for mom bloggers: the dos & don'ts of working with brands

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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Brands engaging women bloggers

Working with BrandsThe Top 10 ListDo’s and Don’ts

What do I know? Senior Account Manager at

BlogFrog. 10+ years AM 5+ in Social Media

Built relationships with brands like Target, IBM, Horizon Organics, Kenmore, Avery, Redbox, etc

Helped build a network of over 65,000 women/mom bloggers

I know how brands think and can help you understand how to build long, lasting relationships with agencies and brands

Why do brands want you?

Women = most powerful consumer demographic

Blogger = most powerful online influencePut the two together and you have the holy grail for brands

What Makes Bloggers so Powerful to brands?


Mutual beneficial relationship

Brands need bloggers & bloggers need brands

Additional Benefits to the blogger:• Additional revenue• Build brand relationships• Positioned as experts in your niche• Speaking opportunities• Adds credibility to reputation• Potential giveaways and incentives for your readers

You are not Selling out!

Top 5 Do’s when working with Brands

There are several things you can do to help your chances of getting in front of brands and build a stronger relationship…

1. Do Make Yourself Available

• Contact information• Who you are, what your blog is

about• All other social media links

(should be front page, above the fold.)

• Email address! Online forms might bump you off the potential list! Too much work

Your blog is your product and your About Me section is your resume. Make it easy for agencies and brands to find the information they need:

2. Do Pitch Yourself

Share:• Your blog numbers• Twitter and Facebook

numbers count!• Accolades• Information on your audience• Your niche expertise • Local involvement

If a brand or agency contacts you, don’t be afraid to sell yourself.

3. Do Be Professional

Be reliable Deliver on time Write a quality post Fulfill all job requirements

Make the brand or

agency look like a hero!

4. Be Creative

• When you respond to a pitch add your own twist, or make suggestions on how to add value to the campaign

• Do a video post

• If the brand wants tweets, offer to host a Twitter Party!

• Learn everything you can about the brand and their offering so your post shines above all the others!

5. Tell them what you want!

• Start any relationship with a brand or agency knowing what you want

• Tell them what you typically charge for a post, Twitter Party, campaign, etc.

• Know that you can negotiate with brands, but will also have to compromise

Top 5 Don’ts when working with Brands

1. Don’t be a Wildcard• Brands are hesitant to work with

bloggers who rant about other brands. They want honestly, but also positive blog partners

• Don’t swear on Twitter or Facebook

• Be weary of topics such as alcohol, sex, smoking and guns. There are some big brands (like P&G) that have policies against working with bloggers that talk about those topics

• Don’t censor, just see it from the brand perspective

2. Don’t alienate your readers

Sometimes it takes trial and error to figure out what your readers will tolerate & what they embrace.  Don’t be afraid to just ask your readers in a post and see what comments you get. 

Brands value your relationship with your readers!

3. Don’t forget to do your Research

4. Don’t be Hard to Find

Make is easy for brands/agencies to find you!

Use Keywords on your About Me page

Tag all your posts

Keywords in your Tweets

Pick your Top 4 social media sites and create a presence there (Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Flickr)

5. Don’t Discount Agencies

Agencies can be even more powerful than brands

They work with several brands and have repeat projects for good blog partners

…Like BlogFrog!


Remember why you got into blogging in the first place!

Have fun and help support your family while you’re at it!


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