frozen shoulder amir

Post on 02-Jun-2015



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  • 1. Frozen Shoulder AMIR Frozen Shoulder Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis is the shoulder condition characterized by painful and limited active and passive range of motion (ROM). Frozen shoulder is reported to affect 2% to 5% of the general population, increasing to 10% to 38% in patients with diabetes and thyroid disease.Individuals with primary frozen shoulder are commonly between 40 and 65 years old, and the incidence appears higher in females than males. Shoulder has lost about 90 abduction, 60 flexion, 60 external rotation, and 45 internal rotation Difficulty reaching into the hip pocket Difficulty combing hair Scratching back wakening at night Stages of frozen shoulder Acute (Day 1-3) 1. Pain radiates to below the elbow. 2. The patient is awakened by pain at night. 3. On passive movement, limitation is due to pain and muscle guarding, rather than stiffness.

2. Frozen Shoulder AMIR Chronic (3 Weeks Weeks, Months or Years) 1. Pain is localized to the lateral brachial region. 2. The patient is not awakened by pain at night. 3. On passive movement, limitation is due to capsular stiffness, and pain is felt only when the capsule is stretched. Subacute (Day 4 - 3 Weeks) Some combination of the above findings Classification; IRRITABILITY CLASSIFICATIONIr ritability Classification High irritability Moderate irritability ClassLow irritability High pain (>7/10) Moderate pain (4- 6/10) Low pain (

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