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Post on 16-Mar-2018






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Chairman’s View – Season 2015-16


Following my mid-year Chairman’s View this is my personal review of the completed 2015-16 season and I hope it will inform members of the activities undertaken and serve to highlight some priorities for your attention and consideration next season. I am very grateful for the support and encouragement I have received and I trust that members will see that the Club has successfully embarked on the improvement agenda that was put forward at the AGM. I am confident that we have made significant progress however we must continually challenge ourselves to achieve higher standards in all aspects of the clubs activities.

International Rugby

The World Cup competition dominated much of the early part of the season and certainly attracted capacity crowds to our clubhouse to watch the England games. Several of our club members were involved in the volunteer army of helpers and their efforts were much appreciated by all rugby supporters. Unfortunately for many the home nations teams progress in the tournament was ‘limited’ and by the time the final stages were played there had been a dramatic reduction in the number of northern hemisphere sides to cheer on. Nonetheless the competition was a truly wonderful feast of rugby and served to showcase the game across the world with the southern hemisphere dominating and the All Blacks finally lifting the trophy. There is no doubting the number one team in the World.

The Six Nations proved to be keenly contested and resulted in England winning a grand slam under the guidance of a new Australian coach. Given the World Cup performance this may have been unexpected but it was a welcome boost for England supporters. There have been some tenuous links between SRFC and Australian coaches with Eddie Jones having played for Randwick, an Australian club well known to former Stourbridge captain Jon Collins and ex-player Jim McKay. The recent addition of Glenn Ella as attacking coach also strikes a chord with many of us who were fortunate enough to work with him when he coached our first team at Stourbridge. It seems there is something special about an English/Australian combination and the recent magnificent exploits of the England team winning the test series down under show that the combined attributes can produce a powerful team. This splendid result caps a great season for England rugby. Congratulations to them.

Local Rugby

In the Premiership the relocation of Wasps into Midlands rugby is a welcome addition that appears to have been very successful. They have an excellent stadium and play an exciting style of rugby making them a real attraction drawing large crowds. We have a few contacts at Wasps and we have engaged in informal discussions about how they see the development of the game in this area. We hope there may be opportunities to explore jointly in the future and we are keen to learn from their experience. Worcester are also familiar to many of us as a well-established premiership side. Whilst in recent years I understand that we have not developed the strongest links perhaps the incoming Director of Rugby will be willing to engage with teams in their area and entertain collaborative arrangements for the benefit of both clubs.

The Championship ended with Bristol going up but Moseley occupying the relegation spot and consequently they will be playing in National 1 alongside Coventry next season. These two local giants will no doubt create keenly contested derbies with bragging rights available to the winners. Teams moving between leagues always face the challenge of adjusting to different circumstances and it will be interesting to see how the recruitment of each squad shapes up next year.

In National 2 North [level 4] Stourbridge will be joined by relatively a relatively local side Hinckley, although we lose Broadstreet to relegation. Sheffield Tigers, Wharfedale and Scunthorpe are the other teams joining our league in 16/17, we know Sheffield and Wharfedale from seasons past, but I believe Scunthorpe will be a new experience.

In the National 3 Midlands league [level 5] Old Halesonians finished a promising season in third place above our other neighbours Bromsgrove and the Bees.

Congratulations to Bridgnorth who topped their league [level 6] and achieved promotion again. DK finished mid-table, but it may surprise some to see Walsall at the foot of this table and relegated.

In Midlands 2 West (north) [Level 7] Stourbridge Lions finished solidly in mid-table with Kidderminster in close proximity. Moseley Oak topped this league to achieve promotion and Wolverhampton finished strongly and were well placed.

It seems the ebb and flow of local teams is unpredictable from season to season and good sides can suddenly appear just as quickly as poor sides disappear. The stability of the Club is a major factor in achieving success on the field and supporters can look forward to next season in anticipation of this uncertainty providing another interesting year.

The reality of the professional era is that teams can change drastically depending on the amount of financial support available and the movement of players between clubs has never been more pronounced. Whilst this should provide opportunities for players to find the ideal level to display their talents, it does reduce the stability of some clubs. Retaining a settled side is difficult to achieve as the opportunities for players to move clubs are extensive.

Our season

In keeping with the British obsession I mention the weather first, which this rugby season has been almost exclusively wet. Playing conditions dictated that several games were reduced to mud baths and the open handling game became increasingly difficult. In the worst of the winter months some clubs were submerged (see Tynedale) and everyone was lamenting the lack of suitable drainage. The puddles on our Colts pitch became lakes and the first team pitch and Lions pitch were close to unplayable at times. It is testament to our groundsmen that we didn’t lose a single home fixture.

Interest in artificial pitches rose with the water table and the RFU have started a pilot programme to install more of these pitches in the coming years. We have expressed our interest in ‘hosting’ one of these pitches, however there is bound to be a long queue asking for appropriate funding as they are so expensive. If the opportunity arises for SRFC we would obviously consult the membership before making such a big decision. Possibly a referendum would be appropriate?

On the field our First Team finished fourth in the league and served up some very exciting high scoring games. There were a few losses against the sides at the lower end of our league that eventually cost us a promotion chance, but it should be recognised that this is a young squad capable of great things.

Our spectators have provided dedicated and vocal support this year with a good many making the long away trips. These loyal supporters have become a feature of the club and their continued presence is both noticed and admired by other clubs in our league. It is much appreciated by the players and committee members alike, long may it continue.

Whilst the performance of the first team is our showcase nationally the strength of our amateur rugby is also vital to success at the Club. The Lions, Hounds, Hoppers, Colts and all M & Js are all representatives of the club as soon as they pull a shirt on or wear the badge. I have been impressed with the attitude and behaviour of all our teams and our disciplinary record is excellent. All the coaches, team managers and spectators have a role to play in promoting and continuing this sporting ethos.

Representative games

We have hosted representative games including the British Police, North Midlands, the Black Country and Worcester & Hereford, the Association of Colleges and we are now the home ground for the Stourbridge King Edward VI college team who are playing in a college league.

Black Country rugby is very much in its infancy and has yet to establish itself fully within the representative arena. We are already supporting Black Country games at various age levels, although how this will develop is yet to be determined. James Ritchie has taken responsibility for involvement with Black Country games taking over from Simon Trimmer.

Our continued status as the home of British Police Rugby has also attracted some representative games and a sevens tournament. Unfortunately the international police game scheduled in February for British Police v French Police was cancelled due to the continued state of alert in France following terrorist attacks. Let us all hope that no such recurrence disrupts fixtures in future.

RFU Relationship

Our relationship with our parent organisation is vitally important and this year we have been in an ongoing dialogue with the RFU that has proven to be both stimulating and challenging. The guidance and assistance available from various RFU representatives has been gratefully received and we have struck up a very positive exchange that we will be nurturing in future years. Not all the ideas coming down from HQ are applicable to our Club and we have the opportunity to respond, but offers of assistance and support should never be overlooked. There are some excellent exemplars and guidance available.

I have been delighted with the support that has already been made available for our floodlights project, the Stourbridge Sevens, O2 Touch and the training courses that are all examples of RFU driven initiatives that have come to fruition for us this season. We have renewed our accreditation with the RFU and part of the process included taking an anonymous survey of our members that produced some valuable insight and detailed information. A copy of the survey results (unedited) is available for member perusal on request.

On the subject of information the Game Management System is a large database system promoted by the RFU that is meant to contain vital club data. Unfortunately, our GMS was out of date and required a spring clean. This is not a small undertaking and we have recently nominated a data officer to work on this update. Please bear with us as we gather the necessary data to keep the system current. We are in the early stages of understanding the capabilities of the system and will report findings at a later time.


At the last AGM members exercised their vote and elected several ‘new’ officers and general committee members. This change altered the mix of individuals involved in managing the club. The resulting upheaval was not without teething problems, as handover arrangements were not well practiced, however the club can learn from this experience and prepare to handle similar events more smoothly in future. It may be necessary to consider amending details of the constitution to facilitate such changes.

I would like to put on record my thanks for the efforts of all those who served on committee and as officers and I hope that they will continue to be actively involved in supporting the club in future. Members should bear in mind that these elected roles are volunteer positions and the contributions made by the individuals serving are essential to the continuance of the Club activities. There are many unsung volunteer efforts that keep the club operational and these individuals also deserve our recognition and gratitude. Naming individuals is not appropriate however we need to understand the importance of maintaining and growing this band of vital supporters.

The President (John Slim) chaired the general committee which is the decision making body of the Club and at the start of the season we agreed to create four sub-committees, each with a particular focus and with a Director to lead. The four subs were, Rugby, Commercial, Facilities and Communications. Within these disciplines Directors were encouraged to co-opt any members who they consider could contribute to their subject area and involve them in running the club efficiently. Each Director provides a summary report of activities and recommendations at the monthly General Committee meeting.

As the General Committee only meets monthly it is necessary for day-to-day decisions to be dealt with by a smaller more agile body and for that purpose the Management Executive Group continues to function. The group comprises the four named officers of the Club and any of the four Directors depending on the issues in question. In keeping with the nature of the group much of the work is carried out informally.

The Lions and the M & J committees continue to function as previously and both are represented on general committee. The section itself determines the composition of each committee. I have been fortunate to be invited to attend several M & J meetings and I am pleased to report that the integration throughout the club is growing apace. I believe it is in everyone’s best interests to have a consistent approach to club development and a common purpose for the future. There are many initiatives that have been adopted this year that have bonded the club members more closely.

During the year it has been made clear to me that several of our members have strongly held opinions about running the club. It has been very helpful to have open debates about issues and if we continue to channel this passion to support the furtherance of our Club all will be well. I encourage feedback and would be happy to start a regular member’s discussion forum if this is proven to be of interest.


You may have noticed a difference in the way the club office functions as responsibilities and staff members have changed. In September we created a new role of Head of Marketing (Louise Kelly) to run the office and her main duties are to deal with sponsors and members to assist in promoting and marketing the club. The HoM also coordinates events and ensures that specific requirements are recognised and dealt with efficiently.

The response we have had to the changes has been overwhelmingly positive and the influx of bookings is much appreciated. Whilst we have expanded the range and number of bookings we have to recognise that this has also increased the administrative workload and we have to be mindful of the capacity we require in future. We have set out the hiring arrangements and ensured that they are correctly applied. Members are entitled to a 50% discount on room bookings.

We have placed emphasis on customer care to enhance the experience for anyone using the club and this approach has been well received. Most people booking the Club for the first time are given a guided tour and we have invested in a range of different decorations to give them a choice of themes. We have had very complimentary reviews from many events held in the clubhouse.

There are many minor administrative tasks that we have encountered and rearranged this year and in the interests of keeping the club running we have had to make some rapid decisions. We will be refining our approach to these as we settle on the systems and policies that are best suited to serve the Club in the future.

Gathering accurate management information has proven to be elusive for a variety of reasons that are largely due to incompatible systems and the fact that we run an amateur club which does not report in the same way as most businesses. We have identified the key details we want to review on a regular basis and once we have systems in place these will be reported regularly.

Finance The accountancy arrangements have changed this season and we are indeed fortunate to have the expert services of the Hon. Treasurer (Chris Cook) and his company colleagues at Nicklins.

In accordance with requests made by members at the AGM we have examined and reviewed the financial position of the club with regard to the overall loans and overdraft facility to understand our gearing against assets.

This year we have achieved significant improvement in our financial position because we have reduced expenditure and increased income. Our finances have been boosted by a significant increase in sponsorship income, a reduction in overheads and outgoings and a better return on events that has allowed us to reduce our overdraft facility and make prompt payments to our creditors.

Indicative sources of income for a rugby club

Example Rugby Club Income









There is still a need to be prudent in all our financial dealings and there are many operating costs that have to be covered in every season. We will look to further control costs and increase income in the coming year. The full financial position will be made available at the financial AGM that is later this year.

Back to the future

Reflecting on 50 years of development much has happened at Stourton Park, comings and goings, a whole lot of rugby, making friends and enjoying the social scene, building and expanding the size of the Club and facilities. We are indeed fortunate to inherit a legacy from the work of the family of many senior members and colourful characters who have been the architects of our history. I have been pleasantly surprised by the way that an enduring Stourbridge spirit has been carried through from those formative years into the present day by so many well meaning members and we are indebted to them for the club we have today.

At the start of the season we were presented with the ‘old’ SRFC flag, it was lovingly refurbished and now flies proudly in front of the clubhouse. Flying the flag was symbolic of our ambition to revitalise the club by calling on our heritage whilst creating new opportunities and memories for all members to cherish. To a certain extent we adopted a ‘back to the future’ approach.

This season it was my great privilege to host the 50th anniversary lunch for the team of ‘65 who opened the Club with a game against Moseley. The picture below shows several members of the team enjoying their reunion and no doubt recounting a tale or two about how things were better in their day.

Rugby (Director Neil Mitchell)

Our Director of Rugby is responsible for the recruitment, retention, coaching and performance of the first team squad and he also has an overarching influence on all the rugby-playing activities throughout the whole club. The management executive group was pleased to have re-secured the services of Neil Mitchell for a long-term contract. Whilst Mitch may need no introduction to most of our members, it was our assessment of his continued ambition and powerful drive, which led to our confidence in his abilities, and we feel fortunate to have such a shrewd and experienced leader to take us forward into the new season.

All aspects of playing rugby are now discussed and reported through the rugby sub-committee that has representation from the First Team, the Lions, the M & Js team coaches and captains. It is through this sub-committee that coaching and playing issues are raised and recommendations made.

First XV

Watching the warm up games at the start of the season was fascinating as the newly formed squad began to show their potential and they exceeded my expectations by taking a couple of notable scalps from higher leagues. It was apparent that the Director of Rugby and his coaching team had recruited well and were already blending new players into the first team squad. We should note the significance of the link with British Police and how that has helped in providing several quality players. Recruitment is always an interesting process and seeing players coming up from the lions is also very encouraging.

The ensuing league campaign contained many highs and a few lows and although we looked like promotion candidates for several weeks around Christmas time we occasionally seemed to lose our way against the lower ranked sides. Losing games by narrow margins eventually told in league points however the games won against the leading teams included some spectacular efforts. When we were in top gear it was truly wonderful to watch. We finished a creditable fourth place in the league. With much of the squad retained, there is plenty to be hopeful about for next year.

For many of us the most gratifying feature of the squad is the way the players have gelled into a motivated team and they played attractive rugby with creative attacking options and a gritty defence. There is a passion in their play that is beyond training drills and fitness and it is noticeable that they have pride in their performances and in their Club. We are fortunate indeed to have a happy and enthusiastic squad and I trust the players enjoy their experience and make lifelong friendships at SRFC.

The player pathway approach was introduced to help players to transition within the combined senior squad and there have been some players who have moved from the Lions into the first team. However this approach is somewhat restricted by the registration rules and the gap between the playing levels of our teams.

Early indications are that recruitment for the 16/17 season has gone well and we are anticipating that our squad will be strengthened in depth to compete effectively in the league next season. Pre-season training started well and the squad are already doing the hard work that is essential to build fitness levels. Supporters should appreciate that these players really do work hard throughout the summer to get ready to play.

It is important to ensure that players have the appropriate opportunities to play at the right level. There will always be different opinions about individual players; selection is a contentious exercise at whatever level however we are working towards greater flexibility amongst squad members.

Lions XV

The strength of the opposition in the local league appears to vary considerably and the results often show high scoring games that make exciting watching. There is no doubting the spirit and commitment of the Lions players and they will gain from regular rugby at this level however the next level up may be within reach if all the talent available is deployed.

This is undoubtedly a young team capable of excellent performances but sometimes lacking in consistency across their league campaign. The ‘thrillers’ they have provided in cup competitions were great entertainment and the lads can be very proud of their efforts. The Lions have a strong identity that has grown over time and it is testament to the long standing Captain that this group is such a devoted bunch. After six years the change of captaincy marks the end of an era, but I am confident that Stuart has handed over to Charlie at a time when the team is flourishing and I hope they will continue to develop next year.

I have been hugely impressed by the way that the Lions embrace the ethos of the game, their style of play and their attitude is refreshing and has helped them to play the game with a genuine spirit of enjoyment. Whilst this strictly amateur approach has been a given for several seasons the increasing emergence of commercial influence at their current league level begs the question of how long this can continue and further consideration may be needed to address future challenges.

Combined First XV and Lions social events have proved to be popular and the club benefits greatly from their affable if boisterous atmosphere. There is much to be said for team bonding exercises, although I would emphasise the need for discretion, even in the midst of celebrations, as we always want to set a good example.

Greyhounds and the Grasshoppers

Both teams have their own merit table fixtures to concentrate the mind although the number of cancelled fixtures seems to be on the increase. Finding opposition that are of a similar strength is sometimes difficult and getting pool games at the last minute is frustrating and can cause mismatches. It appears we must make every effort to get as many games as possible as we have a huge potential squad including some ‘occasional’ players who often fancy a run out. My concern is that if we don’t get players out regularly they may become fixated on Saturday shopping trips!

Transfers between the two teams is a hotly contested topic however the flexibility needed to run all our teams needs to include a willingness to play for any side in the club. As long as you are pulling on a Stourbridge shirt the team selection shouldn’t be a problem. This approach assists with getting to know players across all teams and is a great intro when you need contacts.

The local Veterans tournament initiated this year was a success and I congratulate everyone involved in planning for and playing in it. I hope this becomes an annual event that goes from strength to strength. The prospect of Wednesday evening rugby seems to be gathering support and perhaps this is an opportunity to explore fully next season when the new floodlights are operational.

The annual Clash of the Titans (Hounds v Hoppers) has become a prominent feature in our internal calendar and is well attended. I like to think that this game has become increasingly popular because of the bold shirt designs and the exciting play however it is the spirit of the game that makes it so special. The game raises significant money for charity and it is testament to all who take part that they give generously to good causes.




There have been rare sightings of the Gazelles in recent years, so few that there was talk of renaming them the Unicorns, however if clubhouse rumour is to be believed there could be a reemergence next season. Whisper to Nick Goodwin? There are many very senior members who may be glad of a slightly more sedate game and the Hoppers and Hounds are getting younger and faster these days, or is this only the policemen? I hope the Gazelles will find enough players and Elastoplast to take the field more often next year. Rugby is for all ages we are told. Get those golden shorts out boys.


This team is an essential part of the Club and I am very pleased that it is now properly constituted and playing in a league. Most games are played on a Sunday afternoon, which isn’t ideal for spectator numbers, but no doubt this timing will eventually become more popular. Credit must go to the coaches, in particular Sean Firth who has shown great leadership and drive to get this team established. A most noticeable feature was the way the team were organised and disciplined in their approach and the Fred Rowley Trophy played at Walsall proved to be a real showpiece for the way that the players and the team has matured. The transition of these colts into senior rugby should be a priority for next season.

Based on close personal experience the attitude of Stourbridge Colts players does not seem to have changed greatly in forty years. This is wonderful news in part as they seem every bit as spirited and naïve as many of us were just a few short years ago. I admire their resilience and I hope they will get the same levels of fun and friendship that previous generations have enjoyed. Every year cohort has its own identity and we wait in anticipation to see the latest crop of players emerge.

Touch rugby

We have successfully launched O2 Touch rugby at Stourton Park. It has proven to be popular and attendances on a Monday and Wednesday evening have increased. This initiative is supported by the RFU and brings in funds and new equipment. Adopting O2 Touch is a good way to organise the way we play touch and also provides the opportunity for players of all abilities to be included. Come on down and try it.


There is a resurgent interest in girls’ rugby and a squad of over twenty girls regularly trains on Sunday mornings. It may take some time to form a full team depending on the age groupings however the interest shown is a most encouraging development.

The recent experience day for girls from local schools saw around 100 Girls trying out at Stourton Park and the RFU supported this event and even produced a short

publicity video. It is hoped that this presents a positive image of the game and that many more girls will be interested enough to take up the game.

Womens rugby

We have yet to see a demand for a return of women’s rugby although we are hopeful that interest in the girls’ game may eventually lead to the club reforming a women’s team. It may take some additional commitment and leadership to get enough players wanting to play fixtures on a regular basis however if the enthusiasm of the girls team carries through into the women’s game there is another potential Stourbridge team in the making.

MINI and JUNIOR RUGBY (Chairman Tom Skinner)

In his first year as Chairman Tom has managed to take the section forward and it is great credit to the players and parents that mini and junior rugby at Stourbridge is flourishing. Sunday mornings seem to be busier than ever with healthy sized squads at virtually every age group. It is encouraging to see the emergence of future talent but more interesting to me is the way that rugby is being ‘taught’. Our youngsters show great attitude and have a genuine commitment to their teammates and their club.

The discipline and the sportsmanship on display are impressive and there are many Mums and Dads who should be very proud of their offspring. The coaches deserve recognition for their diligence, patience and enthusiasm and it is evident that the whole club is coming together to be involved. Hearing the U14s yelling their support for the Firsts down at Luctonians was a particular pleasure. Seeing the first teamers helping out with training shows a reciprocal respect that helps the club to progress.

Without picking out a particular age group to support I try to follow all our teams and I have been struck by the enthusiasm from the Micros right through to the Colts. The standard of rugby being played is high and especially in the younger age groups the appreciation of the game as a fun exercise for everyone to take part is evident.

Schools liaison

Our contacts with local schools are vitally important and initiatives like the secondary schools festival was successful in attracting pupils who previously had not sampled rugby. Over a 100 novice players took part in what we hope will become an annual event. Whilst we have several points of contact we perhaps need to coordinate the efforts and provide a focus for schools liaison in future.

We hope that this sort of initiative will grow the game and make it accessible to a wider range of pupils. There has been investment by the RFU, promoting rugby in our local schools that has been a key factor helping to spread the word and we are now seeing the benefit of their involvement in increasing player numbers.

Rugby camps

We hosted a ruby camp led by Worcester Warriors this year and it proved to be a huge success, SRFC are now recognised as a partner club with the Warriors and this kind of relationship benefits our players greatly. Learning from this experience we have three further camps organsied for later in this summer and we have the capability in house to offer one of these camps with our own coaches. The camps provide a good introduction to the game and have a range of expert coaches providing tuition.

Coordinated coaching

The coordination of players and coaches from all teams and age groups is being encouraged so that we can benefit from a combination of all the knowledge and experience in the club and build our collective capability. We have begun to encourage coaching exchanges throughout the club and have recently appointed a coaching coordinator for the M and Js.

The coordinated approach will allow us to benefit from using specialist coaches and exchanging techniques and systems between our own coaching resources. We can support our coaches to take the appropriate levels of training and we are regularly hosting RFU coaching sessions that we can make accessible. It will take time to get all the coaches involved so the intention is to develop a core skills programme that will provide a ‘Stour Style’ pool of information that will be available as and when coaches need it.


There has been plenty of rugby played in the M and Js and the participation in various festivals, including our own gives the players opportunities to engage in competition and also to allow the whole squad to become involved.


Although I didn’t go on any tours this year I gather we were active as a club and the reports of success on these excursions is always welcome. It speaks volumes for the commitment of the coaches and followers that they can provide these opportunities and it is a great advert for the game and our club. A huge well done to all tourists, I trust we will continue to pursue opportunities and to reciprocate with visiting teams. Great to see teams from Bristol and Athy (Ireland) coming to Stourton Park.


I have been perplexed by the way that academies operate and although I have heard several different versions from various ‘experts’ I can only conclude that there is no certainty on either their effectiveness or their merit. The prospect that the best talent of the area is herded into these academies before the clubs have had time to introduce them to senior rugby concerns me. The suggestion that they play so little competitive rugby is also odd as there is seemingly a high drop out rate. Perhaps I need to investigate further to establish some facts however the links with academies certainly need to be properly explained to clubs so that we can appreciate their role in the development of the future playing talent.

Communications (Director Miles Edge)

In describing the role of Director of Communications I struggle to cover enough subjects to do justice to the workload that has been undertaken by Miles this year. It is apparent to me that his extraordinary efforts constitute an immense contribution deserving of our gratitude and respect. I hope all members appreciate this herculean effort and that it will inspire them to volunteer their assistance in future years. There is not much that Miles doesn’t do on members’ behalf hence his happy smiling demeanour. Under his role as Communications Director the availability of information has certainly changed and we are now reaching more members more regularly.

Electronic news

The introduction of the ‘In Touch’ electronic newsletter has proven to be very popular and is now such a regular feature of our communications that it is hard to remember how we managed without it. We have already reached over forty issues and this relatively simple, but brilliant innovation demonstrates the power of modern communications. The ‘reach’ achieved to members is quick, cost effective and informative.


The website carries a lot of useful information on a platform called Pitchero, most of our members are visitors to this site. This is a platform that is in common use by many rugby clubs. There are several useful features that enable us to post details of our fixtures and results and a host of other details however all information has to be loaded and then maintained. Keeping our unique information up to date is a considerable task that requires administrative controls and we are in the process of streamlining this effort to simplify input and updating. We hope to add archive information, old photographs etc as we compile more data.

The press coverage of our matches is well organised and the match reports and photographs are available to make the Sunday analysis possible. Being able to rewatch the game on the coach on the way back from the game is a novelty for me but it demonstrates how we are using the technology for analysis.


The Head of Marketing has been exceptionally busy taking bookings and overseeing arrangements for ‘external’ hire of our facilities. We have hosted several successful occasions for business seminars, presentation meetings, training lectures, private parties, weddings and special social events. The flexibility of our facilities works in our favour and the choice of rooms available means that we can accommodate many different requirements.

Social events

Our extensive range of social events has proven very popular and whilst many ‘old favorites’ are going strong we have added further events to attract members and visitors to use the club facilities. We have rationalised the room booking fees and also formalised a 50% discount arrangement for all club members. Bookings this year have increased and we are now able to provide a variety of excellent catering options that attract outside interest.

The seemingly ever increasing range of club events held this season include (in no particular order)

1. Presidents shoot 2. World cup games3. Ex players lunch 4. 50th anniversary lunch 5. Bonfire night 6. Ladies lunch 7. Turkey supper8. Breakfast with Santa 9. Christmas fayre10. Groundstaff Dinner 11. Sponsor days12. Comedy night

13. Ex Presidents lunch 14. 6 nations screenings 15. Debenture club 16. Themed sponsor lunches 17. Slugs dinner 18. Lions dinner 19. May business lunch 20. May Ball 21. Club dinner 22. Clash of the Titans23. Presidents and ladies evening24. Golf day

Interspersed with the fixture list and the additional representational games this makes for a busy programme. We are pleased to say that all the above were well attended and we have ensured that all these events have at least broken even financially.

May weekend

Our prestige event is the May weekend which this year was well supported and popular, thanks in great part to the new ‘single span’ marquee which provided such a wonderful venue and the brilliance of the guest speakers, Nigel Owens and Henry Blofeld. It was good to see the club volunteers and officers pulling together to deliver such a huge event and both the corporate lunch and the ball have been much complimented by our 1,500 attendees. There have already been enquiries about early booking for next year’s event!


There are a range of advertising options available to sponsors and the kit advertising the boards around the pitch, the website sponsors, programme inserts, membership cards, match balls etc. This season many pitchside advertising boards have been either renewed or replaced with several new advertisers now on display. The new boards are made of a composite material and should prove hardwearing. Anyone wishing to advertise would be very welcome to apply.

Pre-match dining

Pre match dining is increasingly popular and the standard of the food and service provided is excellent. We have received many compliments for our catering and we can rightly regard it as one of the best in our league. Early booking for home games is recommended. If the formal dining option is not your preference the hot dogs and burgers on sale at the front of the clubhouse offer an alternative. Once again this catering has been much appreciated. Sunday morning breakfasts have become very popular due mainly to the excellent food being provided, the clubhouse is heaving around lunchtime when the hungry and thirsty youngsters pour in from their matches.

Tea and cakes

We have added an attraction for half time and post match refreshment with the serving of tea and cakes in the Tower room. Whilst this is not everyone’s usual tipple it has proven popular with several regulars who also get the benefit of the best indoor viewing platform on inclement days. I recommend you give it a try.


The club needs to gather together and coordinate policies that it can apply consistently across the membership. We have several ‘major’ policies such as safeguarding as these are essential but there are also several piecemeal policies such as smoking, dogs on leads and access areas in the clubhouse that need to be formally adopted and observed. Obviously if we want people to follow our policies we must make them available. All policies are submitted to the General committee for consideration before being formally adopted. The first such work this year was the development of a social media policy.

Social media

Social media is all-pervasive and an essential communication tool for much of the population. Getting up to speed with the various elements of the SRFC presence and the way information is distributed has proven complex. Forming a policy for how we use the web site and other instances of electronic communications (facebook, twitter, instagram, pitchero) took more time than anticipated, as there were many disparate sources however this has now been agreed and published. Volunteering

We are always looking for willing volunteers to assist with the multitude of tasks that are necessary for the club to function. We are keen to encourage members of any age to come forward and get involved in making the club a better place. If you would like to participate please let Miles know and he will advise you of opportunities. We always need people eg: to sell raffle tickets, help on the gate and generally tidy up.

A great turnout for the first ex-presidents lunch

Commercial (Director John Barton)

John Barton has coordinated the commercial effort with his customary skill, knowledge and experience. It is the development of our contact network that is essential to the c future of the club and our sponsors are our financial backbone. To give the commercial sub committee the widest possible spread of influence there are several members co-opted to assist. Any interested members who have contacts they would like to share with the club are encouraged to do so by contacting the Commercial Director.

Our sponsors

We are extremely fortunate to have such generous sponsors and the commercial team has been working on the ways we interact with them to make the club a more attractive prospect to increase the number of sponsors and provide them all with better value for money.

In addition to retaining our current sponsors this year we have been able to introduce some new faces and they bring fresh opportunities and a wider sphere of influence. We are reaching out to a business audience by offering packages that encourage them to participate in more club events. The response has been very positive and we are working with various groups of sponsors to tailor events to their requirements.


It is our intention to ‘network’ more effectively with our sponsors and provide them with a range of opportunities that will interest them and hopefully assist them in their business aspirations. If we can broker relationships between sponsors we can demonstrate the advantage we offer through our connections. Whilst these arrangements cannot be hurried we are beginning to develop some reciprocal trading that should be attractive to sponsors.

As an example of sponsor relationships we now receive our telecoms services from one of our sponsors (MMS) who were able to audit our previous arrangements and show us how to make significant savings whilst improving our connections using high-speed broadband and installing Wi Fi points in the club rooms upstairs. We have also agreed to promote their service to other small to medium sized businesses that may benefit from a similar service.

Sponsor Days

We have hosted themed sponsor days at which selected sponsors were invited to participate in their particular professional discipline. These days provide opportunities to discuss how they are engaged with the club and to introduce them to key contacts with similar interests. We will look to hold more of these next year, suggestions welcome.


We have healthy membership numbers however the collection and maintenance of membership data is a complicated and time-consuming task. There is little point in making drastic changes at the end of a season season so we are reviewing membership arrangements in readiness for next season. As part of this review membership cards, blue books and the range of privileges will be considered.

 International tickets

Our allocation of tickets for each international game is decided by the RFU and we provide all our members with the opportunity to apply for these tickets. In the event we are oversubscribed we organise a ballot to determine who will receive tickets. Fortunately we have been able to match supply and demand this year and almost every application has been satisfied.

Contract management

We have conducted a review of several existing contracts, which has already provided opportunities to save money, and changes have been effected to reduce overall costs to the club. We will continue to investigate our commercial arrangements to keep them as competitive as possible.


The volume sales of ‘kit’ in the last year has been exceptional due in part to the adoption of the retro shirts for all teams but also helped along by the range of good quality products available from our suppliers (O’Neills). Sales were boosted by the volunteers running the kit shop, Hannah and Chris Rowbottom and Vicky Waterfield managed well under difficult circumstances (the kit shop has no permanent display and storage is a problem) and their commitment and friendly service was greatly appreciated. We need to look at options to relocate a kit shop within the club premises.

Facilities (Director John Shaw)

Stourton Park is known as a truly exceptional facility amongst the rugby fraternity and the efforts required to keep it in good order are extensive. The ongoing maintenance and general upkeep require the attention of many volunteers and paid contractors.

This year the Facilities sub committee led by John Shaw has taken stock of the condition of the facilities and also reviewed the projects in hand and projected. Gathering this information and considering options is essential to inform any debate around the future costs and potential benefits.

In conjunction with the above we employed an independent expert to conduct a professional study of health and safety matters at the club and there is now a detailed report that identifies priority actions. The facilities subcommittee can utilise the findings of the report to deal with the matters raised.

At the same time there has been much repair and replacement work carried out. This is a never-ending requirement and there is always more to do. We have tried hard to maintain the ‘five star’ standards that have been set however we are constantly aware of the need to refurbish and deal with the ongoing issues of wear and tear within our budgetary constraints.


You may have noticed that we no longer have a resident Chef and we have been working with external contractors Special Event Catering based in Lye for the majority of the season. Ian Shipman (aka Shippo) leads a skilled and experienced team and the standard of food provided is excellent. The feedback from the membership and guests has been universally positive and the quality of the food and the professional service is frequently complimented. I recommend anyone to come along and try it.

Sunday morning breakfasts and the player meals have been reorganised and food after training is of the highest quality at a reasonable price and we provide first class hospitality to visiting teams. In addition to a flexible menu inside the clubhouse Shippo also provides our external ‘barbecue, burger and chips’ options for those events where the crowd prefer to graze outside


Matt Lowe has managed the bar with quiet authority and ‘wet sales’ (all drink sales) have been monitored on a monthly basis. The staff coped well with a significant increase in turnover that has been achieved this year. For the beer experts the ever-popular local guest ale (Enville) sells well and the new Marstons ale (Wainwrights) has also proven to be a main seller. The current agreement is due to expire in October 2016 and therefore we will soon be starting negotiations.


General maintenance, repairs and replacements are necessary to keep the clubhouse in useable condition. It is an ongoing process that is part of the Directors responsibilities and we are considering how best to resource this in future. There may be an opportunity to rework some of the responsibilities of the staff and volunteers to cover aspects of these tasks.

Much of the work that has been carried out since the start of the season will not be obvious to members for example some of the work includes the following;

New televisions and a projector installed Cleaning the main clubroom floor Wi Fi installed Replacing carpets, decorating, repairing chairs New tables in the main room Re-painting the changing common areas Landscaping around the stand New boiler in kitchen Fire alarm repairs Replacement immersion heater in boiler Repairing the shutters in the Presidents suite Ironmongery replaced (eg: Door closer, coathooks) Bar rail refitted Extractor fan repaired


The grounds have been tended with the care and attention that we have come to admire from the groundstaff who continue to produce excellent grass pitches with their diligence and commitment. A few familiar faces have volunteered to join the team this year and long may they continue to cut, roll and mark the pitches to such a high standard. Even in the extreme weather our pitches have been playable and a great credit to the club. We have added a new line-marking machine to the equipment available. All pitches have been seeded and treated.


Car park and memorial wall

The ‘new’ car park and memorial wall project has been completed and this facility is now in full use. Walking the length of the wall is both impressive and informative as the scale of the project is apparent and the names on the stones are a reminder of influential members old and new.

We suffered from a serious outbreak of potholes on the drive but this has been dealt with by our own in house black hand gang, patching until such time as we can affect a complete resurfacing project.

Tower room refurbishment

The Tower room has been expertly redecorated and its use has changed from being a temporary storeroom to a fully functional meeting room. Intimate meetings with numbers fewer than twenty can be accommodated. The room is also well suited as the tea and cake ‘café’ during home matches and has become very popular amongst the senior supporters.

Clubhouse electrics

The lighting in the club has been updated by changing all the halogen fittings to LEDs that will save electricity. The large light panels have a range of different settings and with the dimmers fitted we can create the right lighting ambiance for whatever event we are holding. Whilst carrying out this work we took the opportunity to clean up several defunct fittings and also repaired the electrical heating system. The new electrics are now fit for purpose and have been tested and approved to meet safety standards.

Entrance sign

Plans are well advanced in preparation for the fabrication of a new entrance sign. We intend to replace the old sign with a new one before the start of the new season and the substantial framework design has already been agreed.


During the winter months training the clubs capacity to provide enough illuminated pitch space was under pressure. There was inadequate space to accommodate all the groups of players and so the rugby committee asked if it would be possible to provide additional floodlighting. We decided to make an application to the RFU for a grant and I am pleased to say this has been successful. The project will be starting shortly and we expect the colts and hoppers pitches to be fully lit in time for next winter. The works should not create much disruption to operating club activities.

As part of the same project we are intending to repurpose the existing columns and

provide new LED lighting behind the stand on the two mini pitches. The advantages of being able to increase playing opportunities are obvious and will enhance our facilities considerably.

Changing rooms refurbishment

A repainting job has begun to freshen up the common areas around the changing rooms, this will be completed at the same time as a deep clean of the main shower block to ensure we are in good order for the new season. In the longer term we need to consider the benching and the players toilets. Both of these projects could have a knock on effect with any ground floor reorganization.

The gym is being tidied up as we have recently added a running machine amongst the other pieces of torture equipment. Once the layout is finalised we will ensure that all equipment is calibrated and refurbished in accordance with maintenance requirements.

Future projects

Since the formation of your new committee we have been working on the manifesto put before the membership and many aspects of the club have been revised. In relation to potential projects there have been several suggestions and the committee has been working through them to prioritise those that would be affordable and provide the most benefit to the club. In no particular order the following list are under consideration and will be given our attention in the coming season.

New reception, office and kit shop

The administrative centre of the club is the office and it currently handles a multitude of functions acting as reception, delivery point, booking point, telephone exchange, management office, accounts office, cash handling, lost property and any other function that randomly occurs. As a consequence it is frequently busy and overcrowded to the point where efficiency is compromised.

There appears to be an ideal location at the front of the building where constructing a single story office would be relatively simple. The addition of a purpose built office would assist with security and management of the facilities and could also provide a reception area and kit shop. There would be some disruption during the build however this is mainly external to the main building and therefore would not adversely affect running the club. An outline design would be useful to assess the benefits.

Clubhouse heating

We are aware that the current heating system is expensive to run and is not particularly effective, on cold winter days heating the main room is difficult. There is a considerable interest in this project and we are fortunate to have several members with expertise in the heating business. It is our intention to put a fully costed proposal together in the near future. In the interim we have purchased calor gas heaters and also had the old ceiling heaters refurbished.

Second exit

Our single point of entrance and exit to the club is restrictive and occasionally causes difficulties with outgoing and incoming traffic. We have discovered that the option of providing a second exit at the far end of the Lions pitch is still a possibility and in fact is favoured by the Council and road safety consultants. With this in mind we have obtained planning permission so we have permission to build the exit at any time within the next three years.

Drainage improvements

We have a drainage problem at the far end of the ‘road pitch’ that needs to be investigated. The existing drainage run offs may be blocked or could have collapsed and this needs to be remedied. There has been some suggestion that there could be grant funding available to assist with the cost but as yet no formal offer of funding has been secured.

Balcony extension

Outline plans exist that show the feasibility of extending the balcony towards the first team pitch. Whilst this would be a major structural project to provide an extended viewing platform it would also unlock the possibility of increasing the ground floor footprint allowing the club to expand and remodel changing rooms, gym and referees area. The high cost of this project would make it a major capital expenditure and further investigation is needed before the scheme could be properly discussed.

Additional changing rooms.

As we have four pitches that we can use it is now anomalous that we do not have changing facilities that can accommodate eight teams. As the changing requirements have increased (squad sizes and entourage) we have had to merge rooms to fit the teams into the space available. We are therefore in need of extending to cope with demand. There are several ways this could be achieved ranging from stand alone units to a complete rework of the ground floor.

AGP (artificial grass pitch)

These ‘new’ pitches are being recommended by the RFU as they can take almost constant use without deteriorating and require little maintenance. If we were fortunate enough to have a pitch of this type we could play more rugby and have a reliable surface to play on in even the worst conditions.

We have expressed our interest in hosting an AGP and we have stated our ‘case’ in favour of SRFC being chosen. If we were successful there would be a number of preconditions to consider regarding the management and use of the pitch however we are very keen to progress this project. The viability of such a project financially rests on support from the RFU as we are not currently in a position to self fund this scale of development.

There is a national roll out programme for these pitches and the RFU have selected Preston Grasshoppers to be the first recipients in our league to be given this new surface. In the second round it is anticipated that a further 20 pitches will be awarded, we can only wait to see if we are favoured.Plenty TO DO

There are several matters that have been raised by members during the year that for various reasons we have not yet fully resolved however it may help to know that the following are on the ‘to do’ list;

1. Create a member consultation and feedback forum

2. Establish key management information and a regular reporting system

3. Agree a full suite of club policies

4. Produce a 5 Year development plan with targets

5. Investigate the opportunity to purchase additional land

6. Recognition for volunteers and Ambassadors

7. Introduce coordinated coaching across the whole club

8. Prioritise capital projects

9. Investigate crowd funding options, bond issues

10. Investigate drainage grant options for the top of the road pitch area

11. Revival of favorite social events, inventing new events

12. Host a midlands 7s competition

13. Develop Health and safety regime

14. Bar promotions

15. Accommodation for players, possibly buy a large house

16. Bring younger people into the administration

17. Integrate with the Lions

18. Complete the panel of slip bricks on changing room wall

19. Create internal job opportunities exchanges

20. New IT equipment networked and electronic filing

21. Disabled toilet upstairs

22. Painting and tidying external

On balance

I would like to offer my thanks to all those individuals who give up their time to help the Club; it is an incredible source of support without which we could not function. I would also like to thank the paid staff for their hard work and dedication. We have plenty to look forward to and planning for next season is already well advanced. As I finalise this report I am mindful that the AGM awaits. I am hopeful that the work we have done this year is in accordance with member’s wishes and I look forward to the coming season with high expectations.

In the words of the inimitable Frank West “And again Stour!”

Hope to see you at the AGM on Wednesday the 6th July.

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