
Post on 19-Feb-2018






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Episode 1

Principles of Learning What did the Teacher do which

applies/contradicts the learning

principle?Application of 

the Principle

Non-application of 

the Principle1. Efective learning begins

with the setting o clear andhigh expectations and learning


Ms. Mesias writes

her lessonobjective and

intended outcomes

and shared it with

the class.


2. Learning is an active


Ms. Mesias lets the

learners do the

learning activit

and enjo it.


!. Learning is the discover o

personal meaning and

relevance o ideas.

 "he teacher relates

the lesson to the

needs# interest and

problem o the

learners. "he topic

presses on the


importance# role o

a woman in the

societ and how to

treat them.


$. Learning is a cooperative

and collaborative process.Learning is enhanced in an

atmosphere o cooperation and


Ms. Mesias group

the class into %vegroups and let each

group present their

wor& and outcome

through musicale

and interpretation

o each topic.



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1. Which principle/s of learning was/were most applied? "he principles most applied were learning is an active process and learning is a

cooperative and collaborative process. 

2. Which principle of learning was least applied? Why the principles

was/were not ery m!ch applied? "ie instances where this/theseprinciple/s co!ld hae #een applied?'ased on m observation o Ms. Mesias class# she made sure that that her

teaching strateg correlates with the diferent principles o learning. Even learning

sometimes is a painul process# she made sure that the students understand and

that it should be accompanied b sacri%ce. (he made the learning ver enjoable

or the students.

$. %ow did the application of these principles a&ect learning?'ased on m observation# ) can reall sa that the teacher is teaching efectivel

because she considers how learning ta&es place. "he principles o teaching is

alread proven and tested# orged and orti%ed b ears o observation andexperience b so man educators. ' integrating the lessons through these proven

principles# Ms. Mesias was able to draw the students* interest# motivate them+ made

learning enjoable or them and even mould their behavior towards learning.

'. %ow did the non-application of these principles a&ect learning?) can*t sa something based on the class that ) observed but to me# non,

application o the diferent principles in learning is just li&e plaing a game without a

game plan. "he teacher would be lost in the e-uation and shehe would not be

connected to the students. "his would result in a negative impact on the students

and surel afect their learning.

(. )o yo! agree with the principles of learning? *r hae yo! discoered

that they are not always correct?) strongl agree with the principles in learning. /e must learn the diferent

principles b heart in order to become an efective teacher.

Practices worth adopting

• 'egin each lesson b setting objectives based on the three domains o &nowledge# learning outcomes and ma&ing sure objectives are (M0".


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• Let the students to be active on activities in order or them to discoverpersonal meaning and relevance o the ideas the are about to encounterand experience.

• )mplement groupwor&s and activities because learning is improved incooperation and collaboration atmosphere.

Practices to aoid and improe on

 "o teach anone anthing out o signi%cance. )t is unwise to imposelearning on our students. "he must be engaged to activities which aresigni%cant or connected to real lie experiences.

•  "o expect immediate results. Learning is an evolutionar process# it ta&estime. )n order to become a much more efective teacher# we must be0")EN".

• 'eing insensitive. Learning is both intellectual and emotional process andsometimes can be painul due to rustrations. /e must appeal to thestudent*s intellect as well as their emotions. /e must ma&e the studentsunderstand that even learning is a di3cult tas&+ it will lead to inner joeventuall.

Lesson learned0biding rom the diferent principles o learning simpl means teaching

efectivel and e3cientl. )t is a total pac&age# not onl we teach students*

academicall but we mould them to become a good individual read to ta&e on the

challenges in lie in the uture.

Learning process is something that has signi%cance to the learners.Learners should be given a chance to relate the topic to their own interests#

problems and needs.Learner has their own uni-ue wa o learning based on multiple intelligences.

Learner should be emotionall and intellectuall health.Learning sometimes is phsicall# emotionall and mentall draining.Learning sometimes is sel,discover.Learning is more efective when the learner themselves tried it in their own wa.Learner*s learning experience is the best learning process.Learning can be enhanced through group activities.Learning does not ta&e efect overnight.Learning is a give,and,ta&e process.

Episode 2 2.1

 "he resource teacher began her lessonb stating her objective and what she

expects rom her students at the end

o the lesson.

Mrs. andan imparts her lesson

objective including plans and purpose

o the lesson to her student.

 "he lesson objectives or her class

were to %nd 456 is divided b 4x,r6# to

prove remainder theorem andincorporate the value o being

compassionate. )t is ver clear that

the objective has clear ocus# thus the

teacher was able to have a concrete

picture o the behavior o the students

towards the lesson.



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 "he esource "eacher began his

lesson b stating his objective and

what he expects rom his students at

the end o the lesson.

Mr. 'alino discussed the lesson

objectives to the students# ma&ing

sure his students understand the

importance and relevance o thelesson.

 "he lesson objectives were to

recogni7e the components re-uired to

assemble a 8# assemble and

disassemble parts o a 8 and to

incorporate the value o hardwor&.

9aving these (M0" objectives# the

teacher was able to easil ormulate a

test to measure the attainment o hisobjective.


 "he esource "eacher began his

lesson b stating his objective and

what he expects rom his students at

the end o the lesson.

Mr. adreganda imparts his lesson

objective including plans and purpose

o the lesson to his students.

 "he lesson objective was ocused on

Natural 9uman Law ma&ing it clear

with the students. )t was also more

ocused on the 0fective domain since

the subject is Edu&ason saagpapa&atao.

Lesson :bjectives o )8" 8lass o Mr. Norman 'alino;1. ecogni7e the components re-uired to assemble a 8.2. 0ssemble and disassemble parts o a 8.!. 0ppreciate the value o hardwor&.

 "he development o his lesson was <uent being guided with this set o lessonobjectives. )t*s a complete pac&age because it is based on the three domain o&nowledge.

1. Why is it so!nd teaching practice for a teacher to +#egin with the endin mind, and to share his/her lessons o#ecties or intended learningo!tcomes with his/her st!dents?

)t is an important practice or a teacher to =begin with the end in mind> sothat heshe will have a sense o direction and target throughout thedevelopment o the lesson. 8lass interruption will be minimi7ed# hence thelesson will be more ocused and teaching will be more efective and e3cient. )t isalso important the teacher shares hisher lesson objectives to the student inorder to ma&e them own the objective and ma&e it their personal target. )n thatwa# the will become sel,motivated to learn and less external motivation isneeded.


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2. )id yo! nd the lesson o#ecties or intended learning o!tcome0AT? !pport yo!r answer?

 ?es# de%nitel. "he lesson objectives o m resource teachers were (M0"because it was eas or them to ormulate assessment ater the lesson. "hewere able draw out the expected behavior that their students will show towardstheir lesson. "he scope o the lesson was clear and ocused.

$. )o 0AT o#ectie help the lesson more foc!sed?'ased on m observation# it is an absolute ?E(.

'. Were the lesson o#ecties/intended learning o!tcomes in thecognitie psychomotor and a&ectie domains? !pport yo!r answer.

 "his lesson objective o Mr. 'alino*s )8" class;1. ecogni7e the components re-uired to assemble a 8. 48ognitive @omain62. 0ssemble and disassemble parts o a 8. 4schomotor @omain6!. 0ppreciate the value o hardwor&. 40fective @omain6

 "he objectives were ver clear that it abide on the three domain o&nowledge.

(. 3s it necessary to hae o#ecties always in the $ domains 4 cognitiepsychomotor and a&ectie? Why or why not?

 ?es# as much as possible we should alwas incorporate our lesson objectiveswith the three domains o &nowledge mainl because o it wholeness andcompleteness or it dwells on &nowledge and values or on s&ills and values or on&nowledge and s&ills or on &nowledge# s&ills and values. "here must be abalance between the three.

M re<ection

Meaningul goals are speci%c# measurable# achievable# relevant and de%ned

within a timerame or completion. 0 (M0" objective includes measures that oucan trac& to gauge progress. (M0" objectives contain the potential to ocus

attention# wor& plans# and commitment to perormance targets. 'ecause

meaningul and practical measures are built in# (M0" objectives also enable

eedbac& and learning that can &eep ou on trac& to success. /hen our lesson

objectives are (M0"# it is -uite eas to %nd out at the end o our lesson i we

attained the objective or not.

)ntegrating the lessons objectives in the three domains ma&es the lesson

more meaningul mainl because it dwells on &nowledge# s&ills and values. /hen

we teach &nowledge accompanied b values this will touch students and bring outthe change in them. ) we teach onl s&ill unaccompanied b values# we ma

contribute to the ormation o people who will have the s&ills to oppress and to ta&e

advantage o the uns&illed. (o it is ver important that our lessons get direction

rom objectives in the two or three domains with the afective alwas present.


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:ur lesson objective should involve our student*s mental# phsical andemotional aspect in order or them to understand the true value o thelesson.

Episode ! !.1

 "he teacher taught emainder "heorem. (he was ocused onconcepts# principles and theor.

 "he teacher as&ed two volunteers tosolve the given set o polnomialsusing long and snthetic division.

 "he teacher grouped them and gavethem a problem set. (he encouragedthe student to solve on their own %rstbeore as&ing or help. (he then as&edor a volunteer to show the solution onthe board. (he then as&ed a volunteerstudent using the remainder theorem

and compared the answer o thesnthetic and long division.

 "he teacher inculcated to the studentsthe value o responsibilit andcompassion. (he as&ed the studenthow the would relate these values intheir wor&. "he students respondedpositivel.

Episode ! !.2

M resource teacher taught hisstudents the components o a 8 andhow to assemble and disassemble thediferent parts. "he ocus o the lessonwas terms and concepts.

 "he teacher let the students preparean inventor o the components andmaterials needed or the assembl o8 and the step b step procedures.

0ter having demonstrated the step bstep procedures# the students wereallowed to do hands,on on the


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assembl o the computercomponents. "he were able to installthe drives# 8# 8 an# memormodules on the motherboard.

(ir 'alino inculcated to the studentsthe value o hardwor& and patience./hatever the do# the should exertefort and patience in order to besuccessul. Fust li&e their tas&# it wasnot eas but with heart# hardwor& and

patience# the can be successul inwhat the do.

Episode ! !.!

 "he teacher ocused on vocabular#terms# acts and principles. 9ediscussed on the Natural 9uman Law.

 "he teacher grouped the students andas&ed them to brainstorm and write aparagraph as their own re<ectionabout Natural 9uman Laws ater thediscussion.

 "he then explained their outputinront o the class together with abrie interpretative presentationthrough a song.

(ir adreganda inculcated the value o e-ualit and justice to his students. 9einstilled to them to alwas have a airtreatment towards others and to treat

others as the wa the want to betreated.

1. Where the lessons foc!sed on information/cognitie domain only ormental proced!res only or psychomotor/physical s5ills only? *r werethe lessons com#inations of two or three? 67plain yo!r answer.

'ased on m observations# the lessons were combinations o cognitivedomain# mental procedures and pschomotor s&ills. "he teacher made sure tointegrate the lesson in these three procedures to have a balance learningdevelopment or the students. 0 great proo o that is the class o Mr. 'alino.

2. Were the lessons foc!sed on cognitie content only or psychomotorcontent only or a&ectie content only? *r were the lessons com#inationof two or three? 67plain yo!r answer.

 "he lessons were clearl a combination o the three domain o &nowledgenamel the cognitive# pschomotor and afective. Fust li&e the class o Ms.andan# even though she was teaching mathematics# she was able toincorporate the value o compassion in the lesson which is under the afectivedomain.

$. What was the e&ect on learning when teaching was foc!sed only in onedomain?

 "here would be an imbalance o learning i the teacher ocuses onl in asingle domain. (a or example onl cognitive domain# we cannot teach onl&nowledge# and it gets boring i this is the primar concern o the teacher. 0s


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much as possible# me must involve the three domains so that the s&ills andvalues behind the lesson will be implemented and understand b the students.

'. 3s it really possi#le to teach only in one domain li5e a&ectie only orcognitie or psychomotor only? *r #ased on 8endall9s and 0ar:ano9sta7onomy information only or mental proced!res only or psychomotorproced!res only? 67plain yo!r answer.

 ?es# ocourse no one can stop a teacher i shehe wants to teachimplementing onl a single domain o &nowledge. 'ut the point here is how tobecome a more efective and e3cient educator. )n m own opinion# ) believe thatb ollowing the three domains or the three procedures based on Hendall*s andMar7ano*s "axonom# we can improve our desired outcome o teaching and wecan create a great atmosphere or students* learning that we can never achieveb implementing a single domain in our lessons.

(. )o 8endall9s and 0ar:ano9s 5nowledge ta7onomy and ;loom9sta7onomy of learning actiities contradict each other? 67plain yo!ranswer.

)n m own opinion# Hendall*s and Mar7ano*s &nowledge taxonom and'looms* taxonom o learning activities do not totall contradict each other. "heonl diference is the Mental rocedures in Hendall*s and Mar7ano*s taxonom ismainl ocus on intellect while the 0fective @omain o 'loom*s taxonom ismore on values we learn and about to appl in our dail lives based on thelesson.

'ased on m observations in class and m understanding o the domains o &nowledge and learning activities rom 'loom# Hendall and Mar7ano teaching inthe three domains is much more efective and can ma&e the teaching,learningactivit more meaningul and relevant to the students and to me also as a utureteacher. "his is achievable. ) must be creative in order to implement thesedomains in m teaching career in the uture.

1. "he students will be able to identi and recogni7e the appropriate uses o thediferent hand tools and e-uipments used in 8omputer 9ardware (ervicing.48ognitive @omain6

2. "he students will be able to prepare hand tools and e-uipment or 8omputer9ardware (ervicing according to unction and tas& re-uirement. 4schomotor6

!. "he students will be able to appreciate the value o responsibilit towards wor&and in the wor&place. 40fective6

1. "he students will be able to identi objects to be measured. 4@eclarativeHnowledge6

2. "he students will be able to perorm calculation needed to complete tas& usingthe our mathematical operations. 4Mental rocedures6

!. "he students will be able to installuse the appropriate data storage neededbased on the result o the calculation. 4schomotor rocedures6


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Episode $ $.1

;loom9s leel of processing

cognitie actiities

What learning actiity/ies in the

classroom did 3 o#sere in each

leel?1. emembering "he teacher conducted a review on the

students about their previous lessons intheir previous grade such as the long

division and the snthetic division.2. 8omprehending "he teacher as&ed the students;

=9ow are we able to relate snthetic and

long division in our lesson toda which is

the remainder theoremJ>!. 0ppling 0ter discussing the remainder theorem

and giving some examples# the teacher

gave a set o polnomial to be solved

using the snthetic and long division and

the remainder theorem.$. 0nal7ing "he teacher as&ed the students;

=/hat do ou thin& o the answers using

longsnthetic division compared to the

remainder theoremJ>A. Evaluating "he teacher as&ed a volunteer student to

evaluate the two answers using

substitution and it was proved that the

remainder theorem has the same answer

with the longsnthetic division.

D. 8reating "he teacher gave another set opolnomials to be solves using the

remainder theorem and to be chec&ed

using elimination not substitution.

Leels of processing Write down instances where Teacher

made learners to do any of these.1. etrieval )normation K (tudents gave inormation


(ir 'alino as&ed the students o what

the alread &now about computer

hardware# students responded well.Mental rocedures K (tudents

determined i inormation is accurate or


 "he teacher instructed the students to

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reer to their learning module or the

identi%cation o the computer parts and

the assembl procedures.schomotor roceduresMotor or

phsical s&ills K (tudents

executedperormed procedures.

(ir 'alino allowed the student to

disassemble and assemble parts o a 8.2. 8omprehension (tudents constructed smbolic

representation o inormation.

(tudents draw a <owchart depicting the

<ow o computer assembl procedures.(tudents integrated inormation#

paraphrased inormation.

 "he students integrated the procedures

with the :ccupational 9ealth and (aetpolicies.

Leels of Processing Write down instances where Teacher

made learners to do any of these.


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!. 0nalsis (tudents speci%ed logical conse-uences

o inormation.

Mr. 'alino as&ed the students to

remember and alwas abide to the

:ccupational 9ealth and saet

rocedures while uninstalling and

installing parts o the computer.(tudents stated generali7ations.

 "he students stated the summar i

steps o uninstalling computer parts.(tudents identi%ed actuallogical errors.

(tudents discovered some components

is %tted with slots and cannot be done in

an other position. )t needs to be

snapped into the slot.

(tudents did classiing.

 "he teacher told the students to classi

the computer components whether it is

an input or output devices.(tudents matched# identi%ed similarities

and diferences.

 "he students identi%ed the diference o

an )@E to a (0"0 connector# 0M@ to )ntel

processors and the similarities and

diferences o the 0M.$. Hnowledge tili7ation (tudents tested hpotheses.

)n teacher andan*s class# she let the

students solve the e-uation using the

substitution method ater having the

answer rom long and snthetic division

to prove the remainder theorem.(tudents experimented.

)n Mr. 'alino*s class# the students tried toexperiment on was how to properl

remove the 8 and its an out rom the

slot+ those who haven*t done it properl

were given instruction aterwards.


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Leels of Processing Write down instances where Teacher

made learners to do any of these.(tudents solved problems given b the


Ms. andan gave her students an

e-uation on the board or them to solve

it individuall using either snthetic or

long division.(tudent made a decision.

 "he students under Ms. andan decided

whether to solve the given e-uation

using either snthetic and long division.

(ome chose snthetic division while

others chose long division.A. Meta,cognitive sstem (tudents speci%ed their learning goal.

(tudents told (ir 'alino that the areinterested in 8omputer 9ardware

(ervicing and that the want to ac-uire

the s&ill towards global competitiveness.(tudents monitored their own learning.

(tudents o Mr. 'alino as&ed him to

chec& their outputs i the have done it

right and as& or corrections.(tudents monitored the clarit and

accurac o their own learning process.

) the are not sure o what the are

doing# students as&ed Mr. 'alino or the

accurac and correctness o the steps

that the are doing in their activit.

Leels of Processing Write down instances where Teacher

made learners to do any of these.


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D. (el,sstem (tudents believed in the importance o

what the learn.

0ter the activit# Mr. 'alino as&ed the

students to write a re<ection on the

importance o the activit# and the value

o hardwor& and patience towards the

activit. "he reali7ed the importance o

(aet towards the wor&ing environment.(tudents were convinced in their abilit

to learn.

/ith teamwor&# the students were able

to improve con%dence within

themselves# thus the believe in their

abilit to learn because o what the had

 just learned in the activit and about to

learn in the upcoming topics.

(tudents were motivated to learn andelt good about the learning tas&.

 "he students o Mr. 'alino enjoed the

activit ver well that ater the class

the were ver excited or their new

lesson to learn urther on 8omputer

9ardware (ervicing.

1. Were all ;loom9s leels of processing information demonstrated #y thelearners in class? Why or why not?

Majorit o 'loom*s levels o processing were obviousl demonstrated b thelearners in the class. )t was evident in the instances that ) enlisted in the table.

2. Which leel/s of processing cognitie information in ;loom9s ta7onomywas most displayed? Least demonstrated? "ie proof.

0s what ) have observed# ) thin& all o the levels o processing cognitiveinormation in 'loom*s taxonom were displaed especiall during Mrs. andan*sMathematics class# but what stood out the most are appling and creating. 0terdiscussing the remainder theorem and giving some examples# the teacher gavea set o polnomial to be solved using the snthetic and long division and theremainder theorem. "he teacher gave another set o polnomials to be solvesusing the remainder theorem and to be chec&ed using elimination not

substitution. 0s a uture teacher# we must be creative in implementing thesespeci%c levels o processing so that learning o the students will be moreefective.

$. Were all of 8endall9s and 0ar:ano9s leels of processing of informationmental and physical proced!res demonstrated #y the learners? Why orwhy not?

 ?es# based on m observation all o Hendall*s and Mar7ano*s level o processing o inormation whether it*s mental or phsical were demonstrated bthe learners. 0 good proo o that is when Mr. 'alino in his 89( class instructed


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his students to do a <owchart o uninstalling computer components andimplementing their <owchart in action.

'. Which leels of 8endall9s and 0ar:ano9s processing information wasmost demonstrated? Least demonstrated? "ie proof.

0ll levels o Hendall*s and Mar7ano*s processing inormation weredemonstrated but to me the one that is stood out is the &nowledge utili7ation.Evidence o this is when Maam andan let the students solve the e-uation usingthe substitution method ater having the answer rom long and snthetic divisionto prove the remainder theorem. )n 8omputer 9ardware (ervicing class# Mr.'alino*s class# the students tried to experiment on was how to properl removethe 8 and its an out rom the slot+ those who haven*t done it properl weregiven instruction aterwards.

(. Are ;loom9s cognitie ta7onomy of learning actiities <cognitiea&ectie and psychomotor= ery di&erent from the new ta7onomy of8endall and 0ar:ano <informatie metacognitie proced!res andpsychomotor=? 67plain yo!r answer?

) thin& 'loom*s taxonom o learning activities is not diferent rom the newtaxonom o Hendall and Mar7ano. )n act# the are ver similar. or me the onldiference is that in 'loom*s revised taxonom# application comes %rst beoreanal7ing# whereas in the new taxonom o Hendall and Mar7ano it is the otherwa around.


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M re<ections

'ased on m observation# higher levels o processing inormation wereimplemented b the teacher in the class and were demonstrated b the students. 0t%rst it wasn*t reall clear to me how to implement the higher levels o processinginormation# because on what mostl ) have experienced during m elementar andhigh school das# were are limited mostl to the lower levels o inormationprocessing such as remembering or retrieval# but with the observation ) had# it gavean idea and a concrete goal plan on achieving it. 0lso guided with the principles o teaching,learning and with the taxonom ) can implement the higher level o inormation processing in the uture.

 "he teachers that ) had just observed reall &now =what> and =how> to teach. "he contribute greatl to the level o processing that the students do in school. )nact# it is their teaching strateg that indulge students into the higher level o inormation processing. ) the students are engaged onl in low level inormationprocessing# learning won*t be as efective and remar&able compared with thosestudents engaged in higher level o inormation processing. )n such cases# theteachers are to be blamed because the are the acilitator# the classroom director.1. emem#ering

The students will be able to identify the basic symbols used in creating aowchart and technical drawing.

2. >nderstanding

The students will be able to carry out mensuration and calculation.

$. Application

The students will be able to perform safety procedures in using hand tools andequipment.

'. Analy:ing

The students will be able compare dierent products/services in computer hardware servicing business.

(. 6al!ating

The students can assess the condition of all hand tools and equipment for  proper operation and safety.

. @reating

The students can create a owchart that depicts a simple scenario in preparing hand tools for computer hardware servicing.


top related