fys 100 501 the dream act podcast

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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Murat Mert Solakoglu (901-733-561) Solakoglu 1

FYS 100-501

Instructor: Harold Blanco

June 25th, 2014

The Dream Act Podcast

This podcast is a program from radio on BBC 4. Jerry Kampania(Latino Businessman) is

showing the BBC 4 reporter around the city of Aurora. He says when people talks about

Aurora, they talk about the east side and the west side of the city. Aurora city is increasingly

becoming Latino because 41 percent of the population from latinos, mostly Mexicans.

Almost all of the immigrants come United States to find and establish a better life and

have the opportunities that they may not get at their home country. It is mostly the case for the

Mexicans as well. Clara Diaz who is a business women that dreamt about living a better life

in United States, according to the podcast she said everything has worked out well and they

still work on to get better. Mayor of the city says that America is an immigrant country

and emphasizes that they are not just on the line to get here but they serve and defend the

nation and become citizens of the US. But not everyone feels that they are not at home

because even though they have lived for long time at US, some of them still can not call US

as home. Some of the immigrants (mostly children) came to US and they are undocumented.

That means they have no chance of going into college or work and when they caught they go

back to country that they feel strange to it. Few months ago President Obama issued an

executive order offering temporary work permits and chance to go to college for some of the

young undocumented latinos but this group has to be under 30, high school graduates and

brought to the US before the age of 16.

This can lead to the good outcome and congress and the government would be the

favorites of the immigrants who plan to come to US and know exactly what they want to do

when they get there. US some of issues to address to solve and once they are being solved,

they can feel they have a future here without the feeling of go back home at some point.

Solakoglu 2

If Obama loses the next election, that is what the immigrants fearing about because

republicans oppose to immigrants. If the mentioned bill above becomes permanent, Obama

can gain key votes to run his presidency and make sure the bill stays as permanent.

Miami has a lot of people from Cuba which includes the large part of lationos but they come

to US because of the political issues. But still having a better life is another reason as well.

Clara Diaz who lives her dream in Aurora, Illinois says that speaking Spanish is a way that

not to lose their culture because language is mostly considered as culture. Hispanic population

is doubled in the last 20 years and reality is that Latinos are spreading the heart of the

American cities and started become Latinized. Immigrants change the communities, bring

diversity and exchange cultures and learn from each other. Immigrants what makes the US as

special as he is now. They love living at United States of America.

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