free e-book: understanding physician behavior - getting to "yes" by knowing why

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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TRANSCRIPT 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior -

Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

The Society of Pharmaceutical & Biotech Trainers 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior -

Getting to "Yes" by Knowing WhyLearning Objectives

1. Understand how to differentiate physicians based on specialty, training, practice type, environment, location, etc. in order craft relevant sales messages.

2. Understand how to "sell through" the entire organization/market completely by engaging everyone.

3. Apply a specialized form of predictive analytics to drive sales force behavior & performance. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Format- Case Studies

1. Fielding the New Rep - getting off on the right foot

2. Energizing the Late Arrival - creative ways to penetrate a competitive market

3. Perfecting the New Product Roll-Out 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Format- Case Studies

1. Fielding the New Rep - getting off on the right foot

Erin is a 27 yo graduate from the University of Southern California. She holds BS degrees in exercise physiology and management. She worked previously as a telemarketer for a technology-based reseller and is now looking for an outside sales position in the Life Sciences industry. Erin has familiarity with medical terminology and personnel but little experience in outside sales. In addition to developing technical expertise, strong selling fundamentals are also required. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Fielding the New Rep - getting off on the right foot

1. Establish the proper mindset from the beginning.

2. Focus on the number.

3. Develop an effective sales methodology early and stick with it daily. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Case # 1: Fielding the New Rep - getting off on the right foot

Establish the proper mindset from the beginning.

Selling just features & benefits will not be successful in a competitive market. The rep must differentiate themselves first.

Physicians care little about you or your company- they care only about what your products can do for them and their patients.

Adopting a deferential attitude toward physicians MAKES SELLING HARDER IN THE LONG RUN.

Be Professional - yes (absolutely), Deferential - no.

Aways strive to seen as a colleague & trusted adviser!

This attitude must be pervasive and developed at the beginning! 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Case # 1: Fielding the New Rep - getting off on the right foot

Focus on the Number

In sales every activity performed should bring the rep closer to their number.

Set objectives and work toward them daily.

Follow a methodology religiously.

Move the ball one yard at a time & quantify. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Case # 1: Fielding the New Rep - getting off on the right foot

Develop an effective sales methodology early and stick with it daily.

Incorporate pre-sale, direct call, call support and post-sales situations.

Powerful, easily adaptable and reproducible.

Can build in metrics for verification/validation.

Trust but verify. 907 242-5415


Case # 1: Fielding the New Rep - getting off on the right foot

Develop an effective sales methodology early and stick with it daily.

SALEs Process -

Survey - do your research & homework upfront.

Align - find common ground with the customer. Begin the journey toward colleague & trusted advisership.

Leverage - position your products & services to maximize opportunity.

Extend - use current success to build future opportunities. 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process

1. Survey -

Do your homework UPFONT, before the first customer visit.

Understand that all physicians are not trained equally, nor do they practice equally - knowing this will help differentiate you.

Understand that specific characteristics are inherent in the physician profession - use these to YOUR advantage.

Understand that effective selling means tailoring the message to appropriate physician type. Learn the different physician types.

Understand the overriding effect that the current healthcare environment has on physician practice - there is Chaos!

Know that from chaos comes opportunity. 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Survey

Do your homework UPFONT, before the first customer visit.

Build accurate & comprehensive customer profiles. Specialty type - FP, pediatrics, cardiology, surgery, etc.

Practice model - solo vs group, single vs multi-specialty

Employment status - independent vs integrated

Market specific - competition, referral base, catch-man areas.

Develop research techniques & employ Group - Website, social media, WOM, admin & staff

Hospital - as above, marketing dept, physician liaison 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Survey

Do your homework UPFONT, before the first customer visit.

Introductory Call -

"Good morning. My name is Erin. I'm from Ideal Pharmaceuticals and I was wondering If I could stop by for a few minutes so that you could tell me a little

bit about what you do..." 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Survey

Introductory Call -

"Good morning. My name is Erin. I'm from Ideal Pharmaceuticals and I was wondering If I could stop by for a few minutes so that you could tell

me a little bit about what you do..."

VagueIndecisiveArrogantCavalier 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Survey

Do your homework UPFONT, before the first customer visit.

Introductory Call -

"Good morning, Dr. A. My name is Erin and I'm your new representative from Ideal Pharmaceuticals. I have been researching your practice and I believe there are several ways that we can assist you. May we set up a 30 minute meeting to discuss treatment advances in hypertension? How does your schedule look this week? I'm available... " 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Survey

Do your homework UPFONT, before the first customer visit.

Question Examples - subtle but powerful differences!

1. Do you treat hypertension as a part of your practice? vs

I understand that hypertension is a big part of your practice...

2. Which hospitals do you cover? I'd like to set up a meeting this week if possible.

vsMay I meet you briefly on Tuesday at Riverside Valley to

discuss...? 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Survey

• This same type of profiling can be extended with other characteristics to further differentiate you.

Case Study - ERM 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Survey

Using chaos to your advantage

1. The current healthcare environment is very difficult for providers.

2. Formatting your message in a way that demonstrates both a sensitivity and an understanding of this will differentiate you.

3. Recognize that with customer "pain" comes opportunity. 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Survey


Do your research upfront - this demonstrates respect. This is key for developing physician relationships.

Be specific in your actions and set goals- this keeps you moving in the right direction.

Be professional, NOT deferential - this positions you as a PARTNER.

Use all available data to YOUR BENEFIT - this maximizes the effectiveness of your messages. 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Align

Finding Common Ground - the basis for building a relationship.

People buy from those they know, like & trust.

In a competitive market is it essential to differentiate yourself FIRST.

Then you can differentiate your company and then your products/services. 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Align

Finding Common Ground - the basis for building a relationship - Personal Bonding

13 is the lucky number - studies show that it takes someone (on average) 13 exposures to your name to remember it. Email, social media, phone calls, collaterals, small gifts, "random"


To build successful, personal relationships - CHEW Children Hobbies Education Wife (spouse)

Frequent, consistent & considerate communication (that appears random)- this must become a part of the sales process. 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Align

Finding Common Ground - the basis for building a relationship - Company Bonding

As your personal bond develops, advance your company alignment, then your product/service lines Reinforced messaging from company colleagues.

District management, support, staff, C-level (as required), SME's Focused Collaterals

Detail pieces Study results White paper & thought leadership

The key is - Frequent, consistent & considerate communication (that appears random but that is meticulously considered). 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Align

Summary1. Relationship development & maintenance is

critical for sales success.2. Relationship development & maintenance must

be managed with the same intensity as any other part of the sales process.

3. Reps must possess an inherent desire to build & maintain relationships.

4. Metrics need to be placed to insure compliance. 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Leverage

Use your relationships that have been established to uncover opportunities w/in the account.

Use your products & services to solve problems and alleviate customer pain.

Use your successes to advance the relationship and uncover more opportunities.

Continue to evolve w/in the account. 907 242-5415


The SALEs Process - Extend

Upon completion of the sale...

1. Summarize performance and evaluate.2. Continue to build upon existing relationship.3. Probe within existing account.4. Ask for referrals elsewhere.5. Secure introductions.6. Advance and start again & again & again... 907 242-5415



Fielding the New Rep - getting off on the right foot

1. Establish the proper mindset from the beginning.

2. Focus on the number.

3. Develop an effective sales methodology early and stick with it daily. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Format- Case Studies

2. Energizing the late arrival.

Ideal Pharmaceuticals recently introduced a new drug (PlaqueSmash) for the Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) market. This drug will be the fourth of it's kind for this particular application. Although it does possess definite advantages over competitors 1, 2 & 3 the fear is that it is being perceived as a "me too" drug and adoption has stalled. Ideal's brand team is looking to differentiate PlaqueSmash from the competition but has encountered difficulty. A new approach is required... 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Energizing the late arrival

1. Understand the disease process & treatment logistics.

2. Understand the relevant physician dynamics.

3. Be prepared to target each physician type specifically.

4. Craft relevant messages - strategically & tactically, fully coordinated, to advance the sales process. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Understand the disease process & treatment logistics

1. Realize that many different steps may occur in the treatment process that could be targets for your product.

2. Know that different physician specialties may have a hand in the treatment process and that messaging to them will be different.

3. A "treatment logistics" diagram should be a part of all customer account profiles. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Understand the relevant physician dynamics

1. Know that even within a specialty there are defined divisions of labor and responsibility.

2. Understand how products are "used" by each physician type.

3. Understanding even the basic differences will place your sales force ahead of the competition. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Be prepared to target each physician type specifically

1. Message changes are necessary for optimal effect.

2. Target messages to -

- Drive specific physician behavior (to write script).

- Have one physician type influence the decisions of another.

- Keep sales process moving by leveraging relationships. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Craft relevant messages - strategically & tactically, fully coordinated, to advance the sales process

1. Maintain a detailed account/communication plan.

2. Outline key physicians, their specialty and responsibilities.

3. Outline the treatment path.

4. Follow methodically. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Format- Case Studies

3. Perfecting the new product roll-out

Ideal Pharmaceuticals is preparing for the roll out of their newest diabetic drug, SugarSmacker. SugarSmacker will be marketed initially to family practitioners, internal medicine (primary care) providers, endocrinology (diabetology) and cardiology practices. Ideal's management is looking for a comprehensive roll-out that will result in immediate traction and market share. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Perfecting the new product roll-out

1. Understanding physician practice dynamics.

2. The physician as CEO.

3. The physician as champion and VAR.

4. Sell through the entire organization. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Understanding physician practice dynamics

1. Understand the organizational chart. - Who works there?- Who makes the decisions?- What is the role of the staff?- What is the role of administration?

2. Understand patient/referral dynamics.

3. Understand how information is processed? 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

The physician as CEO

1. The physician is "CEO" of his own practice (A business within the practice).- Know the relationship with the nurses.- Know the relationship with mid-level (support) providers.

2. Who actually writes the prescriptions?

3. Who fields the bulk of patient calls?

4. Who deals with payers, referring physicians & family? 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

The physician as champion and VAR

1. Review characteristics as part of the ERM.

2. Foster & cultivate product champions within each account.

3. Leverage these relationships for increased sales.

4. Continue to build and expand on this model. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why

Sell through the entire organization

1. Use targeted messaging and strategies to reach each key player in the organization.

2. Strive to understand all the different "businesses within the practice" and sell accordingly.

3. Maintain detailed account profiles and update frequently.

4. Realize that many more people other than the physician may influence your success. 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Getting to "Yes" by Knowing Why


1. Successful adoption will take time to implement.2. Pick & choose portions and implement slowly.3. Apply metrics for analysis & to insure

compliance.4. Review and refine as needed.

Good Luck! 907 242-5415


Understanding Physician Behavior - Additional Offerings

1. The "No See" accounts - breaking in

2. Applied Pyrametrics - Understanding physician characteristics to formulate winning strategies and craft relevant messages

3. S2aaS - Strategy & Scripting as a Service 907 242-5415



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