fih;€fe, ·...

Post on 17-Mar-2020






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.W-:^ ifc-

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matKitmJ3aamE&iJl£S*m* •OBSUkkM

fiH;€fe, v2&0i%^jLfyDee. 4188C-

••fc'.r.-..- •-.

f iToang wives, young husbands, [ stern'&thersv and indulgent mothers.

-{ have all & lesson,; to team lit "Hazel j Kjrkfc"'next Friday evening.'

.. & 3 Y . M B . McCtFifii6r-Gja;i pastor, of j t heM. 3S, church at Bangor, having recently died,, bis place la.beins filled j for-the balance .of the year by Bev, M; ]& £apron, who his disposed of bis business in Rome a i d things of again 'r^umldg bis worK as an ittrie- J rant.ftJiaister. Bangor ts situated in j the northern part of the conference.


; Stew. tfc=« r a i i d i n ^ t h e i s . i s o j s t e c l , - ' - : v •.;.;-r-; S a ^ s e i b ^ . t o t l j ^ . i i s l i y a . s e i i a , ' ' "'\

•y- Sfj&th,-*• nftto >i i t> ifetS-tee^TippfitS ."-• ; # i i l ^ ^ i i i & a i i i . t l 5 e « a a . .•'.-.-.'" y . . . :

= I W?Ti«tvp ^JBSiedepd .a hdw yfear,

.-= SPBGe days^iltaQptt beginfelength-'•'<Sfc-.-:' '-•• '''•y:-

y.'~-~~.--''^''•'.''•• '"''• ' ; " "'. .""

:l!^'gpQa;rbadab»y& made teaming

/jaiotottf-.•:'..' : ' . - y / y < V • : • • ' - '>•'•'•'

• :'. W»»d*e itt/bftiBiaproad:. jbowaaife^ '"••j ae|a3i?:-:-;-''":/j'-;v-s,'._ V.-"-./'.. - -"':' "."•"

: ^ ^ ^ e y e i 5 ^ b & g 5 i i ~ a i e jj>^vfej$S.

; s a d ^ W e v e i ^ g v ; '."-'. :"y" y •"•-•' "•"" "

•'•: $ ^ « B ^ f e : A s ^ t a t i M . i b ^idylA-:

•'y;:$wmBxir Of out iconic ladies z& • ^ s ^ H ^ ^ Q u i S e ^ T e a ^ e v e V ; , - ' •

•• BraRNS^-feslival ansiaitpjeer January'.

i t e s : 'Mmkhf.: praydp; will . be ob-;;. -0ecyp<i;: by^mpst: .^,Jhft;^ch^rehea

ftodghput.ffo>ppdafry;.: •;" \ .'y-1?;-••'"'. I ^ ^ ^ ^ S B J B K S ^ H : ' of ^bilade%hiaj

; i a g i e m e ^ e d ; f p ^ i s ^ i g e . a n d open:

• e&m pff ic#id^Tfis^bJfpcfj ; / ; ; ; !

•/• «*3adzei Efrfee^ bag:- never been; so e f e n g ad- *ttra.etiOtt fo the ..pobKeas

, ' f - ^ j ( f ^ M ^ t l i ? v y _ : . ; v ^ ; / ; --,' :/_:•.. . ••• •

;••••• V^'pda^i^o2^/^..fe,.te\h^'-a*/^ -*' ;Jtdai»:pf. SiM -Btadtr' fit- West; $ 0 Wh •-:' :v^«» January-;I0£h;iforthd ..benefitoil . • .B*T» Fi .W* ^ ^ t - ' Attarsiaviited-fo

^attend. ,;>.-y-;-V v y -• .-".;_ • ;/yy'•.";.•/.•.

,;/ JliEiEKniyR.::bu^ae^iaeeting^fjbe

- > l ^ eyenlfli^ at . eig&fc bJclocfe,' £. fat" ':• itfeffltdaiice. of mepibeis ^is earnestly '-^iiBfeted^-''-*^-;'/-.""-••''"••".'•;;••: ^ '" ' .- . ' •- '• :• -\r'"-y .-"i «Jp^«i6iifc*: &6l^neflt ;,of ^ v « .

;. ;Ct ""-Wv :&ookssind:: fancutly* will 1»

,;i 63fclenaed%> sdl. .- ;"y .-

" H A B E R B B B M . willpay *Bj9.Mfhf ^«rtA*a^t-'-l*^:'lbE Black iftShjriBa^^

r*B»swt ia that ^ i t ^ e j f f e * y^ass--"ife. ^;"Bii^lto.§W«haeed{^f$y'.:

&a6 ^oS^^'^^tiJpStt^-iir^wV.C

J?iio#, Poxi-efej the phrenQlagist, Created (juite an exeixecqEept among1 a few of.oax J'oang; men some evenings i 810(5$ by re%gaiSng part of. the cpa-tente'cf ,tbafc necessary . commodity caHed the head. .. To. say the least he surprised' specie- "by his'perceptive pa^eta. and shdwed.Minsetf an adept inthatparttclar .'^ine-." Call again Prof, tbe boys wHi wpieomeyoa..

..; Tbp Rochester. Uiiipft uses plainEa-^iiahin speaking* of the feftMeea bank, official;.; l i s a y i t ^ ^ h e .'Oitybank- has been eMbezzied... The embezzler is Charles E./Opton, Ife cashier for many yea^s in the .pa*fc,- and .its president [ for. the past few years, .SLQ. took;— stole, th^niQueyr of.'..inen,. wame% children ahd ptijiiie'.institutions en-fea&ted to Ms caare as; ohlef- officer" of the b^nfc, and appropriated i t tp Ms own mk. • was ..gambling-- He gambted in;.oil and other marketable-ebnaaipditieff.through- -bits.-of paper

.-re^esehtiBgthenpitjttst as man gam- -bleinmanBy.thr&ug-hchips. ol ivory-liat;'rdpllarsaadcents. S e lost. ]Ee was .imable. to replace what bg had takpn-^to • make restitution foJrwh,at hphadstolen. .He stands'tor ward^diEeet ly affgpte4 by.bis lalse-^jaeasto Mstr-nstj and-befotetheentire commHiiity:-^ndkeefiiy^ affected.these-;;by,.a eriMnaJ' embezzler; wljx^sbould : befbe%lp~tnfe.\ failest. accountability, and;yisited with the eoctteniesfc pen,alf "ty &alav?:WJU attosfc, . -'-.,. . " . - j k r e r e A i i r t "Ell<al,«.".' ''.

• j s i s 'Hf i t - YarS^tatp Assoeiaifion Pf Sohool-Opniinissloner& and Saperf MtendenlB will hold thpir 28th. »n-nuat/jnieet|pg;m. thP Opera B oase . at HttfeFklls Ja*wi7Qi, 18th and 19th,, igSSl'.Aji interesting program has £een pranged. 'y .-• ,'-'"\'\ '•'"

. TSEOMAS ,JlA*Ht|E'S)att old farmer-living aboat five miles, from • Canton Sjt* iLawrence Opuniy, attempted s%-iplde • Wednesday by catting..' his thtpat. A. physician was calied,,and hedresse'dthpwound*- .He may re-r coyer,-. Hisinindbasbeenaffectedfor apiaie tiiuei - .

>': A3^ AEiDf S ISOHASS^ , signed. by &mvge: Washington," dated Jannary

fl'TSSi i^ no w on eshibitionin Han&rd & ^P'si^shoW; -Window';- Watertown. I t is the discharge of; Joseph Beck, who was a graadfather.of Emerson •Becky- f 3Mts MiHs^ The aiscbarg e

;isneariy^onehundred y'ear^ old, and. the:6mily-. value i t highly,: .. -'.' ,

gi HooSB^of MPsieo, Oswego cpiih--fc trtisted-thejdtiyer of the Fulton sfe^0^tb^l,2®:to;deposit's$ a. bank' ioS'uiton.. da &e •s?^r '.the'driver Ix^M^mdiieyahd therp ^raa S^*? ^ibMscttottfer^fiTaei: 'The sa|b''^?as io fi%!ljdSt6&ve*T Jn- sotae bedding in

, :f ^fEblp.wber& i$e>,•; <irlvpr- .isepfe -Bis;

• —Hon. J . O'Donnell is spending I the week in Albany. I -^M' js Florence Markham spent . NPW Yesrs in Water-town.

—The young daughters of Mi% and j Mrs.Chas. Moore is seriously ill.

—Miss Norton of Carthage, is yis^ iting at Mrs. M~ X jRiehardson's,.

j —Mr. S. Sv Kaine has moved into j B. W. Lane's house on Bayan street.

—Mr, Geo. Stevens has been very ill, but is now somewhat improved.

'—Miss Lizzie Roek of Utica, is visiting her friend Miss Nellie Sulli­van, • --Miss Sadie-Richardson of Water-town, is the guest of Miss Nellie Lennox.:. •

-^Miss Ward of Carthage is visit­ing her aunt, Mrs. Dr. Hendee,of this Village.

—Delos A. Fitch, travelling sales­men" for a Syracuse firm, i shomeon a vacation. ' ••

--Eobert Taleof t and wife of Ley-dPn, have been spending a few days With friPnds in town.

-r—Mrai Thomas Rogers of Port Leyden is visiting ber daughter, Mrs.. :Mt'Oarty-of^this village. • —Leon Taleott,- E-q., is still at-Glen Haven, where his health has 'already ninefe' improved.

—Mrs. John Arthur of Champion, has been visiting a t Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Arthur's, m this village^

—Mr. ETrapJ: Crouch, and wife of 2few York' City spent 2*few Year's with friends in this Village. . Manning E. Fitch re'ttirned on Sat-.urday..night from vfeifing friends in the westein part of the state. : —The youngest son of sMr. Ladette Bpstwisk is dangerously ill-with epn,-' gestiohof the bronchial tubes.

-r-Miss Anna Franklin .of Ham-mond,is visiting Mrs, U. W. Fitch and, family on Trinity avenue.

T-~MX. <3e&. Holmes, formerly of ,jS"ew . Bremen,. but -nQW.: of Otsego county,, was in town oh Monday.

.^-Miss. Luey House commehced her term of select school on Tuesday of this wpek with a good attendance. . ^-Sewatd Andrus and'ByrOn Hub-pajd' of Watertown, spent the first day. of the New Year in Lowvilie. ,

-rSiisS Amelia Erhardt who . has been visiting. relatives .in town re­turned; to her home in Utica this morning. • . • • . • •

•^•Cfeo.H. RicMer, General Secre­tary of • the Y. H. 0. A, - at Hudson, spent Ohrlstmas with Ms parents in this village. • • •

—My. €L F. White and sister of Pilr •lap Bo'iht, Jeflf.- Co., are- visiting their cousin, Roland Wakefield and others in this vicinity.

—Mrs, Lucas Bickford who recent­ly returned- from a; visit to Brooklyn left on-Tuesday last to visit her son,-Mr. Albert Biekford in Ogdensburg,

—Mr. h. E. Fry who went to' Mich­igan a few weeks since lias j»st:been


y ^ f i » * ? ; i » y - i * e ^ ^ y The celebrated jja»y.:Js anrepdhped j[or.

imd the^ pi^;«pi^^»iapJdi ietBiibis . -';fl«a6it-.-v;'."-.*-y-:-:"

ry-">>,y';"-"--•'.-'. \:=./-

--,' ,&'s^ifiosr.^aity wili.bp bpld^ af-?^©;' iKaaBeT of 1Wh^d:^miat: W%at; Martinsbnrgh,:; Wednesday" evening}

,.'jy^, » ^ 1 8 ^ % r # ^ b e n e f i t : 6 f ^ :. 3K !& Stanford.': J^e&idial. IrfvitetiPEt ;J^'KtC^jed'to;-aH,- ;;,;.'-:;: .-:.'-':\l\ :


V Str.H;'fe"Wettodi-a boot"and^hpp : dealer of ;IlMe» ;an(i fpriaerly ploih -

basinees in this village, Spade ; anas?*. signmenji yestpfpfsy mo^ihg^-^p ibp

; benefit of .<sfpa'fors^ 'liidbiiities ;#is {ym.jim^m^-:^: y: •':^: ''•:•-

, Wosmi: Arotheis.;pgircHased yeS-f • ierday of^.:Ai.L,.%tp4a'atftofpir~; ; itebu*gb, threp b<jgs 2iy ii}>inlte-pid,, • ^ h ^ ^ ' a g ^ ^ ^ . W e i g ^ t ' w a s IrfSfipST

:ts odp pent ;dbdyp

fprice^fpfeaiiotfiei?Iptsfe^oooT*:'."•. •-.

;VV'i^K;'.'fiSftvfe'nobetterTpap^^; bit OH*. eteebatns^^isiJlSian^r thes; UScai Mom-

^teii^tialj\*ttd^always^^ : fillpifwith;; the latest. ne KS, 'it Ihasipng: feepa; ;P.

•^aksrap^is&tcix t&diany.bome8v: We-: « S tfe::;at6etjfioa -PT; oiir. reedefe^to _:4^e.p^pdM^\of tbig^xcelieiif, paper • -whieb.we fwint In artotheft colubsh.

: iJL;QRJBiT''mai# ^pusaadb&bejs : ' -ofj^ef bfefebepal 'Mdgh*; fe" JE^nada-•-Mcmflgd l&r-parties in. ^ew1 -York: . 5*JHs |^,:i)y\ :fe ". *Blaefc .S iver ra i t eoadJ ioo i^pr^ :

Ifewn toiftlea', ahd{sibep.fhe^tpa3t' . f-fleeiep^rj |bey;, '- =«aa^daiiy. '•.^Sfvihg' Hfiie^^Yjprk. >^fr jye-jgopp^dlredSy; pa boaTJd^teafla-

".;';J^oit6#r- SiOJ>B4it|),;, for 'many. V^6^fJw :j^nfe.ji»a: : agent oil.ibp i f t * B ^ K S i j :>a3' ^bdagMettt fee hardware buainpsaofiW* \ 3j(vrBGiSiarfc

"••4k CSp . of this, yfllme Jand. t^ilt fafe possession aa appn as th4 iu'venipry fcl»mpiteted,.;:TbP ^m-.ot- • JBbshast

.;*:Coy ^Vfrdf»p,»:;iftige tbeir ^%^tfd ^ e hope' MR -Stoddstrd1

willA>i^n inpre..'. »' r-^k.-; JJfebsaj&Y' •'Spbopl -•|p;6i«ble;''.was; •iieid 8ithpr^teit.^ap&treiiiQreh,Pit Jfeir;''Yea?£»? pyetiihgi-': Besides an m.-.: ^eatet siQ»per;#iii«3h^ tbeehiigrP&pn^

: pgsQiyet? tiamh^Wsm Ve«reliterary. ' miieism-'hs. ^^-Men^^r.-ift-'^f-acbooli -.jpteftyenisg?was:spry jleasi-;

•; saifljf.: sgfehi: by; thP jarge? ^iimber; preeent, &M'".fM- caffie #waycYeplljjgf

. tlwfe jheybad'hiaS^ aroyai good time/

;: ;-W!ga'otfep'm the..Broi*lya -©aiisy . Tmtm ,4b- aceonnt ©f tfis. ; maa?ri^& -id};- S fe" -£ GBisa-: H . " T&wassnd: ,daug&t%-ef Wi l iam H. Town-

S* Remsen,- on the evening, ofliee. «0fe. A; .largd afid .pleasant parry ~;were: assembled; to witness tbeceie-mohy; whicb was performed by the ReVi- Caleb Ellswottb of i h e Efpiseo-:

:V03.ehxa(3itr,& relative of the fatnily. Th4 present's weis:' of the -mp^t bea'u--tifal' dnd cosriy' description. , The np#ly inarried - pair /left the. ...sgarte eypnto* for: .#asbington, : folio wdd; by-

; tbe_'.": usual-,. aceompanidipntiQf" lucky idpdipdtp^ and good wishes.; Among tbe-.guests present;was Mrs^;Charles. Martidj. df".thisyilfage,..-%/ Tp*n-'sendi father"; of- the;' bride j . marjrled^a :sistpr of BuanP-Bbstwlpk.and; was, for ; sodip fiLdad -.a: resident of • this. town,.-The family a re : well and- favorably knd^'iliroughoHt the • cpjiniy. i'-

. I f . If.'.p.-. A.-.tectare-Coirtse,-' -

;Cfivp its a, rest,'?. .Everybody i s on .the'qiHviv&.i&&aom what dishonor #udgeAlbiph'A, Tpurgep will tnake . ouEfe©f'this* his leptdre in the YiM.,Q/^eoursp;.to;bdgiyenThura .dayeypnidgv •Tan-'il. •.•And- every-

alsp 'expects, and there.;is,no '-.of their.being disappointed

tEplegg theje'-iS; a?' %ieEal, Iso the Iadgp;;?waateS,);'/thpy shall he told ^bdf ffere i^itf the topic in a manner dhj4' styld .stfeb as' none.'but .Judge iI,durge&- can.' eo.idrdand, '.and ijoth th|s(manh6E and;sfcyie are most peeu-l a r y the' special gift .of this eminent plater.,4nd- popular author,,- wbo, is best- £hpwd. atnpdg our people % thdse. iVitpnsely ; interesting1 boois,'

; Ppois •'Erradd,n ' ''Bricks:, without iStfa^idndvOtbers.' Jiidge Tpuigee wieTdsd%iacipus pen bnt- he js d^nat-ly...a<> bPnae,on..the.'platfordi--dad-. . ianjk's eecbtodg'the'" fety ;gifEe.d.speakers of out day. And so eveybody e s -' peete to gpand hear Mm. -, Add-if'we' fare ;ndt'i^s&feen- Ruscop flait :w|tl':

ftdycrawddd piipn'lhe • judge States'. •'th&pldtfofm,;;;Singlp tiefeetsSOc'i

A s t r a n g e thing l ias happeAe4 in th i s , p u t d a y ,

ABS i t c a m e to puss i n tl ie following Tfay:

Ur. Lo«is. A . Scot* was postmaStfer be r e , A n d so He had Venn fur nttaiiy ». j ear ,

B a t liis te m of office las t J a n e expired, . A n d o the r s t h e r e w e r e w h o t h e p laoe des i red .

TSe ques t ion was canvassed a l i t t le , ' t i s sa id . W h e n the-"bal f brbefis" declared A . M. X*n-

p h e r a h e a d . •• -.

T b e p res iden t Bent i n Bis n a m e t o t h e sena te , A n d i t w a s conf i rmed a l m o s t i a » r u i n a t e . .'

Ba t H a t t o n d isp leased , t o madr teM was d r i v ­e n , .

A n d said the commiss ion should neve r b e giyen. . . .

T h e P re s iden t s a id , " I a lons » m to b l a n i e ; I m a d e a -mistsl te a n d . s e n t i n t h e wrong:,

n a m e . "

T h e m y s t e r y n o w so lved , thed i f i e rence w e see ' T w i x t tweedle-de-di im. a n d tweed.le^de-dee.

A n i i i t e r e s t l ' n ' s fcetter F r o m » B o y :

Walter P, Burrows, a Wiiiimantic boy,' had his hand terribly crushed while coupling cars in that iSity the other day, and without telling any body what had happened, or uttf^ng a single cry, he went Straight home. He has written the following odd letter to the Wiiiimantic Journal .y

E'iitor Journal; I beg a little space in the Journal to say a few words to the boys in regard to disobeylug a good mother's advice.. My story is abort and simple, but the experience has been dear enougtt to . me. In sQine respects I was like Robinsod. Orur f f i e^a i ld a l l w h o ha-u-fs r e a d t j i s Jifc-

kriow all.about his disodediedce. S i s great desire was for water, whils mine was for cars . I was messenarer; boy ip. the Western IJnion Telegraph office, and every spare moment I had it was my delight to spend in twist­ing brakes on the cars,and very often I would go without my dinner to en­joy myself in this .way.. Oh'! how many; times I "have wished I was' a Than, andthenhow quick I wouldbe a railroad man, But suddenly day hopes are blasted forever; for now I bavebut one hand to earn allying with, the other hand having been; eaught add crushed between the pars, so that, i t had to. be cut off-at the VfihA. .Poor hand, I wisb I had it back, - And it all came about through not minding my mother. How many times she. has- said, ^Walter, keep away from: the catsr, ..for, ypu will be crippled for. life if ypu cton't get -killed/' If I "had only, heeded her warning,! should have two.hands to-day; but now-it is too late. .1 hope all the boys will read this and profit by nay sad fate, and' I would say to them, "Always mind the good advice of a good mother."

Yours respectfully, W A S T E S P , BUEBOWB, .

Wiiiimantic We hope a good many boys will

read tbis\ letter and remedtbeT the good advicP which it contains. The world is M i of cripples who .have lost tegs or arms while fooling around iheears, and many are sleeping in their graves as the result of. similar folly. Let every mother ,who reads the above letter call the attention of

xxOtmi: -r"•:•;._,-•;; .y; -,Mr and"^s.*-j6etoi|'~Fi:. Rdsa,'.oif

Car.thafe^pentSuni|>ywfth"^ tPiv Mrs.,jr. Louis gtubpr.' y:.; • .V

Miss I.dez Pei*yvofy$yraeusp, ,ik.: spending • thb''hoHdays"'%ith; frionda' i n i o w d . ; - / .-• ;-.-;'..'••:".;; . • " : " ' ; ' •> -

Mild Glarkof'LPWviile, spent Sun-day with hispdjpntey';-- ;."'' ~':_;';

Mr* C. A. Rig? .of ^oidp, spent the hp.1 idays id town* \ . ", . . . •-:

The Christmas :tree. exercises ;6f the PresbytprisnSdndaysGhodi>|Sod-day evening.,. Were very;gpoifl,'.,?3?\vo trees Were'laded wifli dreseatd^kieh made many hearts.^iad. ;' • • ,

After alongpei-idd Of sicknessw:!fch consumption, Mi$s Amelia HvCythe died Thursday, p., m. VpBCei- funpral services weird Vpry/'latgeiyaitedadd; at the M.B. church-Sunday inorbitfg,. • Mr-, and M x u ' G . i t j S y a p s r e i o ^

over, the ad^pd^of'd-Ohrlstmasgirl in their family., ppngratuiatipns are idorder. . . . . . . ',.-.'' ' : • . . - . .

Ti?e G hristraas tree dxesciSfs. of. the M. E. Sunday school; Were.largely at­tended! . Wi-dnesday' evenipg.; X.;The programme .'excellent :add .fttid-participanta di4; credit to ; themselves in the,, performance - pf;.their respec­tive parts.; presenfe were, very num­erous, ,- '•" y'..-: . '.."•- .'•:-•:. :••'• -

Mr;, and Mrs. '.-$ Louis' fibber, spent New ; Y e ^ s ^ i ^ b e r ^aredts^Mr.; add Mrs] :Clmi :Msrfffio#ipft.-• '

Mr. '%' 0 . Dodge /spent a few days last week with bis spp, HetdianA, Dodge, id Fairfield ,''•'."."'.".-."''.'" •". .,"'

Messrs.Rra'yton and ilerbert Berry of Syracuse, were in town last wpek.

Mr. Geo- E. Dewey returns tp the weat this week.,.

..©BSEIiVEB,; ".

.GotsfflMii mjum

_ j her boys to it, and it may be the marrieS t o a young, lady of that state- j ai'eans of saving' them from like ac-and wilt return ndxt wsPfc"Wlia bis I eidpnt or premature dpath. Kn.d&, -: '•-;,. • ' , ."! •• . —Miss.MstS*?.

ph .Sdidrday iff The County Tear-b^**' A«!RO0wtiort .meet in L^w^fle. Friday a.ud.;

... B&SR j f e j r j t s . ' - - , ' • • ; - . . - •

The mumps are playing out. A. M, Sey'mpur pelebsated: -New.

Yeairs • by gividg a party. ' -'. S. S. OtiSis tpaohiag .o.ur district

school wi tbd large attendance.'-- " -Norris H-izen-, of, Lp ffyitlej 'passed

New Years .with- his parpnts in this •Village... . . - : ' ; ;'•""_'.--. •.';.. .'.' •'

Our friends'join. Mthusid.sayibg that the dpn'a.tipn for the benefit of the'- Rpy,'J«.Ar.Brind'l© .at the Line, church waspieaSaat add profitable^

Mr .add Mr& Foster, "and airs; Fos­ter's mother will dppart for Wiscon­sin soon,.'to ma.&.that, .'state their future home, •'-' ':•'-•"'

The. present -gbody'weather and sleighing has dOno 'baneh tp bring men and teams'out that Msh to. en-, gage'in lumheridg or any other kind ofteamw(?rk, '••'•_•-/ • . . .

A "phrenologist" gave a lecture at. the scfaodl.,house" last week. He found the heads of Sis sabjpcts: per­fectly level, bal.liis hat l v the attrac­tion of a snow ball found its -level id a snow bank,? Boys'.bring up your parents' in the -s?ay they shptdd go, and when they arrive at your doubt they 'w.ili laugh, at such con-, duct. .' . ' _ ' . . . ' . J . W. Brace hasbou-gh^ Mrs. Wil­cox's place,' and will occupy the same soon. . Cogjjgl^atioa $o^t .

spent th>c|^&tay wpek among rela­tions and frfedd* id Syracuce.

'• Bitch-holes and holidays, ate pien-:

• ^ v • = • . ; . ' " - ' - . ' • • . • • ' - ' • ' • . . ' ' • ' • " . . ' " - . - " ' • , . .

:' Dtfdg. andGfat.Lansing are. home for the holidaye.": Qarrof has been away five years, his honae is id Mon-•tana.~ •.'.".

Donation for Rev* j . O Perkins, a t : the hail.Friday evenidgof this week.. Oyster*apd chickeii^ serv­ed, Ail axe Invited. • ' The Orient Lodge, F . $ A.; M., .at-teiideci the Episcopal church Sunday evening'on invitation of the Rector, ,^bjecV"St. John the Evangelist." .

The Congregational Sunday:school presented its auperintendeuti. F . H.

. AfiglP,' • with a -• beautiful ohairJast Sunday, A E , Clark, m.ade• -thepre­sentation id behalf of, ' The band edtertainment.wasap-. predated by all ..who attended. The music by the. band and orchestra was as fine as possible. .The- rest of the, {jrogram. wes well, .rendt red. The re^ ceipt«W:erefair=' ;

C, M.Redfield was up.from: Water r :. town Thursday .and Friday, ,

Oorpniuniod services'nest, Sunday mordipg- at ' the" . Congregational' t'hanih and el&etiod of officers in the Sdndaysclrabl, : :'[ . '-- .

.-. S. JS. S t d n t o h i s a g a i n m a s t e r of t h e

" SlasodiC ijodge, ftp is also amPmber bit pdcanofpttaehts, "etii j -In Carthage,' t f a-*." brtpwn'abd'TJtica. : • ' " ••' ©r. E. H..Wood-and S, B> Daggett, of this yliiage, drew.two of the prises at Empey^s Saturday, evening.' '• "Freeman. H, Allen deserves- much,

credit for. the hard work-done in the l&sf.two edtertainmpn&'j many .others are deserving, but we only, mention ode. : ' " . . ' ' . -• ..llis3Lydia Jones and Mr. F. H. Allen, have the: besfcaehodls. in the county according to Brdfl Myers. One at itarrisyilip, the the little hahalet twelve' miles from the " H u b " ••traveling^ west. •':•-

Lewis Hdnjphrpy and family, of LpwVille, havP been visiting at Moses Langs.'.

Denmark i s . well represented among the ofireers of the County Ag­ricultural Society. Pres, White, first Vice-Bres*,' John Drydeh.

We are getting the railroad fever, again, Copenhagen to the lake, Low-vjllo left out. y. - •/

Miss Lasher, daughter of Wen. H. Lasher, of Pinckney Corners, was-married Dec27th, to Mt. Chas. Held,-of Barnes Corners; Rev. J, 0. BerMns offiriated. . • ' . " ' • • • '

A pleasant company took dinner with Mr. add Mrs. M. W. Needhairj,. New Years day.. •

Thdi-d is something soft and-tender in fliefalJ.Qf a singl«-.snow fiakei.but it always reminds us t b iodfe after our bottle••/of Br,- Btitl*s • .Cough .Syrpp*— pdtold stMd^by.MfhedaysPfCoKgto and bolds—fpr we ha've''^waysfpw«d-it Jpliabld. - . ' .- ' . • ' - : ' • -••••'.

ASTJIK.'^-A Boston; idaa fiks sued the •captain' of an excursion"steamer that f^edtOBi^toatiniei " • T h e T a l l SyisiiMoi-fi of il»* '*^^al^asJi;

' .The- special corrmdondptt.dWbs •fridianapojis Jourdal,-:PEdbpdied- in a recent communication the. following; from Hon, Daniel. W.Voorhees: I consider St.. Jacobs Oil a. Splendid reidedy, I suffered fiPin ad afibction of the back and feidn.eys,,w!l;h aopie rheumatism^la far-t, it "was rhpiima-tis'm <>f the b'aek. I Used St, 'Jacobs ;Q*d, and found i t very efficacious.- I t gave m© instantaneous relief,"and .finally ;cured mP completely,:.


•HoBATio Arthur who Hv es a mile south of Lowvilie, offers thirteen ehoicd eowa for salP. " • '. S6w2

- Joisres & SKEsr TEPv will move ' into the large and eon'vorsient storean the Journal and Republican' Block, thP first of January^ where fbey "will have more room for; their large and increas­ing business. ' They are selttaf goods sit very h?w;.prices tp. -reduce ..thsir large stock before movfas^ • tf»- .

' •. ROGFEES .'.<,%. F I T C H I S V E T E . ALL,.

WHiii-E, i n LOWVILLE .TO .VISXT TH.JEIB bi'OXtJC, xmyUY "FITTED UP , ORAMilEB fOTjIiOJ? 3SEW. S.OODS- i N Ai,L: 'TlIB'DEjPA'HTMEN'fS . DRi<S3 GOO0S. ' CAEPOESTS,' C t o A E S , ' R O S E ? , i iATS, G A P S , AszyCz,o??mxis<3r,On&Aie V C H K A P ! . - .::. .- -tf....


wbtefe sba;-mif spend :wa^&^tty^?f^V^ r^Y:^^^ T?- • •'-••• ' •***?*? in 'iatfte^a&: '•-' "- " : ' • • ' > ^ ^ ' ^ d N u ivvl I 3 ' lt blf}s f&lt \ The stater terd ^ U m i T , ^ A l t e n « f ' . n f l n , „ h ^ J ' ^ P ^ ? * t h B } ^ # « & « * & * \ g«T, With' tM USUa •WIHiaai Allen of andyMfe^CarEet of this vlUaga teaeb|»g the. BayaBsvilie seb

' m t i l ' g , : > < : ' i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ « * . - ^ W j l l a r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; town.' eoHeetor,

has received his waranfc for Hie col^ lec^op.. of tayes'in this to ^JX and will

: receivd the same at the Btaek River National Bank until Jan-. 14, at 1 per eeat.. -.\ '

"-^-Hosr. JAMBS H. " ^ E A T H E S W A X ,

Oddpf the State Assessors died at bfe hddie near Little Fallson New.Years day, : iHp was highly regarded in Herkimer county' and his integrity ag a-public .officer was never ques­tioned. • ' . • • •

;^ lTr . 3BE.O,-- Abell has pubehased Adder A, Bolton's interest in the hardware busine^ of Peltod Brothers in'-this viStege: Mr. Abell was for several years teller i.n the Fir8t' NatiOhal Ban i , and has a large ac­quaintance apd many friends in this vicinity. . Wp wisb the now firm abundant success.


lA^i^WQ^ca-^dtaugh-. « o f Sm. • ;.ift,.^$Mvimihf df.Ndw;

.:I&^mfk]***,«iarrfed;.©eei;%&?bf tP ' £$& Qeoigs'.'':&&eeS $ h e feefeiBOfly wa*p€aiojJBJed;' by ffieiatherofJ Iti.d

•%t^dfiW«tedby^ReVoLi ;fe.Whitdf ithout twoi bdtHdrp/^dpllais #dr th pf; IP^eedfevvere- bestdw©^' dp^>n;. Ihd

J.lnd&id^.-Eey^ ife. i.>";isw:pi41ir %as fot tbreeyeArs pastor of the church inTu-rta^Jt the family have many friends «Ddt»«(6ali»taneesiii this countyTvbo frttt extend congratulations.'

ftoxFHAKD & Stoddard will retain f3$fct<$»* milliner during the dull aijfa»»ap<fglv the best ofaatiefae-

i%i»«y Vfhoway wish anything

0>A- pi. .'JTuiler- and, wife;-of-New flayed,''Qm^goCo., have been visit-. Idg J* B^' Wood.: and other friends hprej the past week.

Aere-..OpngWin ..coniflaenced- his ardods toil on the .'Watertown Daily-Tinkesi Sdnday Jan. t,-i883>, ,. -.;" jf« 'A-: 'Burns .'has. rpiurnecL 'Irom^ Ne5f.SEe-i3eo, where' be. has beenfpr. abPut one year.' V' V =". .William"^^•'•Mpntg;QmeryJ--who;,-was. dmplpyed.iB." td« gaw'-ri*iU; owhed- b^ LABE. liiBSSj .was struck dy a flying :iHjdb6r~ond'day, lastw^ek add three •of. hid' r|b3 - wprdfractu'red,.. ~ At last accpddfebd^as.improving^ and i fhe ife earPfdt'wiEl brdbably.. rd'cpyerfrpm ifbd:injury* .-•-.-' --.- -.-,'--. '-."• . , Dennis iRosr :m&. wife spent" $?ew Years yistting Mends in; Lowvilie,

Batutfdayye VeMng Was WPil at-fadded by && young pedpie. adfj. seemed to

. bp; thprougAy. pnjoyed:•"• by- thdin. TBisdks. t o Btdf. .'• Sfcoweii; and- tbp orchestra who have done so much towards making one evening every week pass so pleasantly.

Christmas. A.grand entertainment with an abandance of presents was held at TFernain^s Corners, on Mon­day, evening the 2otb.' Tbe pastor's fahdly -was very kindly rediedibered for which"they extend many thanks!

On Tuesday evPnmg,the Sethi a Uisjon Christmas service was h<-id at the Baptist church with appropriate entertainment and a large supply of valuable presents,. Tho ifamilles of thd two- pastors were notforgoti<rp. butreceiv«4 many appropriate gift3. .They desire to extendthanks fdr the same, - -\ '-.-- -; ""

Mr. Saiduel Douglass, the . county. - Superintendent' el.eef,is about moving -frombisneW'house a t B . C.,-to. thd county house. May Uncle Sam with Ms large .heart and ample hand kind­ly qar«fprail of th© poor,

'V 'Mrs. Harriet Edwards,, wdo has been, confided tp ber bouse during

; the wittter-keeps about yet.. , , Audidii w'atch:.naee)Shg was.held'at

the $i, B.. Gbureh. with 'interesting' and'profitableexerbises. > ' . '

Union services are being held dur ­ing the week at tbe; M. E. church,

. Happy 3STew Years to all,.

. Your health depends on the purity ofypur. bioodi. Betfpte who realize -this ,are faking Hood's Sarsa-parilfa with the best reguiis. " ''.';"

Devotional Exerciser, Rev, W . F .


Well's Health Renewer. Absolute cur&for nervous debility and weak­ness of the generative junctions. $1, at drnggistB-Brepald by exprpB&,$1.25f 6 for $5. E . 3 . WELLS, Jersey City, JT. 3. J»W4,

• BAiiroN.JPAG^p.-tdiaatyear tne'tptai: d-ttmbdr of cases of ^almonpaokeflrUppn ;ffie iPaoiffo. joasfe Sras 860,0130, divided as

.f&Up.'ws : Columbia River, .540,000; Sac* rapieittq' ©iveaii 180,000^ Frazer t^iveri. •110,000; .other rivers, 30,1)00.' The total i-Vftl*40pf Iast.jear^. pack> as estimated by IneJpsuBkMa.pd.the Columbia and the Bto FratfciiBco-commercial, reporte, dif-.'ferftwidelyi. The. latter places -tie ,v.alite at MOO/OOO" for the fe»t*« oatohtest .year . • • . - • : -

H o o a > SiU-s j i i Jur i l Ja

Is. designpd to meet the wants of thtoe. who need" a medicine-to bdild them up, give them ad appetite,puri-'fy their blood, and oil up the ma­chinery of their bodies. No other article takes hold of the system and hits exactly the spot like Hood's Sar-saparilla. I t works like maeic, reach­ing every part of the human body through tbe blood, giving to all re­newed life and energy. $1 a bottle j six for $5.

i^ J v.t ^ii n.tnujr must JUS hands on heel* till his

walk with Hupuiior is

ami we tras uaider it both a '• h\;iiu~m&. It U

l^sgileaphers • I are most regular ip attflpdaapp upon "Associatipd and'. Irtrti^wte and eagdr^ iy avail themselves, of every .oppor­tunity to gain informatioB:'id their profession, Tht> committee have been fortunate in securing Dr.. J . H. Hoose, well known as an educator, who will lecture. Friday evening,, -and ReV.W.F. Markham of Lowvilie,has kindly consented to lecture Saturday evening. The following program has been prepared:


Friday, June I2th,'2 p. m. l

Markham. 2 Address by president, Willis

Wayne, Port Leiden-. 3 Music 4 E-^say—School Oovernment, W.

J . Allyn, Dayansville. 6 Essay —- Advantages* of Eduea-

f ion, Dora Buxton., Denpaark. 5 Music.; . ~ KSssay, L, T. Cole, Constableville. F R I D A Y EVENING, 7:80 o'clock.

. 1 Brayer, Dr. J . H.. France. 2 Music—©lee Club, Messrs, Cham­

bers, Derrent,. Elliot and Stewart. • 3 Essay—Miss L7 L, Jones, Har-^

risville. ' • - " " ; • '4 Music—Glee Club.' 6 Lecture by Prof. J. H. Hoose,-

Ph. D.,, Principal of Cortland Nor­mal school. Subject, Elements that Constitute a tiood Public School, ,

6 Music—<Jlee Club. '•". SAW&BA.Yy Jan.. 13th;,, 10a, m- \.'

*.l Devotional-Exercises, Kev. F. L, Enapp, ;. . ...-. -. .. S E-53ay^-§ydapathy, Gertrude M. Lewis, Port Leyden. . •• .''•-.-

3 Essay—Illiteracy, C. W'. Acker-, man, Housevillp. -.4 Music. ; -

' "a. E^say—Thougbt, Edi th 'p . Ladg, Oonenhageri. ' • ' . ; • ' . ' 6 Be'aaipg, Eva Weisl. 7 "Essay, Edward OrandOT';'. y

AS'TERjrdpis;, 1:80 O'clock. . l Music. . ,

2 Essay,.Rey. J . ' A, Prind]^, Den­mark. .

3 Essay, Miss. Amy Tuttle, Low­vilie. V , 4 The Tonic Sol Fa'Method of Teaching Musife,—E^say and' Les'son. with eiagSi'Mfes Florence Markftapa, Lowvilie. • - ' " " . " . ' ; 5 Ema&i Rev. J . O. Perkitts^Copen-

.'hagPti. " '. ;.""." • '" G Lesson, Prof. H. C. Northam,

•Lowvilie-.. ' • 7. -Music'. • "-':

8 Business meeting and election of oflicers, - . • •" -.-•-• -•• - -:

' SATtrdDAY EVEJTINQ, 7 p . m>. .1'Music—Glee Club, . ' ' ' "-

3 E^ay.'Prof. 'P. E. Capron.Turi'n. ' S Music- .OHee Club. .i:Lecture—The Child and . the

Teacher, Rev; W, F. Markham, Low­vilie. . . . .

5 Report of Committees, •' 0 Music-Glee Club. Promptness in attendance is es­

pecially requested, Oppori unify will be given for the dissuasion ot each ebsay presented.



A£.?).&mir.3(OT&3» . '-teidi^is now fan:iy be-usual a;t#iKsa'dct< abuoi

a hdudred'^wi thirty^ Th *• CdrMt-mm and $?w Xmm v>*eati<m Ms *>r.'itten rrp^ t'b* t^rm allttie, so that tmche-w J*m s.fd*fo:ats- haisMy reaike

BO inlppraptions fee* \GomdiPdceraeat.

fcterm st-ddents-are 3&tr a good proporthiB

idii; school • work thro*'

Messrs, VanDuesen Bros., King­ston, N. Y , says: "We are eelling Brown'* Iron BMer*. with great sat­isfaction to ourselves and customers,"

will be %'.? tween •'&% Matiy df'w' away teachS^ will.coatihily. 'fheyearv -If' ..;•..; y ' • •• ' •

~The: ehifpt'l exercises will '.be re ­sumed Friday'afternoon. neStj they Will' ^Phifeipf dfclaili.afipBS addes-saj'sand spmBt-h?dS frdbd "the! Cir­cle.'? On thp'followiq« Friday aotaae of fhe. pldfef: gentleman, SlesSrs. Loueks, Augur, Corrr*an and others, will ddMver' original orations. t h « friends of the sphodl will b8.'w#eom«d to these exercises during the year. *. The Mystics hay**, organized, for the term w.i&a large and. enthusias­tic membership. .At the -regular meetiqg of this week (Thursday eve­ning} the question of fhd wisdom or folly of Prfijbi.dsnj; Arthur id the mat­ter Pf-the Lnwyiiip postmastership, will be discussed and decided. The principal' Officers • for the term are Messrs: Corxigaif, -president: Loncks, vice-president; Merrill, treasurer; A-. L. Hough,-; librarian ; and Fitch secretary,"' ' ':'- .'•-' ' • . -The class in Astronodiy, which has" sometimes 'met -'-during the winter term, will hot bo orgadizad till next term, when the weather will permi out-dt-door observations, With this exception the class organization is about'the same asusuai. •'" . '

Another year is open before us. Let us all try and make the best possible use of it sbould we be spared to see its- close. . • A dime sociable was held a t M. E. Wild^rs for the benefit pf the sexton of the Meihodfof church. Mr- Allen rtskti^wo gp^Heleetions,and the Vurs wer<* pleasant 1-y .s*iti«-nf. ibo u^rt or.c

| will b«#.rhe*»1 in twtf js-^'ks •:•* 'he rftsi-yt^mig of Mw-v Aun« Tng'ety, t«; !'•' A mprry load'of ijowvl'lians wer*1

j t h » g u e n t s a f t h o 31isou^ M i l l s on

|.WMa«:B'iay last. The sisters of St. Mary's schaol

j visited many of <im viilzeaa oa S»!.-

Som^ of our sttbodla closed during the holidays,

P . J . Tilimopf, of Chicago, 111., is home for a'bHef'stay.

Mrs, J . -C. Bard had a beautiful sewing machlae presented to her by her husband.on.few Years day.

' . " " • . F l i t T T E B ,

OAi.i.'on.W. H. Sasith., ijefdreyou buy a Pufctef. robe or harness. 20m2 ..

, . ..- Bars. . J B a r l t i e y S . .•' . .

Office on Shady Ave,,' Lowvilie,' N. Y. , where they .are permaaently lo­cated for' the. "treatmeTit of acutd-dis? Poises. Drs,. Markley's treat CQU-.sumptioa, Throat apd Lung diseases, Caucus, Tdm'ora and all'.'chronic dis­eases, calls, promptly answered. Iy

Tst i best dlace'to buy cutters, haf.-ness'atid robes is at Smith's,, opposite Campbell House. ' 2.0m2

Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! *

L E S S •PiiAN' F I F T Y ' ' P I E C E S ' J U S T

O P K J T E D A T E O G R R S & F i T c n ' s T B : I S



C H E E R T H E " n E O L T l s r r ^ e Y E A B S OT1

YOTJB ' A G E D C p i r P A S l O J i r . Y O T J S G '

JtfAJST, B D Y a C A R P E T A K D G L A D D E N

T r t E H E A R T A N D B B I G J S T E N T H E

HOJfE 'OE ' . T H O S E YOtT i iOVB, . OlSXY

T W E ^ T Y - E I V B C E N T S E E B Y A B D A T

R O G E B S & F ' T C B T ' S . " tf..

Dff.iribg Fil-st-class,. " •DIVIDEJS'D

P#3*lng S tocks o r Bonds y i e l d i n g ' . . Ten per-cent. p e r a i n u r a . a n d o ^ e r ,

m a y ob ta in full pavucalara.AVitU bat is lac tory reft'ren'ce» a n d lest lma-Jials , by address ing BL B'aisdel l , ffln'l A gat.. 48 Congress S t . ,Bos ion , Mass. Men t ion t h i s pkoe r . -

. D R . -JOHN.;•¥;., IlAjTeqcK>;; late Piesidejit-<jf th'e..iEfatioHal Pliafi-' ttaceufeal^sociationofiliellniteE.'

- State%says; y . •: " • ' ? . - •.; -' "Brown's tioh 'Bi t ters ias- 'a, heavy .sale, i s cohceded to-t>6:a fine '

* .'-tonjc;- tlie cliarac'tef'of tlia ifijsiiu-. facRireis'.isAyojielier for itipurity. '

and naeeltciaal ..ejccellenc^/'

' . E>-tu JosJE^d QosM&tk, Breadent Bafiih^pre Eharmacealfeai',' Collsge, says'i "; ' ';."" •• "-"'-; y -"":'

^'iinij'orse 5tas'»-.fine medicine, Wltable a s a'istrepgthefiing" tonic, freejrora^cpholrc.jjoisbns',''. :. .'

•; DRv:J.irABis";liboiEd.,BH.;'

. I)., Professor oF.Pharsiii^.Balg,''. more jl^,'sa3,s:: •;.

,. •f'.Btoisa'i-' Jr6.ii '; i ' s - £ ' " and reliame n,ed|cine, "ppsitively

..freeiyomalcoTiofic^alsrais.ani.oan.-. - Be irqbihnien^ed- as atonic ' bir'-use'

. . . . . . -^mong those ivlioappose'-aleplipl;? '

I & i E D W A E D -feiRIC^Oii^ Secretary Baltiinbre'dbllege of Eliar-', • •Biacy,.s^s- - - .-.:• ':- ' .- -.

""Jf.indorse i t -as -an.excellent-'' , medicine, a. good digestiveJ-agent>,.

*nd a non-intowcant-in"lne lullest".' 1 sense.'.*.- '> •; - -i.--. . : * -*.

' 0h Rict^dB:rSAprisiGT05J,' <}he<rf Balfimois's pldes|..ani most • r^aWSjphysrcians,s'aj;sj.'. ' ; , ' '..

" A l l w h o I t ave i i sed i f p r a i s e I t i . •s tandald. Vtr tuesVand. the'—vsrell." knDwjt'cKixractcr.ofthilioireeVrliich. 'nialces i t i s &-'suifici<nit gjinrzuitee-of i ts being a l l t h a t i s claimed J b r t h e y a r e ffitfi w h o cojainot-he ' - in-

, diiced"to oflTer. any th ing .else, b a t a - - re i iab lcmedic ine fdrpublic-uso.*' •

A Druggist.,6uredi... •: ;.. -'•_ . . Bcionsfcbfo, Md., Oct.'ia^ i836.

• Gentletaen-i: • Browri 's jEibn B i t - ' te.js c.ared me of. a bad .attack, of.

' •^aigestibn^nd:iullriess3pth*es'to&r-.. - acli.- Havirigst&sied-ft^takepftas--...•

«re in reconimeriairtg it (o my ou's- . •tpmers,^ri'd:ain-.3^£iYes . entire^atislac.tibn;tbaJl.".. . •-

-•- ' • ' GacvWi KopraiAN; jl'rnggjst. '• •

- Ask yonr Dirugpsi; for - BROWN'S • , iMNBl1ca$KS,ar id , ta i :e!r jo . • Onet i^ . -wi lLc5nyi4 te .yoB," ; f ta t i t is j.u^t wliat:ycH; need. '.'•••

Wait •in ^ha,t-w»y A^ravilent Evil may -bei Shorn. • V '-"'."' " ' Of i tS:POWB»toH*TiJi . . ;," :"""-." '.

• Mafittta i s ahroSd" l ia iae . ' r o rmKny disease* -—att.orlgif'aHiig-Jrt b lood p&fooniEg»- BUtoag lever , t h e ..4yrjhn*"ctna'*yphosa; feyeri -BMt .

• ehllis-ana; feser . a r # . . ^ » m l u e i ) t ttgrnbeffiaf ' tf is- iaabl l j / .MalarJis.aefleSfllaiietbe-haiicf;-

-ers, t M ' p l n m h e r s aha ; t h e Sttyglcians. . JJt&i . s p a W n g c o f .o ia inaiy- t rea tDi ie j i t , ;ehe l a t t e r almost . , - iiiia:nlijnoE6ir. r teeomtoena•- ' J3E3S- .

•S«)JS'iS C A P C W E . P O B O I W P iAfc iTE«« t r j a i e -S?ce4teit Ket l^rodJar iaj : sr>eomo--of.itte -age." .aa iesei i>las te^- :aet ' -n jbn:*r te l i*e r , jsbletad',:-. . b o w e l s a u d M d n e y s . - ; -, • • : ' - - ' - , .

.Worn'<?Ter iti 'e' region pf t i i e ^ l y e i i a n d - J i a - "" orutlre tjao* ttyer t b e .Mdne j t s , "titiiiy-. js-arxi «ff malar ia , l j .kea i i jtijnor, ' « 6 o t l i e r p las te r? d o t f i i j . . . -..: . . "-.. -• .. ."..:- > ;...'.: • -' -..-. -U- ' ' " ' . : . When yoiitipreliase, -sfttSSfy. yonrselTJhat

, the word: CAPOESE Ms eut In ffiecentreof ii& -. plaster.' . --- , ' - '- '- - : ; --:•;•:'-'- " ;- • .'.• S^buryAnd Xolinsdii«.01}einistBvS:ew Yorij,: -HighestiiwarasatlntetnAtienaLExMBttlotu •"

P A O X r T 7 T ? 5 Q G i N G F : R ; T O N i c . X JX t% 3\,XLtit O • -cares- Complainte

of W o m e n a n p dis-eases of t h e stom.<i<jh.B>iw-el< Ia'inas, I , i ve ra i id Tfidneyfi and : i s entire--l.v differpij; from fi t «rs Ginger Essences a n d

• •ilher Tonic-s. »« it jjn'i »r Intrtsio&tei;. POc e n d tUsieus . , L;trg? «r v m . - bv ttM tag $1 a!K^.!ii-i. I cuis & V3o„ Ke»ff York , ' '£>%•£

• •.::••••• ' lPtffe;«5AS"iar, ^- ••

' On'and after NoTO&6'ef -18* -1882, ^e^ilalt sell Meat only lor CASH. W e i a y e to yay Cash lOrtKir Ffct.Catti6i Lamli4a,n-d Hogs.and' cannot longer do-a^redlt-'business. - -' ---• -.' ... -


.. Iiowyllie,Opt,26th, 1882-, , . . ' . / , , ; , y


SS58 S'0.tlASB.e.EA3S3fj PlAJro ^OBpNE-TipS- -:; P ? a « i » .Sfrnln Q* Magutflcent rosewood-A-MaO-Oljy-Mf-.O.a e a s e _ elegantlyflnislii'a •3strings, 7-1-3 OotayDs, liftil' paient-o'aricante" agraffes', .oar nsvr: patent 0 7.eistwun'g scale, beanttfal oa*yed tegs and lyre.lieav-yseipeiiT": tine .'and large Taney moiuding, T«ll:.lroa frame," Fr«non Graiid. Action.' Siarid Ham-' me{§,.,iB taet,,eyeiy lwipro-yem«it.-wliieli:.fiaai in any way te'ud to itte perfection of tlielfi^ Strutn.entrliasT3een:add.edi ' " '.- - - •: . "-^S-OnrpriceSgr' r.his 1'ns'tirBjn.enf, t toxeaand'

delivered on boaa-d ears-ait N e * Yorfe, with, line Piano Cover, stool and bBofc.pnly dj'rt AC Jtist reduced from our late wholesale •P* 1 " ) ' . factory price. ¥2^2, for 60 day8 only. .Thi$i's iiow. ov far,- the-srealest har-gain: eyer offered, tde musicaijpvlhiic. tTBprecedfen ted. sucoesfll Tr-emendovisxlcrarahd f6r the styie.l.Sedd:!!!-yourordera tonce . D o n o t l o s e t h l s r a r eop -p o r t m i i t y . . • - . : - . , . . , ' . " . ; ' '•. ;•-••.-• - " - . ; . T h l s B i a n o w i l l b e s e f i t o i i i-5days-test t r ia l . -Please s end refcrenee if y o u d o n o t s e n d m o n ­ey with- o * d « . . C a s h s e n t -vr i tKorderTsei l r te . refunded a n d f r e igh t c h a r g e s p a i d b y i ts b o t h w a y s if Pla i jo is no'J, j u s t a s repVeseri ted.-Sev-eraf.Otber spec ia l b a r g a i n s : Pianos,$-160 up-Over 16,000 in u s e , a n d i i o t o n e idissat isf ieo p u r c h a s e r , Don-'t fail t o 'WTJte'us<}5"efOre-btiy''-ing . H a n d s o m e n l a s t r a t e d Blano.C&ialogue mai l ed t ree , g i v i n g t h e h i g h es t tes t f tnoi r ia f r ever a w a r d e d ^ n y p i a n o m a n u f a c t a r e r . B y e r y piat to fttlly. w a r r a n t e d for s y e a r s . •'

S h e e t m a s i c a t one-th-ird p r i ce . Ga taWgue ' of3.0U0 cho ice p i eees of p o p u l a r r d u s i c s e n . for 3c s t a m p ,

MSNOELMSOHlSf BIAS"©"CO.. . . N « w T « r k c i * y .

f.O.Bos2«c*."- Jy. 8-S;$3.SSD.LisTi*, jfT

jn^M ti--^'-••'•'•i :l-".'"''-'4*n>', ;:--'.-:^:-..~

-" " "" " ; E 6 J S J S 8 3 ; : :;". ,=.'• : • • " " ;

•Th&li&$mxg NBsvsjJaner of SeniiiaSSfiir' -•.•:'.•%--" -.'•'.•:. " Ycirfcr-- •"' - -:"- - ..-.' V

r. "The- -dtfeavHerMfl, . ir l T j o t h i t s 4 a i l i r * a a "'• w e e k l y ; e d i t i o n s . : - h a s Hong;been iipiyerjiEtJly recognised a s llhe >ie-.t.JKwspsper'phbiI«&eiI ' .ih.->--ortliern .-ana-Csh-trSl-Hfew- Y»<rfcv T *— chief reason" foi»itspb'pjHatltylif i&ia t h e i a c t : t h > t i t i s a i - i u r n a : ! e a n a i l y . ^ e p suater j td ' - the-"Wants-Of jiltciyssesoif t he ' co r r i t imn i ty , & o a t the iajBdes te t h e tasiriess ihaH,hifa i s a s pop^ ; u l a r in ;ttte-.hotrie t j ire ' leas-ln theof l ioe i^nd-the'.worfc-shopx- " , '•.':•--...:-*•';-.••""...;•..>.'-.-; I f s p ro j i r ie tors spa;re" n^. t f ierezper igie i o r •

l a b o r IiLxheii; jffrir't-tp W a t f e t h e tTftea Hersaa.-. e q ; u a i l n a?.l -respects t o a i i y newspaper, p u b -.ISshed.^i t h e "CUlted S t a t e s , I * M i a s t o - j u p * . p l y eyery-fe^ture o f a g e n e r a l n e w s p a p e r s »o" t h a t I t s . s u s c r i b e ' s 'Will fed iinecessicty. i to. . t a k e n o - t h e i r journal"," T o i h J s e n d - i t d e v o t e * ' esjiefrlal-attenfiofl to" t h e fullestpuhlicatiOB-.. Of aU t h e loca l -hfcws -of the. tw.elve coun.^«« = t h r o u g h w h i c h it l a t e l y , -clrcuiates. ' rt)s Sbl»: :• u m n s c o n t a i n }ncp inpac t fo rm- ; .:"; .'_•._-.

AJJIUL TBE.KEVVd OE THE/WOBftp,."." =";;' . •

.'• '"T^'ididEStIM^Kijr-KEPOBTS;^ ''.':; ';": .';'•- AS%EEdiTpB^s^rSiscb^joIra^; ;^rres|)9haence:-p:or4d;tatfi-.arid:i&-ttr>

':•" ."'- ;'^C^)it^s;attd;the-oGtrea't pitfeSj.-;...',.-r'-'

- ia^dr^TESj^ . . : " . - . : ' ; ^" '^ ;-'-'"-''-"-:-."";'

the; «HoloeSt reaainit .for tiS6Eaii3dyCilrcT&; -said acaxfeftilly cohdrfctea'-AgrloultaratDi-.-.'. -patftnient, -irt.'yifjoh^^ -especial atteii'tioa.-Ji •gfven to-the"'-"; •--:•-• . ' . . :-/•..'•' '..•'.. ' : ' • i- ;;:.'"- ;

" • " ' ' B A I O T A r J s i ^ H p B ^ Q B C p , . :-.:',"

" ..-The TJJlfea S6raia :haa. a6hdbeeh :ieebgni*ea asThe^OstYaluaMe paper j.n&HiBli»dforfdi -.engage? lh:thes.e$TCO:agrlcaitni^:sl^iaiae« of-i .eutral-New.YorJr. . - r -•-•.:'• - ' :•

• EDtensfcyBiniproYementsV licreasiedJ'aism- '. ties' and :• extendeS. enwfpfjse will a i a r i t a * New Year;.. ,--%.• .'"" •:.:- "'. ':'..""" - •"-• •" •'.'"' •'".•

Spef fimert cdpies" of .Bally erWefeiiyH«iSa.l*" .sent free ^ n agpllcationi • - . . . . - ; : , " , -. " . ' " ' . . ' . •'-"". ' T B f i M ^ ' r ; . ; " .•-''"/;- -,.y '•':.:. ¥br tne;I)aily;4S;at3tharter; : ; :'••= r

SotJ&eWkate$-,$l,&a.-$eax) ia. adygdfe'e, A .. :..•"•'•-,• ;-''"..5osTi.dB;#6j!s-;";,. .;'•';.•-'' ;'.:'--'

Theelrcctlatioh.:of fk&TXiSai -Sera'dts 3ar^ :-er than the comi>inflri .cir(Sa^atlon.JO*, a l l ine-other dailies' published. in., these.-ijoimtl-s,'.'-. . . - T " 7 . " "..-:. ';- . .v."; •-.; : :- . ; "

'•;teTOa'tFAai;D;ASAN.-dd'teRiMisdaffi ^ ; •".-" -Address,- ;'-'V": :' ;-lJaaCA'.5KBB.Atid; .. •'-

.. :26W3 i-'^o.6_DGenes^e^t.-"-irti<i";,^-,-r, " - ; :€d^-"^r^MM^i0. • FQO Cftodls. :^alscwk qfi 8MtlP&,?(7iP. P o s i l J y e l y ' B e s t e t e s l h e T&htxiTii(.:_-ai3;if -Is-.the..

Only Absolute" pu f« f ' p i \pea fn fe^ EnoTKii i ' i '

T&ist-oil Is abBtiacted from. Secirljar-species--o f s inaU 'Wf i i t e iShar l c^caueKt ih t h e Yeilivw-V :i^eav ^nowKasCarcharod^r i -BbndeXeth .Ey^ry- '. 'Cninese-BSh8rihan.'-itnasfg I t ; ' its-"yi-rtues ',.*»-r e s to ra t ive of hea r ing : were-aiRcoveiPd l i r a - : Buddh i s t P * i e s t a b o u t t£i6 yearlAlt t I-isteareh w e r e So ituniBrQHS a n d naahj^ s o sgeiBin^-iy m i r a c u l o u s , t h a t tlife i e m e d y ' -feas-"offiBiai.i-;

f f rboia imeaoyefcthe -B-iliiQ E m p i r e I f e n - i h .eca in*sonhiyerBal l t faa t fdroye i^)Oy«ars MO ' deato^s-h-as-eS3stea-ahjong:the i 'Cttlnese.peo-'--ple- S e n t , cha rgesprepa id t i id toy address , ift $iper*otti«. -.,; •< •': ..,'-;•," ;•-

f t has.perft)rjnea-a :rQlraclefnittT-«a&B.. ' " • ' rhave .np-unei i r t f i ly riofsesia n iy h e a i a a r i -h e a r r n u c h better." - . . " . ' -•. V -•-.•. • I«hav61)eSngceatly-tieiieflttedi: "•' -•..'.".-••• . 5 t y aeain.ess helpfed a . g reaa d e a l ^ - t h i a k .

a n o t h e r bp tde-wi l l c u r e %e;. ;• . .',-;:.'..•

.. "I ts"Virtuesare.undnesMb&ebT'easd-Ha'eat i a t i y e .character ;:abso;utei a«- th*- 'wr i te r c s i i ;

Wear*1 ri<n? i-uhijsii..: /. of Standard and .Eopa^i

I'ne national debt of the. tfoited States is now la<s. t'hsui one-IiaM (if thnf of the"0nifed Itingtlorpt, it i.« little an.r..." haii a tim-cLo, that, of France, at, \ .mbng <»thtir Ear \K- in nations it is ra f-pp.foil by the. debteof Siyin, Br.6si.> nd Italy, ' ,

**? S 41 fiaa.i^ li - 4i*2 O S ._ __ type, oa giibd pUi«T, an j very attractively bound in

Weare also p-i-Ui'sniu^ a ruw series uader the naaw Cnrrent Mnd'SUmiaril M tioH-at.prict-d cquullv ns lov.-large qusriu broads'.!'-' n.• iutv^uduptttl i — ~ ' T.*-!^ :D"i» • - i ^ . , \* ti. fjitifdfci'^i^ I ' .ACF, „ _ asint;' ^rg,_. t k-ar tj-pv, ftj-stl r kic,^ pr-jui-t, in',,', iiisiiite ei(eh nusnb"«r"«<»i®y et Vwk<cmttoih

.'Ew; toBowii>0Cj\v.<i« Mstt>tt<-,«nsiaibcras»t iai-iasited - "'

* i i i befoimd'Hie.crieaa. L-tJ&aJcaieTer-made- They S s t a J .from--large,-fllear

f:;mteat.for asy liijinry. " tlartgi'ves ail thebest

teafl, howevar, of tho E

- 4.- Arne, by BiOmseDj 5. Frankenstein; 6. Last of the Hohieans, r.-Clytie, by Batton, 8. The Moonstone; Part J .

.9. Do. by; Collins, Part II , 10; Oliver 'Ttafet,' Bickens, 11. The Coming Bace, • . 13, Leflayby Lord Lytton,- • 13. The Three Spaniards, J4. The Tjicks of .the Greeks

ravelled, by Htradiri, .20 IB. i 'AbbB .Obnsttsalia, . ,go 16. yreijklea, • by Kedcliffi.. -.2ii IT. The Bark Colleen, . -."SO 18. They Were Marrk-ai , .io S9. Seekers after (tu:, by -• yarrifi-,- .--.-SO"

'.';'J!d^3Jad^SB.ta»-epi'..-". .." . 'Gh # . LoeMd Wettt.away on Mon--.: abaent a s^pt t , t ime at Qrlovpi'sville.: \:'..-. y- ,: .; ;'.;';. -.'..

-Theypdd'i8g3'. eatne:id' pleasantly. jEyerybody was; happy judgiipg from the pleasant, countenance add happy greetings. ;;•..-'.....' •" -.. -.-.' • Kdwis'the Mme to form pew reso­

lutions for SKe-ypari.'. iffaildres have bpen-'.'W/iitten.' on - thd- pdgey of. the; past, niay »ew resolvf3 "sttouIMp -m • to dvoid them id. the fatiird. .\ .'•.'-.' -,

Q, S, :'Woolwortb! jr, o'f.Watertown, spent the holidays With.Grant Syl-'; vaster-.. . . ' . • . - ' " ' , • " -. &.... 0. "W.etmoie*.:'pt HorWiph, ,Che-nangp c.ou?|ty-,is visifidg his nephew,.' B. Wetnapre,, . ,-\ -; ' - ..-,' '. ' / f lon . C.. Bsay.atfd, \wifPt went, tp, Bome.l'a^t wepk j 'Mis. Bsy will spend thogrdaferpoxfciod of thd winter with her :Si^fer, ,-%ft Q, Chase, .whilp"".ifr. •Bay. laid^Iroy conddilirjg'thVbdUd'-ing of the bridge he has .in contraet atthatplace; ... :• •.."•-... •-: , ' . ' . ' • "The weete of prayer will be dbsm-v-

ed by both the ; societies', uniting. T'he\.mee.tin.g' wiii- be next: ..Sunday pabrningin the'Presbyterian cliureh, •the-Bpvl I . Jenkins dreachipg, "TH*» trdci-amedti ;of: thd Lord's Supper will be adrpipiatered dfr the close- of the service. * Pios ic . .

ti»<ly VCItfc t b e Sesil-statM S « c « a e ,

. She sat in the,crpwded chujeh that dreadfully cold Sunday, and kept her new sarque-pn all the mornldg-.' £>he went With and the speqne into the chilly- street aotf caught an awtul cold. And they la­bored in vain to cme that cold until they thought of Ferry Dayi^'sPain Killer, and sent to the druggist's for a bottle. Then came relief. Sudden­ly checked perspiration bring-3 sud­den colds, chills, cough*, consump­tion.

Bdliitely Pi i re .

• This powder never varies. A marvel oi putiet-y..str'enlh au.d ^-holesomeness.: More economical than the ordinary kinaM.'andca'n-notbe«tWdln co-ioetittou- with .tha"Kiultl-tride Of loiy test-shgr.t"welglit-..alairi or' phos-ttate,powders. S o l d o u i y i n c a n s . ' ' 7 y l '

BovialBalcinfl;.Powder tto..iifew. "yprfe.

.. _ juaiain . Boys, . : . . . • 03.

S3. I'leurcttejby Scribs, . .aj SB, Second Tlion^hts, by

. Bronghton, • , . . . - . ;20 &i, TheKew Magdalen,• . .30 23. Divorce, by- l l i s s Lee, ;.20 2g. lafeof Washirigton, . -»0.

,2T.-Social Etiquette,- ' ; . .15' SW, Single". Beart and Bon-

. ble'Bace,"hy Kdade, .10 •SDi Irene, by C'arlBetlef, . .20 SO, Tice T«isS, P . Anstey, .20 31. Ernest 5Mal"trfl%-ers, * ' ,-gO 33. T h e . Baja tea H6sise - "

and'Calderon, Lytton JO 33. John lialifas, SlulOQk, -.20 3i'HiU.Bea2iifs onlheAm-

i(zon, hyjJules.Vetne; .10

.18. __ - --,,. —, -7 ' :

.. -Horry-and^eems,- . ;S0 37. Panl-ahdTiigiriia.. .--.10 38. -Tale of .TiTO;Cities,:-.',' .SO:' SB. TheHerfflits.Kuigsl'ej:. .S3. 40. AaAdyentureiriSEhnle- ,

•' • and Jfarijage of Mot- --'•-" . -• 'ia:I*ergii8,"Win.-Blaek- .10 -41, Sfarriage irt High. l i fe , .20 42, Bob in3yHrs l?a r r , . . '.SO.

.43. Tv,-oonaT.o'wer,-H.Tray ;20 44, Eagsefas, by Johnson, -.10'" 45. "Alicej-by I^tton;.."" V. ,^0 "4e..Bnke-&f'E:anaos,.i . . -.SO -•4fc Bnron-Mtinehausen, - . -MO 48. Brincesaof Thnle/Black ,<20 4& The Secret- BtspateO; '.80 50. Early Daw of -Cnristir' -a n % , byEarnir.:P6.1. .SO - „ ... -.. . ., p.. ,


. - , • Tae loUowiiig are a partaal last of books vsm ready; tliey are tteatly|aaiitea- oir. gpod paper, a id yery^sttsaetiytly bound, ia cMh.". Price 50 ceats. each;' -'.;•".• - -.

"The Siaiifc.ilsafti :Verne.- -.Two'6a.a:lower.. 'Har4yi • I"»ii ieess of "Th-ule; Bla*at..

-IMe-o£ SEar ioa . •.Byfiorry-- and Weems." - - •' . . -•• . ffihe S e n n i t s . jBygin"ga#. B u i e o f E a n a o s . Slathey, -

' E a s t l r y n i i s . Slr&HenryWopd • Jai ip.3%i-s. ChSriotte-BrontS, E o h i a . B.y; Jirs, Parr. •'-Marriage.iri-H3g-h.-Ijifei-. -.Adihirffl's'W'aid.-'Alesaridsr.

S y p e i l b n . By Longfejlow. Outa'e-HIer. By Longfellow. T h e H a t > p y B o y a r i d A i r i e . •Srartfcenstieri, BySheltey. C ly t i e . ByButton:

-TElieBIooiistoriS. By Collins. The- Coming ' H a c e . l.ytton. "She T h r e e S p a n i a r d s . T h e TrJcEs o f t h e G-reelts

unveiled.-. Bi'^wt Bo'.'diu. • X ' A h b e C o n s t a n t i n . J?ree&les.- liy Keucliff.

S l i e B a r S CoBeen . BeefeejS... after &ad,

Oanon Parrai1.. Eae^reeaildtiateiiiSeys" Slenretfce. ByBngeseScribe. • Second Thoug-lits. Broughton Eae ISTeW Magdalen. B&roree. I;y ai«i> aii t Bee. l i f e of Washington,

•Irene.:. By.-CariBi-titt, Vice Versa;. - By r . Ansicv.

-,-.— . , J o h n S a H f a s . ilis-s3iaJoik. Among the new tiocsks to wliu-la'we-desire tocaU atteatiofi-aa®

A now edition of Cahoni'ari'arts.giieat worfc.

Early Days of Cftrfslianif 1 Yet. IStao, .cloth j.gfli,- . . . . . . -gj.C3. 1 "• " half calf, - - . . . - . • 3.S0

• Thia-cdi-tion ispriiited frora larje,. clear, ixpc, on gopdpaper,and Vr-i-v- attract;*t-lv bound. The haif-Calf ediutin\ysll make.a.very handsome Clu;istjrk.s present for your rierrytoan or S;mdav-facl(uul •Teacher, The nliove.-n-ork is aijo issnrd iiiJJ vols.,

" in neat papi'i* covers, its No. SO, LovcH's JJbriry. Ko. 50, E a r l y B a y s o f C h r f s t i a a i t F , "by

C a n o n Ea i - r a r , - - . Part 1, .SO' -. " • . • -• •* • - " " " " • " p . , . s o '

AUn; veemthj .piffli' tied ? • t Div-orca, an. . o r i ^a i a l JHoyel, "by.Kiar- i

' g a r e t X^e. 1 \ oh l^ms,, n«-at paiier e m u , .^i f 1 \ , . l . U!jn>, cloth,Matkan.i j.".Id, - - .:•>

• _ - A jiowerf ill Amt-rican K«vel. dvaliu.rwith a sub-ject ,'f i-Uil imponauceat thepj-i.-i-utuay. j , . w^v,« —

JFCii pBsoBU'TrvB CATAi^cns XVILTJ jts. S;^vf-ox ALTUCAXIUS..

C h a s , S i c k e n s ? ' ^osap ie t e -^drfei- lB'V'or-- . -uinufe isn«), clotb, gijt, imd half. calf:.: ' • . • ' •

W . S E . T h a e l i e r a y ' s Coa tp l e t e -Works , 11' .. Y'.-.„..:es,};<uo, el-Jill. giit,. and half calt- ' - • .-G-eorfi-s Z l i o ^ s Coniplete . Waxks, 3 Volmnes,-

J - S A !.:U.a, (.:*,. indfioif caff. . .". - - "• -- '. r i u t a w i i ' s x i v e s o f B l u s f e i o t i s ECen, -3

\._1 :..v.», ISttio,-cloth, jrilt. and half-ciaf;.- . • : U s a i a a ' A n c i e n t H i s t o r y , ,4. Volinnes,' -12mo,-. .'.at:-.',giH,.a;uil.atfcalr,': • - .•-• ' \ -• C h a r l e s - K n i g h t ' s P o p u l a x H i s t o r y o f e E n e -

l a a a , 8 \ v h t a r s . . i e i a o . cloth, gift'top". " ' E a c a t i l a y ' s ' H i s t o r y o f ' E n g l a i t a , § Yolniaes, . i '.!•), Clue!,, Kilt. . -

Eevell's^ Sarfes o? Kerl J iae Soets, 40 vbl-t. Mva vt all.t^e b . - ^ v.-oricsot' the world's-great 11-. ;s, Tinnj>.m, fltakospere, Sliltpi), Mcr(3ith,.

»v'.v, 1'iutt^r., bu/tu Byrpn, Bante, &C; . * '

' ,'-•• -JQEST W. -LOtiSZL CO., JPutiisherl U & 16 '.Tcsey'Si 'Mm' T^TTC-. .The above are tc/f saie by .. ' . . , ' .• - - "='• v ' - . - ' - . . , • • ' . . " '; ' . . : .- . •' :-'-' . '

3&s?s«..Sarali Cl.'Miii®!?-bsista*ep the rooms lately occupied hy Mrs. fieo. &torr.ow,'for the purpose of dress-mnk« tnsf,. an'f ,reRPPetfulty solicits pntronnse Di-Vssesand wrap's foriiotli lailies and.misses \yili,b.e:'a6tedand; the .• •.'••. . •

%^0^t'SbttS:W.GBi '&$":

nil nboft nonce (or Indies iroiu-ttu'.fmnil-rv ;•-' wc-il as in town, who may d«.>ijv to d" their iwn-sevylpg iSCrs, -Miller. 18 agent-JTor Batter-iok's Patterns.- ••• . ' .-

-; A beneficial dressing J : pfefrrieiltd-siroiiaran-Kiss" hit Ju^e i<f its ptirir

/ ty andricl^-pcrtume. l t | SKeStorcs to UWJ-Mairi I t l ia .toutoirul ft t lorsi I siprcyents daridrali aad.| 'falling t'f ihc-iutir.

ONE of the easiest things lo believe in and one of the hardest to reduce to practice i» oonuaofl honeflty,

wmzmmmmMM* ON Cwkjne,sfijiiatyrool HISCOX A COjfc.-Yrjflae.e:


F O R C A S H . The uuders jgaed des t ies to give no t ice t o

his immeioii's pilrou^ thai he will conduct hi>i business s t i i c i ly foi ov. | i j l t < r JSovemt>ei I, ISsJ. Nn m o r e o i c ' I t will be giMMi. The b i s t n f m i a t ouii'-tantJ} on b a u d — l ,ow^Ule,

jOcl.LS, iiSi, J A C O B ASHBACK,

j P i o p i i e t o r W a e h i u s t o n MaiJ ie t .

, , , .-—: !5B|5:er3jiin8ii.T,-.Xim" w t l l n e ' g r r eg re t -do ing s o ' " — E d i t o r » f i l -er , -eant i le-Review, -.' '-•-,"--. : : , . . . " - ' • - ' -

a ^ - t o a v p i d lossi»i tttB jmaQS;-.Dlf4ie'-aeaa-•''•• moheshyregisj&recliettiEfE,-' . ' . ; ' ; ,'-," '"'-" O n l y I m p o r t e d byBCA-S iddKA3^5TNY,"" . :

i y . 6-S 'S% ®sm..1: p« , , : Eate. Hdyfocfc-AGo,, ..;; Spie agenTs.for ipaerieft . . 7. jpey St.,'s:e-w' Viirifc. •


ms/ii The most'-POsTOrfui fiealia^r dittttnBiit iy&f-

- . - ' -.'.-'.:•'.. ;Biscoyerea,:.:- ' ' -•" ' ." ' -- . ' •- : . . ' , - .

. HenTy^sftaiajoJfpS^veicTifes.sSEes.'"";': -i-'.'

. Henry^s CaTbpB^'Saly&-afcayrSi3rh's,: •':_,.:

. .Hen^'aCarhbllc'Salve;Bures-Biuises. . • ' "

Senry^Ckf|jolIc.Sa.iSiieai^PiiriJiegy '.--"-'

"benry^ paSbolie-Saiye- ciiriJS.PHesV- -! "V ')•"'--.:

; Henry's 'CarbblcSalve hekliCu'S; _- ::•'.•':"

._- Askfer Henry's^anaTSk«in-vdjher.•-;-.~'i-

" ^ . - B g ^ A R i E ttFC^d'^EBEaiTSiTlftt" * :.-.'

Agents-?. - - "'."WantedI':'"•;'•.-. .'Ageid«r:-

umm mim uwi •"'"-' ':^^-tthW''/;-

-:;•; , H ^ I I M I ^ O I 5 M M 4 * * ^ . : ; - V ; SfissBiphaxds' . S o y . ." O-'a djay.eia-riiy so^d."W»'• w a r i ' t a r i a g e h t l n .eyery fpvEii^>r ciwja^ 1---rs,-terjns,ari.d.asend'-" to'AmFTlp-.i3'Pulji isV-l u g Oo^, Har t fo rd i Bos ton ; Chica£ck - <^Tuelni: " .njttivOT:St,;-tiPttTS,:-'-:;:;.•-. : . ' . ;. £3vTfi:. ,-.- "•

A I ^ n i i n t r T e n d o n F l ! y » i • -. I c i an es tab l i shes s * -. Office I n Me*r3?orifc . . .

.-•-.•• *M?*he :eu t e* f ' : : - i)K'Ab.-^esorolo.(totd:*-f Iiohd!)n), 3io.m(&53.'G- piJ-- '•-..••

"<Uolfe? of>EjjilQpSy,lias'-*fitriont 4ouUfc;treat9d a&d-JiTSv4. -morBcd'ses-tl3aiiany6tt)erllvlnS'ph3«Eeiftn...'.pisspc?sss ; -, •Sas"aintjlySeon astonishing.? -iro-ftare- Jii-arS of caici of- .-d^or-itt-yVsari'-etan^^-K^ .-iBs.nubHslJSa-'i'wffcfc.on.tria .dlswse,wlileii-lie *<>!><!i .---TSUh-alargabottle-oftils-wondtJrfuLcai-oXr-ea i»fTr£s--f- • --. ^rer-iTho-mKTB'erid-tlielt-'^qpressanap.O^-af-reia^ V-* - --aavJsea'Kyoh& - ' i. - - ' ;

,. , -•|)r.AB.-MBSSB01i KOi-!i8.JuUnSc:,Nc-vTT9£5%...

r., :ev.ejp:: ready, ntatie eiiiiiiiiig*

l i e sure asici secure -r

souie of the g^eat b a r -

-•'-"• ••.'- -- . ' - B e a i e r s itf."':.: --."; ' :".-• .-:•..• •&Z,.Q1ZB."- - '-•: ' - . - • . : ' ' " ' - . c"? ;v : ••••; ' :•- ' ••'•':• - • ' • - • -PQ&K,:: :-•.:.-; . ••.:•••: \ r

••-• : \ ' •. BXfTTEB,,/: .- .:. - " : . : , . . • ' • ' - . ; . - • • •'•XiAm^-.-: - • - - :

... - . . . v . ' . ' - - ;v.,--:"-. I ' . ; : ; '-' •"•?".": - . . &G:93i' ' a u a . a h i u d ^ . o ^ d r o ' ^ s t o u s ' r S ^ ' i p o & r i e i J . . ; : .

Fresh 'goods ' -a lways ;du:.iiadd a l i a prloH,:'.a* -•'

. W e o ^ r - e s t T ^ b a r . g a j i i ' s ' i n ' . . . : : " : . ' . "' '-'.'-. '- T£^yc62^'%s.33sm&PW&&,-:-.;_:-.

:• -All goods' warrantWii. ."•; S3toi& 'tji .t'Hs Jlofe*-blocfc,»ex% door "to Sutler 's harhiessstsop^ -.•-•- •

" ' . MJllu-Street, EO:WS?l3JBIi,''iS-;:K =-.-•T^-AUderso'risindehted'tot.theiat'earmatea ,

reoaeatfid to=caU and seatrle; - • •. : -.'• .: ." -, • - • • " . •"' • • - ' --- . -.-/- E . J, AWmWSi • • -. -.,.-,. . - • : :••;-.._.-.-:• •. y E S E i > ; - ? x > s ; s ; j " .-•

<'l4iic(M ^ifll^^fosm^ •.'; .'Honest. Old- Ah'eMiite'iAains 'his bibitiet ..

... . ; ." .-^itha.l l t t jeauotationy. :. -,.y :-: "Now",' gentlemen, you a i l tiaVe..'i»<jf«- ot"'-•*

l*sspoetry la-sriuv-sdnlstllst*-vto-tpW-Saul-.v Ahraham-lj'nc'oih., Ehen Presl.deijlii'oss torn •hWchalrivin Ms'.TOfiiee^.inAbe-Wliite.-jaou-Ke,,; ahcl-ieala,:!!! trernhlihg Umks, whieh; indiewtA ed;iiiifbwh:profouiid:ap'preetasioii-orj!t, Br-Sf,. "W^ .-Holmes': '-iuaisl Left?,1' of wSWhvthefolr . frayingareiwo,\^i;se§,t-..•;.•;;•:•: :;.;-• ....-.:..•;'.', ,..'•

'•" . "Thoy say-that ih loS'p'iiiBe,--. - . . • . - . ' - ' ... :• >-.Eie-Biepi,unt»g.linlfe»ftlme '•• ," ••••' • " "••' ; 'Guthimdowkj' • "- -' •:•-

" - 'Kotarj.etterniari-wasfQttncJ . ..". ..... -" ' B y the"«rier Hi fii-s round . - ' " ; - ' - • ^ '*• •'

•- Thrph£b: the:to-wii. " •- --;.' - '•: >- • •;, .• '••- ""-Bfoiv theMoksy^JiV';blo6' ries't. -""'" ..i '.•:-• -. •.' • Oh-th<sU>"'SthSi-he--hadpressed .

l u the i rh lpo in ; - - • • " - . -..---.--." And tfie nanios he.lovfid to i e a r -..-'.

• : • . Savp been carved--for Orais * yew: - •;. • •_;.' .- - .; Oatlifrtoihb."..-;;.;-;--; . : --• y . . . - "" -•

' Sfr. tochael Guil'foy'le, of BinehiuapTb-D^ If." Y,; i s ho t as.old-as t h« v e n e r a b l e Bos ton Citi- . zeu of '"•honi the ,poe t wro te wiihJsueh te i i ae r p a t h o s , y e t l ie i s tetfrw t h a n t h r e e s e b m a h i i -teiii- " y a r " -the pas^e lg fc t - an t iose y F a t s / ' - h * ' WtlteB , ' I lih,ve he'en a per.fecfci*i3'ple from..' • •'• r j j^urnat lsnjv B o b b l l n s r a b O u t j f r h e s t l e o u I a ; '

, '.with t n y c a n a a tooKPai-Jter 's «HrJj»er •Pori'Ic : ' and a t e n o w s u p p t e a n d stfctw? a s a e -vwnss t i -.. The re I s n o t r a c e of t h e djsease l e f t a f t o u t m e ; ' "

Mr.. B W. -Hoshe r . wholesa le dnieKiiit,of- ' BlnfiBatoPtpn. ivr i tes Messrs . S l K c o i . * C<~.,of • Kew : york-^PfaprlS-trt ts :pj / the T o n i c ^ e r t i - . - -" fVing-to Mri 6uilfoyle:*s:declar'iM;on, •' - :•••'• "Hj iv ingaJ l t h e oroperf ies o r s i y - p r e p s r a - .

Hon ot ginger, Pai-fier's S i e g e r ' t b n l c i s * > te inedy c f . ln f ln i tR lyg iea t^ r*a»^e«nd ftower. '" -I t c u r e s aU diseases- .arifjiiir f rom' 'an i m d u r e s tRt^bf t b e Woodr .or -impe»pee£-aiffflspbh : . : . Ovspfepsia ( i n d all- i t seonspquence ' -J . ' -Malar i ;

latFevers., Molr H.eada-Ui>,fel(in'eyte.ia"lil»'i • •Btpricli t is , a n d .cpto.iiibh couej is AiiTct-tMr.ajg.' . vanish at its touch Prhe, =iti c tnrs n i i i t ' ' bottle, Iiait;ersiae the cheaper. Dec.


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