fluconazole (diflucan(r)) · infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology 3:222-225 (1995) (c)...

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  • Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology 3:222-225 (1995)(C) 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

    Fluconazole (Diflucan(R))

    Lisa M. Hollier and Susan M. CoxDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX

    luconazole (Diflucan(R), Roerig, New York, NY)was recently developed for the treatment of sys-

    temic and surface fungal infections. It is an azolein the same family as ketoconazole and itraconazole.Fluconazole has several advantages over the otherantifungal drugs including the option of oral ther-apy. The side-effect profile is minimal. Studieshave shown it to be efficacious for the treament ofvaginal yeast infections in a single oral dose.

    STRUCTURE AND DERIVATIONFluconazole [(difluoro-2,4-phenyl)-2-bis((1H-tri-azole-l,2)-4-yl-1)-l,3-propanol-2] is an azole anti-fungal agent. The imidazole, i.e., ketoconazole, hasbeen modified by the replacement of the imidazolering with a triazole ring, addition of a second triazolering, and substitution of a difluorophenyl moietyfor a dichlorophenyl moiety. These changes providemore selective inhibition of fungal enzyme systems,greater metabolic stability, and enhanced water sol-ubility.

    MECHANISM OF ACTIONFluconazole interferes with the cytochrome P-450-dependent enzyme C-14a-demethylase, which isresponsible for production of ergosterol, the majorcomponent of the fungal cell membrane. The dis-ruption of ergosterol synthesis causes structural andfunctional changes in the membrane which predis-pose the fungus to osmotic and immune-mediateddamage and interfere with cell adherence, Thetriazole derivatives bind to the cytochrome P-450enzyme with greater specificity than their pred-ecessors. Additional antifungal activity may beaccounted for by the azole inhibition of cyto-chrome c oxidative and peroxidative enzymes, lead-ing to increased intracellular peroxidase.3-s

    PHARMACOKINETICSFluconazole is water-soluble and thus is readily ab-sorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The peakplasma concentration in humans, which is reached2 h after dosing, is 2.44-3.58 Ig/ml after a 150-mgdose. The presence of food does not affect theabsorption of fluconazole but delays the time tomaximum serum concentration until 4 h after dos-ing. The bioavailability of fluconazole is not af-fected by gastric pH. 7,s The amount of fluconazoleabsorbed is linearly proportional to the dose, andurinary excretion data indicate that the oral bioavail-ability of fluconazole is 80-90%.

    Fluconazole has a volume of distribution thatclosely approximates total body water, 0.6-0.8 1/kg.Roughly 10% of fluconazole is protein-bound inhumans. This low degree of binding facilitates thetransfer of the drug into the central nervous systemregardless of the presence of inflammation of themeninges,mq2 Penetration of the drug into theskin and nails has been demonstrated in humans.3

    Houang et al. found fluconazole to be persistentin vaginal secretions with concentrations above theMIC for Candida a/bicans for at least 72 h after asingle 150-mg oral dose.

    Very little metabolism of fluconazole occurs; thevast majority of it is eliminated intact through thekidney. Humphrey et al. detected 3 metabolitesof fluconazole in the urine of treated dogs and mice,but they comprised only 4% of the total adminis-tered drug. Two primary mechanisms influence theelimination. First, the drug is rapidly filtered asa result of the small amount of protein binding.Fluconazole is then extensively reabsorbed by thetubules, explaining its long half-life. 4

    Caution must be exercised in the administrationof fluconazole to patients with impaired renal func-

    Address correspondence/reprint requests to Dr. Lisa M. Hollier, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University ofTexas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75235.

    Antimicrobial SymposiumReceived November 10, 1995Accepted November 27, 1995


    tion. Several authors have reported a positive corre-lation of the drug half-life with decreasing renalfunction. 15 In patients with normal renal function,the half-life is 31 h. This half-life is increased to98 h in patients with creatinine clearances of


    TABLE I. Costs of selected antifungal agents

    DrugCost for

    Regimen total treatment

    Mycelex(R) (clotrimazole)Gynelotrimin(R) (clotrimazole)Diflucan(R) (fluconazole)

    Monistat(R) (miconazole)ClotrimazoleTerazol(R) (terconazole)

    Vaginal suppositories 7 days $9.99Vaginal cream 7 days $13.33Single 150-mg tablet $13.70Three 50-mg tablets $26.25Vaginal cream 7 days $24.72Vaginal tablets 7 days $24.85Vaginal suppositories 3 days $32.68

    aMiles Consumer, Elkhart, IN.bSchering, Kenilworth, NJ.CRoerig, New York, NY.d’eOrtho, Raritan, NJ.

    cure or improvement was noted in 94% of the fluco-nazole-treated and 97% of the clotrimazole-treatedpatients. At the 35-day evaluation, 75% of bothgroups remained clinically cured. Just over 50% ofeach group were considered therapeutic cures. Inboth treatment groups, the patients with historiesof recurrent vaginitis were significantly less likelyto respond clinically and mycologically.

    COSTTable presents the retail costs to the patient.These costs will vary depending on the geo-graphic location.

    SUMMARYThe modified structure of fluconazole gives it sev-eral advantages over its predecessors, includingexcellent oral bioavailability and an improved side-effect profile. In a single oral dose of 150 mg, fluco-nazole is efficacious against candidal vaginitis.


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