fina2303 topic 06 risk and return

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 FINA2303 Topic 06 Risk and Return


    Topic 6: Risk and Return

  • 8/18/2019 FINA2303 Topic 06 Risk and Return


    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 2

    Learning Outcomes

    introduction to risk and return

    historical risk and returns of stockshistorical tradeoff between risk and returncommon versus independent risk

    diversification of stock portfoliosexpected return of a portfoliovolatility of a portfoliomeasuring systematic riskcapital asset pricing model (CAPM)

    multi-factor models

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 3

    Introduction to Risk and Return

    which of the following options do you choose?

    receive $10,000 for suretake part in a game with 50% chance to win

    $20,000 and 50% chance to win nothing(mean = $10,000)

    risk preference : risk averse, risk neutral and riskloving (or risk-seeking)

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    Introduction to Risk and Return: Risk

    Averse Behavior

    Have your familymembers ever

    bought aninsurance policy?

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    Introduction to Risk and Return: Risk

    Loving Behavior

    Have your familymembers ever

    bought a lotteryticket?

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    Risk Loving Behavior

    jackpot *probability

    of winning <$10

    Why buy it?


    staff costs and other expenses

    charitable activities

    betting dutyto


    $10 tobuy it

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    Introduction to Risk and Return

    basic assumptions in finance

    people are rationalpeople prefer more wealth to lesshigher expected return is better

    people are risk averselower risk is better given the same expectedreturninvestors require compensation (known asrisk premium ) for bearing risk

    relationship between risk and return(why?)

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    Introduction to Risk and Return

    higher return reflects higher risk

    risk-adjusted return= (nominal) risk-free rate + risk premium= real risk-free rate + inflation premium +risk premium

    risk-free rate is estimated from .

    real risk-free rate reflects .inflation premium reflects effect of .

    government bond

    postponed consumption


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    Introduction to Risk and Return

    the more risky an investment, the are therisk premium and the the risk-adjustedreturn

    from next graphsmall stocks accumulated the most wealth(return)small stocks experienced the largestfluctuations (risk)

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    Introduction to Risk and Return

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    Introduction to Risk and Return

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    Introduction to Risk and Return

    three issues to address

    how to measure return ?

    how to measure risk ?

    how to consider a tradeoff between risk andreturn?

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    Types of Returns

    what is the difference between each pair of thefollowing?

    nominal return vs. real returnhistorical return vs. expected return

    unrealized return (paper return) vs. realizedreturn (both historical returns)

    arithmetic average return vs. geometricaverage returnwhich in each pair is more important in finance?

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    Return Measurement

    return is benefits in excess of initial investment

    total return with two componentsinterim income (Divt), e.g. dividendscapital gain/loss (P t – P t-1 ), e.g. change instock price

    (rate of) return = (P t – P t-1 + Div t)/P t-1

    where P t = current market value at t; P t-1 =original purchase price at t-1; Div t = interimincome received at t and (P t – P t-1 ) = capital


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    Example: Historical Return

    An investor bought a share of a company at $100a year ago. During the year, he had received anannual dividend of $4. The current stock price is$105. What is his historical total return on the




    $4$100) -($105 returnofrate =


    capital gain yield

    = 5%

    dividend yield =


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    Example: Expected Return

    An investor buys a stock at $25 now. She expectsto obtain an annual dividend of $1.25 and sell itat $30 in a year’s time. What is her expectedreturn on the stock?


    $1.25$25) -($30 returnofrate =


    expected capitalgain yield = 20%

    expected dividendyield = 5%

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    Annual Return

    annual return can be calculated from periodicreturns

    given that all quarterly dividends are immediately

    reinvested and used to buy additional shares ofthe same stock

    (1+R annual ) = (1+R 1)*(1+R 2)*(1+R 3)*(1+R 4)where R annual = annual return; R 1 , R2 , R3 and R 4are quarterly return in quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4


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    Example: Annual Return

    an analyst has collected the following quarterlydata:

    Rannual = (1-4.26%)*(1+4.21%)*(1+6.42%)*

    (1+7.11%) -1 = 4.52%

    quarter price dividend quarterly return$15.25

    1 $14.25 $0.35 -4.26%2 $13.25 $0.40 -4.21%3 $13.65 $0.45 6.42%4 $14.12 $0.50 7.11%

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    Average Annual Returns

    average annual return : the arithmetic average(AM) of an investment’s realized returns (R


    R2 , …, RT) for each year in T yearstry to estimate expected return over a future

    horizon based on past performance(statistically, it is the true mean without bias)

    TR...RR returnannualaverage T21 +++=

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    Average Annual Returns

    compound annual return : the geometric average(GM) of an investment’s realized returns (R


    R2 , …, RT) for each year in T yearstry to measure historical return as a

    performance in the past (considercompounding effect)


    compound TT21 −+++=

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    Example: Arithmetic Average and

    Geometric AverageAn investor has gathered the annual returns onan investment fund for three years. Calculate thearithmetic average return and geometric averagereturn.

    year annual return1 -5%

    2 12%3 8%

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    Example: Arithmetic Average and

    Geometric Average



    8%12%5% -AM

    3 =−++−=



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    Quotation about Risk from Mark Twain

    “October. This is one of thepeculiarly dangerous

    months to speculate instocks in. The others areJuly, January, September,

    April, November, May,March, June, December,August and February.”

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    Risk Measurement

    risk vs. uncertainty (what is the difference?)

    probability distribution of returns on an assetmutually exclusive and all exhaustivescenarios, e.g. state of the economy

    probability for each scenariooutcome for each scenario

    state of economy probability outcomebooming 20% 20%normal 50% 5%

    recessionary 30% -10%

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    Variance and Volatility of Returns

    variance (of returns) : a statistical method tomeasure the variability of returns as averagesquared deviation of returns from the mean

    standard deviation (of returns): positive squareroot of variance of returns (called volatility infinancial markets)

    variance and standard deviation are both riskmeasures , including upside potential and

    downside risk

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    Variance and Volatility of Returns


    return 1 higher than the

    mean (upside potential)

    return 2 lower than themean (downside risk)

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    Variance and Volatility of Returns

    estimate variance and standard deviation ofreturns through realized returns

    ( )








    where var(R) = variance of returns; R t = return forscenario t; R = arithmetic average return; T =number of realized returns; SD(R) = standarddeviation (volatility) of returns


    E l V i d V l ili f

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    Example: Variance and Volatility of

    ReturnsAn investment has 4 years of annual returns of10%, 12%, -9% and 3% respectively. Calculatethe average return, the variance of returns andthe standard deviation of returns.
















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    Normal Distribution of Returns

    prediction interval : a range of values that is likelyto include a future observation

    68% prediction interval = average ±

    1*standard deviation95% prediction interval = average ±2*standard deviations99.7% prediction interval = average ±3*standard deviations

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    Example: Prediction Interval

    An investment has an average return of 10% anda standard deviation of 12%. What is the 95%prediction interval for the future return?

    95% prediction interval = from 10%-2*12% = -14% to 10%+2*12% = 34%

    there is 95% of chance that the future return liesbetween -14% and 34%

    Historical Tradeoff Between Risk and

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    Historical Tradeoff Between Risk and


    negative relationship between size and risk , i.e.large stocks have lower risk than small stocks

    even large stocks are more volatile than aportfolio of large stocks, i.e. portfolio risk isless than individual stock riskall individual stocks have lower returns and/orhigher risk than portfolio

    Historical Tradeoff Between Risk and

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    Historical Tradeoff Between Risk and


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    Types of Risk

    common risk : risk that is linked across outcomes;cannot be diversified away, e.g. risk ofearthquake

    independent risk : risk that bear no relation toeach other; can be diversified away, e.g. risk oftheft

    diversification : averaging of independent risks ina large portfolio, which renders portfolio risk less

    than weighted average risk of items in portfolio

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    Types of Risk

    type of risk definition examplerisk diversified

    in portfolio?

    common risklinked across


    risk of



    risks that bear norelation to each other

    risk of theft yes

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    Risk of Securities

    total risk (volatility, standard deviation of returns)= systematic risk + unsystematic risk

    security prices are affected by two types of news

    company or industry-specific newsunsystematic risk : fluctuations of securityreturns due to company or industry-specificnews representing independent riskscan be diversified away

    give some examples

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    Risk of Securities

    market-wide newssystematic risk : fluctuations of securityreturns due to market-wide newsrepresenting common risk

    cannot be diversified awaygive some examples

    when forming a portfolio of securities ,unsystematic risk will be diversified away

    for a well-diversified portfolio , only systematic

    risk remains, i.e. not risk-free

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    Risk of Securities

    risk premium of a security is not affected by itsunsystematic (diversifiable) risk , i.e. investorsare not compensated with higher return forbearing unsystematic riskrisk premium of a security is determined by itssystematic risk onlythere is no relationship between volatility andaverage returns for individual securitiespositive relationship between systematic riskand average returns for individual securitiesand portfolios

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    Risk of Securities

    if returns per year are independent, an investorcan diversify the risk he faces by investing formany years – do you agree?

    it is true that the volatility of average annual

    returns will decline with the number of yearshe investshowever, the volatility of cumulative return

    grows with investment horizonthis is known as the fallacy of long-rundiversification (or time diversification )

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    Return and Risk of Portfolio

    if we hold several individual assets at the sametime, this combination of individual assets formsa portfolio

    estimate return and risk of a portfolio through thereturn of the individual assets, the risk of theindividual assets and the correlations among the

    individual assets in the portfolio

    d f f l

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    Expected Return of Portfolio

    return of a portfolio is weighted average ofreturns of individual assets in portfolio and theweights are percentage of individual asset valueto portfolio value (historical return)

    expected return of a portfolio is weighted averageof expected returns of individual assets in

    portfolio and the weights are percentage ofindividual asset value to portfolio value (expectedreturn)

    E d R P f li

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    Expected Return on Portfolio

    portfolio weight : the fraction of the totalinvestment in a portfolio held in each individualinvestment of the portfolio

    portfolio weight of individual asset i, w i =

    market value of individual asset i/total marketvalue of portfolioall weights add up to 1 (why?)

    E d R P f li

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    Expected Return on Portfolio
















    where R p = historical return on portfolio; n = numberof individual assets in portfolio; w i = weight ofindividual i in portfolio; R j = historical return ofindividual asset i; E(R p) = expected return onportfolio; E(R j) = expected return of individual asset i

    E l R t f P tf li

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    Example: Return of Portfolio

    An investor bought a portfolio of two stocks Aand B one year ago with the followinginformation. Assume that they do not provide anydividends. Calculate the portfolio weight in eachstock and the return of the portfolio.

    E l R t f P tf li

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    Example: Return of Portfolio

    A B portfolionumber of shares 1,000 500

    purchase price per share $10 $20original market value $10,000 $10,000 $20,000original portfolio weight 0.50 0.50 1.00

    current price per share $9 $24return -10% 20% 5%new market value $9,000 $12,000 $21,000

    new portfolio weight 0.43 0.57 1.00

    %5%20*5.0%)10(*5.0Rp =+−=

    E ample: E pected Ret rn of Portfolio

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    Example: Expected Return of Portfolio

    An investor buys a portfolio of three stocks A, Band C with the following expected returns andportfolio weights. Calculate the expected returnof the portfolio.

    %70.12%15*5.0%12*3.0%8*2.0)R(E p =++=

    A B Cexpected return 8% 12% 15%portfolio weight 0.2 0.3 0.5

    Total Risk/Volatility of Portfolio

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    Total Risk/Volatility of Portfolio

    correlation : a statistical measure of the degree towhich returns share common risks

    covariance is a statistical measure to show therelationship between two variables R i and R j

    Covar(R i, R j) = Σ(Ri – R i)*(R j – R j)/(T-1)where T is the number of observationscorrelation [Corr(.)] calculated as covariance ofreturns [Covar(.)] divided by product ofstandard deviation of each return

    Corr(R i, R j) = Covar(R i, R j)*SD(R i)*SD(R j)

    Total Risk/Volatility of Portfolio

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    Total Risk/Volatility of Portfolio

    sign shows direction of co-movementfigure shows magnitude of co-movementmust lie between –1 ≤ Corr(R i, R j) ≤ 1

    Corr(R i, R j) = 1 ( perfectly positively

    correlated )Corr(R i, R j) = 0 ( uncorreled )

    Corr(R i, R j) = -1 ( perfectly negativelycorrelated )

    Total Risk/Volatility of Portfolio

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    Total Risk/Volatility of Portfolio

    risk diversification

    (independent) risk can be reduced throughdiversification by combining stocks into a


    the amount of risk that is eliminated in aportfolio depends on the degree to which thestocks face common risks and move together

    Total Risk/Volatility of Portfolio

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    Total Risk/Volatility of Portfolio















    1 j ji ji jip




    = ∑∑= =

    Total Risk/Volatility of Portfolio

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    Total Risk/Volatility of Portfolio

    where Var(R p) = variance of returns of portfolio; n= number of individual assets in portfolio; w i =weight of individual i in portfolio; SD(R i) =standard deviation of returns on individual asseti and Corr(R i,R j) = correlation between individualassets i and j; SD(R p) = standard deviation ofreturns of portfolio

    Example: Risk of Portfolio

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    Example: Risk of Portfolio

    Given the following information about theexpected returns and standard deviations ofreturns for two assets, calculate the expectedreturn and standard deviation of a portfolio thatis 50% invested in asset 1 and 50% in asset 2.The correlation between the returns on the twoassets is 0.4.

    individual asset weight in portfolio expected return risk1 50% 10% 20%2 50% 15% 28%

    Example: Risk of Portfolio

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    Example: Risk of Portfolio











    =+ +=



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    portfolio risk is less than weighted average riskof the individual assets

    risk reduction process is known as diversificationdiversification effect comes from imperfect co-movements among different assets, measuredthrough correlationswhen returns on two individual assets have acorrelation of 1 , they are the same and hencethere is no diversification effectas long as average correlation < 1 , diversificationeffect takes place


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    when average correlation is closer to ,diversification effect will be greaterunsystematic risk is diversifiable as the factorsare independent across companies

    systematic risk is non-diversifiable as the factorsare market-wide to affect all companiesin other words, a well-diversified portfolio is stillsubject to the systematic risk , i.e. not risk-free


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    number of securities in portfolio

    portfolio risk

    unsystematic risk

    systematic risk


    Market Portfolio

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    Market Portfolio

    market portfolio : the portfolio of all riskyinvestments held in proportion to their valuesmeasured through market capitalization (numberof shares * stock price)

    market proxy : a portfolio whose return shouldclosely track true market portfolio

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    Market Risk and Beta

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    relationship between individual security returnand market portfolio (or market proxy) return isused to measure systematic or market risk ofthat security (measured by beta, β)

    beta : percentage change in return of a securityfor a 1% change in return of market portfolio

    (βMkt = 1),β = 1.25 (what does it mean?)

    Market Risk and Beta

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    in practice, use regression of security returnagainst market return and the slope (regression

    coefficient) is the beta of that securityRi = α + β*R Mkt + εI (simple linear regressionmodel)

    where where R i = security return; R Mkt =market return; α = intercept, β = regressioncoefficient (beta) and ε = error term

    in formula, β i = Covar(R i, RMkt )/Var(R Mkt ) =SD(R


    i, R



    Market Risk and Beta

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    take variance on the regression model22





    i)R( εσ+σβ=σ

    total risk = systematic + unsystematicrisk risk

    for simplicity, systematic risk is measured bybeta only and each investment has its own beta

    Market Risk and Beta

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    - +

    security return

    market return


    regression lineslope = beta

    Portfolio Beta

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    portfolio beta is the weighted average of thebetas of individual assets in the portfolio

    Example: A portfolio consists of equally-weighted

    individual assets with betas of 0.5 and 1.2respectively. What is the portfolio beta?

    portfolio beta = 0.5*50% + 1.2*50% = 0.85

    Risk Measures

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    source: quamnet

    HSI beta = 1

    HSI volatility = 38.23%

    How to interpret? Does itmean the risk is high or low?

    Trade-Off Between Risk and Return

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    modern portfolio theory (portfolio optimizer)

    portfolio with lowest risk given expected returnportfolio with highest expected return given

    riskthe chosen portfolios are called efficientportfoliosthe curve joining all efficient portfolios is calledthe efficient frontier starting from the

    minimum variance portfolio (mvp)

    Trade-Off Between Risk and Return

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    expected return


    A B C D E1




    Trade-Off Between Risk and Return

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    dominance principle (portfolio optimizer)portfolio with lowest risk given expected return

    portfolio with highest expected return given riskthe chosen portfolios are called efficient portfolios andthe curve joining all efficient portfolios is called the

    efficient frontierfor financial instruments with different risks and returns,we have to use modern financial theories to consider

    their trade-offone widely used financial theory is the capital assetpricing model (CAPM)

    Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

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    assume that everybody holds a well-diversifiedportfolio and hence are concerned about the

    systematic risk only

    E(Ri) = expected return on asset or portfolio i; r f =risk-free rate; β i = systematic risk of asset or

    portfolio i and R Mkt = expected market return

    [ ]fMktifi r)R(E*r)R(E −β+=

    systematic risk

    nominal risk-

    free rate

    risk premium

    for i

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    Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

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    in practice, use a stock market index as a proxyfor the market portfolio

    in other words, the return on the stock marketindex represents the market returnE(Ri) is also called required (rate of) return , i.e.expected return of an investment that isnecessary to compensate for the risk ofundertaking the investment

    positive relationship between return andsystematic riskapplicable to both individual securities andportfolios (why?)

    Example: CAPM

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    An asset has a beta of 1.25. The risk-free rate is3% and the expected market return is 15%.

    What is the expected return on the asset?

    E(Ri) = 3% + 1.25*(15%-3%) = 18%

    Example: Market/Equity Risk Premium

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    A stock has a beta of 0.95. The risk-free rate is3.25% and the market/equity risk premium is 7%.

    What is the expected return on the stock?

    E(Ri) = 3.25% + 0.95*7% = 9.90%

    Security Market Line (SML)

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    if plotting expected return against beta, getstraight line known as security market line (SML)

    which is the graphic representation of the capitalasset pricing model

    Security Market Line (SML)

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    risk-free rate

    risk premium



    0 1




    securitymarket linei



    Summary of CAPM

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    investors require a risk premium proportional tothe amount of systematic risk they are bearing

    we can measure the systematic risk of aninvestment by its beta , which is the sensitivity ofthe investment return to the market returnthe most common way to estimate a stock’s betais to regress its historical returns on the market’s

    historical returncompute expected or required return for anyinvestment by E(R i) = r f + β i*[E(R Mkt ) – r f)]

    Problems of CAPM

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 77

    researchers have found that a simple marketproxy (e.g. the stock market index) has led to

    consistent pricing errors from the CAPMin CAPM, there is only one systematic riskfactor captured by the market proxysmall stocks , stocks with high book-to-marketratios and stocks that have recently performed

    extremely well have consistently earned higherreturns than the CAPM would predict

    Problems of CAPM

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 78

    momentum strategy : good and badperformance continues, and buy the winner

    and sell the loser (empirical studies showthat it works in short run)contrarian strategy : buy the loser and sellthe winner (empirical studies show that itwins out in the long run)

    it gives rise to an idea that there may be othersystematic risk factors not captured by themarket proxy

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    Multi-Factor Models

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 80

    different multi-factor modelsarbitrage pricing theory (APT): a multi-factormodel relies on the absence of arbitrage toprice securities (similar to valuing a couponbond with zero-coupon prices/yields)Fama-French-Carhart (FFC) factor specification :a multi-factor model of risk and return in which

    the factor portfolios are the market, small-minus-big, high-minus-low, and prior 1-yearmomentum portfolios

    Fama-French-Carhart FactorSpecification

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 81

    add three additional factor portfolios (risk factors)apart from the stock market index (Mkt)

    buying small firms and sell large firms (assmall firms generate higher returns), known asthe small-minus-big (SMB) portfolio

    buy high book-to-market firms and sell lowbook-to-market firms (high book-to-marketfirms generate higher return), known as high-minus-low (HML) portfolio

    Fama-French-Carhart FactorSpecification

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 82

    buy stocks that have recently done extremelywell and sell those that have done extremely

    poor, known as prior 1-year (PR1YR)momentum portfolio

    [ ])R(E*)R(E*

    )R(E*r)R(E*r)R(E YR1PR







    fi i


    where β iMkt , β iSMB, β iHML and β iPR1YR , are thefactor betas of stock i and measure thesensitivity of the stock return to each portfolio(risk factor)

    Example: Fama-French-Carhart FactorSpecification

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 83

    An analyst wants to estimate the expected returnon a stock. He collects the following information

    on a monthly basis:risk-free rate = 0.125%

    equity risk premium = 0.61%expected return on SMB = 0.25%expected return on HML = 0.38%expected return on PR1YR = 0.70%stock market beta = 0.687

    SMB beta = -0.299

    Example: Fama-French-Carhart FactorSpecification

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 84

    HML beta = -0.156PR1YR beta = 0.123

    Find the expected return on the stock based onthe FFC factor specification.



    %25.0*299.0%61.0*687.0%125.0)R(E i



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    Challenging Questions

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 86

    4. Why do investors demand a higher return wheninvesting in riskier securities ?

    5. For a lay investor, he usually considers it as riskwhen the actual return falls short of hisexpectation or is negative. Explain the difference

    between this risk concept and the use ofstandard deviation of returns as a risk measurein the financial market.

    6. Explain how a commercial bank makes use theconcept of diversification in carrying out its loanbusiness. And how an insurance company makes

    use of it in carrying out its insurance business.

    Challenging Questions

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 87

    7. Given a positive investment in every asset in aportfolio, is it possible for the standard deviation

    of returns on the portfolio to be less than that onevery asset in it?

    8. Given a positive investment in every asset in aportfolio, is it possible for the beta on theportfolio to be less than that non every asset init?

    9. Explain why an individual stock is never chosenas an efficient portfolio under the modern

    portfolio theory.

    Challenging Questions

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 88

    10.Under the modern portfolio theory, which of theportfolios is an efficient portfolio? Why?

    A. a portfolio with expected return of 15%and standard deviation of returns of 25%B. a portfolio with expected return of 12%and standard deviation of returns of 25%A. a portfolio with expected return of 15%

    and standard deviation of returns of 28%A. a portfolio with expected return of 12%and standard deviation of returns of 28%

    Challenging Questions

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 89

    11.“I originally owned the shares of Company Xwith a beta of 1.5. I sold 50% of Company X’s

    shares and used the proceeds to buy the sharesof Company Y with a beta of 0.8. The beta of myportfolio of the shares of Company X andCompany Y is 1.15 now. By forming a portfolio, Ican reduce the beta from 1.5 to 1.15. This riskreduction process is known as diversification.”Do you agree? Why or why not?

    Challenging Questions

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 90

    12.“When the returns on two assets have acorrelation of zero, there is no relationship

    between them at all. In other words, when theaverage correlation among the returns ofindividual assets in a portfolio is zero, thediversification effect is the greatest.” Do youagree? Why or why not?

    13.If an investor is holding a well-diversified

    portfolio, she wants to buy an additional stock .Which type of risks (total risk, systematic riskand unsystematic risk) should she be concernedabout with respect to the stock?

    Challenging Questions

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 91

    14.What determines how much risk will beeliminated by combining stocks in a portfolio?

    15.If an analyst estimates the expected return on astock lies above the security market line (SML) ,what should be his investment recommendationon the stock? Explain.

    16.If an investment has a positive NPV , does its

    expected return lie below or above the securitymarket line (SML)? Why?

    Challenging Questions

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    Topic 6 Risk, Return and Cost of Capital M K Lai Page 92

    17.“Diversification reduces risk. Therefore,companies ought to favour capital investments

    with low correlations with their existing lines ofbusiness.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

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