final portfolio arch 20

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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Learning Portfolio

Arch 20 Fall 2015 Alice Perreau Instructor : Jerry Lum


Table of contents :. First week : - Dog house in progress - Dog house 2 - Drawing simple shapes by hand

. Second week : - Cubes array - Floors patterns

. Week 3 : - Different way to create stairs - Rotate copy tools - Follow me tool - Square inspired by the Piazza Campidoglio

. Week 4 : - Malevich inspired construction - Based on Malevich’s Suprematist Comp. no.2 - Malevich construction no.2

. Week 5 : - Hand drawing - Experimenting walls - Geometric form

. Week 6 : - Geometric spaces - Fold a Paper Airplane

. Week 7 : - Fold a windowed wall - Folding to create architecture

. Week 8 : - New iteration of the folding space

. Week 9 : - Folding space

. Out of class project

. Midterm reflexion

. Week 10 : - Stamp and drape tools

. Week 11 : - Exploring the add details tool

. Week 12 : - Sandbox environment

. Week 14 : Photo match

. Week 16 : Final project

. Overall reflection

First week : Dog house in progress


First half of the semester

Strengths :

. Successfully use the basic tools, like push/pull, tape measure, rectangle, triangle, circle shapes…

Challenges and weaknesses :

. I had a problem with one of the window, I couldn’t make it translucent. I tried to delete all the wall to do it again but I still can’t do it. The problem is, when I select the window, the wall is selected too and I’m not able to disconnect them.

. The fence is too close from the house, so the dog can’t really enjoy the outside. He also needs some furniture.

. The house is too simple and classic. Some creativity is missing.

Right side with windows problem Two point perspective and low angle shot


Dog house 2 :


View from the topFront view

Strengths :

. Successfully use the rotate copy and follow me tool. Which saves me a lot of time.

. Create the stairs and use the shadows to estimate the usability of the house.

Weaknesses :

. The house is really too simple, it’s more like a temple than an house. I should have build a bigger and more complicated structure.


Drawing simple shapes by hand

First 3D Cubes

Strengths :

. Understand the process of drawing by hand

Weaknesses and Challenges :

. Trying to draw with the good proportions and straight lines.

How to duplicate shapes symmetrically


Circle and cones Different shapes in 3D

Challenges :

. Find objects with geometric shapes to draw for exercise.

. Trying to draw without the guide lines.


Crazy Cube Arrays in Space

Strengths : . Successfully create a cube, transformed it into a component, and replicated multiple times to create this complex array. . Zoomed into the array, turned my shadows on, and place several human figures for scale to create a dramatic shot.

Challenges : . I need to learn how to use rapid visualization techniques to hand draw something similar to what I produced in SketchUp.

Second week : Cubes array


Elevation view Plan view Plan view in perspective

Perspective View within Array


Circle pattern geometric pattern

Vibration pattern Hall pattern

Floors patterns


Strengths :

. Successfully use the component tool to duplicate an opened front wall house.

. Imagine floor patterns for each, with the tools previously used on other projects.

. Learn how to create scenes, to edit an animation with different layers. Those layers enable you to hidden every single one as you want. Being able to do a little movie to present our work was really fun.

Weaknesses and Challenges :

. Create floor patterns inside an house with specific dimensions, which means adapt your pattern to the size of the room.

. Delete the extra lines of the pattern without erasing all the motif himself.

. Find the good timing between each scenes to have an accurate final animation.


Divers floor patterns

Strengths :

. Saving a lot of time on Sketch Up by drawing what’s on your mind first.

. Find inspiration and brainstorming where each of those patterns can be used.

. Thinking about how I can used the patterns to fool the eye of the potential customer. Make a room looks larger or taller.


Week 3 : Different way to create stairs


Strengths :

. Create stairs and transformed them into a group. When they're in a group I can now put them together.

. With the move tool I can duplicate, to finally rotate or rotate copy them as I want.

Chalenges :

. Don’t forget to explode the group made before, if I need to modify my stairs.

Rotate copy tools


Strengths :

. Extrude a 2D shape along a 3D path in a few clicks.

. Create all kind of different 3D form really easily. Draw any shapes, create the path and then follow me will create the face that I want, just by following my path.

Challenges :

. Trying to visualize how can looks a 3D shape by drawing a 2D face.

Follow me tool

3D Stairs and polygone tube shapes


Square inspired by the Piazza Campidoglio

Final bird view perspective with shadows


View from the top

Tools used : move/copy tool, follow me tool, circle tool, 2 point arc tool, offset tool, rotate tool, tape measure tool, paint tool…


Strengths :

. Realized a project step by step, which give me the opportunity to create an animation to show the realization of my final work.

. Recreate a real monument at human size, with proper dimension.

. Be able to change the format of the circle, here 24 points to 12 points.

Weaknesses and Challenges:

. Don’t forget to duplicate every single step of the project.

. Erase every little extra lines, or guide lines at the proper moment.


Week 4 : Malevich inspired construction Based on Malevich’s Suprematist Composition no.2

Roof plan view, superimposed on Lithograph image


Bird view with shadow

Perspective view

Strengths :

. Create an abstract 3D building based on a 2D image.

. Successfully used component and groups tools, to push/pull every single part on his own.

. Create interesting shadows

Weaknesses and Challenges :

. Using straight lines, to follow irregular lines from a painting to have a minimum of coherence on my building.

. Being careful about the different selections, to make groups or components.

. Don’t forget to explode groups or components before painting and redesign the structure.


Malevich construction no.2

Bird view in perspective


Perspective view Roof plan view

View from the left roof View from the front roof


from behind

Strengths :

. Successfully used all the tools that we used since the beginning.

. Incorporate a background and an environment to create a realistic animation.

Weaknesses and Chalenges :

. Make the right choice of color, shapes, windows…

. Erase precisely all the extra line without deleting all the structure.


Week 5 : Hand drawing

Hand drawing walls to help visualize and gather ideas before creating them on Sketch Up


Strengths :

. Understood the process of creating different geometric form by using other one.

Chalenges and weaknesses :

. I still need to practice how to draw a cube.


Experimenting walls

Strengths :

. Create a multiple of different shapes, thin, thick, high, low, really quickly. You can have a really different feeling depending of every single one.

Challenges :

. Find interesting openings to play with the lights and shadows.


Geometric form

Strengths :

. Create every different kind of geometric shapes, in a few click, and multiply them as many times as desired.

. Successfully using follow me tool to create every shape faster.


Strengths :

. Merging two simple shape to create a much more complicated one.

. Successfully used scale tool to reverse or extend a face.

Challenges :

. Select and erase only the right line.


Week 6 : Geometric spaces

Strengths :

. Merging two geometric form such as a simple cube and a sphere can create a complete room.

. Successfully used the section plane tool, to move a face back and forth.

Challenges :

. Do not forget to intersect faces with model, to be able to erase what you don’t need.


Fold a Paper Airplane :

Strengths :

. Be able to reproduce a familiar paper folding on Sketch Up.

. Successfully used styles to add stylistic effects on the creation.

Challenges :

. It takes me some times to successfully used the protractor and rotate tool to folded a specific part of the structure.


Week 7 : Fold a windowed wall

Strengths :

. Being able to duplicate one simple form a bunch of time and folding it as much as I want.

Challenges :

. Using the rotate tool with precision isn’t that easy at first. It took me some times to understand how to fold only one part, in the good direction. I had to get used to select first, click on the edge and follow the line that you need, then click again to fold.


Folding to create architecture

Strengths :

. Create a first drawing on a simple sheet of paper that you can fold however you want.

. This folding looks like a structure such as a roof. You can now add walls to support and create an architecture.

Challenges :

. Find the inspiration on the first fold.

. Try to have the right angles, by using the protractor tool.


Week 8 : New iteration of the folding space

. During this week we worked on our portfolio and learn how to get better views and shots to import on it. I looked at all the work that I did from the first week and change some of my pictures. I also used styles and paints to give more feeling into each one of the creation. Otherwise I let some of them intact because it also shows the progress and the differences between a skeleton and a final or temporary aspect. I’m also able to create a little animation of my work, for example if I want to show the integrality of a building to someone, I can just click on play such as a movie. Which is great is that you can integrate a person in each of your scene, to add a scale and a feeling of your digital environment.


Week 9 : Folding space

Strengths :

. Create a space by only folding

. Successfully used the rotate tools


Modeling terrain :

Strengths :

. Successfully used sandbox tool to modeling a terrain

. Being able to hide the grill by going into window and soften edges.

. Changing the size of the grill before starting to give dimensions. It allows you to have different curve in your terrain.

Challenges :

. I used sandbox tool in one of my other project but I had difficulty to find a nice curve. Now I know what to do.


Out of class project :



Midterm reflection :

Today, I’m glad to say that I’m able to create any kind of structure and environment in sketch up. I still need to learn and practice but I have a lot of keys in my hands already. Whenever I have an idea in mind I can create it with this wonderful tool. It allowed me to visualize any of my thoughts in architecture or in design. It also can be helpful when I want to build a model or when I want to show one of my project to someone. The hand drawing it’s something that I need to practice every day to get better, but now I can draw more easily something geometrical and with proportion than I never did. First because I understood and visualize the techniques and second because I tried even if it’s not good, I keep trying. It helps to express ideas before putting them in sketch up even if for now it took me more times to draw than to build with sketch up.


Week 10 : Stamp and drape tools

Strengths :

- Successfully used stamp tool to place a building or any other structure on my terrain. It also create a sloping offset around it, in this way the transition between them is smoother.

- Creating a path with Drape. If I want to have a singular path who follow the contours of my terrain I need to create a separate face and then put them together with drape tool.

Second half of the semester


Challenges and weaknesses :

- Otherwise I encounter a problem when I tried to put my building down, all the terrain was moving with my mouse.

- It’s a long process to create and paint a path. It takes even more time when your terrain has a lot of details.

Top view


Week 11 : Exploring the add details tool

Strengths :

- I’m able to add detail to faces one at a time or to an area all at once

- Discovering that if I click and drag from right to left to make a selection, anything who touch the box is selected. It’s really useful in a lot of case, I should have known that before !


Week 12 : Sandbox environment

At the bottom of a slopping hill we decide to join this cyclist on the top. At this point we get a nice view of a small pond next to the path that we are following.

As we get closer, cross the bridge and turn back we can see an imposing building with an open entrance.


Curious, we approach the building and walk up the stairs to see inside. We’re surprised to discover an open space with a fountain

This is a quiet public space, open to everyone where you can enjoy a drink or talk with your friends at any time of the day and night. And we also see a few more step that bring you on the top of the building. What can it be ?



We went up and here we are, on a nice terrace in the top of the building. You can now enjoy the view in the deck chair.

Strengths :

Being able to create the terrain that I wanted and add the vegetation plus the house to have a full environment.

Successfully used all the opportunity offered by sandbox tool.

Challenges and weaknesses :

Created a fake landscape by incorporate a 2D picture.

Realized a building within any model and condition or request.

Week 14 : Photo match

Strengths :

- Successfully created an existing environment from an imported 2D picture.

- Being able to redefined a 3D site by looking at different 2D picture of the place.

- Carefully adjusted the picture with the actual 3D model.


Challenges and weaknesses :

Make certain line to match with the picture can be complicated.

Being careful to draw a line on an original structure and not in an empty space based on the picture.

Trying to have the right proportion even if I based my lines from the pictures.


Front view

Back view


Week 15 : Final project

Front view Right view

Back view Left view

Inspired by Hummingbird this is a modern, contemporary two bedroom, two bathroom house.


Back view x-ray

Front view x-ray


Top view x-ray

Left view x-rayRight view x-ray

Strengths :

- Being able to create an entire house and the environment surrounding it.

- Used the section tool or x-ray to see inside the house easily.

- Converted the entire house, by imported furniture from 3D warehouse, that you can also modified as you want after.


As we arrived from the top of the hill, we get on a wood banister rail, well exposed, with a nice view who guide us in front of a modern wood house.

Once in front of it, the barbecue let you believe that this is a nice place to live. We walk up the stairs and get inside. Here we come, straight in the living room.


On our left, we can see a small private bathroom next to an industrial style bedroom.

This is the second bedroom of the house, who can be used as a guest room or a children room. Next, on the other side, after passing the living room, you enter in the master bedroom.


This master bedroom as also a private bathroom and a big closet.

The house isn’t really large but a part of the roof is higher to make the lights comes in and which also add a feeling of a bigger space.

The location of this house is perfect for nature lovers, you’re in the middle of a valley, surrounded by mountain, what could be better ? There isn’t any other house around and you have a private little basin where your child can play in total tranquility.


Challenges and weaknesses :

- Draping the house on the terrain make my computer load forever. I had do try a bunch of time before it finally works.

- Taking the pictures when the file is that big can be challenging, because you have to wait before everything comes up when you make a move.


Overall reflection :


It’s the end of the semester and I’m really impressed by how much we can learn in Sketch up in just a few hours. I didn’t really realized, before I looked back at my portfolio and saw my first realization. This software is wonderful, easy to use and capable to create whatever you want in 3D. I know now that in a lot of situation, for my future class or just in my private life, I can model anything in a few hours. That’s a great opportunity to show to anyone, family, friends or teacher what you have in mind, also if you’re not good enough in drawing it helps a lot. When I took this class I didn't know what to expect and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to create something, because to me working on my computer and on a 3D modeling program was all new just a few month ago. When I think about it now I couldn't stop using it and feel proud to have tried. What I also retained which is a hint for the students who wants to take this class, it’s that they must have time in their schedule, to give all the necessary effort on it if you want to progress. This is just a matter of how much you like it, if you like doing the project properly, there is no secret just spend the good amount of time and energy on it. Believe me it’s fun and worth it !

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