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Environmental Policy Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety Handbook Insurance Details

ISO 9001/2015 Certificate SafeContractor Certificate

Waste Carriers Licence Waste management Licence

AATF Approval 2020 COSHH Assessment Phosphor Powder Safe System of Work

Handling Lamps Method Statement On Site Service Risk Assessment On

Site Service


Balcan Lamp Recycling

Banovallum Court Boston Road Industrial Estate

Horncastle Lincolnshire


Tel: +44 (0) 1507 528500

Fax: +44 (0) 1507 528528



The EMS policies and associated Procedures are the property of Balcan Lamp Recycling (a division of Balcan Engineering)

and shall not be disclosed or copied to a third party without the prior consent of the Managing Director.


Title: Index Authority:

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Issue No: 0

Date: 01/05/2019

TITLE ISO: 14001:1996 Ref.


Amendment Record Sheet - EMS Manual -

Environmental management System 4 EMS Manual

General Requirements 4.1 EMS Manual Environmental Policy 4.2

Planning 4.3 Environmental aspects 4.3.1 1,9,10 Legal & other requirements 4.3.2 2,9,10 Objectives & targets 4.3.3 3,9,10 Environmental management programme(s) 4.3.4 1,2,3,9,10

Implementation & Operation 4.4

Structure & responsibility 4.4.1 EMS Manual,4,10 Training & awareness & competence 4.4.2 4,9,10 Communication 4.4.3 5,12 Environmental management system documentation 4.4.4 EMS,7,10 Document control 4.4.5 7,10 Operational control 4.4.6 9,12 Emergency preparedness & response 4.4.7 8,9,10

Checking & corrective action 4.5 Monitoring & measurement 4.5.1 9,10 Non conformance & corrective & preventative action 4.5.2 9,10 Records 4.5.3 10 Environmental management system audit 4.5.4 9,10

Management review 4.6 10,9

Appendices Process Flow Charts Organisation Structure


Title: Index Authority:

Page: 2 of 10

Issue No: 0

Date: 01/05/2019

Balcan Engineering Limited, founded in 1972, are designers and manufacturers of Bottle & Vial Crushers, the Hypodermic Needle and Syringe DESTRUCTOR, the Balcan Emergency Life Line (B.E.L.L.) and a range of Lamp crushers. In addition they offer the CompleteCrush On-site crushing & Disposal Service for waste lamps.

All products have been designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind. The B.E.L.L. has obtained more approvals and acceptances than any other life saving device, the range of Bottle & Vial crushers are world renowned for enabling the safe separation of liquids from their containers and the Hypodermic Needle and Syringe DESTRUCTOR, approved by the World Health Organisation, safely destroys the needle and renders the syringe un-useable.

In 1980 Balcan were the first company to design a crusher specifically for waste lamps of all types. The idea was to safely reduce the volume of lamps so they could then be disposed of to suitable landfills. Subsequently, in 1990 they introduced their SOAKUP Sack System to collect the crushed glass along with the water that was used as part of their crushing process. In addition to the client being able to purchase their own crusher, Balcan offers their CompleteCrush Service providing a fully traceable disposal route for the waste. With legislation tightening and with recycling becoming more popular Balcan can now offer their recycling service to everyone.

Balcan always tries to provide a one-stop solution to the clients' lamp disposal requirements at a realistic cost. We believe the Balcan Recycling System and Service will do this and develop to provide affordable nation wide recycling centres which in turn will contribute the environment by not having to transport waste lamps long distances.


Section: 4.1 – Environmental Management System requirements


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Issue No: 0

Date: 01/05/2019

4.1 General Requirements

4.1.1 Balcan Lamp Recycling’s Environmental Management System has been developed to conform with the requirements of ISO 14001:1996. It documents and maintains cost-effective environmental control to the defined boundaries agreed and set by the organisation.

4.1.2 The Company ensures that all information is readily available and relevant, to support the needs of the function being carried out.

4.1.3 Key to the system is prompt and effective communication between all interested parties. Monitoring and analysis of the results of all Company processes leads to the continual environmental improvement, which is essential for ongoing Company success.

4.1.4 Reviews are undertaken by management to ensure that the system is effective.


Section: 4.2 – Environmental Policy


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Date: 01/05/2019

4.2 Environmental Policy

Balcan Lamp Recycling is committed to a clean, healthy environment. We provide our customers with a safe, reliable and responsive business service in an environmentally sensitive and responsible manner.

We believe that sound environmental policy contributes to our competitive strength and benefits our customers and employees by contributing to the overall well being and economic health of the communities we serve.

It is our policy to:

• Comply fully with the letter and spirit of environmental laws and regulations appropriate to theorganisation.

• Be committed to the continual improvement in the effectiveness of our environmentalmanagement system and the prevention of pollution.

• Provide appropriate environmental training for our employees• Monitor and review our environmental performance against objectives and targets.• Maintain a documented system available for review by all interested parties.

This policy applies to all areas of our business both in Balcan Lamp Recycling offices and during work on customers’ sites.

Alistair Rinfret Managing Director

Date: 1st May 2019


Section: 4.3 – Planning


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Issue No: 0

Date: 01/05/2019

4.3 Planning

4.3.1 Environmental Aspects The company, using documented procedures, demonstrates a controlled method of identifying the environmental aspects associated with its service that it can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence. These aspects are assessed for their environmental impact, which are considered in settings its environmental objectives. All environmental aspects and planned objectives are regularly reviewed for their suitability and achievement. Measurement and review processes are documented in the companies operating procedures.

4.3.2 Legal and other requirements The company, using documented procedures, has a clearly defined method to identify and ensure access to legal and other regulatory requirements applicable to the identified environmental aspects.

4.3.3 Objectives and Targets The company maintains objectives and targets based around the identified environmental and legal aspects, technological and financial business constraints, and the views of other interested parties. The objectives and targets are set in line with the company’s environmental policy.

4.3.4 Environmental management programme The company establishes and maintains an environmental management programme designed to achieve the agreed environmental objectives and targets. The programme includes definition of:

• The responsibilities for achieving the targets• The means of achieving the targets• The time frame for achieving the targets The Environmental management programme is amended where relevant when developments in the company’s operations change the identified environmental aspects and impacts.


Section: 4.4. – Implementation and Operation


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Issue No: 0

Date: 01/05/2019

Implementation and Operation

Structure and Responsibility

The Company organisation is designed to ensure that responsibilities and authorities of all personnel who manage, perform and verify work having an environmental impact are communicated and clearly defined in the organisation chart, job descriptions and individual procedures.

Resources are provided as appropriate to ensure implementation and control of the Environmental management system.

Overall control of the Environmental Management System lies with the Managing Director, being the Management Representative. A Deputy Management Representative (DMR) has been appointed who, irrespective of other responsibilities, has the required authority and organisational freedom to: -

- ensure that the processes of the Environmental System are established andmaintained. - regularly report to the management team on the performance of the Environmental Management System, including needs for improvement. - promote awareness throughout the organisation and interested parties of the companies commitment to its Environmental Management System

Training, awareness and competence

All staff receive basic environmental training as part of their induction, including awareness of the company environmental policy and the importance of compliance with this policy and the associated procedures.

All staff are made aware of the environmental impact of their duties, the environmental benefits of their improved personal performance and the potential consequences of deviating from agreed operating procedures. Training is given as appropriate covering their roles and responsibilities to ensure conformance with the policy and the identified impact of these on the environment, including emergency preparedness and response requirements.

Appropriate records and procedures are maintained and include Induction Training and academic qualifications, together with equipment and/or job related training details.


The Company has a policy of thorough internal communication, both horizontally and vertically, with regard to the Environmental Management System and its effectiveness.


Section: 4.4. – Implementation and Operation


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Date: 01/05/2019

The company maintains a procedure for receiving, documenting and responding to relevant communications from external interested parties.

Where the company identifies environmental aspects significant enough to warrant external communication appropriate action will be taken and records of such action will be maintained.

The Environmental Policy Statement is displayed at Head Office and is available for public review.


Balcan’s Environmental Management System takes account of the competency of personnel and has been defined and documented at three levels, comprising:-

ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY MANUAL. This document addresses the Company policy regarding all the elements of BS EN ISO 14001:1996. Sections of this Manual are cross-referenced to the second level of documentation, being the Environmental Operating Procedures Manual.

ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING PROCEDURES MANUAL. The procedures in this Manual document the Company's activities, which operate to achieve the objectives inherent in the Environmental Management System. They also demonstrate how the Company considers and plans for the necessary resources to be available to meet customers' specified requirements. Adherence to the documented Procedures is mandatory for all Company personnel and copies are available to all personnel for reference purposes if and when required.

WORK INSTRUCTIONS. In specific areas where the lack of instruction can affect quality and/or the environment, more detailed work instructions are used. These will include individual operation and test methods, and any necessary specifications/information.

Document Control

Documents which are essential for performing or verifying environmental activities are maintained as controlled documents. Control is maintained via a documented procedure.

Copies are issued to those on the distribution list in a "controlled" state, and maintained in a current state of issue.

The controlled Environmental Manual of Balcan Lamp Recycling has been issued to the Managing Director, who is responsible for its safekeeping. The DMR is responsible for ensuring it is kept up to date in line with changes to company operation and ISO14001:1996.

To ensure that all employees have ready access to the Environmental Management System


Section: 4.4. – Implementation and Operation


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Date: 01/05/2019

documentation the Environmental Manual and associated process flow diagrams are available on the company computer network. The DMR is responsible for ensuring this is kept up to date in line with changes to company operation and ISO14001:1996.

Operational Control

Operations identified as related to significant environmental aspects in line with the Company’s Environmental Policy, Objectives and Targets are covered by controlled procedures or work instructions. Where new operations are implemented relevant procedures or work instructions will be developed.

The above procedures/work instructions stipulate the required operating criteria and maintenance requirements for the operations.

The above procedures will be communicated to all interested parties including suppliers or sub contractors where the goods and services provided have an identified environmental impact.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

The company maintain documented procedures for identifying and responding to potential accident and emergency situations and mitigating any environmental impacts associated with these.

The emergency procedures are normally reviewed as part of the Management Review process. In the case of an accident or emergency situation occurring a review will be carried out.

The above procedures will be tested periodically where practicable.


Section: 4.5 – Checking and Corrective Action


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Date: 01/05/2019

Checking and Corrective Action

Monitoring and Measuring

An integral part of the Company’s environmental management system is the continual measurement, monitoring and review of the operations and activities that can have a significant impact on the environment.

The Company will establish and maintain records, which provide evidence that operational controls conform with the company’s environmental objectives and targets.

Inspection, measuring and test equipment used for verifying the conformity of products or systems is uniquely identified and controlled, and is regularly calibrated to a known standard according to the relevant procedures and work instructions.

A procedure exists for identifying relevant environmental legislation and reviewing and evaluating compliance with such.

Non conformance and corrective and preventive action

All non-conformances are handled in accordance with a defined procedure which identifies responsibility for and methods of investigating non conformance including taking corrective and/or preventive action commensurate with the environmental impact encountered.

Records of any corrective and/or preventive action are maintained via the Non-Conformance Reporting System. If required, documented procedures will be updated as a result of the investigation.


Environmental records are maintained in accordance with the document control procedure to ensure that appropriate records are maintained to demonstrate compliance with the international standard.

Environmental Management System Audit

Each year, the Managing Director determines a programme of audits to determine the Company's level of compliance to the documented Environmental Management System and its conformance to IS014001:1996.

The results of the Audit Programme are available to management and are reviewed as part of Management Review process.

BALCAN – H&S Booklet – 2018 Page 12 of 29

Management Review

Regular meetings are held with top management to assess the continued suitability and effectiveness of the environmental organisation, policies, systems and procedures.

The management review considers current performance and improvement opportunities in light of the environmental audit results, changing circumstances and the commitment to continual improvement

Minutes of Review Meetings are maintained identifying actions, responsibilities and time scales, with the overall aim of improving performance.


Health and Safety Policy Statement

1 October 2019

Our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees,

contractors, and agency staff working on our behalf. In addition we will seek to ensure the work that

we carry out does not affect the health and safety of others, e.g. our customers, visitors and members of the public.

We will achieve this policy, in part, by:

1. Appointing competent Managers who are responsible for health and safety in their respective areas;

2. Ensuring that adequate resources and sufficient financial arrangements are in place to control

health and safety risks arising from our work activities;

3. Consulting with all our employees on matters affecting their health and safety and providing

information, instruction, training and supervision, as appropriate;

4. Seeking advice and assistance from external organisations to supplement our own in-house health and safety initiatives;

5. Monitoring and reviewing the health, safety and welfare arrangements we have put in place at least every twelve months to determine their continued effectiveness;

6. Setting goals and following action plans to ensure continuous improvement in health and

safety performance; and

7. Promoting a positive health and safety culture within our organisation, e.g. with Managers

leading by example.

This statement is intended to encourage a positive attitude to safety and should be used in conjunction with the additional safety guidelines issued periodically.

I look forward to your full co-operation and support.

…………………………………….. Managing Director

Mr Alistair Rinfret




Mr Alistair Rinfret (Managing Director)

Balcan Engineering Limited Banovallum Court

Boston Road Industrial Estate Horncastle

Lincs LN9 6JR

Tel: 01507 528500 Fax: 01507 528527



These sections set out the main health and safety policy of the company:

1. Policy 4

2. Organisation 4

3. Arrangements 5

These sections set out additional health and safety guidance:

Accidents and Near Miss Reporting 6

Asbestos 7

Confined Spaces 8

Construction 8

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) 9

Electrical Safety 10

Fire Safety 10

First Aid 11

Hazardous Substances 11

Manual Handling 12

Noise 13

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 13

Safety Signs and Signals 14

Stress 14

Vibration 15

Work at Height 15

Work Equipment 17

Workplace Transport 20

Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare 20

This handbook has been designed to be used in conjunction with the main Health and Safety Policy, which is available to all employees


1. Policy – The Health and Safety Policy of Balcan Engineering Limited

The policy of Balcan Engineering Limited is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees and any contractors working on our behalf. In addition, we will seek to ensure that the work we carry out does not affect the health and safety of others, e.g. members of the public and our customers.

The Managing Director, Alistair Rinfret, recognises and accepts his overall responsibility.

The Managing Director is primarily responsible for health and safety issues under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and for ensuring that all aspects of the company’s health and safety policy are complied with.

We believe our objectives to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions can be achieved through proactive health and safety management and positive working attitudes. If you see anything which you believe to be a health and safety risk (for example, tools or materials which look as if they could fall onto someone) please do something about it or report the matter to the Export Director immediately.

2. Organisation – The Organisation for Carrying out the Policy

Responsibilities of the Managing Director

The Managing Director has overall responsibility for the implementation of the company’s health and safety policies and procedures.

Responsibilities of Employees

All employees must adhere to the requirements detailed within the Balcan Engineering Limited health and safety policy file and this booklet.

All employees have a legal duty to ensure their own safety and the safety of others (for example their fellow workmates, contractors working on the same premises and customers and visitors to the premises) under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Employees must therefore:

i. Not operate machinery that they are not competent and authorised to use.ii. Report all safety hazards, accidents, injuries and dangerous occurrences to the

Managing Director.iii. Ensure that appropriate action is taken to rectify unsafe systems or actions.iv. Comply with all general safe working procedures and any site-specific rules.v. Not misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety.


Responsibilities of Contractors

Contractors have a legal duty to ensure their own safety and the safety of all others on the same premises. In addition to the general requirements in this booklet, specific responsibilities include:

i. All plant, machinery, tools and other work equipment brought onto site by contractorsmust be in a safe condition.

ii. Contractors must be familiar with the work they are required to carry out and therelevant safety requirements, method statements, etc.

iii. Contractors must not operate plant or machinery that they are not competent andauthorised to use.

iv. Contractors must report all safety hazards, accidents, injuries and dangerousoccurrences to the nominated Manager.

v. Contractors must ensure that appropriate action is taken to rectify any unsafeconditions.

3. Arrangements – The Arrangements for Carrying out the Policy

The following sections provide guidance for those responsible for health and safety (that means you!), on how to minimise health and safety risks.


Accident and Near Miss Reporting

An accident is an unplanned, uncontrolled event that may cause major or minor injury, disease, illness, damage or other losses, even death. Accidents at work should be anticipated and prevented as far as practicable, however it is inevitable that some accidents will occur. When accidents and near misses (which could result in serious accident) arise, investigating the causes means that actions may be identified that could prevent a reoccurrence.

Always: If you are injured at work see a First

Aider (if necessary) and then tell your Manager or Supervisor as soon as possible

Ensure details are recorded in theaccident book

If a visitor or contractor is injured,arrange first aid for them and ensure details are recorded in the accident book

Report any accident or illness whichprevents you from doing your normal work to your Manager or Supervisor

Inform your Manager or Supervisor ofany near miss at work, particularly if any structure or equipment is damaged

Never: Operate any machinery that you are not

trained and authorised to use Play games, practical jokes or distract

other persons Misuse or interfere with any item of

equipment or engage in dangerous work practices

Try to conceal accidents or near misses –your employer may be able to take steps to prevent a reoccurrence

Make a false accident report Work when under the influence of drugs

and/or alcohol, this includes workingwhilst taking medication known to causedrowsiness and which clearly advisesagainst the operation of dangerousmachinery

The accident book is located ….

The Manager or Supervisor to report to is ….



All types of asbestos are dangerous. Asbestos is made up of thin fibres that cannot be seen with the naked eye but can be breathed in. The fibres can become stuck in the lungs causing scars that stop the lungs working properly (asbestosis), or cancer. The main types of cancer caused by asbestos are cancer of the lung and cancer of the lining of the lung (mesothelioma). These diseases can take from 15 to 60 years to develop and there is no cure. Anyone who disturbs asbestos containing materials (ACMs), for example, by working on or even near them, may be at risk of exposure.

Always: Ensure that work on or near ACMs is

properly planned and that the rightcontrols are in place

Minimise dust by keeping materials wet,use hand tools, clean as you go, doublebag and label any waste properly

Wear appropriate personal protectiveequipment, e.g. disposable overalls,boots and a properly fitted dust mask

Decontaminate when you finish work,before removing your mask. Placedisposable clothing in with labelledwaste

If you are unsure at any time – stop workand seek advice immediately

Never: Work if you are unsure if asbestos is

present, your employer (or customer)should tell you

Work if asbestos is present and youhave not been trained to work safelywith it

Work on ACMs that are sprayedcoatings or lagging on pipes or boilers,or are other products for which a licenceis required, unless you have that licence

Eat, drink or smoke in the work area Take any materials or clothing home

that is likely to be contaminated


Confined Spaces

A confined space is any space of an enclosed nature where there is a risk of serious ill health, even death, from the build up of hazardous substances, e.g. dusts, gases, fumes or vapours, or from the presence of other dangerous conditions, e.g. lack of oxygen or extreme heat.

Always: Avoid entry into confined spaces, e.g. by

doing as much work as possible fromoutside

If entry is unavoidable, ensure that workis properly planned and carried outfollowing the safe system of work(and/or permit to work) provided

Satisfy yourself that adequate emergencyarrangements are in place before youstart work

Never: Enter a confined space unless you have

been specifically trained and authorised Enter a confined space if you suffer from

claustrophobia, or are otherwise undermedical advice not to

Enter a confined space without firsteffectively isolating, and if possiblelocking off, any electrical or mechanicaldevices that could be operatedinadvertently


Construction covers a wide range of activities, and therefore there are many hazards and controls that must be observed. Over the years more fatalities have occurred in the construction industry than any other, most of the fatalities being caused by fall from height (see Work at Height).

Always: Familiarise yourself with the health and

safety arrangements at the site and abideby site rules, e.g. the wearing of PPE

Ensure you co-operate with any otherpersons on site, such as the customer orother contractors

Keep access and egress routes in goodcondition and clearly signposted

Ensure any holes are protected withclearly marked and fixed covers toprevent trips or falls

Keep the site tidy and ensure materialsare stored safely. Ensure any waste isdisposed of appropriately and in a timelymanner

Never: Enter any excavations unless it is

absolutely necessary and adequateprecautions have been taken

Leave the site or any plant unsecuredagainst intruders – construction sites arean attractive playground for children

Place any other persons at risk


In addition, for excavations.

Always: Use a suitable ladder to access and egress

an excavation and not the shoring at thesides

Arrange for an excavation to be pumpedout if it becomes waterlogged, howeverensuring that the sides are notundermined by the pumping

Never: Begin excavations without first ensuring

that a full survey has been completedfor underground services, etc

Use diesel engined, or other, equipmentin or close to an excavation, whichcould cause fumes to accumulate in theexcavation

Dump spoil close to the sides of anexcavation

Enter or stay in an excavation if you cansmell rotten eggs or if the sides start tocollapse

Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

Simple precautions can be taken to prevent ill health, e.g. eyestrain, fatigue and work-related upper limb disorders, caused by prolonged or repeated use of DSE, e.g. computers.

Always: Adjust your chair and DSE to gain the

most comfortable position Ensure there is enough space under your

desk to allow you to move your legsfreely

Avoid reaching or twisting, especially tomove or pick up items whilst seated

Move about – don’t sit in the sameposition for long periods, and takeadvantage of breaks to get away fromyour workstation

Never: Arrange your DSE so that you are

directly facing windows or bright lights.If this is necessary, use curtains orblinds

Attempt to make any equipmentchanges or modifications unless you arespecifically trained and authorised to doso


Electrical Safety

Contact with electricity can cause electric shock, electrical burns, even death. Damaged, faulty or misused electrical equipment can cause fires.

Always: Visually check electrical equipment for

obvious signs of damage or defect beforeuse

Report any damage or defect immediatelyto your Manager or Supervisor

Check for overhead electrical servicesbefore using any ladders or operating anylifting equipment

Never: Leave cables or electrical equipment

where they may become damaged Use any electrical equipment from

home unless it has been tested as safe Carry out any electrical repairs or work

on live equipment unless you havebeen trained and are authorised to do so

Fire Safety

All fires are preventable. Small fires can become quickly out of control causing injury, e.g. burns, smoke and/or toxic fume inhalation, damage to equipment and property. Many businesses fail to recover following a serious fire.

Always: Ensure escape routes and fire exits are

kept clear at all times If you discover a fire, first raise the

alarm, then if you have been trained andit is safe to do so, fight the fire using asuitable extinguisher

Switch off electrical equipment when itis not in use

Ensure any flammable liquids are storedsafely

Follow the fire evacuation procedurewhenever the alarm is raised – one day itmight be for real

Bring any condition that may be a firehazard to the attention of your Manageror Supervisor immediately

Never: Allow waste to accumulate so it

becomes a fire hazard Overload electrical sockets Allow strangers to walk around the site

unchallenged Re-enter a building or area following a

fire unless you have been assured it issafe, e.g. by the a Fire Officer

The fire assembly point is located ….

The fire wardens are ….


First Aid

First aid is the first help given to someone to prevent injury or illness from becoming worse. First aid can save lives, so there must be enough suitable equipment, facilities and designated personnel in every workplace to deal with cases of injury or illness.

Always: Ensure you know what the first aid

arrangements are in your place of work,e.g. where the first aid kit is located andwho the first aiders are

Never: Remove items from a first aid kit

without notifying someone who canarrange for its replenishment

The first aid kit is located ….

The first aiders are ….

Hazardous Substances

The use of hazardous substances should be eliminated. Where this is not possible, then the safest alternatives should be used. It is likely that you will come into contact with some hazardous substances, and it is therefore important you read, understand and apply the information available, and use any control measures necessary, to ensure that you and others remain safe.

Always: Follow the precautions on the product label,

safety data sheet and COSHH1 assessmentwhen using hazardous substances, e.g. wearappropriate personal protective equipment

Report any damage or defect with yourpersonal protective equipment immediatelyto your Manager or Supervisor

Wash your hands after handling anyhazardous substance, before going to thetoilet, eating, drinking or smoking

Ensure all containers are properly sealedwhen not in use and returned to properstorage after use

Never: Use hazardous substances other than

for their intended purpose Transfer hazardous substances into an

unlabelled container Leave any spills or fail to report any

loss of containment immediately toyour Manager or Supervisor

Allow your work area to becomeuntidy – a tidy work area is less likelyto be the cause of an accident

1 COSHH – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

Explosive Oxidising Flammable Toxic Harmful or


Corrosive Dangerous for the environment


In addition, for hazardous substances, such as industrial gases.

Always: Observe all information given by the gas

supplier with regard to the storage,handling, use and transportation of gascylinders, etc

Wear eye, hand and foot protection whenhandling gas cylinders

Secure cylinders against a wall or placethem in a suitably designed stand ortrolley

Close a cylinder’s valve when not in use,and when the cylinder is empty

Never: Lift a cylinder by the valve cap or

guard, unless the supplier states it isdesigned for that purpose

Loosen, remove or tamper with cylindervalves or valve guards

Connect a cylinder without firstensuring that no back feed is possible tothe system

Use a naked flame to check for leaks

Manual Handling

Unnecessary or incorrect manual handling techniques can cause injury, particularly to the back.

Always: Use mechanical aids to move items

where these are provided If items have to be handled manually,

assess the load, e.g. its weight, size andstability, and determine if you are able tocomplete the task

Plan the task, e.g. where the load is to beplaced, is there any obstructions?

Use good handling techniques

Never: Handle items manually if there are

suitable mechanical aids available Lift anything you believe to be beyond

your capabilities Be afraid to ask if you need assistance



Prolonged or repeated exposure to high levels of noise can lead to temporary or permanent damage to your hearing and eventually deafness.

Always: Wear hearing protection when you are

advised to do so, or when you see themandatory hearing protection sign

Ensure hearing protection is clean,without damage and worn properly

Warn others if you are about to startmaking noise so that they have the chanceto protect themselves

Keep noise levels to the lowest levelreasonably practicable

Report any ear or hearing troublepromptly to your Manager or Supervisor

Never: Discard your hearing protection, even

for a short time, as your hearing maystill be damaged

Share hearing protection intended forpersonal use

Attempt to modify your hearingprotection

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE is used as a last resort following the introduction of other control measures. PPE is provided free of charge and replaced as necessary for all company employees. All persons working on company premises or at sites controlled by the company must:

Always: Use PPE in accordance with the

information, instruction and training youhave received

Report any damage or defect with yourpersonal protective equipmentimmediately to your Manager orSupervisor

If appropriate, wash and clean your PPEand store it as instructed between uses

Never: Mistreat or misuse PPE Use PPE that is contaminated, damaged

or otherwise requires replacement


Safety Signs and Signals

Various safety signs and signals are provided to give you specific instructions or information to ensure you remain safe at work.

Always: Adhere to safety signs and signals

Never: Remove or deface safety signs

Warning signs – warn you of hazards, such as the presence of flammable materials

Prohibition signs – prohibit you from doing certain things, such as smoking

Mandatory signs – tell you that you must do something, such as wash your hands

Safe condition signs – give you information about safety features, such as the location of

fire exits

Traffic and fire signs are also common in workplaces.


Under normal circumstances most people can cope with some degree of stress, but if sustained it can be damaging to health. The symptoms of stress are often difficult to identify, however common signs include; anxiety, boredom, headaches, fatigue, indigestion, backache, irritability, heavy smoking, depression, heavy drinking, tension or sleep problems.

Always: If you feel that your work is causing

stress, inform your Manager orSupervisor so that preventative measurescan be put in place

Never: Allow the symptoms of stress to

damage your health. Work relatedstress can be avoided by getting theright help early



Prolonged or repeated exposure to significant levels of hand-arm vibration can cause hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). HAVS is a term used to describe many disorders affecting the blood vessels, nerves, muscles and joints of the hand, wrist and arm caused by vibration. Always: Ask if your job can be done without using

vibrating tools, else use low-vibrationtools

Reduce the amount of time you usevibrating tools in one go

Report any signs or symptoms of HAVS,such as pain, tingling or numbness in thefingers, hands, wrists and arms promptlyto your Manager or Supervisor

Never: Attempt to use the wrong tool for the

task Start work without checking tools to

ensure that they have been properlymaintained and repaired to avoidvibration caused by faults or wear

Work at Height

Falls from height frequently result in serious injury and are a major cause of fatalities. Wherever possible work at height should be eliminated. Where it cannot be eliminated, steps must be taken to minimise risk.

Always: Ensure edges which people could fall

from are provided with double guardrails or other suitable edge protection

Use mechanical access equipmentwherever possible

Never: Walk on fragile surfaces, e.g. roofs Use any access equipment unless you

have checked it for obvious sign ofdamage or defect – report this to yourManager or Supervisor immediately

Overstretch from any access equipment

In addition, for working platforms, such as mobile tower scaffolds.

Always: Ensure working platforms are properly

boarded to the width of the platform Follow the manufacturers instructions

for erecting and dismantling towerscaffolds and lock all wheels andoutriggers

Never: Erect, dismantle or modify scaffolding

unless you have been specifically trainedand authorised to do so

Work off a platform only one board wide Allow people to remain on tower

scaffolding when it is being moved


In addition, for working platforms, such as mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs).

Always: Carry out user checks and report any

damage or defects immediately to yourManager or Supervisor

Before use, check the terrain the MEWPwill be working on. Even if it is a roughterrain MEWP, you should check itscapabilities in the handbook

Ensure any outriggers are extended andchocked before raising the work platform

Ensure that users of MEWPs wear aharness attached to a suitable anchoragepoint inside the MEWP

Check for overhead obstructions andservices

Never: Use a MEWP unless you have been

specifically trained and authorised todo so

Use a MEWP showing signs of damageor defect

Overreach from a MEWP Allow a knuckle, or elbow, of a MEWP

to protrude into traffic routes, etc Move the MEWP with the platform

raised unless it is specifically designedto do so safely by the manufacturer

In addition, for work at height involving ladders and stepladders.

Every year people are killed in accidents involving the unsafe use of ladders. Most accidents occur because ladders are not adequately secured or fixed. Always: Carry out user checks and report any

damage or defects immediately to yourManager or Supervisor

Ensure ladders are on a firm base and at asafe working angle of 75° (1 in 4)

Ensure the ladder you are using extendsat least 1m above the platform you aregetting to, or the rung you need to standon to work

Ensure stepladders are opened out fullyand locked

Never: Use a ladder for heavy duty work, work

expected to last for more than 30minutes or when you are unable tomaintain three points of contact – find asafer alternative

Use a ladder or stepladder showingsigns of damage or defect

Use a ladder without it being securelytied at the top or footed at the bottom

Never overreach from a ladder orstepladder – move it

Work from the top platform ofstepladders unless designed for thispurpose

Place ladders or stepladders on otheritems to gain additional height

Position steps side on to the task


Work Equipment

Many serious accidents at work involve work equipment, e.g. machinery and tools. Mechanical hazards include entrapment, impact, contact with sharp, hot or abrasive surfaces and entanglement with clothing, jewellery or hair. Non-mechanical hazards include noise, vibration, electricity and hazardous substances.

Always: Carry out user checks and maintenance

before use and report any defectsimmediately to your Manager orSupervisor

Follow safe working proceduresfollowing the information, instruction andtraining you have received

Use the right tools or machinery for thetask

Ensure tools or machinery are maintainedin good repair and working order

Ensure machines are switched off whenthey are not in use

Never: Use any item of work equipment unless

you have been trained and authorised todo so

Use any work equipment with theguards removed or safety devicesdefeated

Try to clean or adjust a machine inmotion – switch it off and isolate it

Wear loose clothing, dangling chains orkeep long hair when using machinerywith moving parts

Distract people who are usingmachinery

Switch on any machinery until you aresure that nobody is in a position wherethey may be in danger

In addition, for work equipment using compressed air.

Always: Visually check any tools, devices and

associated hoses and pipework beforeuse

Report any damage or defectimmediately to your Manager orSupervisor

Never: Use compressed air to clean

contaminated surfaces – thecontamination will enter the air andcould be breathed in

Use compressed air to clean yourselfdown (unless a safety nozzle isfitted) – air can be introduced intothe body causing ill health, evendeath


In addition, for mobile work equipment, such as forklift trucks.

Always: Carry out user checks and maintenance

before use and report any defectsimmediately to your Manager orSupervisor

Operate work equipment appropriately,e.g. according to site rules, conditionsand the activities being completed, andonly for purpose intended

Switch off any equipment whenunattended and remove the key

Never: Use any item of mobile work

equipment unless you have beenspecifically trained and authorised todo so

Exceed the safe working load of theequipment

Move off without ensuring that anyloads being carried are properlysecured

Enter or leave a building, or approach ablind bend without sounding you hornto warn others

Ride on any parts of work equipmentnot intended for that purpose, e.g.forklift tines

In addition, for lifting equipment and lifting operations.

Always: Ensure lifting operations are properly

planned and carried out following thesafe system of work provided

Use lifting equipment of adequatestrength and stability for the loadbeing lifted

Visually check lifting equipment forobvious signs of damage or defectbefore use

Report any damage or defectimmediately to your Manager orSupervisor

Return lifting equipment toappropriate storage following use, toprevent damage or deterioration

Never: Use any item of lifting equipment

unless you have been specificallytrained and authorised

Use lifting equipment that is notclearly marked indicating its safeworking load (SWL)

Use lifting equipment that has beeninvolved in an accident or dangerousoccurrence unless it has received athorough examination by a competentperson


In addition, for work equipment, such as power take-off shafts.

Always: Visually check power take-off shafts and

guarding for obvious signs of damage ordefect before and after each use

Report any damage or defectimmediately to your Manager orSupervisor

Use guards that are a non-rotating typeand fitted with restraining devices atboth ends

Clean and lubricate guards regularly

Never: Use guards that are not the correct size

and length for the shaft

Rest guards on the equipment drawbar,drop it on the ground or suspend it withits restraining device

In addition, for work equipment, such as racking.

Always: Visually check racking for obvious signs

of damage or defect each time you addor remove something from it

Report any damage or defectimmediately to your Manager orSupervisor

Ensure any materials stored above headheight are suitably wrapped so they willnot topple

Never: Use racking that is not clearly marked

indicating its safe working load (SWL) Never overload racking Use racking that has been involved in an

accident unless it has received athorough examination by a competentperson

Use broken pallets – instead removethem from service


Workplace Transport

Every year many accidents are reported involving workplace transport. People are knocked or run over, or crushed against fixed structures or other vehicles.

Always: Obey any designated speed limits Use any designated parking Keep reversing to a minimum – seek

assistance if your view is obscured Keep vehicles properly maintained –

report any defects with company vehiclesto your Manager or Supervisor

Report any accidents immediately to yourManager or Supervisor

Access and egress transport safely, e.g.facing it and using the handholdsprovided

Never: Operate any vehicle or attachments

unless you have been specificallytrained and authorised (and hold arelevant licence, where necessary)

Stand or walk behind a reversingvehicle

Transport any load on a vehicle unlessit is properly distributed and secured

Carry passengers unless the vehicle isdesigned to carry them

Use a hand-held mobile phone whilstdriving

Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare

There are certain issues and features that need to be considered for all workplaces, e.g. layout and space, structures, ventilation, heating, lighting, maintenance, housekeeping and welfare arrangements, such as toilets and hand wash facilities.

Always: Report any damage or deficiencies on

walkways, on stairs, or anywhere elsewhich could cause a trip or fall

Be on the look out for visitors, and ensurethey are aware of any relevantprocedures, e.g. fire, parking. Keepchildren under appropriate supervision

Use designated pedestrian walkways anddoors where these are provided

Never: Smoke in areas or at times when

smoking is prohibited Leave items in walkways, on stairs, or

anywhere else where they could fallonto someone or cause a trip or fall

Trail cables, etc, where they could causea trip or leave spillages where theycould cause a slip, including duringcleaning and maintenance activities

Allow rubbish to accumulate in yourwork area





To assist the company with their health and safety arrangements check that you have read and understood the following information in this health and safety handbook. If you are unsure about anything in this handbook – please ask! Once satisfied sign the declaration below, then tear out and return this page to your Manager or Supervisor.

Policy Policy Organisation Arrangements

Guidance Accidents and Near Miss Reporting Asbestos Confined Spaces Construction Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Electrical Safety Fire Safety First Aid Hazardous Substances

Manual Handling Noise Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Safety Signs and Signals Vibration Work at Height Work Equipment Workplace Transport Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare


I have read and understood this health and safety handbook and do not have any further questions at this time.

I understand that I have a legal duty to ensure my own safety and the safety of others affected by me.

I understand that I may be asked to undertake training, or receive further information and instruction in the future.

Name: Signature: Date:


Further health and safety advice and information is available from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE):

HSE Website

HSE Infoline 0845 345 0055



The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations require that health and safety arrangements be reviewed at suitable intervals. To ensure the validity of this handbook, it is

recommended that it be reviewed within 12 months of the date shown on the front page.

If this handbook is issued later than 12 months after the date shown, Cope Safety Management Limited may no longer be providing health and safety advice and assistance to

the company.

Boston Enterprise Centre, Venture House, Enterprise Way, Endeavour Park, Boston, Lincs. PE21 7TW

Tel : (01205) 367098 : Fax : (01205) 356417

Registered by:

SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd (ACN 108 716 669) 680 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia with SAI Global Assurance Services Ltd Partis House Davy Avenue Knowlhill Milton Keynes MK5 8HJ United Kingdom (“SAI Global”) and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions for Certification. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request. To verify that this certificate is current please refer to SAI Global On-Line Certification register at

This is to certify that:

Balcan Engineering Limited Banovallum Court Boston Road Industrial Estate Horncastle LINCS LN9 6JR UNITED KINGDOM operates a

QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM which complies with the requirements of

ISO 9001:2015 for the following scope The provision of a fully traceable recycling & disposal service for managing 'end of life' gas discharge light sources; the manufacture and supply of the Balcan Emergency Life Line (B.E.L.L.); and the manufacture and supply of hypodermic needle & syringe destructor. The Design Build and Supply of Recycling Machines Certificate No: QEC23360

Issued: 09 April 2018 Originally Certified: 05 March 2002

Expires: 31 May 2021 Current Certification: 05 April 2018

Nicole Grantham General Manager SAI Global Certification Services

Certificate of Accreditation

This is to certify thatBalcan Engineering Ltd

has achieved SafeContractor accreditation

Date: 5th March 2019

This certificate is valid until: 5th March 2020

Certificate number: ZL4803


Alyn FranklinAlcumus CEO

Alcumus SafeContractor, Axys House, Parc Nantgarw, Cardiff, CF15 7QX

T: 029 2026 6749 E: W: | www.safecontractor.comThis certificate is the property of Alcumus SafeContractor and must be returned on request




Telephonenumber 03708506506


CarriersdetailsNameofregisteredcarrier BALCANENGINEERINGLTD

Registeredas anuppertierwastecarrier,brokeranddealerRegistrationnumber CBDU133525



Telephonenumber 01507528500Dateofregistration Tuesday17thSeptember2019Expirydateofregistration(unlessrevoked)



Mr Alistair Rinfret Balcan Engineering Limited Banovallum Court Boston Road Industrial Estate Horncastle Lincolnshire LN9 6JR

Our ref: WEE/CB0002ZS/ATF

Date: 23 December 2019

Dear Mr Rinfret

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013 (as amended) Notification of grant of approval of an authorised treatment facility

We have considered your application for approval as an authorised treatment facility (AATF) under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013 (as amended) and hereby grant approval to Balcan Engineering Limited to operate as an AATF at the following site only:

Site name and address Approval number

Balcan Engineering Limited Banovallum Court Boston Road Industrial Estate Horncastle Lincolnshire LN9 6JR


Your approval is subject to the conditions of approval specified in Part 2 of Schedule 11 to the Regulations at the approved site listed above. A copy of these conditions is attached.

Your approval is valid from 01 January 2020 and ends on 31 December 2020, unless it is otherwise suspended or cancelled. The approval applies only to the named operator for the specified approved site. You must notify us immediately, in writing, of any changes to the details submitted with your application.

This approval applies only to the legal entity named in this letter. If this changes then your approval will be deemed to be cancelled and you must make a new application for approval. If you cease to be an authorised treatment facility your approval will also be deemed to be cancelled.

The approval allows you to issue evidence notes for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) which you received at this site and which is subsequently re-used, treated, recovered or recycled.

This approval does not replace any other environmental authorisation(s) that you may have for the site. You must continue to comply with these and other relevant legislation. This includes complying with the legal requirements for persistent organic pollutants and hazardous waste. More information on this can be found by contacting our chemicals compliance team at AATFs wishing to be approved for the next compliance period (01 January – 31 December 2021) and to have their approval run continuously, should apply to the Environment Agency using the relevant application forms before 30 September 2020. If you have any specific queries about your approval or general queries regarding the WEEE Regulations please contact 03708 506 506 and ask to speak to a member of the Producer Responsibility Regulatory Services (PRRS) team. Yours sincerely

Ian Smirthwaite Senior Technical Officer Producer Responsibility Regulatory Services Environment Agency

Cope Safety Management Ltd : 0844 800 4266 email:


Introduction Mercury is contained within fluorescent tubes, lamps and lighting units that are recycled at Balcan Engineering Limited. During the recycling of lamps, mercury bearing phosphor powder is released and this process is fully enclosed, with suitable engineering means provided including a Local Exhaust Ventilation System, to control the release of mercury. The mercury is then collected in designated containers and disposed of in accordance with waste management requirements. Possible symptoms from an acute (short term) exposure include severe nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea, kidney damage and death. Potential symptoms from chronic (long term) exposure include inflammation of the mouth and gums, excessive salivation, loosening of the teeth, kidney damage, muscle tremors, jerky gait, spasms of the extremities, personality changes, depression, irritability and nervousness. To monitor the potential for acute, and chronic effects of the exposure to mercury periodic health surveillance is undertaken. This is in the form of biological monitoring, testing of mercury levels in urine. You must report any concerns with the potential exposure to mercury bearing phosphor powder to management immediately, and where any biological monitoring concerns are noted you will be informed immediately. HAZARDS Skin Contact It is the mercury within the powder that causes the greatest concern with contact with skin, as the material is classed as an irritant when in contact with the skin. There is also the risk of absorption through the skin. The process of recycling is fully enclosed, and the risk of contact with the skin of the product is low, however hand protection should be worn at all times when handling lamps and tubes for recycling. Long sleeves should also be worn to reduce the likelihood of contact with the upper arms. If contact with the skin occurs the area should be thoroughly cleaned. Continued … … …

Cope Safety Management Ltd : 0844 800 4266 email:


Inhalation The potential for inhalation of powder is controlled by the enclosed process and the installation of a Local Exhaust Ventilation System. Mercury can be absorbed through the respiratory tract. Where there is a risk of inhalation, such as changing of the waste containers, an approved respirator is to be worn. This will be a particulate filtered respirator with FFP2 protection as a minimum. Ingestion Mercury is classified as toxic if swallowed, and at all times you must follow good personal hygiene practices. Welfare facilities are provided with running hot and cold water and soaps. You must always wear gloves and cover any exposed skin where a risk of contact occurs, such as disposing of the lamps, handling broken tubes and changing the waste containers. Prior to eating, drinking, smoking or using the toilet you must wash any exposed skin thoroughly. ASSESSMENT OF RISK Provided that the above precautions and control measures are used the health risks associated with mercury bearing phosphor powder at Balcan Engineering Limited are deemed to be low.

………………………………………. Mark Bartholomew DipNEBOSH August 2011 Health and Safety Services Manager Page 2 COSHH Assessment Mercury Bearing Phosphor Powder

Cope Safety Management Ltd : 0844 800 4266 email:

Safe System of Work for the Handling of Glass Lamps and Tubes for Recycling

The following legislation is relevant to the task: The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974; The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999; The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992; The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992; The Work at Height Regulations 2005; and The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. The main hazards associated with handling glass lamps and tubes for recycling include: Musculoskeletal and upper limb disorders from lifting and stacking glass, or

manoeuvring glass in barrows, etc; Poor housekeeping leading to slips and trips; Falling objects causing injuries, for example to the hands, lower legs or feet; and Cuts from handling broken glass. Precautions taken by management include: Key areas of risk will be identified in consultation with employees and improvement(s)

made; Materials, equipment and work practices will be carefully selected; Persons (i.e. Supervisors) will be given responsibility to ensure that areas of the

workplace are kept safe, and that working practices and processes are being carried out properly;

Personal Protective Equipment, in the form of hand protection, safety footwear and overalls are provided; and

Accident / inspection reports will be monitored to identify improvements / shortcomings in arrangements.

Precautions to be taken by employees include: Always consider ways to reduce the risks from manual handling, for example, avoid

lifting heavy or awkward items, reaching too high or too low, sharp lifting and pulling movements, etc. Use handling aids or seek assistance. Rotate tasks so lifting is not continuous;

Use only safe lifting techniques, adopting the correct posture. DO NOT lift anything that you believe is beyond your capabilities;

There should be sufficient room to safely manoeuvre the lamps and tubes without coming into contact with other persons or items; Continued … … …

Cope Safety Management Ltd : 0844 800 4266 email:

If using barrows, avoid overloading and ensure that the load is stable before moving. Ensure that routes are clear of obstacles and that the floor is even;

Maintain a suitable standard of housekeeping in the workplace. Clean any spills of broken glass immediately;

Avoid horseplay; No attempt should be made to intercept any falling glass; Always wear the personal protective equipment when handling lamps and tubes.

Always ensure that your upper arms are protected by long sleeves or arm guards; and Where sheets of glass are handled ensure that the personal protective equipment

provided is worn, for example, protective gloves, wrist protection and footwear (also, eye protection if there is a risk of materials entering the eyes, and head protection if there is a risk of falling objects or where site rules dictate). Report any damaged or defective equipment immediately.

Mark Bartholomew DipNEBOSH Health and Safety Services Manager August 2011 Pg 2 SSOW for Handling of Glass Lamps and Tubes for Recycling

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