findings, facts, & recommendations

Post on 18-Oct-2021






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Findings, Facts, &


Consideration & Action

Telfair Wescott 6.26 Acres

Final Development Plan

Ms. Lauren Fehr

Senior Planner

Vicinity Map 6.26 Acres

Wescott Ave east of

Univ Blvd

Part of 84 acre

GDP (Ord. 1826)

shown as District B

Three separate bldg

envelopes w/

different land use


Telfair General Land Plan

Telfair Wescott

6.26 acres

Telfair Lakefront GDP (2011)

(Tract B area is Location for Final Development Plan)

Aerial Photograph

Final Development Plan Overview

Three separate building envelopes

Tract A – Eating Place w/drive-thru

Tract C – Retail/Office building

Tract B – Three land use options

Child Day Care Center, Medical

Office, & Public Warehouse

Public Warehouse not included as a

proposed use within 1st Step PD (GDP)

Commission Workshop: 1-28-16 Focus on overall scope & scale of

proposed self storage facility

Examine traffic circulation and vehicle

queuing for proposed child day care

Ensure pedestrian plazas remain open

to the public

Need to understand purpose of “drop-

off” area on building w/in Tract C,

including specific uses

Commission Public Hearing: 4-12-16

No members of public spoke &

Commission focus centered on:

Further examination of pedestrian

plazas along Wescott Avenue

Request for a 3-story rendering of

public storage facility

Angled parking for child day care

Color renderings of all elevations

Final Site Layout Plan – Option 1

Final Site Layout Plan – Option 2

Final Site Layout Plan – Option 3

Traffic & Circulation Revision made to parking area to

further improve traffic circulation

Use of angled parking along one-way

drive aisle

Public Storage Facility Continued discussion on overall scale of


3-story vs. 4-story

Concern expressed with scale of 4-story

building versus what is currently built

in surrounding area

Commission requested applicant

provide 3-story line of sight rendering

of building

3-Story vs. 4-Story

3-Story vs. 4-Story

Pedestrian Plazas Exhibit B-6 depicts detailed pedestrian

circulation plan

Discussion on location of ped plazas

along Wescott Avenue

Ped plazas intended to be open space

and not meant as pedestrian crosswalk

Benches, trees, bike rack, hardscape

Recent PD’s include typical ped plazas

as open space area available to visitors

Pedestrian Plazas Revisions made to move ped plazas

back from street using 5-foot walkway

to connect plazas to sidewalk

City Staff reinforces pedestrian crossing

at University Blvd & Wescott Ave at

signaled ped crosswalk

Previous Plaza Excerpt

Revised Plaza Excerpt

Ped Plaza Example - Costco

Building Finish Details Primary finishes: brick, stone, stucco

(limited), glass

During public hearing, Commission

expressed difficulty distinguishing bw

proposed materials

Applicant provided color renderings of

all facades as “typical” elevation

Exhibit B codifies permitted façade


Points for Consideration FDP consistent with 84.3 acre GDP

FDP includes detailed traffic circulation

& vehicle queuing for day care option

Applicant reexamined location of ped

plazas to move away from street and

create open space area

Applicant provided 3-story line of sight

drawing for public storage vs. 4-story

examined during public hearing

Recommendation: A recommendation from the

Commission to the Mayor and City

Council for approval of the Telfair

Wescott 6 Acre PD Final Development

Plan as attached-

With a determination on the

maximum number of stories for the

proposed public storage facility on

Tract B


A. Planning and Zoning Commission

Liaison Report

City Council Meetings

B. City Staff Report

Calendar of Scheduled Meetings

and Events


Planning & Zoning Commission


June 14, 2016

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