final final pitch

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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pitchBy Kelsey Treich

The Idea The idea that my documentary is going to be

based on is the adoption process and what people have to go through whist doing this process. I was given this idea by a specialist who works with adoption who feels that people need to know what the adoption process is like and how it can be made easier as well as giving advice and tips through out each step of the process.

This is going to be a documentary as well as a potential training resource.

How I concluded my decision

Even though I did not pitch this idea in the first 4 initial ideas my mind was changed as a person who works on a adoption support line suggested that I make a documentary/training resource for prospective adopters that local councils could use too teach them the process of adoption. This is similar to the ideas I pitched in my initial 4 ideas however I have developed and merged it into 1 documentary

The important steps its going to contain

This documentary is going to cover all 5 points of the process and I am going to cover each step in approximately 1 minute and 5 seconds.

The steps I will be covering are:

How I am going to cover this

I am going to be showing each stage of the adoption process and explain what happens through out each process and give the key stages as wells as advice for the adopters. At the beginning of the documentary I am goings talk about a brief history of adoption and how it has changed. I will also say a few statistics that will also show up on the screen. I am also going to show what professionals opinions on what to do as well as get them to give tips and advice for those who are interested in adoption.

Where its going to be filmed

This documentary is not going to be filmed inside school.

I am going to be filming this documentary in my house, in a office setting and also in a children's playground. I am doing this because there all places that are relevant t the documentary. For example in a office to represent having your assessment. And in a playground for when I talk about the parents being matched too a child.

Focus group I conducted a focus group with a group of

prospective adopopters to find out what they would like to see within the documentary, not everybody spoke however there were a few important things they said they would like to see.

Results from my focus group

They said the following things:

People said they thought it would be useful to have examples of what they should do and what they should not do in certain stages of the adoption process they also said they would like to know a brief history of adoption

Ben said that he thought it would be useful to have tips and advice regarding each stage of the process. (a lot of nodding and agreement occurred)

Most people also said that they wanted most of the focus to be on the assessment part of the process

Karen said she would like to have a young adopted person or somebody who had been through the process to present the documentary.(more nodding in a agreement)

However some of the other people said they would prefer to have a professional within adoption system. (mixed reactions)

Chris said he would like to have a social worker talking in the documentary.

Costing for filming this documentary

Costs for key staff personnel


Total cost for hiring equipment


Additional costs e.g. transport


Overall cost for whole production


These are the cost for hiring key crew members such as a director, editor and a camera crew.Total cost for hiring all the

equipment including cameras and sound equipment and any extras we may needThese additional costs include things such as food for the whole crew and transport ect

Total cost for everything for the full amount of filming and editing.

Contacts and locations of filming

I have already spoken to people who may be appearing in my documentary and they have agreed to being filmed. I have found places where the filming can take place:

My house Brocwell park children's playground And Coram offices

How my research has affected and changed my

ides My research that I have conducted has enabled

me to make changes to the initial idea of the documentary and improve it for the better.

For example: I decided to talk about the recent changes

within the system as it relates to people who are wanting to adopt as recently the process has changed and people need to meet more requirements.

I got 20 people to do the following questionnaire:

Where you asked to create a short video about yourself and were you live for the social workers? (please circle the appropriate answer)

Yes No

If yes, do you think you could have done with some advice on how to produce the video and what things are best too add in?

Yes No

Where you asked to create a video or a book for the child you may be adopting?

Yes No

Do you think you would have like to have some advice on how to make it appeal to them?

Yes No

Would you like to have other advice for the different stages

Yes No

questions from my questionnaire

Results from the questionnaire

Question 1: 7 said yes, 13 said no Question 2: 5 said yes, 2 said no Question 3: 11 said yes, 9 said no Question 4: 20 said yes, 0 said no Question 5: 19 said yes, 1 said no

Results from the questionnaire

question 1


question 2


Results from the questionnaire

question 3


Results from the questionnaire

question 4


Results from the questionnaire

Question 5question 5


Key facts and figures I'm going to use

I think that its important that prospective adopters as well as the general public know key statistics about adoption. This is because people will often be surprised about what they are seeing and also it teaches them key things about how small the numbers of adoption actually are.

Key facts and figures I'm going to use

under 1 year oldaged between 1-4

aged between 5- 9aged between 10-15

aged 16+

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

amount of children adopted by age

amount of children adopted by age

whitemixed racial background

black or black britishasian or asian british

other ethnic groupsother (classified information)

0% 20%







Key facts and figures I'm going to use

adopted by couples

single adopters

same sex ccouples

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%



Key facts and figures I'm going to use

Things I'm going to be adding to the documentary

Things that I'm going to be adding t my documentary are things such as:

I'm getting a friend of mine to create the music for the documentary so its personalised.

I am also going to be animating the beginning title page which introduces the show.

At the end of the documentary I will put up phone numbers people can call if they have any questions ect.

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