fls tms2010 final

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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John Hadaway1, Anthony Filidore2 1 FLSmidth Minerals Pty Ltd.; 24 to 28 Marshall Road, Airport West, Victoria, 3042, Australia

2 FLSmidth Minerals; 2040 Avenue C, Bethlehem, PA, 18017, USA

Keywords: Grinding, Bauxite, SAG, Rod, Ball, Scrubber

Abstract Grinding of bauxite as feed to alumina refineries is undertaken in a variety of grinding circuit types utilizing a range of mill types such as Rod Mills, Rod/Ball Mills, Ball Mills, Rod Mill & Ball Mill circuits, AG/SAG Circuits and SAG/Ball Mill circuits both in open circuit and closed circuit. The paper considers the selection criteria in terms of the objectives of the grinding process and reviews the range of options available particularly those used in recent installations. The advantages and disadvantages of these options are discussed. Important evaluation criteria such as product size distribution, specific power consumption and cost are considered, summarized and compared with the design objectives. Finally this paper will discuss some less common applications for rotary drum scrubbers in the alumina industry.

Introduction Feed preparation to alumina refineries is a critical first step in the alumina production process. There are a full range of options available an each has its advantages and disadvantages. The final choice of which option best suits the application is influenced by a number of variables. These can be broadly categorized into the feed characteristics and the target product requirements. Some of the feed variables are.

• Feed size distribution and feed top size. • Grinding and breakage characteristics of the feed i.e.

Bond Work Index. Some of the common target product requirement that are considered in the final selection are:

• Product particle size distribution. In this respect the main objective is to limit both the presence of course material and very fine material. Typically specifications will place limits on the percentage of particles

o > 1.0mm to 1.7mm o < 45 µm

• Overall grind size is typically expressed as the size at which 80% of particles will pass a sieve aperture of the nominated size (P80).

These target product requirements are generally common to all applications; however it is also common that one or two of the criteria will take precedence. Which criteria take precedence will have a major influence in the final grinding circuit choice. In addition to the above criteria there are number other criteria that will influence the final circuit design such as.

• Specific Power consumption expressed in kWh/t. • Circuit simplicity • Grinding plant footprint • Ease of operation • Health and safety considerations • Availability • Capital cost • Operating cost.

In this paper we will review the various grinding circuit options and consider the strengths and weakness of those circuits against the criteria outlined above. We do not expect to come to definitive conclusions here but the objective of the paper is to explore the options and highlight where each circuit is most appropriate. Inevitably the final choice will be a compromise between competing criteria and the best outcome is an optimum solution that meets best the primary criteria specified at the project inception while not building in excessive on going problems due to other criteria that are less fulfilled. In the experience of the authors’ the following product particle size criteria are most common.

• % passing 1.7mm to 1.3mm, 98% or greater • % passing 45µm, • P80, 250 to 700µm

In the experience of the authors’ typical feed size distribution specifications are

• Maximum particle size, 20 to 40mm • 80% passing, 8 to 20mm

These feed and product size parameters are generally the primary drivers in the selection of the grinding circuit, followed closely by Specific Power Consumption, capital cost and operating cost. It is very important that the key criteria are clearly defined at the outset of the grinding circuit selection and design process.

Grinding Circuit Options The following bauxite grinding circuits are the main circuits employed in the alumina industry today. Rod/Ball Mill – Open Circuit This is probably the most common grinding mill type and has been used for over 40 years. It is often the base case considered

for bauxite grinding. The mill is operated in open circuit and comprises two compartments. The first compartment is charged with rods to handle the course grinding of the primary feed while the second compartment is charged with steel balls to perform the finer, finish grinding of the final product. Figure 1 is a diagrammatic illustration of this option.

This option has the following characteristics: The rod compartment ensures that all the course particles are ground to a size suitable for the subsequent grinding in the ball compartment. This helps to minimize undesirable oversize particles while the second, ball charged compartment produces a reliable finished product with the desired P80. Ball-milling however will produce a higher proportion of finer particles due to the high surface area of the grinding media. It is also difficult to control the shape of the product particle size distribution in open circuit, i.e. without some form of classification. While this solution has been successfully employed in many bauxite grinding circuits it has a number disadvantages that are considered important, particularly in modern plants. The mill incorporates a central diaphragm to separate the two grinding compartments and allow the material to be moved from the first to the second compartment. This requires ongoing and relatively regular maintenance which requires personnel to access the interior of the mill and given that bauxite grinding is undertaken in hot, caustic liquor, it is desirable to limit personnel access to the interior for safety and health reasons. Modern safety procedures make this a lengthy exercise. Regular entry into the mill will therefore affect the operating availability of the mill. This circuit also requires a relatively large foot print when compared to other solutions. Not only does the space occupied by the mill need to be considered but access at the feed end for rod charging equipment is required. This can be space hungry and difficult to arrange at the mill feed platform; particularly where there are multiple mills. In contrast, single compartment rod mills are usually charged from the discharge end where more space is available. Open Circuit Rod Mill followed by Closed Circuit Ball Mill In this case the grinding circuit comprises an open circuit rod mill followed by a closed circuit ball mill. The ball mill is most often

closed over a DSM style screen with a fine cut of 1 to 1.5 mm. the course material is returned to the ball mill feed and the fine screen underflow reports to the downstream process. Figure 2 is a diagrammatic illustration of this option.

The primary advantages of this circuit is the ability of the rods mill to handle course and variable feed sizes while the closed circuit secondary grinding helps to minimize the presence of undesirably course particles in the final product. By minimizing the residence time in the secondary circuit it is also possible to reduce the proportion of very fine particles in the product. Some other operating and maintainability advantages with this option are that both mills are overflow discharge and as such there are no diaphragms or discharge grates to maintain. By careful layout of the circuit it is possible to arrange the rod charge at the discharge end of the mill thus improving the layout at the feed end. This option does however require a significant foot print comprises more mechanical components, particularly in the mill drives, bearings and lubrications systems which leads to higher maintenance requirements. The classification screen also requires significant maintenance and can be problematic from an operational point of view. Overall availability can be impacted by the availability of the screen and as such it may be necessary to add redundant capacity in the form of standby screens; thus adding to the complexity of this option. Single Stage Closed Circuit Ball Mill. This circuit has been recently applied in Australia and India. It is essentially a development of the rod/ball mill circuit described earlier except that the particle size reduction occurs in one compartment. The rod mill is eliminated and the fresh feed is fed directly to the ball mill. Because ball mills have limited ability to handle course feed it is necessary to ensure that the feed is not too course and the mill is required to operate in closed circuit, usually with fine aperture screens in order to control the proportion course particles in the final product. This option has the advantage that the handling and management of rods is eliminated along with the attendant availability and safety issues. The need to enter the mill for maintenance of the

charge is limited too however the screens require regular maintenance and can limit the overall availability of the grinding circuit. As such redundant screen capacity is often employed. Figure 3 is a diagrammatic illustration of this option.

Figure 4. 17’ x 25’, 3500 kW single stage, closed circuit ball mill installation.

This option offers a relatively small foot print and medium capital cost. Single Stage Open Circuit Rod Mill This circuit comprises a single stage rod mill operating in open circuit. Of the options under consideration it is the simplest and has been employed successfully on recent alumina refinery expansion projects. Careful and comprehensive test work and

modeling was undertaken before the decision to use this option was finalized. The primary advantage of this circuit is its ability to handle course and variable feed to the grinding circuit while at the same time limiting the proportion of course particles and very fine particles in the final product. It employs large rods (~100m diameter) in order to ensure that there is sufficient impact energy available to break to course particles. Characteristically, rod mills produce less fines than other mill types. Figure 5 is a diagrammatic illustration of this option.

Figure 6. 15’ x 21.5’, 1800 kW single stage, open circuit rod mill installation.

The footprint for this option is small. In a recent project in Australia three (3) 15’ x 21.5’ rod mills mill replaced three (3) rod/ball mills and were incorporated in to the same foot print while simultaneously increasing production by a factor of two. The foundations of the original mills were partially reused and, by innovative design of the modified foundations disruption to the existing operation was kept to an absolute minimum during the decommissioning of the old mills and installation and commissioning of the new rod mills. While simple, economical and compact, this option has a number of characteristics that should be recognized, understood and considered at the selection stage.

While being very effective at controlling the size and proportion of top size particles in the product it must be recognized that this option produces a generally courser grind in terms of the product P80. Typically grinding circuits that employ ball mills will produce a P80 in the range 200 to 400 micron while the rod mill typically produces a P80 in the range 500 to 800 microns. At the top end of the product size distribution this rod mill circuit produces a P98/99 of approximately 1,700 microns. Comparative size distributions are discussed later. This circuit is also demands less energy than ball mill circuits and typical specific energy consumption is in the range 4.0 to 6.0 kWh/t. The primary reason for the lower energy requirement is the generally courser grind. It is therefore very important to verify that this courser size distribution is suitable to the downstream processes in the alumina refinery. This circuit offers a very simple and economical plant in the right application. With the proper management of the rod charge and liners, high availability is achievable with limited need for personnel to enter the grinding chamber for maintenance purposes. Closed circuit single stage SAG mills. The advantage of the SAG mill is that is can handle very course primary crusher feed and achieve very high reduction ratios. As such secondary crushing is not required in this option and the SAG mill can produce final product in a single stage. High throughputs are also achievable in single line plants. Figure 7 is a diagrammatic illustration of this option

This option requires the use of classification devices in the circuit in order to control the top size. It is capable of high availability provided the classification stage is adequately sized and incorporates necessary redundancy.

It terms of capital and operating cost this option tends towards the high end due to the relatively higher cost of SAG mills in comparison to other grinding mill types. Due to high reduction ratios involved and the predominance of attrition grinding of small particles in this circuit the circulating loads may be relatively high. As such the SAG mill will produce a higher proportion of fine particles which may be undesirable in subsequent processes in the refinery. The primary advantage of this circuit is the ability the handle high throughputs in single line plants and the simplification of the feed preparation area. Open Circuit SAG Mill following by Closed Circuit Ball Mill An extension of the previous circuit is the SAG/Ball Mill circuit. This option comprises an open circuit SAG mill followed by a closed circuit ball mill. Due to the high throughputs associated with this circuit, the ball mill is most often closed with a hydrocyclone classifier. The course material is returned to the ball mill feed and the fine overflow product reports to the downstream process. The primary advantage of this circuit is the ability to handle high throughputs in a single line plant. The SAG mill can handle very course and variable feed sizes while the closed circuit ball mill helps to minimize the presence of undesirable course particles in the final product. The capital cost is high with this option as is the maintenance and foot print requirements. It is slightly more energy efficient due to the use of a ball mill as the secondary grinding machine. Figure 8 is a diagrammatic illustration of this option

Rotary Scrubber Applications In addition to the use of grinding mills in Bauxite preparation circuits, the use of rotary drum scrubbers are finding increasing application. Figure 10 and 11 illustrate the use of a scrubber in an application where the bauxite is very sticky and contains rock intrusions that are of no economic value. The scrubber pulps the bauxite into a slurry which then passes over a trommel screen at the scrubber discharge. The screen separates the fine bauxite from the intrusions and the trommel underflow is then pumped to the downstream process plant. The intrusions are rejected as trommel overflow and conveyed to a waste dump. It is apparent from Figure 10 that the scrubber is preceded by a low speed sizer. The Run of Mine (ROM) feed is fed to the sizer which is mounted directly above the scrubber feed chute, thus minimizing mechanical handing of the sticky feed material. Process water is introduced with the feed and acts to flush the material thought the sizer and directly to the scrubbing chamber. Feed to the scrubber is nominally 250mm top size and very little breakage occurs in the scrubber. It is thus necessary to install “rock lifters” at the discharge end of the scrubbing chamber to remove the rock from the scrubber and assist with the feeding the trommel screen. Build up of the lump material in the scrubbing chamber is thus prevented.

Scrubbers have also been proposed to slurry the feed material prior to the grinding circuit. In such applications this allows the pre-classification and removal of fine material that is naturally occurring in the feed and is of a partial size suitable for subsequent processing without grinding. This option reduces the occurrence of very fine particle in the plant feed that occur due to over-grinding in the grinding circuit. Such options have been considered for SAG and SAG/Ball circuits.

Figure 9. 26’ x 16’, 4850 kW SAG mill in bauxite grinding Figure 11. Typical 5m x 10.4m, 1300 kW

Drum Scrubber Application.

Figure 12. Typical 3m x 8m, 200 kW Drum Scrubber Application

Process Comparisons

While the type of grinding circuit selected for a given application will be based on a wide range of criteria, the primary criteria for an application are generally the process parameters that the grinding circuit has to achieve. The various mills types are best suited to different ranges of feed size and product size distributions.

The following is intended as a general comparison of the various circuits with respect to their optimum ranges of application. The final selection will always depend upon a thorough characterization of the Bauxite feed to the grinding circuit. Key parameters to be established are

• Bond Work Index

• General breakage characteristics such as the JK breakage parameters.

Comparison of Feed Size Distributions The following Table 1 shows the range of application for each circuit type described above. Table 1. Feed Size Comparison

Circuit F80 (mm) F98 (mm)

Rod/ Ball 10 to 25 25 to 40

Rod and ball mill in closed circuit

10 to 25 25 to 40

Single stage closed circuit ball mill

4 to 10 8 to 16

Open Circuit rod mill

10 to 25 25 to 40

SAG Mill 100 to 175 150 to 300

SAG/Ball Circuit 100 to 175 150 to 300

Comparison of Product Size Distributions The following Table 2 shows the range of application for each circuit type described above. Table 2. Product Size Comparisons.

Circuit P80 (micron) P98 (micron)

Rod/ Ball in open circuit

200 to 400 1000 to 1500

Rod and ball mill in closed circuit

200 to 400 1000 to 1300

Single stage closed circuit ball mill

200 to 400 1000 to 1300

Open Circuit rod mill

500 to 800 1600 to 2000

SAG 250 to 500 1000 to 1500

SAG/Ball Circuit 200 to 400 1000 to 1300

Comparison of fine particles in the final product Fine particles in the final product (i.e. % < 45 micron) is an important consideration for the down stream processes in an alumina refinery. It is difficult to quantify this criterion other than to make some general remarks about the relative performance of each circuit under discussion here. Fines generation is largely a function of the breakage characteristics of the given feed material but the selection of mill type and circuit configuration will influence the final product in terms of fines generation. The following comments are intended as a general guide only as to the influence that the mill/circuit will have. We have simply ascribed the descriptions, “more”, “less” or “neutral” to describe the effect on the generation of fines in the grinding process. The following Table 3 given a guide to relative propensity fines generation for each circuit.

Table 3. Comparison of fine particle generation

Circuit Contribution to fines generation

Rod/Ball in open circuit


Rod and ball mill in closed circuit


Single stage closed circuit ball mill


Open Circuit rod mill


SAG More

SAG/ Ball Circuit More

Comparison of Specific Power Consumption The final specific power consumption of a given circuit will depend largely on the grindability (I.e. Work Index) of the Bauxite and the feed and product size distributions. Each grinding option will, however, influence the power required to meet the required throughput under a given set of feed and product conditions. For example if the mill is operating in open circuit the main criteria is the minimization of the course material in the product, then the mill power will be derated to ensure a longer residence time to reducer the probability of course particles “short circuiting” the grinding chamber. The following Table 4 shows the range of application for each circuit type described above. Table 4. Specific Power Comparison

Circuit Specific Power Consumption (kWh/t)

Rod/Ball in open circuit

8.0 to 12.0

Rod and ball mill in closed circuit

6.0 to 9.0

Single stage closed circuit ball mill

5.5 to 8.5

Open Circuit rod mill

4.0 to 6.0

SAG 8.5 to 13.0

SAG/ Ball Circuit 8.0 to 12.0

Comparison of Other Criteria In the final selection of the most appropriate grinding circuit for a given application there are many criteria to be considered apart from the process parameters. The most important of these are as follows.

• Capital Cost • Plant Footprint • Availability • Maintenance and other operating costs • Health and safety of personnel

The priority given to each criterion will vary from project to project and it is not the intension here to deal with these in any particular ranking but simply to give a general idea of the relative merits of each option. In order to do this the simple notation is ascribed to each option; “High”, “Medium” or “Low”. The following Table 5 is a summary of the comparative strengths of each option with respect to the other criteria. Table 5. Comparison of other criteria.


ital C














k to




Rod/Ball in open circuit

Med Med Low Low High

Rod and ball mill in closed circuit

High High Low Low Med

Single stage closed circuit ball mill

Med Low Med Med Low

Open Circuit rod mill

Low Low High Med Med

SAG High Med High Med Low

SAG/ Ball Circuit High High High High Low

The above assessment is, of course, subjective and open to debate however this is considered a reasonable guide to the relative merits of the various options.

Conclusion It is clear from the above that the final selection of grinding mill type and circuit is a complex balance of many competing criteria. While the process criteria will always take precedence there are many other important issues to consider. There is no universal solution. Careful definition of the most important criteria is essential. Thorough characterization of the Bauxite from a breakage perspective must be completed. Finally each circuit option must be modeled and evaluated against the key criteria and other important criteria that will effect the long term success of the final installation.

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