general election smallsheet 2015

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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Manifestos and photos of all candidates running for election to the Board of Management in March 2015.


  • Annual General Election


  • Manifestos

    Max SeftonHello, my name is Max Sefton, Im a fourth year undergraduate studying Economics and Politics and I am running for President of the Queen Margaret Union.

    For the For the past year I have been the QMU Publications convenor, overseeing the publication of the qmunicate magazine, the record-breaking QMU handbook and helping to launch the new creative writing zine, Aloud magazine. As convenor I set ambitious goals for myself and my team, increasing our circulation, tripling our web presence and focusing on most important student issues. However, the thing I am most proud of this year has been our recruitment and development of a whole new generation of writers; committee attendance has more than doubled and Ive strived to lead a fun and energetic team ththat dares to think big.

    As a board member I have been energetic and proactive, taking an interest in all areas of QMU life, whether that be putting forward ideas for a hugely successful Freshers Week or suggesting new ways to get rst years involved. I have a positive attitude and a ton of new ideas and for these reasons I believe that I would make a great President of the Union.

    My policies:1) At the centre of the QMU should always be its members but too often policy is decided from the top. I will launch fortnightly Presidential surgeries in the foyer and caf. People can bring issues to the President at any time but it is far more welcoming and engaging to meet them in a casual, friendly way than from the less accessible and perhaps slightly intimidating third oor. Similarly, I would use social media to open up topics that will be discussed by the board, allowing a far greater degree of scrutiny and feedback.

    22) I will encourage clubs and societies to take an increased stake in the QMU. This could be offering somewhere for campaigning groups to leave leaets, encouraging creative groups to come up with murals or artwork or offering support for societies in campaigns that affect our student members. By encouraging clubs to take a greater stake in the building we will solidify the QMU as their home on campus.

    3) I believe that Magic offers a versatile and positive brand for a Friday clubnight and our larger events have been hugely successful. However, week-on-week attendance is iinconsistent. Providing unique and exciting social experiences for our members is what breeds an engaged and loyal campus following and on weeks where the full club night is not viable, we should focus on making greater use of Jims Bar as a packed and vibrant social space for a clubnight and live music.

    4) I will deliver clear, standardised PR in each room of the union and across campus, vastly expand the use of social media advertising, redo the website and use big, bold graphics to advertise what is on each oor, each day.

    55) Several of the QMUs commercial areas such as Food Factory and the shop are underperforming. These need to be assessed and capital investment targeted at areas that most improve the student experience.

    Vote Max Sefton, making QMU your home on campus



  • Manifestos

    Kathy CarrMy name is Kathy Carr, I am 20 years old and a third year Joint Honours English Literature and Language student.

    The QMU has been my home since I rst came to Glasgow University. Being a Freshers helper this year gave me a greater sense of how the QM works as well as being an aamazing experience that only made me want to become more involved. Since then, I have attended Social and Publications committee meetings where I have written for the BWNPQ as well as several articles for QMUnicate Magazine. I would now like to further my contributions as your Current Student Representative.

    If elected to the board of the QMU, I would:

    IIntroduce a weekly newsletter emailed out to all members of the QMU with details of all the events on each day: It is really easy to miss events if you dont regularly check the Facebook page and Twitter and I believe this more direct approach could ensure us greater participation.

    Increase the attendance of members to weekly committee meetings to ensure greater rrepresentation of the wants and needs of the student body: This could be done through personal invites emailed out to members with details of what they could participate in on the various committees. At present, it is difcult to know what to expect from the meetings except by word of mouth meaning that it is often only board members or freshers helpers who attend.

    RRevive Magic: Despite the initial push to promote our main club night, Magic is still not consistently well attended. This could be due to inadequate promotion following Freshers Week and also partly due to the lack of themed nights. If elected, I would work on creating new incentives to bring in a wider and more diverse range of students ranging from themed nights to creative cocktails at the bar!


    CSR b

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