final research- font and typography

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Typography definition-

‘the art or procedure of arranging type or processing data and printing from it.’

As the definition states that you ‘process data’ from ‘arranging type’ means that typography can convey a particular message to the reader, such as the formality of a product or whether it is aimed at men or women which is why this penultimate research is crucial to ensure that my target audience like the fonts that will be used to represent my institution.

MY TARGET AUDIENCE WILL EXPECT FONTS TO BE USED IN MY PRODUCTION THAT ARE: • Feminine and girly. • A mixture of informal and formal typography; formal to

make it feel more luxurious and expensive and informal so that it sets a more casual and laid back atmosphere.

• Legible- which is why black or white fonts are effective; especially when used together as they work as binary opposites and contrast against each other.


This font has been used by the rulers of the fashion magazine industry, Vogue but also this font has been followed by Bazaar Magazine . To me, this appears like a symbol of a fashion magazine because it is used by multiple institution so it will instantly attract the ‘fashionista’ target market as they will be aware that this font is associated with the fashion industry. Therefore, as it fits the conventions of fashion such as looking feminine and elite, it will instantly attract members of my female target audience. This font is only often used in the masthead and this is so that it gives the masthead more prominence and allows it stand out among the rest of the typography on the page. As this font is so specific to fashion, it will meet the audiences expectations of seeing this font and it is likely that I will used it in my production because it will mean that it will look interlinked with the industry and therefore a more reliable source but also it is important to consider that this font is legible for the reader and perhaps is why it is such a successful font to use. However, to make my magazine look original, I could perhaps make the font slightly tighter or wider so my institution refreshes the font and gives it a new look so it will differ from other industries which will make my products stand out to the consumer.


It is not only the magazine industry that use Didot as a font, it is also used in the film industry, for example, it is used in films such as Ted 2. The success it has in the movies suggests that it is an effective way to reach out to the audience. This is because the Didot font has a grand look so it instantly impresses the reader because the product appears of a higher quality to the consumer.


Bodoni Antiqua Compress D Regular is another font which is used in the fashion industry and institutions such as Elle are famous for using this tight logo. Even though it slightly differs from Didot, it still follows the sans-serif convention which gives the font pristineness and formality. As you can see, Elle have changed this font to make it more different by spacing out the letters. However, in my production I could use this font without spacing out the letters and it may look original and not be accused of copying Elle. The tightness of the letters may also create a closer atmosphere which provides the reader with the opportunity to feel more engaged with the institution and this will make them feel special and exclusive. Again, another benefit of using this font is that it is legible so it means that The Uses and Gratifications Theory is able to be reached because there is increased understanding among the audience so they will be able to understand the information and reach the goal of being educated.

FRANKLIN GOTHIC EXTRA CONDENSED Franklin Gothic Extra Condensed is a conventional font used that is used in Cosmopolitan Magazine and this drifts from the traditional serif font that some audiences could find boring and repetitive. Therefore, the more rounded serif font which is used in more youthful magazines ( for teenagers) is growing in popularity. Not only does it look more modern but it also is legible and simple which means that the complete focus can be around the features and the main image which often allows iconography to take place. However, in my production, I think I want to stick to tradition and include a serif font as I think they have more connotations to the fashion industry so it will make my magazine seem more professional in the fashion field. However, this font can be used in the strap lines and cover lines to connote differentiation and make the page look more visual which means it will look more interesting to the reader. Similarly to this font, Glamour magazine uses Franklin Gothic Heavy which is a much thicker and wider version of ‘Cosmopolitans’ font. Although it is simple and easy to read, I think it can make the magazine look immature which will not attract a student audience who want to feel as though they are independent adults.

AVANT GARDE GOTHIC This font again differs from your traditional sans-serif font but instead of looking bold and chunky, it still follows the elegant look that many fashion magazines have. Avant Garde Gothic is a thin, serif typography which gives the magazine ‘self service’ a neat and prestige look. This is definitely a font that I would be interested in using in my production and I think to make a conclusion I will have to experiment between this and serif font to see which will give my logo a unique and visual look. This font would be perfect as it connotes both modernity and grace which will then anchor my institutional name ‘GRACE MAGAZINE’ which is crucial when building brand identity as it will make the brand look more iconic and recognisable.


In the main body, this is font that the audience do not acknowledge on a mass scale however it is still important to maintain brand identity. Many magazines will use a basic font such as Arial because it is clear, legible and serif so it does not look over-embellished on the page. However, fashion specific magazines that use the sans-serif font often use Benton Modern as a font for articles of the magazine. I think that this fits perfectly into the sans-serif font family and will make the magazine seem elegant and classy. The benefits of having this feel throughout the entire time of creating the magazine is because it means that the brand will look continuous which will assure the reader that they are using the same product. Hence, why it is likely that this font will be used on webpage and also in the double page spread of my magazine to maintain the girly look of my institution. This font is also


With fonts that are profoundly used by major publishing companies such as Baeur Media and Conde’ Nast Publications often place tariffs on the fonts they use which means that you often have to pay to use these fonts. However, for Benton Modern can be accessed online in a free trial for 30 days which means that this can be overcome. This is why I will use this free trial whilst I am producing all three of my products.

FONT ALTERNATIVES Quite often, institutions make it impossible to copy or mimic their fonts however luckily the Didot font can be accessed on font space.

There is also a similar font known as Bodoni which is similar however it is slightly thicker and this looks similar to ‘LOOK’ magazines logo. As it is slightly bolder it gives the font a more casual and informal feel which may be more suitable to my student audience who may associate formality with work and this is something they will want to avoid in their leisure time. It also will make the logo look loud which means it will stand out and become more eye catching.

Unfortunately to access Bodoni Antiqua Compress D Regular it has extra charges of over £20 to use this font. This resulted in me having to search for an alternative however this was difficult to find however what you could do it simply adjust Bondoni to make it tighter. It gives it a completely different look and will allow my logo to look more original, which will be more interesting to the reader as it will appear refreshing.

FONT ALTERNATIVES Avant Garde is a font that you have to pay for so I found an alternative below which will still allow my magazine to have the contemporary, futuristic feel which I feel will be more appropriate for a fashion magazine for young people because fashion is about being inventive and new rather than sticking to old traditions. However, without the embellishments, it can look more masculine but this means that it removes the stereotype that fashion is for girly girls; and it make it more appealing to everyone as it does not specifically aim to an ultra-feminine woman. Therefore this font may increase more involvement.

FONT ALTERNATIVES Below are some fonts which are not necessarily stereotypical but could also be used in my production to make it look unique and different from the logo’s of other industries:


Didot Avant Garde Belico Bodoni DubielMorva FHA Condensed Aver Italic Aver

The most popular font is Didot and this is what the audience is clearly familiar with which suggests why it is so popular and explains why it is likely that this will be used in my production. However, I will still experiment with other fonts to decide whether it will anchor and link my page together to appeal to my younger target market.

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