flight number _

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Art & Photos



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flight _ _ _ to _ _ _ please proceed to exit _ _

flug _ _ _ nach _ _ _ bitte begeben sie sich zum ausgang _ _

vol _ _ _ continuez s.v.p. à la sortie _ _

vuelo _ _ _ diríjanse por favor a la salida _ _

and __ team _ __ _ to _ _ __ _ _ ..............................................................

The Spirit Of Australia.... in Australia

.... Photo-scan in Zaventem / Belgium

Night-flight Airbus A 319

Where I worked: Zaventem - [photo-scan]

Defrosting in FRA...

JAL – Japan Airlines in FRA

Take off to ... ?


United Airlines...

G O !

and..... G O !

Power !

Boeing – Qantas 747

Power !

Simply Africa....

Landing in .... ?

Boeing 757 – Westbound Atlantic

Thai Air in MUC preparations for the flight to BKG

Boeing 737-900

Everything ready for passengers boarding ?

Captains food

Boeing 747 - 400 Qantas

.... G O !

Ready for .... ?

Just taking somewhere off...

Boeing 737-800 between night and day

Global player ....

In position ?

A few photos of rescue planes and teams who help to help

bye-bye ...photos : private, from friends and i-net

idea & arrangement :

music : <strangers in the night> [F. Sinatra] - or strangers in a flight ?

Thanks to the worldwide rescue teams....

Merci aux équipes de sauvetage internationaux...

Danke an die internationalen Rettungsteams...

Gracias a los equipos internacionales de rescate...

03/05/23 14:04

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