from puppet to puppeteer

Post on 12-May-2015






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From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

© 2009 Erin Blaskie · 1

From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client That Will Change Your Business and Your Mindset

The Introduction

This e-book is not solely a how-to guide. This e-book will help you shift your

thinking out of the puppet mode (the non-thinking, say yes to everything

mode) and move you into the empowered role of a partner to your clients...

aka the puppeteer.

I wrote this e-book because it took me five years to realize why I had

become so good at what I was doing. I realized it’s because I was never

willing to say “Yes!” to everything. I’ve always voiced recommendations and

suggestions in a very honest yet compassionate way - ways that I’ll be

teaching you throughout this e-book.

The three questions are:

1. When do you need this back by and how does this fit in with the other

projects we have open?

2. I really love what we’re doing here, what do you think of adding in x, y

or z? Or, I don’t really like this – what about…?

3. I noticed you aren’t doing … Have you ever thought of x?

You’ll also learn, in this e-book, why this attitude is appreciated by your

clients and so, incredibly needed. Not only that, you’ll find yourself

personally making a difference in their businesses and in their lives.

That is why we’re all here.

© 2009 Erin Blaskie · 2

From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

When do you need this back by and how does this fit in with the other projects we have open? Often, when we’re working with a client, we’re not

looking at things from the big picture perspective.

Instead, we’re usually just taking down notes and

to-dos and saying, “Yep!” and “Got it!” and then

we’re rushing back to our systems and trying to

make it all make sense.

Then, we start to do the work and we find out

we’re doing the unimportant tasks before the

important tasks. So, we then over-compensate by doing the important tasks

and run out of time thus becoming overwhelmed.

It’s a common issue that drives the client crazy and can drive you crazy too

if you don’t handle it properly.

Baby Got Back

The perfect way to approach this is to ask your client the first part of this

question first – when do you need this back by?

This will provide for you some structure and will allow you to schedule or slot

it into your calendar. My suggestion is to put it on your calendar on the very

last date they need it and then count back three days and put another copy

of the same milestone/reminder. This way, you have it marked three days

early but are giving yourself some buffer space.

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From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

The beauty of asking the first part of this question is that you’ll be holding

your client accountable as well to giving you a timeline. Then, there isn’t the

expectation that everything is due today or tomorrow but you’re actually

planning things out.

It will also show your client that you are in charge and organized. Clients

LOVE this. If there is anything I’ve learned in the past five years, it’s that

clients love being taken care of and being assured that things will get done

when we say they will.

Now, Say What?

Once you’ve decided on the when, don’t forget to

then lay out the what. Although that goes

outside of the original three questions, I do feel

it’s as important as the three questions.

Take the what and figure out the intricate,

moving pieces of each of the projects and tasks you’ve been given.

Determine what you need from your client and what you can accomplish on

your own. Then, put this into your system.

We highly recommend Basecamp by 37 Signals for laying out deadlines, to-

dos and for keeping messages in an organized fashion. If you aren’t sure

about project management or it’s just not a strong point for you, also be

sure to check out our Project Management Course.

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From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

You Have the Keys but Which Keyhole?

The second question of how does this fit in with the

other projects we’ve got going right now is also a key


This allows you to gauge priority of things as it relates

to all of the other work you’ve currently got open and


Here’s the thing. Your clients are not going to know if you become

overwhelmed or bombarded with too much work. You need to be the one to

sort out what they give you BUT give them really clear deadlines and the

understanding of what you can do and when.

The reason clients love this question is because it gets them thinking in

terms of the big picture AND allows you time to strategize with them. We’ll

get more into that with the other questions but that is why this question is

so popular with your clients.

It’s Not All Clouds in the Big Picture

Try out a service like Mind Node (if you’re on a Mac) and Mind Jet if you’re

on a PC. These programs will allow you to lay out the bigger picture vision

for your client and will make you look like a star. It’s a great idea to keep

this in a binder or somewhere nearby your client’s notes.

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From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

Here’s what you want to capture:

• Goals (both short and long term)

• Projects

• Primary Product / Service Offerings

• Scheduled Joint Ventures

• Anything Else Worth Noting

Once you have that down, you and your client can align to the same vision

for their company and you’ve just become a bigger thinker which means

more value to your client.

The importance of changing your mindset falls

into this big picture vision becoming a part of

everything you do. You can look at

opportunities, tasks, deadlines, etc. and ask,

“How do those things fit in with the big picture?”

and, “What do we need to do first, second,

third, etc. in order for this to make the most sense?”

You may not feel like it’s your role to do this as an assistant but I assure

you, it helps your relationship with your client fully. If you know what you

need to do and how it all ties in together, it allows you to come from a

strategic perspective and do the things that you need to do instead of doing

things that are not needed.

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From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

I really love what we’re doing here, what do you think of adding in x, y or z?

Alternatively, this question may also be phrased as: I don’t really like the

direction this is going in and I think we might be more successful if we

consider x, y and z instead. What do you think?

This question starts to move you from puppet to puppeteer. The reason we

use this phrasing is because we see an all-too-familiar trend in a lot of

assisting positions.

Most Assistants Do As Their Told

Now, that’s not generally a bad thing... except,

when your client is a solopreneur with a limited

budget and needs support that goes beyond the

“Yes ma’am” and “No ma’am” kind of response

that a puppet provides. What your client is likely

looking for and needing desperately is someone

to give feedback and suggestions but in a non-threatening way.

Here are some great examples:

• Your client shows you a website page they created themselves

but it’s very amateur looking. You might say, “I really love the

copy you’ve created but I was wondering, may I try my hand and

creating something a bit different that goes against the grain but still

stays true to your brand?”

• A client says that they’ve been trying to get their customer

support department in order forever. Instead of saying, “I can do

© 2009 Erin Blaskie · 7

From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

that, what do you want?” You could say instead, “I heard that Google

Mail is a good option for people looking to share an inbox. Do you

want me to set that up for us and put together a few pre-defined

responses? We could then test it out with one of your email addresses

to see how it goes?”

In each of these examples, you’ll notice that instead of saying “YES!” to your

client all of the time, you’re actually saying, “Awesome but...” and pushing

back on your client a bit.

Some clients may find this uncomfortable at first and if they do, that’s great!

;) It means that what you are doing is working and you’re challenging them

to something greater.

Pushed to Greatness

I remember when I first hired my graphic designer,

Lukas Bott of Spineless Design. We began working on

the website makeover for and he did

something that no one up to that point had. He

pushed back on me. Challenged me to go further than

I had before comfortably. Tested me against

technological boundaries.

At first, I was really angry. I hated that he wasn’t just

letting things go and letting me just do what I had always done. I

completely and utterly hated it. Except... I realized quickly that what he was

doing was helping me move out of a comfort zone and into greatness.

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From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

The website could have come out looking like any other website except that

it didn’t. It came out so different than anything I had done up to that point

but here’s the killer point of it all – it was more me than anything I had ever

done. Pushing me brought out the authentic me and for that, I loved the

work we did together.

Everyone has this comfort zone that they stay in and that keeps them safe.

However, greatness is not accomplished in the safe spots of life. So,

challenging your clients to step out of the safe will mean their business will

grow as a result.

If you find yourself losing clients in this process (which, you shouldn’t if it’s

done correctly) just remember that they may just not be in a place yet

where they can move out of “safe”. However, when they do, they’ll look

back and remember you pushing them gently and they may come back to

thank you.

It’s Not About Ego

The flipside to this question is not getting “huffy” if

the client doesn’t accept your feedback. Ultimately,

this business is theirs and they get to make the

final decision. However, nine times out of ten,

something that you suggest to them will make

them go, “Ah! I never thought of that”, and they’ll

incorporate at least a part of what you’re suggesting.

Business is never about an ego struggle and if it is, you’ve either got the

wrong mindset or you’re working with the wrong people. You need to know

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that business is give and take and suggestions are merely that. Things that

you think about a project you’re working on but that may not get


I’ve had many virtual assistants say to me in the past, “I know what I’m

suggesting is right but the client just won’t listen.” To that, I have to say

that you just need to do your job as assistant and guide the client in the

best way possible. Make your recommendations and suggestions and

provide valid points and if the client chooses to do something different,

ultimately they can and you’ll need to stand by that decision. We’ll explore

this in the next question section.

Providing Answers to All

Although some of the clients you work with will be at varying degrees of

experience with technology, new trends, etc., do your best to do continual

education with your clients. Start a blog to answer their common questions,

create a knowledgebase or anything else you can do to aid them in their

journey through entrepreneurship.

Stand in the service of your clients and that will allow greatness to happen.

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From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

Have you ever thought of x? This can become the most important thing you ask your clients.

The question, “Have you ever thought of x?” is one that should be asked

spontaneously in the middle of a project or completely outside of a project.

These are the things that you have come across, heard about, implemented

yourself and have seen successful results from. This is how you begin to

elevate your client to where they need to be.

Show Me the Money!

Okay, so we’re not working with Jerry Maguire here

but one magnificent way to get your clients to fall

in love with your business and your practices is to

suggest ways that they can increase their income

or decrease their expenses AND suggest it


To accomplish this, you want to be looking for opportunities all of the time.

If you’re on Twitter and you see someone requesting joint venture partners

for something that your client would be perfect for, let your client know and

suggest ways that you can go about setting it up.

For example (said in your voice):

• Jane Doe is launching her new book in August and is looking for

bonuses as well as speaking opportunities. I was thinking, the

speaking opportunity portion may not be good for us as you have a

few events lined up already in August but why don’t we offer your new

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e-book on systems as a bonus? We could also throw in a free fifteen

minute consult at the end of the book for participants?

Do you see how that starts to make your clients eyes widen? You are

providing them an opportunity to get in front of a new market and a lot of

extra people thus resulting in more publicity and potentially, more income.

The best part is that you’ve already suggested exactly how the client should

do this. What would make this even better is if you added:

• We could use a previous sales page template, throw up an opt-in box

connected to your shopping cart and provide the ebook as a download

in the autoresponder. Also, we can setup an Icebrrg form to collect

responses for the free fifteen minute consults to make that process


BOOM! Your client now doesn’t even have to think.

One Big, Happy Family

Here is one opportunity area that is always

missed. If you’re a virtual assistant who has

clients – and many of them – you have a HUGE

opportunity right in your own family of clients.

The client to client connection can be powerful and most people are under

utilizing this. Have you introduced your clients to each other? Have you

pointed out similarities or joint venture possibilities in the very people you

are working with?

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From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

We created an Inner Circle for our clients awhile ago which was a simple

Ning site where our clients could connect, talk and share details about what

they were doing in their businesses. The coolest part was, we just made the

introduction – they took it from there.

Now, sometimes you’ll be bringing these things to your client as not

everyone has time to read through a social networking site but just by giving

them the opportunity, you’ll see a huge change in your clients.

The Best D-I-Y

How much of what you are suggesting to clients

have you actually tried for yourself? There’s a

chance you’ve done very little for yourself and in

some cases, you may never have implemented

some things for yourself.

Here’s your challenge. I want you to go out and DO some of the things

you’re recommending to your clients and test them. Do they actually work

like you thought they would? Are certain business tactics actually


About two years ago, I decided to do a membership-based site to test the

viability and profitability of this business model first-hand. I joined forces

with a friend of mine and we launched a membership site for virtual


It bombed.

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Now, I am the type of person that doesn’t look at anything as a failure as

each opportunity to fail is an opportunity to learn. What I did take away

from it was various pricing structures that didn’t work, how to launch a

membership-based business properly, what to include and so much more.

Would I have known that otherwise? Nope. I would have bought into the

hype that membership-based businesses are easy. Just cash hounds that

get setup and run automatically. Truth be told, they are a lot of work. A

LOT of work.

So, test things out before you suggest them. Then, when you find things

that work really, really well, bring them to your clients with the proof of their

success. It’ll benefit your client and it will also net you some additional

hours on a mutually beneficial project.

Don’t Assume Your Leader is a Great One

Not all leaders of companies are standing in their

place of greatness yet. Some leaders are still

nervous, scared and unsure of their next steps.

In fact, some people manage the outer world of

their business in a much more graceful way than

they do the inner.

Due to that fact, take the reins and do so often. This isn’t to say that you

should do things that you haven’t been given permission to do or been

empowered to do but rather step up and become the partner that your client

may need.

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He/she may need to be led a bit so that they can end up where they wish to

end up – with goals met and a successful, happy business.

A Closing Note

However you run your business and however you interact with your clients,

one thing is always going to be highly needed. Care.

In a service-based business, we need to care. We need to reach out to our

clients and give them a hand and not just because we’re getting a pay check

there. We need to care as much about their businesses as we do our own.


Well... why not? What have you got to gain by staying safe, not asking

questions and not pushing people to greatness? However, you’ve got

everything to lose if you don’t. Someone else will begin to push back on

your client a little and next thing you know, your client is realizing they have

needs that you aren’t meeting.

Start asking the three questions and see what happens.

The three questions are:

1. When do you need this back by and how does this fit in with the other

projects we have open?

2. I really love what we’re doing here, what do you think of adding in x, y

or z? Or, I don’t really like this – what about…?

3. I noticed you aren’t doing … Have you ever thought of x?

© 2009 Erin Blaskie · 15

From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

About the Author Erin Blaskie is a born entrepreneur, yoga

enthusiast and passionate fashionista.

At the age of 21, Erin launched her very first business

– Business Services, ETC. When BSETC first launched,

it was started as a virtual assistance company –

providing top notch administrative and technical

support to companies around the globe. It quickly

morphed into a multi-VA team and took the Internet

Marketing world by storm.

At the age of 23, Erin then launched her coaching business – The VA Coach.

Through this medium, Erin coached, trained and inspired individuals to

create virtual assistance businesses and turn them into thriving, six-figure

businesses. Erin delivered group coaching programs which can now be

purchased as self-study programs on her website.

After supporting entrepreneurs for over four years, Erin has now moved into

her latest transformative role. Erin is now an Internet Marketing Strategist

who provides solid business savvy and Internet Marketing advice to

entrepreneurs from around the world. Erin’s clients are in all stages of

business growth – from infancy to the multi-million dollar level – and Erin’s

mission is to help her clients reach their goals.

Using the latest technology trends and new business ideas, Erin helps her

clients catapult their businesses forward with strategy that works and her

team implements the strategy into specific to-dos, key milestones and of

course… results.

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From Puppet to Puppeteer: Three Questions to Ask Every Client

© 2009 Erin Blaskie · 17

Featured in three books “Becoming an Online Business Manager” by Tina

Forsyth, “My So-Called Freelance Life” by Michelle Goodman, and “The

Official AWE Emerging Trends Guide 2009“, honored as Office Arrow’s 2008

Runner-Up Business Woman of the Year, interviewed by countless gurus and

media personalities (John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing, Sheri McConnell,

Stacy Karacostas, Gina McNew), featured in major news publications

(, Ottawa Citizen, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and

Employment Journal) and asked to speak at major events (Forum on Virtual

Assistance, WordCamp Toronto and WordCamp Chicago) – Erin is certainly

making an impact on the entrepreneurial world.

Learn more about Erin at and She also

maintains a lifestream/blog at

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