first united methodist church open hearts open minds open ...€¦ · first united methodist church...

Post on 23-Aug-2020






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First United Methodist Church

Open Hearts—Open Minds—Open Doors

The people of the United Methodist Church


Rev. Sang Hak Lee, Pastor

Church Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday

8:00am to 12:00pm Closed Fridays

Kim VanNortwick, Office Administrator Church Phone: 785-527-5608


Director of Christian Education Virginia Anderson


Sunday School 9:30am Classes:

Ages 3 years to 6th grade Youth 7-12 grades

Adult Worship Service

Sundays 10:45am

Food Bank Hours: Monday thru Thursday

9:00am to 11:30am Closed Fridays 785-955-0086

Carolyn Rauch, Director Rosemary Burt, Counselor

Appreciation Sunday Kim VanNortwick, Administrative Assistant, and Virginia Anderson, Christian Education Director, were recognized July 19 during worship service.

SPPRC members Jewelda Scofield, Lela Knedlik, and Terin Rundus acknowl-edged the many kinds of HATS it takes for them to do their jobs. Hats for Kim fashioned by Lela and modeled by Terin and Jewelda were those of RECEP-TIONIST, DESIGNER, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR, and CATERER. Virginia, having only begun her position as of April 1, had to immediately put on the COVID-19 hat of SOCIAL DISTANCING. This did not deter her from doing her job; she smoothly adjusted children’s education plans to social media.

A multi-floral bouquet was given to each of them along with a big THANK YOU for all they do for our church.

Twentieth Wedding Anniversary

Rev. Sang Hak and Jong Lee

In honor of their 20th wedding anniversary, Rev. Lee and Jong were present-ed a bouquet of red and pink roses during worship service July 19.

Sang Hak Lee and Jong Youn were married July 17, 2000 at the Gwang Hee Moon Methodist Church in Seoul, Korea. They moved with their two young children to the United States in 2007. After completing the course work of his doctorate degree from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Ken-tucky, Rev. Lee accepted a position as a pastor in Chanute, KS. Since then he

has pastored churches in Kansas and was called to be pastor for the Belleville and Agen-da United Methodist churches last year. The Lee’s are planning and hoping to become citi-zens of the United States. Their older daugh-ter Sara will be a senior at the University of Kansas this fall, and their younger daughter Ye Gang will be a senior at Concordia High School. We are blessed that they have spent the past year of their married life in our churches and our community.

We wish them many more happy years together!

Insights by Rev. Sang Hak Lee


New Change

To enter a new world or accept a new change in our lives, we need courage. Instinctively, all people have a desire

for change. The reason is that when people want new changes in their lives, they seek growth at that time as well.

When people in business consider new changes in their business, they expect growth in their businesses. Like indi-

viduals and businesses, churches are the same. Many churches consider new changes in their ministry because they

want their churches to grow.

Many kids want to be adults as soon as possible. They know it is impossible to be adults soon, but they want it any-

way. Why? They think there may be more opportunities to do things they want after getting older. They don’t think

of the process and responsibilities for being adults.

In general, with physical growth, our minds and thoughts are changed, too. We need to change and to work hard to

change our lives in positive ways. Without that no one can expect a better life in future.

If we reject those changes, we will meet big problems in our lives. Some people don’t want change in their lives,

and they want to stay in their comfort zones. These zones give us a sense of stability, but people don’t know these

given feelings are also very restrictive. They don’t know we need to seek our future and better comfort zones, so we

need to leave our current comfort zones for our future comfort zones. Sometimes, we need to break with something

familiar. At that time, we can enter into new changes and a new future.

We see this change in one man. According to Genesis 12, God asked Abram to leave his country, his kindred, and

his father’s house for the land that God showed him. So, he left his original place. Because he obeyed God, he was

blessed by God. Later his name was changed from Abram, which means ‘exalted ancestor,’ to Abraham, which

means “ancestor of a multitude.”

Also, look at the people of Israel. They strongly asked God for escape from suffering in Egypt. God heard their

painful voices, so He saved them from Egypt and led them to the promised land. However, while in the wilderness,

the people of Israel blamed God for their hardships and wanted to go back to Egypt. Even though God promised the

promised land for the people of Israel, they wanted to stay their comfort zone. Later they arrived at the promised

land, because they kept moving forward.

We are experiencing a lot of changes through Covid-19 now, and many people expect that there will be more sig-

nificant changes in this society. This circumstance shows us that it is time to be changed.

Many people say that we are in times of crisis. I agree, but I strongly believe that if we overcome this time of crisis,

a brighter future is waiting for us. Remember that when Abram overcame his challenge to leave his father’s home,

he became Abraham. When the people of Israel overcome many challenges in the wilderness, they were able to en-

ter the promised land. Because there was the suffering of crucifixion, the door of salvation was opened to us.

I hope we all prepare well for changes in our lives. I strongly encourage you to pray first for changes.

Please be with God when you prepare for your changes and church changes. Ask Him to give us wisdom and cour-

age. God will help us at that time. Do not be afraid of anything. God was with us, God is with us, and God will be

with us forever. Let’s move forward in faith.

FirstUMW – No meeting Ruth Circle - No meeting Naomi Circle - will be announced.

After School Program


Fish Money

Save your Best Choice labels! Collection box is on a table in the foyer behind the sanctuary door.


Not members of Great Plains United Methodist Women (since January 1 of 2019). We are a com-

mittee of the church, supporting missions in our church and community.

Dollar Sunday – Aug-School supplies

We will also have box fans avail-able for families who are in need of them. Families can pick them up at the Foodbank.

Deadline for the Sept. Newsletter is Aug 26th

of Belleville irst

Foodbank needs: Crackers, cereal &

canned potatoes Potatoes

to SPPRC for the wonderful recognition

I received in worship on 7-19-2020. It

was a fun presentation by Jewelda and

Terin, and reading by Lela! Thank you

also for the beautiful vase of flowers. I

didn’t expect this at all!

I truly love my job and serving our con-



PRAYER LIST Marti Wilber, Mike Knedlik, Al Havel, Marcia Junker, Kolbie Kalivoda, Sam Scofield, Jim Anderson, Bernie Mohr, Jane Jeardoe, Cristin Crutchfield (Lynell Kallman’s niece), Fred Elyea, Nick Han-sen, Jon Snapp, Helen Fielder, Frank Krob, Greg Young Jr., Dennis & Renee Fangmeier family

Handbells is September

The current Handbell Quintet is hoping to increase membership and grow to a Handbell Choir this fall. Practice will begin in September to prepare worship and Christmas music. Anybody interested in handbells may contact Jewelda Scofield, 785-527-0351 or

Finance Team Report We are 6 months into the year, so we should be at 50% of our budget numbers. Our year to date giving as of 6-30-2020 was $73,147.67, which would be 48.6% of our budget for the year, so our actual giving is a little behind our budget. In regard to our expenses, our total net ex-penses were $69,758.94 as of 6-30-2020, which would be 46.4% of our budget for the year, so we would be slightly below budget on our expenses. We are making monthly payments on our M & M's and we are on track to have them paid in full in October. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks, Mikel Hadachek Finance Team Chairman

2020 Special Session of Annual Conference The special session of Great Plains Annual Conference scheduled for October 1-4, 2020 in Grand Island,

Nebraska is now cancelled due to uncertainty about future coronavirus-related gathering restrictions.

While we are not meeting in person for holy conferencing as scheduled, we are moving forward with a

process to adopt our 2021 conference budget, with holding online clergy and laity sessions, providing a

recorded Memorial Worship Service to remember and give thanks for the lives and witness of our clergy

conference members and clergy spouses who have entered into God’s eternal life and blessed rest, and

livestream Commissioning and Ordination Worship Services for our new provisional and full member dea-

cons and elders. Follow link below, and watch for future updates.


We will be having Communion Aug 2nd

during worship. The elements will be

on the table as you enter the Sanctu-

ary. Please take one before you sit

down. During Communion, Rev. Lee

will instruct you to open and take the

wafer, and then the juice. We will be

doing this as the whole congregation.

1. Please take all-in-one

communion cup before

being seated.

2. When instructed, peel

back top film layer to

reveal the communion


3. Lift foil seal to open the

cup and drink juice,

when instructed.

The A/V Team is currently updating and replacing our A/V system. Some changes have been made.

We have new monitors at the front and back of the Sanctuary, two new hand held mics and a new

computer. There is still a need for new mics, dvd players, camcorders, 2 monitors plus carts and a

new headset. If you would like to help out financially with this project, contact Mikel Hadachek or

Kim in the office.

All help is would be greatly appreciated.

Below is a link to an article about the history and challenges of

Ember Hope. As you can imagine, COVID-19 has placed new chal-

lenges for them. This is a great educational article on Ember

Hope (Youthville). This is one of the missions that we are in-

volved with at Belleville FUMC. We donate financially and also to

the Christmas Connection project for children in the foster sys-

tem. We have a long history with them, so check out the article

to see how Ember Hope has evolved.

The link below is to the actual Ember Hope webpage if you wish to learn more!


Sign up sheet is available for Lay Leaders. If you are inter-

ested in volunteering, please contact Kim in the church


Thank you to those who volunteer

on a regular basis!

ERT training will be on January 10, 2021. Let Jerry Richecky know if you wish to sign up.

(Early Response Team for disasters)


Tandy 8/2

Jewelda 8/9

Carol 8/16

Stacia 8/23

Kim 8/30


Jerry & Shirley Richecky

Hayley & Russ Piroutek

Volunteers needed for Sept 13, 20 & 27.


Janis H. 8/2

Kathy A. 8/9

Brian Y. 8/16

Kelli C. 8/23

Tandy R. 8/30

MESSAGE: Rev. Sang Hak Lee ACCOMPANIST: Tana Trost

Disaster Response

Great Plains Disaster Response is a ministry of care that has theological, material, mental health, advoca-

cy and social service components designed to provide for the spiritual, emotional and physical recovery of

disaster survivors.

It is because of your prayers and financial gifts that we can be the “hands and feet” of Christ to all people in

the Great Plains Annual Conference.

The Disaster Response Committee is comprised of United Methodists from across Kansas and Nebraska,

working together in the Great Plains and beyond to provide trained teams of caring people to respond

when disasters occur.

The Great Plains Conference has a Conference Disaster Response Plan for responding to disasters within the

geographic bounds of the states of Kansas and Nebraska. Every local congregation also is encouraged to

develop a Local Church Disaster Response Plan for local emergencies. Jerry Richecky is in charge of our

Emergency Response planning.

Visit the Great Plains Website at , to learn of the many dif-

ferent ways that United Methodist are able to help after a disaster.

Jerry & Linda Melton 8-1-2020

Looking Back & Moving Forward

Celebrating 150 years at Belleville FUMC 7

Monday, Aug. 3rd - 6:00p.m.

Trustees Meeting

Thursday, August 20th 7:00p.m. -Finance

7:30p.m. -Leadership

Our next commodities distribution will be Wed., August 19, at the Commercial Building at the fairgrounds in Belleville. The truck is due in at 6:30 a.m. Jewell and Republic Coun-ty towns please pick up between 7:30 and 8:30. Belleville individuals may pick up 8:00 am – 9:30 a.m. Please mark the date, notify your volunteers.

The items to be distributed are: tomato soup, canned pears, diced tomatoes, beef stew, canned pork, fresh ap-ples, fresh oranges, garbanzo beans, raisins, peanut butter, frozen ham slices, frozen OJ, frozen chicken, frozen diced peach cups.

August 19 Commodities at Commercial Building

Monday-Aug 3rd & 17th

9:00a.m. Staff Meeting

Meals-on-Wheels Aug. 24-28th

FUMC delivering. Call Shirley Richecky if you

wish to volunteer. 785-527-1191

Wednesday-Aug 19th

7:15p.m. SPPRC Meeting

Aug 1 Jerry & Linda Melton Aug 2 Bernie White Aug 3 Linda Wendt Jolene Okara Aug 4 Ross & Jill Wurdeman Aug 5 Barbara Cook Aug 7 Karen Cheney Rich & Steph Schintler Aug 9 Barry & Susan Childs Gene Rundus Alan Richecky Aug 11 Pam & Sid Scofield Mike & Lizz Skocny April & Casey Coons Aug 13 Brett & Erica Wilkenson Aug 14 Carson Struebing Aug 16 Laura Hobson Aug 17 Don & Katherine Wilber Aug 18 Clarence Kelley Francis & Marsha Esslinger Spencer & Regina Krull Aug 19 Sheila Persinger Aug 21 Zachary Piroutek Lasondra Aurand Aug 22 Kristen Swiercinsky Aug 24 Mercedes VanNortwick Bob Molzahn Walter & Virginia Molzahn Aug 25 Lela Knedlik Aug 26 Kelli Childs Gary Hadachek Aug 27 Blake Aurand Aug 28 Roger & Charlene McCartney Aug 30 Stephanie Splichal Deb Ball Aug 31 Kurt Engle

First United Methodist Church 2013 M Street Belleville, KS 66935

Address Service Requested

Our Mission is to prayerfully: Seek God Grow in faith Love and Serve others

For the transformation of live!

Isaiah 40:8 NRSV

8 The grass withers, the flower fades;

but the word of our God will stand forever.

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