germa gc c1 nir pae l

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Name …………………………………………………… Class ………… Date ………………….


Listening worksheet: Lifestyle, Practice assessment questions (Higher extension)

Task 1

Listen to Corinne talking about her problems. Write the correct letter in each box.

Section A

1 Corinne worked at the firm …

a until fairly recently.

b for two months.

c three years ago. (1 mark)

2 At first her colleagues were ...

a irritating.

b no fun.

c amusing. (1 mark)

3 Corinne had ...

a no female colleagues.

b very few friends.

c no time to socialise. (1 mark)

Section B

4 She earned ...

a less than her colleagues.

b more than her colleagues.

c the same as her colleagues. (1 mark)

5 Her colleagues ...

a thought she showed off.

b were jealous of her.

c thought she was a good sport. (1 mark)

6 Corinne found the experience ...

a useful.

b as she expected.

c unbelievable. (1 mark)

Task 2

Listen to Paul talking about his family’s health. Then answer the questions in English.

© Oxford University Press 2014 resource sheet may have been changed from the original.



Section A

1 What happened to Paul’s sister a couple of years ago? (1 mark)


2 What could his parents not understand? (1 mark)


3 What happened after meals? (1 mark)


Section B

4 What is his mother’s attitude to alcohol? (1 mark)


5 What are two advantages for his mother of not smoking? (2 marks)



Task 3

Listen to an interview with Stefan about living on the street. Then answer the questions in English.

Section A

1 What happened when Stefan was 14? (1 mark)


2 What did his mother do to upset him? (1 mark)



Section B

3 How did Stefan’s stepfather feel towards him? (1 mark)


4 Why was Stefan in trouble with the police? (1 mark)

© Oxford University Press 2014 resource sheet may have been changed from the original.




Section C

5 What was his punishment? (1 mark)


6 Why does Stefan not like being homeless? (1 mark)


Your teacher can give you access to the audio for this worksheet.

© Oxford University Press 2014 resource sheet may have been changed from the original.


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