future ib diploma program (dp), career program (cp) or subject certificate (sc) candidates! thank...

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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Middle Years Program (MYP)- Wall to Wall= all 9 th & 10 th graders IB Full Diploma Program (DP)= students must apply IB Career Program (CP)= students must apply. International Baccalaureate Programs (IB) are sponsored by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)


Future IB Diploma Program (DP), Career Program (CP) or Subject Certificate (SC) Candidates!

Thank you for letting me speak to you today!

The purpose of my presentation is to:

Explain in detail the Full DP, CP, and Subject Certificate pathways

Give you an opportunity to learn, in more detail, exactly what will be experienced academically and socially if accepted into DP, CP or SC

Ensure you feel comfortable talking to your friends, teachers, parents and others about our school, the DP, CP, and SC pathway options and the advantages and rigor of each program

Middle Years Program (MYP)-Wall to Wall= all 9th & 10th graders

IB Full Diploma Program (DP)=

students must apply

IB Career Program (CP)= students

must apply.

International Baccalaureate Programs (IB) are sponsored by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)

MYP For ALL! 9th Grade Courses

9th Grade All students will have to take the

following courses in 9th grade: Human Geography (Honors/Regular) Algebra or Geometry

(Honors/Regular) Physics (Honors/Regular) P.E. English I (Honors/Regular) Language (Spanish/French) Art I (Honors/Regular)


10th Grade Courses and Personal Project

10th Grade Courses All students have to take the

following courses in 10th grade: World Studies (Honors/Regular) Geometry/Advanced Algebra

(Honors/Regular) P.E. Art (Graphic Design, Music, Theater,

Sculpture, etc.) Language (French/Spanish) English II (Honors/Regular) Chemistry (Honors/Regular)

Personal Project! All students will have to

complete a Personal Project by February of 10th grade

The Personal Project is something you choose to research and record based on something that is personally important to you!

DP for 11th & 12th Grade

If accepted to the International Baccalaureate (IB) DP program, you will take a series of 2 year courses

History Biology Math Studies/Mathematics Literature French/Spanish Visual Arts Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

TOK 2 year courses DP students will take:

History Biology Math Studies/Mathematics Language and Literature French/Spanish Visual Arts Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

What is Theory of Knowledge (TOK)? The TOK course is totally unique to

the DP The class focuses on making

connections between all of your other courses and reflecting on how we know what we know

The class challenges students to consider what they are learning in their courses and why that information is important for them, for our community, for our nation and for the world.

In addition to this coursework, students will complete the following in order to receive the IBDP Diploma:

Community Activity Service (CAS) Students will create an online

portfolio documenting experiences form both inside and outside the classroom and create a collaborative project that provides a service to the community

Students will have time weekly to log their experiences and reflect on what they are learning

Teachers/CAS Coordinator will mentor students and help them find the right CAS activities for them

Extended Essay (EE) Students have to write a 4,000

word essay on a topic they choose.

Each student will be assigned a supervising teacher to support them in developing their essay

Students are given time throughout the school year to research, write and revise their EE

CP for 11th & 12th Grade

If accepted to the International Baccalaureate (IB) CP, your child will take a series of 2 year courses

Double period of Digital Media 2 DP courses Personal and Professional Skills



PPS Course

The course is designed to provide real-world professional situations and have students consider how they would react in the workplace or post-secondary educational settings

The course focuses on how people react to “ethical dilemmas”

This course further discusses topics covered in your DM and DP courses

Language Portfolio: Completed in the PPS course, students reflect on what they are learning in their language course and analyze how they will use international languages in the working world

In addition to taking these courses, students will complete the following to receive the CP Certification: Service Learning Portfolio (SL)

Students will have to create an online portfolio documenting experiences they are having both inside and outside the classroom and create a collaborative project that provides a service to the community

Students will have time weekly to log their experiences and reflect on what they are learning and experiencing

Teachers/SL Coordinator will mentor students and help them find the right SL activities for them, often that are connected to a specific career

Reflective Project Portfolio (RP) Students have to write complete a

project where they study an ethical dilemma found in the workplace

Each student will be assigned a mentor teacher to help them with their project

Students will also be given time throughout the school year to research, write and revise their RP


o We’re an Authorized International Baccalaureate [IB] School

Offering an international education program that’s been around for 40 years helping students achieve at the highest level and creating a better world along the way

Students grow to become lifelong learners and develop the characteristics of the IB Learner Profile to become critical thinkers, risk-takers, influencers, and innovators.

FUN FACT: IB is offered in 147 countries in more than 3,500 schools and serves more than 1.1 million students!

Step 1 of the Application Process for DP, CP, or SC Programs: 2.75 or higher unweighted GPA85% or higher attendance

record Complete the IB Pathways

Interest Application

Post Secondary Successes

Office name goes hereOffice name/footer goes hereMagnet, Gifted, and IB Programs November 15, 2014

What kind of credit can I earn from

my IB classes?

Example: DePaul UniversityIB course recognition policies. DePaul faculty conduct an extensive biennial review of IB curricula to update placement and credit policies. DePaul’s IB policy has a number of features including:

• The recognition of Standard Level (SL) and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) coursework for possible college-level credit as well as a

• sliding scale (rather than an all-or-nothing) approach where appropriate (as in the case of languages).

• The policies also include recommendations to meet with faculty advisors as needed to determine course placement.*

* http://resources.depaul.edu/caa/partnerships/Pages/international-baccalaureate.aspx

CPS IB graduates have earned up to a year’s worth of college credit at

DePaul University

Example: UW-Madison

Office name goes hereOffice name/footer goes hereMagnet, Gifted, and IB Programs November 15, 2014

Post Secondary Successes

Office name goes hereOffice name/footer goes hereMagnet, Gifted, and IB Programs November 15, 2014

Which colleges/univers

ities have IB recognition


These are only the

universities in the

United States

starting with A or

B that recognize IB!

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