On the same axes draw quadrilateral A11B11C11D11 with vertices

A11(-2, 1), B11(-2, 2) C11(-1, 2) and D11(-3, 3) (2 mks)

(d) Describe fully the transformation T which maps ABCD onto A11B11C11D11. (2 mks)

24. (a) A triangle has vertices A (2, 5), B(1, -2) and C(-5, 1). Determine (i) The equation of line BC on the triangle. (3 mks) (ii) The equation of the perpendicular line from A to BC. (3 mks)(b) Draw horizontal line segment BC=8cm from point B. Using a pair of compasses, a set square and a ruler only, construct another line BX such that <CBX=37.50. Using line BX, subdivide line BC into 7 equal parts. (4 mks)

25. Two tanks are similar in shape. The capacity of the tanks are 1,000,000 litres and 512,000 litres respectively.

(a) Find the height of the smallest tank if the larger is 300cm tall. (4 mks)(b) Calculate the surface area of the larger tank if the smaller tank has a surface area of 1200m2. (3 mks)(c ) Estimate the mass of the smaller tank if the mass of the larger one is 800kg. (3 mks)

26. The table below give a field book showing the results of a survey of a section of a piece of land between A and E. All measurements are in metres.

(a) Draw the plot using a suitable scale. (5 mks)15


  100  95 TO D 95  

  90TO F 36

C 21 70  

B 42 30  

  25 G 25

  0 H 40


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(b) Calculate the area of this piece of land in hectares. (5 mks)27. Four towns R, T, K and G are such that T is 84 km directly to the North of R and K is on a bearing of 2950 from R at a distance of 60km. G is on a bearing of 3400 from k on a distance of 30km. Using a scale of 1cm rep 10km, show the positions of the 4 towns. (4 mks) Find (a) The distance and bearing of T from K. (2 mks)

(b) The distance and bearing of G from T. (2 mks)(c ) The bearing of R from G. (2 mks)

28. The vertices of Quadrilateral OPQR are O(0, 0), P (2, 0), Q(4, 2) and R(0, 3). The vertices of its image under the rotation are O1(1,-1) P1(1, -3), Q1(3, -5) and R1(4, -1).

(a) On the grid provided draw OPQR and its image O1P1Q1R1. (2 mks)(b) Determine the angle and the centre of rotation. (3 mks)(c) On the same grid draw O11P11Q11R11, the image of O1P1Q1R1 under reflection on the line

y=x. (2 mks)

(d) State the pairs that are:(i) Directly congment. (1 mk)

(ii) Oppositely congment. (2 mks)

29. (a) If Log102 = 0.3010, log103=0.4771 and log107 = 0.8451 Find (a) Log104 (2 mks) (b) Log1042 (2 mks) (c ) Log10(2/3) (2 mks) (b) Express in index notation (i) Log864=2 (1 mk)

(ii) Log21=0 (1 mk)

(c ) Evaluate

2. 36373 (2 mks)

30. The diagram below shows a trapezium with vertices ABCD.

(a) Find the gradient of BC hence the equations of lines CD and AD. (3 mks)(b) Find the coordinates of D. (2 mks)(c) Calculate the length of line a) BC (1 mk)

b) AD (1 mk)


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(d) Calculate the area of the trapezium. (2 mks)


1. What are the two functions of bile salts during the process of digestion? 2. State three adaptations of aquatic plants to photosynthesis3. A biological washing detergent contains enzymes which remove stains like mucus and oils

from clothes which are soaked in water with the detergent:-4. Name two groups of enzymes that are present in detergent5. Explain why stains would be removed faster with the detergent in water at 35oC rather than

at 15oC6. Name the diseases caused by deficiency of : (a) Iodine

i. (b) Vitamin C7. Name two enzymes and one metal ion that are needed in the blood clotting process 8. The diagram below shows how food boles move along the human oesophogus and the


(a) Identify the process illustrated in the diagram9. Briefly state how the movement of food boles from position 1 to position 2 is achieved(a)Name one component of a persons diet that assists in the movement of food described in

(b) above10. State two adaptations of herbivores which enable them to digest cellulose11. Name the component of a persons diet that is essential for peristalisis

12. Give two groups of food which are reabsorbed along the mammalion digestive system without undergoing digestion

13. State three roles of light in photosynthesis14. State two ways in which the guard cells differ their adjacent epidermal cell17. A solution of sugar cane was boiled with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate was added to the solution, which was then boiled with Benedicts solution. An orange precipitate was formed.(a) Why was the solution boiled with hydrochloric acid and then sodium hydrogen carbonate

added in it(b) To which class of carbohydrates does sugar cane belong?(c) State the form in which carbohydrates are:

(i) Transported in animals17

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(ii) Transported in plants 18. In an experiment to investigate on aspect of digestion, two test tubes A and B were set-up as shown in the diagram below;

The test tubes were left in the bath for 30minutes.The content of each test tube was then tested forstarch using iodine solution:-(a) What was the aim of the experiment?(b) What results were expected in test-tube A and B(c) Account of the results you have given in (b) above in test tube A and B

19. State three ways by which the rate of enzyme controlled reactions can be increased.2. Transport in (a) plants (b) animals1. State three adaptations of red blood cells to their functions.2.. How are sieve tube elements adapted to their function3. State three factors that maintain transpiration stream4. (a) List three forces that facilitate the transport of water and mineral salts up the stem. (b) Name the tissue that is removed when the bark of a dicotyledonous plant is ringed.7. (a) State three structural differences between arteries and veins in mammals(b)Name a disease that causes thickening and hardening of arteries 8. Identify two forces that help in upward movement of water in plants9. (a)Distinguish between tissue fluid and lymph(b) Explain why deficiency of vitamin K leads to excessive bleeding even from small cut 10. Name the type of circulatory system found in the phylum Arthropoda11. Name the blood vessel that nourishes the heart12. (a)In which form is oxygen transported in the blood.(b)Why do plants not take in oxygen during the day although they need it for respiration 14.Name a disease of the blood characterized by excessive production of white blood cells15. State two functions of the xylem vessels,16. List two structural adaptations that make xylem vessels suitable to their function17.Why is it dangerous to sleep in an enclosed room with a burning jiko18. A woman gave birth to a child of blood group B+ (B positive). Name the two antigens that determined her child’s blood group.19. A transfusion of RH+ blood was given to a patient with Rh- blood. After one week a similartransfusion was given to the same patient. What was likely to be the effect of the second transfusion?20. (a) Identify the part of the heart that initiates the heart beat(b) Give a reason why the left ventricle muscles are thicker than the right ventricles muscles(c) State the forms in which carbon (IV) oxide is transported in the blood 21. Explain how the following adaptation reduce transpiration in xerophytes

(a) Sunken stomata(b) Thick waxy cuticle

22. Describe the functions of the various components of the mammalian bloodGaseous exchange in (a) plants (b animals1. (a)Name the site of gaseous exchange during breathing in mammals.


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(b) State three characteristics of the site named in (a) above2. Identify the surfaces of gaseous exchange in the following:-(i) Paramecium;(ii) Roots;(iii) Frog;3. Name two gaseous exchange sites in amphibians. 4. What is the importance of counter current flow in the exchange of gases in a fish5. State two ways in which the surface area of the fish filaments is increased for efficient gaseous exchange.6. State how the tracheal system in insects is adapted for gaseous exchange.7. Name three sites where gaseous exchange takes place in terrestrial plants.8. The diagram below represents a section of the human respiratory system:

(a) One can inhale through path A, or B. Giving reasons, state the more appropriate path.(b) How is the part labbelled C adapted for its function?(c) Explain the effect of regular tobacco smoking to the functioning on the organ labelled D10. (a)How is the structure of mammalian gaseous exchange system adapted to its functions (b)Describe the mechanism of opening and closing of the stomata using the photosynthetic theory11. Describe the mechanism of inhalation in man3. Respiration1. Distinguish between gaseous exchange and respiration2. (a)Name the products of anaerobic respiration in plants(b) State two phases of aerobic respiration(c) With a reason, state the phase that yields more energy3. A process that occurs in plants is represented by the equation below:-

C6H16O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + Energy(Glucose) (Ethanol) (Carbon (IV) Oxide)

(a) Name the process.(b) State the economic importance of the process named in (a) above4. Give a reason why it is difficult to calculate respiratory quotient (RQ) in plants5. (a) Explain what is meant by the term oxygen debt in human beings(b)What are the end products of anaerobic respiration in animals?6. The apparatus below was set up by a student to find out the changes in gases duringGermination.


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(a) After 48 hours the level of water in the U-tube at A and B was as shown. Explain the observation(b) Calculate the respiration quotient (RQ) from the equation below:-2C51H98O6+145O2 102 CO2 + 98H2O + Energyc) Identify the substrate being respired in the above equation7. (a)(i) Where in a cell does glycolysis take place?

(ii) Name the product of the above process(b) Briefly explain Kreb’s cycle in a plant cell during anaerobic respiration.



FORM 2 TERM 2 PHYSICS HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT1. State what waves as a branch of physics entails?

(1 mark)2. State one factor to be considered when selecting the instrument to be used to measure length.

3. In an experiment a student filled a burette with a liquid to the 30.0 cm3 mark. After dipping a pebble of mass 20.0 g and density 2500 kg/m3, find the new reading of the burette. (3 marks)

4. A tin-lead alloy of mass 25.5 g has a volume of 3.0 cm3.if the density of tin and lead are 12.5g/cm3 and 8.0 g/cm3 respectively. Determine the mass of each metal in the alloy. (3 marks)5. a) State one type of non contact force.

(1 mark) b) Explain the use the detergents in washing clothes. (2 marks)

6. The air pressure at the base of a mountain is 75cmHg and the top is 64cmHg. Calculate the height of the mountain. (Take the density of air = 1.25g/m3 and density of mercury = 13.6g/cm3). (3 marks)

7. State the principle used in transmission of pressure in fluids. (1 mark)


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8. A hydraulic jack has an effort piston of cross-section area of 200mm2 and load pistons of cross section area of 100cm2 calculate the force required to raise a load of 800N. (3 marks)

9. Figure 3 below shows apparatus used to compare the rates of diffusion of gases.

Water is observed to rise up the glass tube. Explain this observation.(2 marks)

10. a) The room temperature in a day was recorded as 27.0 oc. determine the temperature in its SI units. ( 1 mark)

b) State and explain the effect of heating a metal bar on its density. (3 marks

11. a) In a cold day two form 3 students were observed. One was wearing a tight pullover and the one had a buggy pullover. The one with tight pullover was seen shivering. Explain the observation.

(b) When a gas is turned on and lit above the wire gauze the flame stay above the wire gauze for some time. Explain the observation. (2marks) (c)Explain two mechanisms by which heat is transferred through a conductor. (2marks)

12. a) Give two differences between images formed by pinhole camera and those formed by a plane mirrors. ( 2marks

14. a) State two uses of un-charged electroscope. (2marks (b)A conductor is slowly brought near the cap of positively charged electroscope. The leaf first collapse and then diverges.

(i)State the charge on the conductor (1 mark) (ii)Explain the observation. (2marks)


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15. a) State one advantage of lead acid accumulators over alkaline accumulators. (1mark) (b)State one advantage and one disadvantages of connecting cells in parallel. (2 marks) (c)Define the term polarisation as used in simple cell. (1 mark)16. a) Define the term magnetic line of force. (1 mark) (b)What are consequent poles (1 mark)17. In an experiment to estimate the thickness of an oil molecule, an oil drop of diameter 0.042cm spread to form a patch of radius of 10.5 cm. Determine by stating assumption and leaving your answer in SI units and scientific form.

i) Volume of the oil drop. (3 marks)

ii) Area of the patch formed by the oil. (2 marks)

iii) Thickness of oil molecule. (3 marks)

18. State the principle of moments (1 mark)19. a) State two ways in which a Bunsen burner is designed to maintain stability. (2 marks) (b) A uniform meter rule of negligible weight is balanced by weights 0.3N and 0.2N suspended from its ends. Find the position of its pivot. (3 marks)20. State the motor rule (1 mark)21. a) Define the term principal focus as used in convex mirrors (1 mark) (b) A convex mirror of focal length 9.0cm produces an image on its axis 6.0cm from the mirror. Determine the position of the object. (3 marks)


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22.State the SI unit of spring constant (1 mark)25. Water flowing with a velocity of 12m/s in 6cm diameter enter a narrow pipe of diameter 2cm. calculate the velocity of the water in the narrow pipe. (3 marks)

26. a) Water waves were observed as they pass affixed point at rate of 30 crests per minute. A particular wave crest takes 2.0 seconds to travel between two fixed points 6.0cm apart. Determine:

i) The frequency (1mark)ii) Wavelength (2marks)

b) A girl stand at a distance of 2.0m in front of a plane mirror and a boy stand at a distance of 3.0m in front of the same mirror. Determine How far from the boy is the girl’s image in the mirror. (2marks).

27. State why razor blade floating on water sink when a detergent is added. (1mark)

28. a) State the precaution that is taken when charging the metal object. (1 mark)

b) A highly negatively charged rod was brought slowly toward a cap of positively charged leaf electroscope. It is observed the leaf initially collapses and then diverges. Explain this observation

29. Dry cells become wet after use. Explain. (1mark)30. Other than the silvering on plane mirror peel off, state two reasons

why prisms are preferred over ordinary plane mirrors on making optical instruments (2marks)

31. a)Define the term direction of magnetic field at a point (1mark) b) One method of producing a weak magnet is to hold a steel rod in north south direction and then hammer continuously for some time. Using the domain theory of magnetism. Explain how this method works (2marks)Water flows on a horizontal smooth pipes state the change that would be observed in the nature of the flow if the speed of the water is steadily increased from a low to high value.



“Read and make notes on Democracy and Home rights.”

.CHINGA BOYS HIGH SCHOOLAUGUST HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENTFORM TWO GEOGRAPHYCLIMATEa(Distinction between weather and climate1)D ifferentiate between and climate2)L ist down the elements of weather.3)Complete the table below.Weather element Instrument


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Humidity a)

b) windvane

Speed of wind c)Sunshine d)e) Rain gaugef) Barometer

b)Factors influencing climate.4)List nine factors that influence climate.5)a)Define the term latitude.b)Name three elements of climate that are influenced by latitude.c)Explain how latitude influences the elements named in b) above.6 a)__________________ refers to height above sea level.b)Name three elements of climate that are influenced by altitude.c)Explain how altitude influences the elements named in b) above.d) Define the term temperature inversion.e) Explain three causes of temperature inversion.7 a)Distance from the sea is also referred to as __________________.b) Explain how distance from the sea influences: Rainfall, humidity and temperatures.c)What is the name given to climates of areas whose temperatures are influenced by:i)The sea ii)Remoteness from the sea.8 a) Define configuration of the coastline.b) Explain the effects the configuration of the coastline has on the temperatures of a place.c) Below around Mombasa in the south of the Kenya coast receive a high mean annual rainfall of about 1100mm. On the same coastline, but to the north, Lamu receives a mean annual rainfall of about 930mm. Explain why this so.9 a) Name two types of ocean currents.b) Name two major elements of climate influenced by ocean currents.c) Explain how ocean currents influence the elements named in b) above.d)Below is amap of Africa showing various ocean currents.Use it to answer the questions that follow.`i) Name the oceans currents labelled A-E.ii) Indicate whether each of the ocean current identified in i) above is warm or cold.iii) I dentify the deserts labelled X and Y.iv) Explain why the area marked X is a desert.10 a) Define the term aspect.b) How does aspect influence the climate of a place?11 a) Define wind.b) What causes wind?C)Explain the influence of wind to the climate of a place.d) What are local winds?e) Give four examples of local winds.f) With the aid of well labelled diagrams explain the difference between land breeze a sea breeze.g) Distinguish between Anabatic and Katabatic winds.h) What is a prevailing wind?12 a) Define an air mass.b)Explain how air masses influence the climate of a place.c) State two conditions that the source region of an air mass must meet.d) Name four air masses that are classified according to the source region.


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e) What is a front?.f) What is meant by the term ITCZ?g) State four characteristics of the ITCZ.h) Why is the ITCZ not a true front?i) Explain why some areas in the tropics experience two seasons of heavy rainfall (double maxima).j) Draw a sketch of the map of Africa and show the position of the ITCZ in January.13 Explain four ways in which each of the following factors influence climate.

a) Forestsb) Human activities

C) Distribution and characteristics of climatic regions in Kenya14. Identify six climatic regions found in Kenya.15.Draw a neat sketch of the map of Kenya and on, show the climatic regions identified in 15 above.16.Kenya lies astride the equator but it does not enjoy a truly equatorial climate.Explain why this so.17.Name and describe the type of climate found in the following regions.a) The Lake Victoria Basin.b) The Central Highlandsc) The North Eastern and most of Eastern Kenyad) Narok, Taita and Kwale regionse) The Central parts of northernKenya18.Identify the climate described below.i) Rainfalls throughout the year.ii) Double maxima between may and October.iii) Humidity is high throughout the year.iv)High temperatures throughout the year, with mean annual temperatures of 27cv) The hottest months are December and January.19. Use the data given below from station X in Kenya to answer the questions that follow.Month Temperatures(c) Rainfall(mm)

January 29 7February 29 8

March 30 22April 30 50May 30 24June 28 9July 29 18August 29 10September 30 6October 30 10November 29 16December 29 11

a) Identify the type of climate experienced in station X.b) Name any two places where the figures in the table might have been taken from.c) Give any three characteristics of the climate depicted by the table above.d) Calculate the mean annual temperature of station X.20. Name the type of climate found in each of the following areas in Kenya.a)Meru b)Mombasa c)Kisumu


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d)Nyeri e)Wajir f)TaitaHills21. Name three deserts found in Kenya.d) Distribution and characteristics of climatic regions in Kenya

Hot climates22.Name seven types of hot climates.23. Gives characteristics of each type of climate identified in 22) above.24. Identified each type of climate described below.a)__It occurs mainly between latitudes 5N and 5S of the equator but can extend to 10 north or south .


CHAPTER 4THE GALILEAN MINISTRY JESUS REJECTION AT NAZARETH1. In what way is God’s power demonstrated in the healing miracles of Jesus?`2. Give five lessons that a Christian can learn about the nature of Jesus from the incident

when he cast out a demon from the man in a synagogue at Capernaum. 3. Give the reasons why Pharisees were referred to as hypocrites by Jesus.4. Identify five ways through which Jesus prepared the disciples for his coming death.5. What should be the qualities of an evangelist in Kenya today?6. a) Outline what Angle Gabriel revealed about John the Baptist when he

announced his birth to Zechariah. (6 mks)b) From the story of the early life of Jesus up to twelve years, identify ways

through which he is seen as coming from a poor background. (8mks)c) Give reasons why children should take part in church activities (6mks)

7. Give reasons why Jesus used parables8. Discuss the reasons why Jesus faced oppositions from the Jewish religious leaders 9. Identify various methods used by Christians in spreading the gospel today10. Relate the miracle in which Jesus cast out evil spirit from a man at Capernaum11. Explain ways in which the disciples of Jesus showed their support to his ministry.12. State the obstacles Christian’s leaders face as they do their work.13. Explain why Jesus was rejected in Nazareth his home town14. State the lessons that Christians learn about Jesus in his temptations in the wilderness15. Give reasons why many people still reject the good news.16. Identify the qualities of the disciples according to Jesus.

CHAPTER FIVESOME WORKS AND TEACHINGS OF JESUS THE HEALING OF THECENTURION’S SERVANT1. What was the importance of transfiguration to the ministry of Jesus?2. Discuss the teachings of Jesus in the parable of the sower.


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3. With reference to the life ministry of Jesus identify activities which show that He was a worker

4. What was the significance of the transfiguration of Jesus to His disciples?5. Identify actions which show that Jesus loved the needy6. Relate the story of the feeding of the five thousand.7. List five lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the miracles of healing8. Give five qualities of the Roman Centurion who requested Jesus to heal his servant.9. What lessons fid the disciples of Jesus learn from the miracle of the feeding of the five

thousand?10. State reasons why Jesus healed the sick.11. Outline the story of the raising of the widow’s son at Nain12. Identify ways through which the church continues with the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.13. Describe the healing of the Garasene demoniac in Luke 8: 26-39 (8mks)14. Narrate the parable of the lamp under a bowl.15. What lessons do Christians learnt from the parable of a lamp under a bowl?16. How can Christians share their spiritual knowledge?17. Describe the incident when Jesus’ true family came looking for him18. What lessons do Christians learnt from the story of the family of Jesus?19. What were the major themes brought out in the parable?20. Describe how Jesus calmed the storm21. State Jesus teaching about forgiveness from the account of the adulterous woman22. Give an account of the feeding of the 500023. Describe the person of Jesus and his destiny.


AGRICULTURE FORM TWONAME: ............................................................................................ADM NO. ............. CLASS ...........1. Name one breed of livestock under each of two following categories. (4 mrks)

(a) Dairy cattle (b) Dual purpose cattle

(c ) Dual purpose sleep

(d) hair goat

2. Give five reasons for keeping dairy animals healthy. (5 mrks)

3. State four reasons why dorper is good for mutton production. (4 mrks)

4. Explain how each of the following is measured in cattle.(i) Blood temperature (2 mks) (ii) Respiratory rate (2 mks)

(iii) Pulse rate (2 mks)

5. State four features of large white breed of pigs. (4


6. Explain five factors that affect digestibility of a food material. (5 mrks)


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7. Give four reasons for intercropping in crop production. 4


8. State four minimum tillage practices. (2


9. Give four reasons why burning of land is discouraged. (2


10. State the meaning of each of the following terms.(a) Crop production (1

mrk)(b) Pruning (1


(c ) Rogueing (1


11. State four characteristics of a good site for a nursery bed. (2


12. A farmer is advised to apply 60kg N, 20kg P2O5 and 30kg K2O per hectare. Calculate the quantity of urea (46%N), single super phosphate (20%P2O5) and muriate of potash (50%K2O) the farmer should apply on his 10 hectares of land. (5 mrks)13. Describe five ways in which biotic factors influence agricultural production. (5 mrks)

14. State two ways by which agriculture promotes the growth of industries in a country. (1mk)

15. Give four conditions that lead to small scale farming. (2 mks)

16. State four ways in which HIV victims affect agriculture production. (2mks)

17. State three benefits of a good soil structure to crop production. (2mks)

18. Distinguish between candinal and optimum temperatures in crop production. (2mks)

19. Name two implements used to carry out secondary operations.


20. Give four objectives of secondary cultivation. (2 mks)

21. Give two conditions which make it necessary to use a nursery in crop establishment. (1mk)

22. State four effects of over application of nitrogenous fertiliser in tomatoes.



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23. Give three reasons for discouraging the use of fire in clearing land during seedbed preparation.


24. Write down two forms in which element phosphorous is available to crops. (1 mk)

25. List four methods used to drain farmland. (2mks)

26. What are perishable crops. (1 mk)

27. State three factors considered when grading tomatoes for fresh market. (3 mks)

28. List four advantages of using green manure in a farm. (2 mks)

29. State four features of breeding records in cattle. (2mks)30. Discuss the general methods of controlling livestock diseases.


31. List one tool used in tightening barbed wire when constructing a fence.

(½ mk)

32. State four reasons for maintaining wheelbarrow in the farm.


33. (a)(i) Name any two dairy goats that can be reared by a farmer.

(1mk) (b) State any six practices carried out to improve the production of low yielding dairy goat.

(3mks)34. The recommended rate of top dressing maize is 200kg per hectare. If CAN contains 25% N, how many 50kg bags CAN should a farmer apply to 025ha of maize crop to achieve the above rate. (3mks) 35. State signs of good health on a dairy cow. (7mks)36. Give six predisposing factors of livestock diseases and for each give an example of a disease.

(9mks)37. Give five general causes of livestock diseases. (5mks)

38. Define the following terms as used in livestock rearing. (a) Isolation (2mks) (b) Quarantine (2mks)

(c ) Zoonotic diseases (2mks)


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(d) Prophylactic drugs (2mks)

39. State five effects of external parasites on livestock. (5mks)

40. (a) What is chitting. (2mks)

(b) Name two chemicals used during chitting of irish potato setts. (2mks)

41. (a) Give four methods of tsetsefly control. (4mks)

(b) Give two harmful effects of tsetsefly on livestock (2mks) (c ) Name four development stages of a tick. (2mks)42. Describe the life cycle of a two-host tick. (8mks)43. Give three causes of blossom end-rot diseases in tomatoes. (3mks)

44. What do you understand from the term shifting cultivation? (1mk)

45. Define the following terms:-(a) Apiculture (1/2mks)

(b) Arable farming (1/2mks)

46. State four biotic factors that affect agriculture. (2mks)47. State four components of soil. (2mks)

48. When is opportunity cost said to be zero. (2mks)

49. Name two types of labour records. (2mks)50. Define the following terms as used in livestock production. (2mks)(a) Billy (b) Capon

51. What is the function of the following layers while making a compost manure. (2mks)(i) Ash (ii) Top soil

52. State three cultivation practices that can lead to water pollution. (3mks)

53. State three tertiary operations carried out to suit production of certain crops. (3mks)

54. State three types of layering using in Kenya propagation crops. (3mks)

55. Differentiate between intercropping. (2mks)(a) Intercropping(b) Mixed cropping

56. Outline three symptoms of potassium deficiency in crops. (3mks)

57. State four ways used to apply fertilizer in a field crops. (2mks)

58.(i) State and explain five importance of crop rotation. (5mks)

(ii) State the importance why a farmer is advised to drain water from a piece of land. (2mks)

59.(a) Discuss the production of cabbage under the following sub-topics.

(i) Ecological requirements. (3mks)

(ii) Nursery Establishment (5mks)

(iii) Field management (6mks)


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(c ) State six characteristics of fertile soil (6mks)



1. Boda boda/motorcyles have become popular in Kenya today. Outline four demerits of this mode of transport. (4 mks)2. State four advantages of having a dry port or an inland container depot. (4 mks)3. Highlight four circumstances under which one would prefer to transport goods by rail instead of road. (4 mks)4. Outline four benefits that Kenya will get by making pipeline extensions throughout the country for transporting oil. (4 mks)5. Explain five contributions of an efficient transport system to the economic development of a country. (10 mks)6. Discuss four factors that have hindered the expansion of railway transport in Kenya. (8 mks)7. Explain five measures that the government can take so as to improve the efficiency of the road transport system in the country. (10 mks)8. State four circumstances under which sign/language may be used in carrying out business activities.

(4 mks)

9. Highlight four advantages of sending parcels by courier services. (4 mks)10. State five types of information that a manager may communicate to the juniors. (4 mks)11. Explain five ways in which mobile phones have contributed to business development in Kenya.

10 mks)

12. Outline four factors that a trader would consider in locating a warehouse. (4 mks)13. State four benefits that a government get from a bonded warehouse. (4 mks)14. In which four ways are consumers likely to suffer in a situation where there is no warehousing. 15. Explain five features you would consider in establishing a warehouse for imported goods. (10 mks)


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16. Outline four risks against which a shopkeeper may insure. (4 mks)17. State three features of insurable interest. (3 mks)18. KAMAT owned a motor vehicle valued at Sh. 1,000,000. He comprehensively insured the car at Sh. 800,000. The motor vehicle was involved in an accident and declared a write off. Calculate the amount Kamat should get from the insurer. (4 mks)19. State four differences between life assurance and general insurance. (4 mks)20. Highlight four factors that make an insurance contract valid. (4 mks)21. Draw four differences between whole life policy and endowment policy. (8 mks)22. Explain five benefits that could be enjoyed by a person who decides to take an endowment policy. (10 mks)23. Explain five circumstances that make it necessary for insurance companies to re-insure. (10 mks)24. Describe the procedure for making an insurance claim. (4 mks)25. Explain five roles played by insurance industry in promoting the development of Kenyan economy. (10 mks)


FORM TWO1. a) Define the term mail-merge 2mks

b) Name two files commonly used in mail merge. 2mksc) Name and explain the two types of dropcaps 2mksd) Give a reason for each of the following:-

i. Changing a password regularly; 1mkii. Typing and re-typing a new password when changing it. 1mk

e) List three paragraph formatting features of word processor 3mksf) Describe two uses of a title bar in a document. 2mksg) Differentiate between copy and cut 2mksh) Differentiate between Sentence case and Title case 2mksi) Define the term cropping. 1mkj) Explain any two problems one may encounter while printing a document. 2mks

2. Define the following terms:- 3mksa. Rangeb. Valuec. Function

3. (a) Give any two advantages of electronic spread sheet over manual work 2mks

(b) Define cell referencing? 1mk

(c) Distinguish between a worksheet and a workbook 2mks4. A computer accessories vendor needs to order supplies. A spreadsheet is used to calculate the order part of

which is shown below.32

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Mouse Scanner



128 MB RAM





Floppy Drive

CD Drive


A B C D1 Item Price per unit Number ordered Cost (Kshs)2 56K Modem 8,565.00 603 128 MB RAM 4,950.00 404 Pentium IV Processor 13,525.00 555 Total

a. Write the formula that can be used in:- 2mksi. D2ii. D5

b. If a value added tax (VAT) of 16% was charged on each item and the number ordered was decreased by 10%, write a new formula that can be used in D2. 3mks

5. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

From the diagram:i. Name two devices that are used for long term storage. 2mksii. Name three peripheral devices shown on the diagram that are used for input. 3mks iii. With reference to quality of print, noise level and cost, compare a dot matrix with a laser printer

2mks.6. Differentiate between Data and Information.                                    1mk7. State two characteristics of a minicomputer. 1mk8. (a) What is a computer bus? 1mrk

(b)  Name and describe 3 types of computer bus.                            3mks 9. Define the following terms: - 3mks

a. Firmware b. Operating systemc. Booting

10. The advertising department has recently purchased an image-editing software package for one of its workstation computers. This computer is accessible to all employees.

a) Identify THREE hardware specification requirements other than RAM which may need to be taken into account before installing the package. 3mks

b) The software package states a minimum hardware requirement of 1GB of RAM. The workstation has 2GB of RAM installed. Explain the benefits of the additional RAM when using this program.

1mk11. Describe the following word processing concepts: - 5mks

i. Creation of a documentii. Saving a document

iii. Editing a document iv. Printing a document v. Retrieving a document

12. With the aid of a simple diagram, describe the general layout of a worksheet (Spreadsheet). 3mks13. Name four career opportunities that are available in the computing field. 2mks14. Differentiate between a device and device driver. 1mk

15. Describe how operating system is used in carrying out the following tasks in a computer:- 4mksa. Maintaining securityb. Multi-tasking


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c. Error handling d. Processor scheduling

16. List down four formatting activities that can be carried out on a word document. 2mks17. Give two examples of a spreadsheet application and two examples of a database application. 2mks18. What is the BIOS? (1 point for the definition, 2 points for a description of what it does) 3mks(a)  Name and explain the roles of any 2 basic components of a computer system other than storage devices.

2mks (b)  Name three magnetic secondary storage devices.                       11/2mks (c)   What is system software?                                                          1/2mk 

19. A diagnostic tool was run on two workstations. The results for each workstation are shown.

(a) Identify from the tables which workstation requires defragmentation. 1mk(b) Outline the processes carried out to defragment a hard disk. 2mks(c) Describe a benefit of defragmenting a hard disk. 2mks(d) Inappropriate usage of computers by staff, including installation of illegal software was identified in a

company audit trail.I. Identify ONE other type of information that can be obtained from an audit trail. 1mk

II. What law does the installation of illegal software breach? 1mk(vi) Give two similarities between optical mark readers and optical character readers 1mk20.  (a)   Distinguish between traditional analysis sheet and electronic sheet. 5mrks 

(b)  With the aid of examples, explain the following spreadsheet cell referencing. 5mrks(i)               Single cell reference (ii)              Range reference (iii)            Mixed cell reference (iv)            Absolute cell referencing (v)              Relative cell referencing 

(c)  Differentiate between a range name and a range address.             1mrk (d)  Use the following spreadsheet segment to answer the questions that follow.

Write down the formulae that can be used to determine.             4mks i. Average of all values 

ii. Determine values greater than 10 iii. Sum of all values iv. Product of all values


WORK STATION 1Disk capacity 80GBUsed capacity 80%Free space 20%Fragmentation 1%

WORK STATION 1Disk capacity 60GBUsed capacity 30%Free space 70%Fragmentation 28%

Page 35: €¦  · Web view2019-07-31 · I could not rest if a round my grave. I heard the steps of a trembling slave; His shadow above my silent tomb. Would make it a place of fearful gloom