film poster info

Post on 12-Jan-2017






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The first thing that I focused on was the main image on my poster, as this was going to be a main focus to the audience making them want look into more detail about the poster. I used two different images to create this final main image. Due to this being a first draft these two images I used are not my own but I can easily replace them when we do them as a final. I used this photo as he appeared to be holding a prop which appears to be more of an old fashioned camera, this being much different to todays technology. I wanted him to be using old technology as it connotes that he may not have enough money to get a new high-tech camera, this showing that he no longer has a family to provide for him.

I cut out the hands and the camera from the image as the image with the man behind the camera would show to much of the character, which would not give the theme of mystery that I would want out of my horror poster. I put the main focal point on the lens of the camera and make the rest of the poster slightly blurred, I did this because our main story-line is to do with stalking and this character is the ‘stalker’ type character, and after doing some research I got some audience feedback from asking a few people I found that when they think of ‘stalkers’ they think of cameras or high tech equipment. So this would associate the main image and the overall poster with the main storyline of the film.

I used the black and white theme as I found that due to the low key lighting that I used the majority of the main image was black rather than white, this linking into the horror genre as black is a macabre colour. The costume that I decided for the character in the poster is just a plain hoodie. I did this because we want the male protagonist to always be wearing this black hoodie, this keeping the mystery present to the audience as they will not know who is in the hoodie until they watch the film.

The poster in many ways involves the audience. The direct address being the audience as the camera is pointing towards them, this makes them feel involved in the storyline. The positioning of the camera is slightly off centre, however even though the audience cannot see the characters eyes they would assume that they are centred in the poster. This would make the audience feel distorted and slightly uncomfortable because they assume the character is looking straight forward at them but is not sure.

I put in a credit block onto my poster as when looking into other film posters each one had a credit block which had clear fonts to show producers, actors and directors. For the font style I have chosen more of a professional looking font so that all of the names are clear to the audience/reader. I used a white colour font as I feel this is most visually attractive to the audience as the colours black and white contrast. The ‘coming soon’ font being the colour red is symbolic of blood and violence. The font I also put in italics to make it contrast the other text in the credit block but still being consistent in the use of font style.

After looking at other film posters, I found that having a tagline was effective in a film poster. By using the word ‘YOU’ in the tagline makes it more personal to the audience making them feeling connected to the film. The tagline is a way of giving the audience a glimpse into the storyline without giving any thing away. I decided to put the colours as both black and white to mix between the colour theme, however when I presented my film poster to my media class the feedback that I received was that the tagline was difficult to read and wasn’t as clear as I’d like it to be, so I will make it all black and maybe change the font to make it more clear. Or even put red into the tagline to add more colour to the poster.

The main title is the largest title on my poster, this is to make sure it is the first thing the audience recognise. This gives clear indication to the audience that this is the title of the film. The font that I used was a choice between three which I got audience feedback and this was the most popular font as some of my potential audience felt that this font was most associated with the horror genre. I chose to do white on black as the majority of the background is black as well.

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