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Information Classification: General

German and English

Academic Usage and Academic Translation

Dirk Siepmann


1) Master Translations pg.2

2) Exercises & Solutions pg.40

Information Classification: General

1. Master Translations (see Chapter 6 in book for German originals) The translation commentaries are not meant to be exhaustive. I have deliberately omitted comments in cases

where readers can reasonably be expected to work out the solutions on their own.


Before consulting the master translation, it may be interesting to compare your version with the following

version provided by a professional translator and to identify similarities and differences, strengths and

weaknesses, etc.

Translator’s version

Sculpture and Sacrality: New Conceptions of Sculpture in Paris’s Religious Image Spaces in the Transition to

the Modern Age (1700–ca. 1850)

The period from 1700 to around 1850 – characterised on the one hand by political and institutional continuity

and on the other by far-reaching sociocultural upheaval – will for the first time serve as the framework for a

comparative study of religious sculpture which played a substantial role in the restructuring of representative

ecclesiastical spaces in Paris. The focus is on the complex sculptural ensembles in the choir or the central Lady

chapel of Notre-Dame de Paris (1710s), Saint-Sulpice (1733–1770s), Saint-Roch (1752–1760), the Madeleine

(1830–1840s) and Saint-Vincent-de-Paul (1840s). Based on the analysis and contextualisation of the five case

studies drawn from the transition to the modern era, and in contradistinction to current research trends, we

attempt to deconstruct both the bald denigration of 18th-century sacred sculpture as a restorative repetition of the

Baroque on the part of Rome, as well as the inexpressiveness imputed even by contemporaries to 19th century

conceptions. By contrast, it is important to highlight the innovative thrust that took place in religious image

spaces through the prominent sculptural mises-en-scène against the background of a wide variety of new

challenges such as the post-Council of Trent liturgical reforms, the discourses on architectural theory, critical

discourses on religion, the sociocultural caesura caused by the French revolution, and the period after the

revolution until the end of the French monarchy, marked by continuity and discontinuity. The temporal disparity

of the five case studies as well as their differences in terms of church hierarchies, architecture and patrons,

together with the involvement of different artists, provides a potentially rich source of meaningful insights into

the production of sacred sculpture and its development during the transition to the modern era.

The focus is on the analysis of the different strategies developed by Edme Bouchardon, Etienne-Maurice

Falconet, Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, Carlo Marochetti and François Rude, whose individualised articulations of the

human psyche underscore the appeal for the participation of the laity inherent in the liturgical reforms, or whose

strenuously ‘critiqued’, iconographically complex spatio-sculptural systems secure the updated sacred spaces a

place in contemporary discourse. Ultimately, in the first half of the 19th century we are dealing with figure

conceptions, which in addition and above all mark an essential cornerstone for a secular sculptural catalogue of

the modern period. Using the novel strategies that emerged in Paris between 1700 and 1850, the project has set

itself the task of pursuing the quest of these diverse artists to comprehend religiosity in times of change and

discourse, and to elicit a solution that is both contemporary and convincing.

Master translation

Skulptur und Sakralität.

Bildhauerische Neukonzeptionen

in religiösen Bildräumen von

Paris am Übergang zur Moderne

(1700 – um 1850)

Sculpture and the Sacred:

Sculptural Reconceptions

of Religious Spaces of

Visuality in Paris during

the Transition to the

Modern Period (1700 to

ca. 1850)

➢ sacrality is extremely rare in

English. Sakralarchitektur is

sacred (or religious)


➢ on Bildraum (here ≠ pictorial

space) see the discussion in

Chapter 3.5; there are both

pictorial and architectural

elements involved here

➢ space of visuality attested in

Wendy Bellion, Citizen

Spectator …, 7

Information Classification: General

Im einerseits durch politisch-

institutionelle Kontinuität sowie

andererseits durch tiefgreifende


Umbrüche geprägten Zeitraum von

1700 bis um 1850 soll erstmals in

einer vergleichenden Studie die

religiöse Skulptur untersucht

werden, die maßgeblichen Anteil an

der Neugestaltung von

repräsentativen Pariser

Kirchenräumen nahm.

This project is the first to

undertake a comparative

study of religious sculpture

in the period from 1700 to

1850, which was

characterized by political

and institutional continuity

on the one hand, and

profound social and

cultural upheaval on the

other. During this period

religious sculpture made a

major contribution to the

redesign of representational

Parisian church interiors.

➢ representative: deceptive

cognate (= false friend); Duden

definition misleading: in seiner

Art, Anlage, Ausstattung

wirkungs-, eindrucksvoll; der

Repräsentation (3) dienend;

OED records no meaning

similar to this German

definition (which would have

to rendered by stately, ornate,

etc.); Oxford Reference:

combined search for

representative and baroque: no

hits from native speaker

writings; intelligent guess:

representational; attested in: A

History of Interior Design,

101: Within the stone structure

of the Gothic church,

increasingly complex fittings,

metal grilles and gates, carved

stone screens, altars and

tombs, wooden stalls, thrones,

and pulpits were developed in

the later Middle Ages. The

carved ornamental and

representational sculpture

applied to the stone structure

was closely paralleled by the

wood carving of choir stalls

and the seats provided for the

clergy. See also Oxford

Dictionary of Art, s.v.

‘figurative art’: Art in which

recognizable figures or objects

are portrayed. The term

‘representational art’ is used

synonymously; the opposite is

non-figurative or abstract art.

Im Fokus stehen die komplexen

Skulpturensembles im Chor oder

der zentralen Chorscheitelkapelle

von Notre-Dame de Paris (1710er

Jahre), Saint-Sulpice (1733–1770er

Jahre), Saint-Roch (1752–1760),

der Madeleine (1830–1840er Jahre)

sowie Saint-Vincent-de-Paul

(1840er Jahre).

The study focuses on the

complex sculptural

ensembles found in the

choirs or Lady chapels of

Notre-Dame de Paris

(1710s), Saint-Sulpice

(1733-1770s), Saint-Roch

(1752-1760), (the church

of) the Madeleine (1830s-

1840s) and Saint-Vincent-


➢ Google Books: sculptural

ensembles (variant: sculptural


➢ Chorscheitelkapelle listed in

Glossarium Artis 8 (Saur,

Munich) and PONS

Bildwörterbuch (Klett,


Anhand der Analyse und

Kontextualisierung der fünf

Fallbeispiele am Übergang zur

Moderne soll entgegen gängiger

Forschungstendenzen die erfolgte

lapidare Abwertung der sakralen

The analysis and

contextualization of these

five case studies, situated at

the transition to modernity,

constitutes an attempt to

push back against certain

➢ var.: The analysis and

contextualization of these five

case studies is an attempt to

counter current research …

➢ subject prominence: anhand

… transformed into subject

Information Classification: General

Skulptur des 18. Jahrhunderts als

ein barock-restauratives Repetieren

Roms sowie die den Konzeptionen

des 19. Jahrhunderts bereits von

Zeitgenossen unterstellte

Ausdruckslosigkeit dekonstruiert


tendencies in current

research by deconstructing

the casual dismissal of


religious sculpture as a

restorationist rehash of the

Roman baroque and the

imputations of

‘expressionlessness’ laid on


conceptions even by


➢ sollen: either aim / seek to or,

for the sake of academic

modesty (favoured in English),

be (constitute) an attempt

➢ lapidare Abwertung: a. terse


➢ barock-restaurativ: cp.

Chapter 2.3 on adjectival

compounds; restaurativ: auf

die Wiederherstellung früherer

Verhältnisse zielend =

restorationist (OED)

➢ var.: ?the expressionlessness

imputed to nineteenth-century

conceptions even by

contemporaries (problematic

because you deconstruct a

proposition (idea, notion, etc.)

rather than a property

(quality); also: syntactic unity

(coordination of noun

[dismissal] + noun)

Dahingegen gilt es, den

Innovationsschub aufzuzeigen, der

sich in den religiösen Bildräumen

durch die prominenten skulpturalen

Inszenierungen vor dem

Hintergrund unterschiedlichster

neuer Herausforderungen wie den

liturgischen Reformen nach dem

Tridentinum, den

architekturtheoretischen sowie

religionskritischen Diskursen, der

gesellschaftlich-kulturellen Zäsur

durch die Revolution und der von

Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten

geprägten Zeit nach der Revolution

bis zum Ende des französischen

Königtums vollzog.

The aim is to bring to light

the major innovations that

occurred in the visual

character of religious

spaces. These changes were

due to the prominent

sculptural mises en scène

created against the

background of an array of

highly diverse challenges,

such as the liturgical

reforms undertaken after

the Council of Trent, the

discourses on architectural

theory and religious

criticism, the socio-cultural

watershed ushered in by the

French revolution and the

subsequent period up to the

end of the French

monarchy, a time

characterized by

continuities and


➢ splitting necessary to

foreground the aim of the

study and to produce loosely

jointed sentence structures

typical of English academic


➢ dahingegen reiterates

‘entgegen gängiger

Forschungstendenzen‘; hence

translation contextually


➢ aufzeigen: cp. Chapter 3.3 on

general academic words

➢ Bildraum ≠ pictorial space;


➢ mises en scène: German

Bildungssprache paralleled by

English reverence for French

culture (particularly

appropriate in a text on

France); variant: scenic


➢ undertaken, ushered in:

augmentation (see Chapter


➢ architekturtheoretisch,

religionskritisch: see Chapter

2.3 on adjectival compounds

Sowohl die zeitliche,


In addition to representing

a wide range of different

➢ to avoid an overlong subject in

English, syntactic

Information Classification: General

architektonische als auch


Unterschiedlichkeit der fünf case

studies in Kombination mit der

Beteiligung von unterschiedlichen

Künstlern bietet ein breites

Fundament, um aussagekräftige

Erkenntnisse in Hinblick auf die

sakrale skulpturale Produktion und

deren Entwicklung am Übergang zur

Moderne erwarten zu können.

circumstances of time,


commissioning and church

hierarchy, the five case

studies look at a number of

different artists, thus

providing a sufficiently

broad foundation to hold

out the promise of

substantial insights into the

production of religious

sculpture and its evolution

during the transition to the

modern period.

rearrangements are necessary;

var.: In representing a wide

range of different

circumstances of time,

architecture, commissioning

and church hierarchy, and in

involving various artists, the

five case studies provide a

sufficiently broad foundation

to hold out the promise of

substantial insights into the

production of religious

sculpture and its evolution

during the transition to the

modern period.

➢ rearrangement of nominals in

ascending order of length

(time, architecture, etc.)

➢ modulation (commissioner ->

commissioning) necessary to

achieve semantic uniformity

Im Zentrum steht die Analyse der

von Edme Bouchardon, Etienne-

Maurice Falconet, Jean-Baptiste

Pigalle, Carlo Marochetti und

François Rude entwickelten

unterschiedlichen Strategien, die mit

individualisierten Artikulationen

von menschlicher Psyche den den

liturgischen Reformen

innewohnenden Partizipationsappell

an den Laien unterstreichen oder mit

heftig ,rezensierten‘ ikonografisch

komplexen Raum-Skulptursystemen

den aktualisierten sakralen Räumen

einen Platz in den zeitgenössischen

Diskursen sichern.

The focus of attention will

be on the different

strategies devised by Edme

Bouchardon, Etienne-

Maurice Falconet, Jean-

Baptiste Pigalle, Carlo

Marochetti and François

Rude, each of whom gave

individual expression to the

subject of the human

psyche, emphasizing the

appeal for lay participation

inherent in the liturgical

reforms and creating

iconographically complex

systems of organizing

space in sculptural terms.

These systems became the

subject of considerable

critical review, allowing

the artists to integrate their

updated versions of sacred

spaces into contemporary


➢ sentence splitting to prevent

information overload

➢ appeal for lay participation:

➢ ➢ Raum-Skulptursysteme: a

neologism (see discussion in

Section 6.1); variants:

sculptural programme; cp.

OED: ‘a subject, theme, or

idea forming the basis for a

piece of work’; examples: This

study, greatly developed in the

19th century, has led to the

elucidation of many works of

Christian art, such as the

sculptural programmes of the

Gothic cathedrals. (The

Oxford Dictionary of Christian

Art and Architecture, 2nd ed.,

s.v. ‘iconography’); Sculptor

and master of a workshop

(*atelier) that executed

iconographically complex

sculptural programmes for

northern Italian churches (The

Oxford Dictionary of the

Middle Ages, s.v. ‘Wiligelmo

da Modena’); variant: system

of sculptural practice

organizing space; sculptural

representations (of space)

Schließlich handelt es sich in der

ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts

It is worth bearing in mind

in this connection that the

➢ schließlich: connector; ‘dient

dazu, den eingeführten Satz

Information Classification: General

um Figurenkonzeptionen, die einen

wesentlichen Grundstein auch und

vor allem für einen säkularen

Skulpturenkatalog der Moderne


first half of the nineteenth

century saw sculptors

create and render figures in

novel ways which

established an essential

base for the entire range of

secular sculptural art in the

modern period.

aufgrund einer allgemein

akzeptierten Norm als nahe

liegendes, nicht zu

bestreitendes und

entscheidendes Argument zur

Erklärung oder Begründung

für den zuvor benannten

Sachverhalt bzw. den

vorhergehenden Sprechakt

hinzustellen. Zuweilen kann

durch schließlich auch der

aktuelle Satz selber als „nahe

liegend“ gerechtfertigt

werden.‘ (Métrich&Faucher

2009: 734) [cp. Section 3.1.4

on small words; on it is worth

bearing in mind that cp.

Chapter 3.3 on general

academic phraseology]

➢ subject prominence; on the NP

(time expression) + see /

witness / etc. + NP

construction, see Chapter 4

➢ Figurenkonzeption: a common

term in literary and art

criticism recorded in several

monolingual reference sources

(with slightly different

meanings in each discipline);

no terminologized equivalent

in art history -> paraphrase;

the following example is more

self-explanatory: A more self-

explanatory context is needed:

Nach Ausweis der Fotos

handelte es sich entsprechend

dem Stil der 1330er Jahre um

schlanke Figuren, bei denen

Körper und Gewand nahezu

vollständig verschmolzen

waren. Die Skulpturen bogen

sich als Ganzes gemäß des

damaligen, noch

hochgotischen Eleganzideals.

Diese Art der


unterscheidet sich nun wenig

verwunderlich grundsätzlich

von derjenigen der

parlerischen Skulptur um

1380, die sich daher in ganz

eigener Weise zum

Tabernakelinnenraum verhält.

➢ Skulpturenkatalog: metaphor

based on the literal meaning of

Skulpturenkatalog (= catalog

of sculptures); normalization

Information Classification: General

(i.e. demetaphorization)


Das Projekt macht sich zur Aufgabe,

anhand der neuartigen Strategien,

die in Paris zwischen 1700 und 1850

entstehen, der Suche dieser

verschiedenartigen Künstler

nachzugehen, Religiosität in Zeiten

des Wandels und des Diskurses zu

begreifen und eine ebenso

zeitgemäße wie überzeugende

Lösung hervorzubringen.

By exploring the novel

strategies that emerged in

Paris between 1700 and

1850, the project aims to

retrace the quest of these

diverse artists to

understand religiosity in a

period of societal and

discoursal change and to

design persuasive solutions

appropriate to their time.

➢ persuasive: var. that carried


Text 6.2

Master translation

German source text English translation (D.S.)


Umkreisung eines Begriffs

I. Gegenwartsdiagnose und

historischer Prozessbegriff

„Globalisierung“ ist ein

Begriff der


Globalization is a term

used in the scholarly

analysis of modernity (var.

that belongs to the analysis

of modernity / from the

scholarly discourse on

modernity / that belongs to

the scholarly discourse on


see Chapter 4.1 for a detailed commentary on the

first sentence

Anfangs wenig beachtet und





beschränkt, hat dieser

Begriff in den 1990er Jahren

eine erstaunliche Karriere

erlebt. In zahlreichen

Sprachen ist er heimisch

geworden. Verschiedene


haben ihn zur Leitkategorie


Initially receiving little

attention beyond some

specialist publications by

economists, …

Though initially little

noticed (noted) and

restricted (limited) to

specialist publications by

economists, this term had

an astounding career in the

1990s, making it into

common use in many

(numerous / countless)

languages / and is now

completely at home in

many languages.

It has now been elevated to

(the status of) a core

category by various

academic disciplines.

The appositive participial clause can be imitated

in English in various ways.

beyond can be used here to say that specialist

publications by economists represent an

exception. Cp. the following citation:

To this day, the history of Sapir's ideas has

received little attention beyond some discussion

on the influences of his teacher Franz Boas.

same metaphor available in English: search for

“the career of this term” (Malcolm Spector,

Constructing Social Problems, 1987)

Spirituality is a term at home in Jewish and

Buddhist circles, among yoga enthusiasts and

Information Classification: General

environmentalists … (The Wiley Blackwell

Companion to Practical Theology)

Leitkonzept: search for (e.g.) „a * concept in

sociology“ or “a * category in economics” returns

‘a central concept’, ‘a key concept’, ‘a key

category’, ‘a core category’

‘elevate to a core category’ cp.

Täglich wächst die

Literatur, bei der es um

Globalisierung oder


Globalgeschichte oder

globalen Kapitalismus geht.

Bereits ist


erforderlich, um Schneisen

durch das semantische

Dickicht zu schlagen.

Every day brings further

growth in the literature on

globalization or globality,

on global history or global

capitalism. There is now a

need for trail-blazing

literature to cut a swathe

through the semantic

thicket surrounding


every day brings …: subject-initial construction

makes end weight possible (?day by day the

literature grows on …); new paragraph preferable

because of theme-rheme arrangement

Pfadfinderschrifttum … semantisches Dickicht:

this is an extended metaphor coined by the

authors; it should not be ‘domesticated’ or

‘normalized’; ‘pathfinding literature’ is

theoretically possible, but it is now an established

term in computing

the search for a suitable equivalent could start

from typical collocates of thicket or, alternatively,


cut (a swathe) through / hack (a pathway) through

/ penetrate the thicket

insertion of ‘surrounding globalization’ necessary

since the last use of ‘globalization’ or ‘the term’ is

too distant. This helps to anchor the theme ‘the

term’ in the next sentence, which takes up the

rheme ‘globalization’.

Wenn sich die Medien

philosophisch geben, ist der

Begriff nicht fern. Er droht

zu sprachlichem

Imponiermaterial zu

werden, um dessen genaue

Bedeutung man sich wenig

zu sorgen braucht, solange

der Anschein des Tiefsinns

skeptische Rückfragen


When the media turn

philosophical, the term

trips lightly off many a

tongue. It runs the risk of

being abused as mere

show-off language, the

precise meaning of which

is irrelevant as long as the

semblance of profundity

fends off sceptical


the general meaning of ‘sich geben’ is ‘to behave

in a certain way’; here turn (change into a

particular state) seems an appropriate equivalent

not recorded by dictionaries

Imponiermaterial: creative metaphor used with

reference to language; ‘show-off language’

Information Classification: General

Text 6.3A

English source text German translation (D.S.) Commentary

In recent years, sociologists have

increasingly turned their attention

to the role of credit in shaping key

features of American political


In jüngster Zeit richtet sich die

Aufmerksamkeit der Soziologie

verstärkt auf die Rolle des Kredits

(var.: der Kreditvergabe) bei der

Ausprägung von zentralen

Merkmalen der amerikanischen


sociologists -> Soziologie

(impersonal style, cf. Chapter


polysemous English simplex -

> German compound

This emerging literature offers a

novel vantage point from which to

reconsider long-standing questions

regarding the distinctive nature of

the American welfare state

(Logemann 2012; Prasad 2012;

Thurston 2013; Trumbull 2014) as

well as to raise new questions

exploring how credit markets

intersect distributional struggles

more often located in labor and

commodity markets (Wiley 1967;

Krippner 2011; Streeck 2011;

Fourcade and Healy 2013a).

Die aufkeimende (var.: neu

entstehende) Literatur in diesem

Bereich eröffnet einen neuen

Blickwinkel auf altbekannte Fragen

über die Besonderheit des

amerikanischen Wohlfahrtsstaates

(Logemann 2012; Prasad 2012;

Thurston 2013; Trumbull 2014),

entwickelt aber auch neue

Fragestellungen hinsichtlich von

Überschneidungen zwischen

Kreditmärkten auf der einen Seite und

Verteilungskämpfen, die häufiger auf

Arbeits- und Rohstoffmärkten

stattfinden, auf der anderen Seite

(Wiley 1967; Krippner 2011; Streeck

2011; Fourcade und Healy 2013a).

*emergente Literatur: refers

to literary works of a new


*langjährig (+ Tätigkeit,

Partner, Erfahrung)

Fragestellung: simplex ->

compound; typical general-

language item

intersect: the source text

rather unhappily coordinates

two ontologically distinct

entities (an institution [credit

market] and an event


For some scholars, the pivotal role

of credit in U.S. society originates

with the creation of a credit

infrastructure early in the 20th

century (Prasad 2012; Trumbull

2014; Quinn 2017); for others, the

critical developments are of a more

recent vintage, revolving around

the crisis of the 1970s and the

subsequent deregulation of

financial markets (Crouch 2009;

Krippner 2011; Streeck 2011).

Für einige Autoren (var.: einigen

Autoren zufolge) setzt die

Schlüsselfunktion des Kredits in der

amerikanischen Gesellschaft mit der

Schaffung einer Kreditinfrastruktur

zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts ein

(Prasad 2012; Trumbull 2014; Quinn

2017); andere situieren die

entscheidenden Entwicklungen

weniger weit zurück, in der

Wirtschaftskrise der 1970er Jahre und

der anschließenden Deregulierung der

Finanzmärkte (Crouch 2009;

Krippner 2011; Streeck 2011).

?Für einige


Autor is preferred in German

literature reviews

Notwithstanding these different

periodizations, what these accounts

share in common is an

understanding of credit as a social

lubricant that substantially eases

the state’s task of providing for the

well-being of its citizens while

Ungeachtet dieser unterschiedlichen

Periodisierungen weisen die

verschiedenen Erklärungsansätze ein

gemeinsames Verständnis von Kredit

als soziales Schmiermittel auf, das die

Aufgabe des Staates, für das

Wohlergehen seiner Bürger zu

account: simplex ->


(Erklärungsansatz); polysemy

of general-language nouns

(cf. Sections 3.1.1 and 3.3.1)

Information Classification: General

avoiding potentially explosive

conflicts over the division of

spoils in a market economy.

sorgen, wesentlich erleichtert und

gleichzeitig potenziell explosive

Konflikte (var.: Konflikte mit

Gewaltpotential) über die

(marktwirtschaftliche) Aufteilung des

Volkseinkommens (in einer

Marktwirtschaft) vermeidet.

in a market economy ->

compound adjective (cf.

Section 2.3.5)

spoils: a literal translation

(Beute) is impossible

Several key findings of this

literature merit attention.

Einige zentrale Befunde dieser

Literatur verdienen Aufmerksamkeit.

routine formula

First, scholars suggest that credit

must be understood as an integral

part of the U.S. welfare regime, a

mechanism for smoothing incomes

and redistributing wealth,

protecting against the risk and

uncertainty inherent to industrial

society, and

promoting varied social goals such

as homeownership and education.

Erstens kommen einige Autoren zu

dem Schluss, dass Kredite als

integraler Bestandteil des US-

amerikanischen Wohlfahrtssystems

verstanden werden müssen, als

Mechanismus zur Glättung von

Einkommen(-sschwankungen) und

zur Umverteilung von Vermögen

(var.: Vermögensumverteilung), der

vor der Industriegesellschaft

innewohnenden Risiken und

Unsicherheit schützt und

verschiedene gesamtgesellschaftliche

Zielsetzungen wie privates

Wohneigentum und Bildung.

vor der Industriegesellschaft

innewohnenden Risiken (cf.

Chapter 2.3.7 on the nominal


Indeed, scholars have contrasted a

distinctive American path to social

welfare based on lax credit and

anemic social spending to a

European path in which these

polarities are reversed (Logemann

2012; Prasad 2012; Trumbull


In der Tat wird bei mehreren Autoren

ein auf lockerer (var. laxer)

Kreditpolitik (var. Politik lockerer

Kredite; lockeren Krediten) und

geringen (var. niedrigen)

Sozialausgaben fußender

amerikanischer Sonderweg zur

sozialen Wohlfahrt einem

europäischen Weg gegenübergestellt,

bei dem eine umgekehrte

Prioritätensetzung (var. Setzung der

Prioritäten) vorliegt (Logemann 2012;

Prasad 2012; Trumbull 2014) [var.

einem europäischen Weg mit

umgekehrten Prioritäten / mit

umgekehrten Vorzeichen]

relative clause -> nominal

bracket (2.3.7)

reverse polarities: a common

general-language metaphor in

English academic usage;

unknown in German



nominalization (cf. Section


While these divergent welfare state

formations have sometimes been

described in terms of a “trade-off”

between credit and welfare, it is

perhaps more apt to consider free-

flowing credit as the particular

form taken by social provision in

the U.S. context rather than as an

alternative to it.

Zwar sind diese unterschiedlichen

Formen des Wohlfahrtsstaates

mitunter als "Trade-Off" (var.

Kompromiss) zwischen Kredit und

Sozialfürsorge (var. Wohlfahrt)

beschrieben worden, aber eher scheint

es angebracht (var. es ist wohl

angemessener), die Kreditfreiheit als

die spezifische Form der

Sozialvorsorge im US-Kontext zu

betrachten und nicht als eine

alternative Ausprägung derselben.

perhaps: academic modesty,

hedging, imprecision ->


?Alternative zu ihr: the

closest antecedent would be

Sozialvorsorge rather than


Information Classification: General

In this regard, understanding credit

markets as part of the infrastructure

of the state allows a more nuanced

understanding of the

implementation of social policy in

the contemporary United States

(Howard 1999; Logemann 2012;

Thurston 2013).

Eine solche Auffassung von

Kreditmärkten (var. der

Kreditmärkte) als Teil der

Infrastruktur des Staates ermöglicht

ein differenzierteres Verständnis der

Gestaltung der Sozialpolitik in den

heutigen Vereinigten Staaten

(Howard 1999; Logemann 2012;

Thurston 2013).

Text 6.3B

My translation Published translation Commentary

Der Versuch, Gewalt

primär aus der

Körperlichkeit zu

begreifen, ist für die

Soziologie neu, er wird

als Kennzeichen einer

Innovation der



Sociologists working in

violence research have

recently sought to give

an innovative (optional:

new) account of

violence, one that

emphasizes the corporeal

body (var. its


Only in the past decade

or so has sociology

begun to understand

violence primarily in

terms of its physical


This is not so much

about understanding

violence in terms of the

body (because such an

understanding requires

very little thought), but

rather about giving a

new account of violence

(or adopting a new

approach to violence, see

next sentence).


distinguishes between

the ‘lived’ (subjective)

and the objective (i.e.

corporeal) body.

one that: cf. Chapter


Aber wie soll der

Ausgangspunkt solchen

neuen Zugangs


But where should such a

new approach start?

But where does such an

approach start?

Wer über (physische)

Gewalt spricht, tut dies

oft unter Einbeziehung

weit ausgemessener

Kontexte – meist darum,

weil sich das


Reden über Gewalt auf



Current sociological

work on (physical)

violence tends to operate

within a wide context,

primarily because social

scientists focus on

causes when discussing


Sociologists who address

physical violence usually

factor in far broader

contexts, mostly because

they concentrate on its


wer: the context shows

that reference is made

only to sociologists

?within wide contexts

(the singular is just as

appropriate and more


Ursachenfrage ≠ causal

question (which refers

literally to questions

asking about causes:

why …?) / causation

issues (used in tort law)

Der Frage, worüber man

denn eigentlich zu reden

gedenke, wird ein - oft

nicht explizites –

Questions about the

actual subject matter of

research are framed

Framing the question

about what to look for is

a (usually implicit) set of

Hypothesenkonvolut: a

rare, learned compound;

somewhat pejorative;

Konvolut = Bündel (z.B.

Information Classification: General



amidst an often unclear

tangle of hypotheses.

hypotheses about where

to look for it.

von Schriftstücken);

worüber man zu reden

gedenke = der


questions rather than

question because we are

talking about what

several social scientists

do; the published

translation is guilty of


Man will gleichsam erst

wissen, wo man suchen

soll, bevor man sich an

die Frage macht,


It is as if we started by

looking for a place to

explore before asking

what we are looking for.

Die in diesem Buch


Überlegungen beziehen

die Frage ein, ob die

Konzentration auf die

Ursachen von Gewalt

nicht ein Teil des

Problems ist, das die

Moderne mit den

Phänomenen der Gewalt

selber hat.

The argument put

forward here (var. in this

book) factors in (var.

takes account of, gives

due consideration to) the

question whether a focus

on causes of violence

might not be part of

modernity’s problem

with the phenomena of


One claim I make in this

book is that an emphasis

on cause is part of

modernity’s problem

with violence.

ein Problem haben mit

etw. -> literal translation

impossible here

Überlegungen: see

Chapter 3.1.1; claim is

inadequate here

although there is a

general tendency to

move from generic to

specific turns of phrase

(see Chapter 2.4.2), the

published translation

goes a little too far in the

direction of generality,

oversimplifying the

German text

Zunächst soll also nicht

nach Motiven, Absichten

oder gar psychischen

Dispositionen gesucht

werden, um Typen der

Gewalt zu unterscheiden,

es soll ebenso auf jede

Verbindung einer

besonderen Form von

Gewalttat mit den

Absichten oder

Wünschen des

Gewalttäters verzichtet

werden, worunter auch

die gern getroffene

Unterscheidung von

instrumenteller und

This is why, in an

attempt to distinguish

different types of

violence, we will not be

asking, in the first

instance, (var. we will

not begin by asking / we

will not raise the issue

of) about motives,

intentions or even


dispositions; nor will we

seek to make any

connection between a

particular form of violent

act and the intentions or

desires of the

perpetrator, thereby also

excluding from

I would thus like to

bracket the issue of

causation from the

outset, putting aside

questions of motive,

intention, and mental


the published translation

follows a popularizing

strategy (which

oversimplifies the

original and is not in

keeping with academic


Information Classification: General

existentieller Gewalt


consideration the

common distinction

between instrumental

and existential violence.

Es mag für bestimmte

Zwecke sinnvoll sein,

eine Gewalttat als pures

Mittel zu einem Zweck

und eine andere als

Ausdrucksform einer

mentalen Disposition

oder einer


Lebensform anzusehen.

It may be useful (var. it

may make sense), for

particular purposes, to

regard one act of

violence as a mere

means to an end, and

another as the expression

of a mental disposition

or a group-specific form

of life.

In certain cases it may be

useful to regard an act of

violence as a means to

an end, as an expression

of a mental state, or as a

characteristic of a

specific group, …

Zweck is a key term in

science = purpose

Disposition ≠ state

Ausdrucksform =

expression (shift from

simplex to compound

and from specific to

generic noun)

Lebensform = form of

life (cp. for example

Martin Hollis, The

Blackwell Companion to

Philosophy, s.v.

Philosophy of Social


Auch in der


Abhandlung wird

zuweilen Gewalt als


bezeichnet werden, aber

in einem anderen,

weniger grundsätzlichen

Sinn, dann, wenn auf

einen bestimmten Zweck

(und eine


hingewiesen werden soll.

The present discussion

(var. treatment), too, will

(var. also) sometimes

speak of (var. refer to)

violence as

‘instrumental’, but in a

different, less

fundamental sense,

namely whenever

reference is made to a

particular purpose or a

particular rhetoric (var.

mode) of legitimation.

(var. in the present

treatment, violence will

sometimes be referred to

as …)

…, and at times, I will

also speak of violence as

“instrumental.” But

when I do, I use it not in

strict opposition to


violence, as the popular

distinction would have it,

but in a less fundamental

sense: to point out a

particular aim and model

of legitimation.


tropes are rhetorical

figures based on

metaphor, metonymy,

synecdoche or irony;

Reemtsma here stretches

the use of the word

beyond this established

meaning; my proposal is

based on a shift towards

a more generic term

(rhetoric of legitimation

[search for ‘[n*] of

legitimation’ in Google

Books Corpus])

Ich schlage vor, folgende

drei Formen physischer


phänomenologisch nach

ihrem speziellen

Körperbezug zu


- lozierende Gewalt,

- raptive Gewalt,

- autotelische Gewalt.

I propose to make a


distinction between three

forms of physical

violence by (var. in)

virtue of the relation of

each to the body:

locative, raptive and

autotelic violence.

I propose that the

following forms of

physical violence be

distinguished based on

their phenomenological

relation to the body:

locative violence, rap-

tive violence, and

autotelic violence


unterscheiden: adverb +

verb -> noun + adjective

(see Introduction and

Chapter 2.4.2)

in virtue of: typical

preposition used in

philosophy; hence

appropriate to this

context (see Section 6.6)

Lozierende Gewalt

behandelt den Körper

des Anderen als Masse,

Locative violence treats

the other’s body as a

mass which is assigned a

Locative violence treats

the other’s body as a

mass to be allocated. It

allocate ≠ assign

Information Classification: General

der ein Ort zugewiesen

wird. Sie verfügt »Weg

von dort!« oder


place. It issues the

command (var. order):

‘Move away from here’!’

or ‘Move over there!’.

issues the command

“Move away from here!”

or “Move over there!”

Man könnte auch von

»dislozierender« und

»captiver« Gewalt

sprechen. Lozierende

Gewalt richtet sich nicht

auf den Körper als

solchen, sondern auf den

Körper als verschiebbare

Masse. Er ist im Weg

oder muss irgendwo

hingebracht werden, an

einen speziellen Ort, wo

er gebraucht wird.

One could also speak of

‘dislocative’ and

‘captive’ violence.

Locative violence is not

directed at the body as

such, but at the body as a

displaceable mass (var.:

see published

translation). It is in the

way and has to be taken

somewhere, to a special

place where it is needed.

Locative violence does

not center on the body

qua body but qua

displaceable entity—

something in the way,

something to be moved

as needed.

Raptive Gewalt benutzt

den Körper, um an ihm

irgendwelche (meist

sexuelle) Handlungen zu


Autotelische Gewalt will

den Körper beschädigen

oder zerstören.

Raptive violence uses

the body to perform

some act on it, usually of

a sexual nature (var. to

do something to it,

usually of a sexual


(see published


Raptive violence uses

the body as a place to

execute some sort of

(usually sexual) act.

Autotelic violence seeks

to damage or destroy the


‘on it’ missing in

published translation

Information Classification: General

Text 6.4A

A tale of two countries, Venezuela

and Chile, illustrates


Die Makroökonomik sei zunächst

am Beispiel der jüngeren

Geschichte zweier Länder,

Venezuela und Chile,


a tale of two countries: allusion to

Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities; the

translation could be modelled on

the standard translation of this title

(Eine Geschichte aus zwei

Städten), but the allusion would

probably be lost on modern

readers; die Geschichte zweier

Länder is more idiomatic

A literal translation (‘…

veranschaulicht die

Makroökonomie‘) would flout

German textual conventions

The first country is Venezuela, the

richest oil-based economy in Latin

America and the largest supplier

of crude oil to the United States.

Venezuela ist die reichste auf

Ölexport basierende (var.

beruhende) Wirtschaft

Lateinamerikas und der größte

Rohöllieferant der Vereinigten


oil-based ≠ (erd-)ölbasiert, which

is normally used with reference to

the transition from oil towards

renewable energies

During the 1990s, Venezuela

suffered from low oil prices and

rising inflation but made gradual

progress in per capita income.

In den 1990er Jahren litt

Venezuela unter niedrigen

Ölpreisen und steigender Inflation,

machte aber langsame Fortschritte

beim Pro-Kopf-Einkommen.

Adjusted for inflation,

Venezuelans earned $4,000 per

person in 1985, and by the late

1990s, the figure had reached

$5,600 per person.

Inflationsbereinigt verdienten die

Venezolaner 1985 4.000 Dollar

pro Person, am Ende der 1990er

Jahre bereits 5.600 Dollar pro

Person (var. am Ende der 1990er

Jahre hatte diese Zahl bereits …


Things were going well. Then in

1998 Hugo Chavez, a Marxist

military leader, became

Venezuela’s 53rd president and

immediately began a campaign to

combat poverty, illiteracy and

other social ills through

democratic socialism.

Es herrschte also ein deutlicher

Aufwärtstrend (var. Es ging

aufwärts.) 1998 wurde dann Hugo

Chávez, ein Berufsoffizier und

Führer einer sozialistisch-

marxistisch geprägten Partei, zu

Venezuelas 53. Präsidenten

gewählt. Unmittelbar nach seiner

Amtseinführung begann er eine

Kampagne zur Bekämpfung von

Armut, Analphabetismus und

anderen sozialen Missständen

durch den demokratischen


things were going well: cf.

Chapter 3.1.5 on informal words

and expressions (*es lief gut)

Marxist military leader: this is –

shall we say – a trifle American in

wording and ideology, and also


more formal style in German;

greater precision and

specification: wurde gewählt,

nach seiner Amtseinführung

At the same time, he imposed new

taxes and restrictions on the

wealthy classes and on trade,

including foreign exchange

Gleichzeitig belastete er die

vermögenden Schichten und den

Handel mit neuen Steuern und

Einschränkungen, darunter auch

Devisenkontrollen und eine

impose taxes and restrictions:

both nouns collocate well with the

verb = mit Steuern und

Einschränkungen belasten

Information Classification: General

controls and higher taxes on the

oil companies.

höhere Besteuerung der


(belegen); Steuern und

Beschränkungen einführen (für)

Chavez also joined Cuban Fidel

Castro in attacking U. S. foreign

policy as imperialistic.

Chavez schloss sich auch Fidel

Castros Kritik an der

amerikanischen Außenpolitik als

imperialistisch an.

From the time Chavez took office,

and until his death in 2013,

Venezuela’s economy floundered,

despite higher oil prices that

should have improved the GDP.

Seit dem Amtsantritt von Chávez

und bis zu seinem Tod 2013 geriet

die Wirtschaft Venezuelas trotz

einer Erhöhung der Ölpreise, die

das Bruttoinlandsprodukt hätte

verbessern sollen (eigentlich hätte

verbessern müssen), in eine


(var. trotz einer auf eine

Verbesserung des

Bruttoinlandsproduktes zielende

Erhöhung …)

flounder: Anglophone economics

is rich in (usually outworn)

metaphors; these are also found in

German journalism, but rare in

academic usage

higher oil prices -> Erhöhung der

Ölpreise: standard transposition in

economics texts (see for example

Grojer 1991)

the English supplement (trotz

einer Erhöhung der Ölpreise)

should be re-positioned within the

verbal bracket in German (see

Sections 2.4.2 on superabundance

of adverbials and 2.4.3 on


Many wealthy Venezuelans left

their country for the United States,

and per capita real GDP declined.

During Chavez’s reign, Venezuela

suffered from severe inflation,

nationalization, growing deficits,

and high unemployment.

Viele wohlhabende Venezolaner

siedelten in die USA um, und das

reale Pro-Kopf-BIP ging zurück.

Während der Amtszeit (var.

Regierungszeit, Amtsperiode) von

Chávez hatte Venezuela mit einer

massiven Inflation, wachsenden

Defiziten, hoher Arbeitslosigkeit

und den Folgen der von Chavez


Verstaatlichungspolitik zu


?unter Inflation leiden is a low-

probability co-occurrence; in

addition, nationalization is

semantically incompatible with

the nouns surrounding it -> mit

den Folgen der Verstaatlichung

Chavez won re-election in 2012,

but was accused of electoral fraud,

human rights violations, and

assaulting democracy in favor of


Chávez wurde 2012 unter

Vorwürfen von Wahlbetrug,

Menschenrechtsverletzungen und

Angriffen auf die demokratische

Ordnung wiedergewählt.

The 2013 Index of Economic

Freedom, issued annually by the

Heritage Foundation and the Wall

Street Journal, now lists

Venezuela in the “repressed”


Der jährlich von der Heritage

Foundation und dem Wall Street

Journal erstellte Index für

wirtschaftliche Freiheit führte

Venezuela 2013 in der Kategorie

"unfrei" auf.

repressed: literally unterdrückt ->

modulation (the index is about the

degree of freedom enjoyed by

economic agents in particular


Chavez could have learned some

important macroeconomic lessons

if he had studied the economy of

its neighbor to the South—Chile.

Chávez hätte einiges in Sachen

Makroökonomie dazulernen

können, wenn er die Wirtschaft

seines südlichen Nachbarn (var.

Nachbarlandes) Chile studiert

(var. näher betrachtet) hätte.

*makroökonomische Lehren /

Lektionen: Lehren are the

teachings of Karl Marx and other


Information Classification: General

Like Venezuela, Chile was known

as a one-commodity country

(copper) and was run into the

ground by the populist Marxist

president Salvador Allende in the

early 1970s.

Wie Venezuela war das Land

damals vom Export eines einzigen

Produkts (Kupfer) abhängig.

Anfang der 1970er Jahre wurde es

durch den populistisch-

marxistischen Präsidenten

Salvador Allende in den

wirtschaftlichen Ruin geführt.

one-commodity country: a rare

technical term -> paraphrase

populistisch-marxistisch: coinage

of an adjectival compound (see

Section 2.3.5)

run into the ground: another

metaphor that should be

normalized (*in den Boden

gestampft wurde)

A military junta, under the

direction of General Augusto

Pinochet, took over the nation in a

coup d’état in 1973 after Chile

suffered from nationalization,

shortages, and runaway inflation.

Eine Militärjunta unter der

Führung von General Augusto

Pinochet riss 1973 in dem durch

Verstaatlichungen, Knappheit und

galoppierende Inflation

gezeichneten Land die Macht an

sich. (var. Nachdem Chile mit …

zu kämpfen hatte)

German presents information

within the verbal bracket; a clause

introduced by nachdem that

followed the main clause would

sound like an afterthought; a pre-

posed subordinate clause is

possible, though

General Pinochet ran a repressive

military regime, but adopted free-

market reforms advocated by the

“Chicago boys” economists. The

government cut taxes, stabilized

the money supply, eliminated

protectionist measures, and

denationalized the economy

(except for the copper industry).

General Pinochet etablierte (var.

errichtete / installierte) ein

repressives (var.

unterdrückerisches) Militärregime,

führte jedoch marktwirtschaftliche

Reformen durch, wie sie von der

Chicagoer Schule befürwortet

wurden. Die Regierung senkte die

Steuern, stabilisierte die

Geldmenge, hob

protektionistische Maßnahmen auf

und reprivatisierte die Wirtschaft

(mit Ausnahme der


run a regime: an interesting

collocational gap which fulfils the

Oper(ate) function in Mel’cuk’s

terminology; there is no German

collocation that can serve exactly

the same function (*ein Regime

führen would mean ‘be the leader

of a regime’)

Chicago boys: this reference

would be lost on the German

reader; Chicagoer Schule is the

established term

denationalized: not

entnationalisieren, which denotes

different processes in German

(among others, Umvolkung and


In the early 1980s, the

government-run social insurance

pension system collapsed, and

Jose Pinera, the labor secretary,

created the first privatized social

security system. Chile enjoyed

rapid economic growth and high

rates of capital formation. By the

early 1990s, Pinochet retired and

democracy returned. Since then,

Anfang der 1980er Jahre brach

das staatliche


zusammen, woraufhin Jose Pinera,

der Arbeitsminister, das erste


Sozialversicherungssystem (der

Welt) errichtete. Chile

verzeichnete ein rasches

Wirtschaftswachstum und hohe

Kapitalbildungsraten. Anfang der

1990er Jahre zog Pinochet sich

and: dispreferred as a linking

word in German

retire: not *in den Ruhestand


democracy returned: var. die

Demokratie kehrte zurück is

Information Classification: General

Chile has served as a counter

model to Venezuela.

zurück und es kam zu einem

erneuten Wechsel des politischen

Systems (var. es begann die

Transition). Seither (var. seitdem)

gilt Chile als Gegenmodell zu


possible but has not been used

here to avoid repetition of zurück

Text 6.4 B and C

Transaktionsgeschehen am Markt

mit Mietwohnungsbeständen

Transactions on markets in

rented residential property

Der Handel mit

Mietwohnungsbeständen und ganzen

Wohnungsunternehmen wird in der

Öffentlichkeit weiterhin mit großem

Interesse verfolgt. Das BBSR erfasst

das aktuelle Handelsgeschehen in seiner

Datenbank Wohnungstransaktionen.

Halbjährlich veröffentlichen wir eine

aktuelle Auswertung zur Entwicklung

und Struktur der Transaktionen von

Mietwohnungsbeständen. Im

vergangenen Jahr hat sich die

Entwicklung der letzten Jahre

fortgesetzt: Die Zahl der Transaktionen

von großen Portfolios ab 800

Wohneinheiten sank zum fünften Mal in

Folge. Die Zahl der gehandelten

Wohnungen stieg dagegen leicht an, da

erstmals seit 2016 wieder ein Paket mit

10.000 Wohnungen verkauft wurde.

Hintergrund der verhaltenen

Marktaktivitäten ist das geringe

Angebot an verfügbaren

Wohnungsportfolios. Daran dürfte sich

auch in diesem Jahr nur wenig ändern.

Trade in residential rental

property and entire property

companies is continuing to

attract public interest. The

Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt-

und Raumforschung (Federal

Institute for Research on

Building, Urban Affairs and

Spatial Development) records

current trading conditions in its

database of transactions

involving flats. We publish a

semi-annual up-to-date analysis

on trends and structures

observed in rental portfolio

transactions. Last year saw a

continuation of the trend of

recent years, with the number of

transactions involving large

portfolios in excess of 800

housing units declining for the

fifth consecutive time. There

was a slight rise in the number

of flats being traded, with a

batch of 10,000 flats being sold

for the first time since 2016. The

reason for the subdued housing

market activity is that rental

portfolios are currently in short

supply, and little change is

expected for the current year.

residential rental property

(various sources);

UK source: Keth Scanlon and

Ben Kochlan (eds.), Towards a

sustainable private rented sector

…, London School of

Economics 2011.

US source: Wiley CPA [certified

public accountant] Examination

Review, Volume 1: Outlines and

Study Guides: a building or

structure with 80 per cent or

more of its rental income from

dwelling units)


rented residential property,

property companies (Financial

Times, 19.07.2011)

private equity funds — vast

pools of capital that buy and sell

entire companies (New York

Times, 25.04.2014)

Wohneinheit: dwelling unit,

housing unit, housekeeping unit,

living unit (IATE/TERMIUM)

das aktuelle Handelsgeschehen

erfassen: top collocate

(Sketchengine search): trading

conditions (market conditions)

Entwicklung und Struktur der

Transaktionen: trends and

structures / patterns + V-ed / V-

ing (observed in; cp. Chapter

Information Classification: General

2.3.1 on participial

augmentation); var.: in the

domestic private rented sector

Transaktionen von

Mietwohnungsbeständen :

Immobilienpreisentwicklungen –

Übertreibungen oder Normalität?

Trends in property prices –

are they exaggerated or


Märkte für Vermögensobjekte wie

Immobilien sind anfällig für


Selbstüberschätzung, Herdentrieb und

andere „Verhaltensanomalien“ der

Kapitalanleger können dazu führen,

dass sich einmal angestoßene

Preistrends selbst verstärken und es zur

Bildung von Preisblasen kommt, die in

eine spekulationsgetriebene Schulden-

und Bankenkrise münden. Das

Forschungsprojekt untersucht, ob der

seit 2009 zu beobachtende Preisanstieg

für Wohnimmobilien auf eine

Preisblase hindeutet. Dazu soll ein

Mess- und Analysesystem entworfen

werden, anhand dessen frühzeitig

Überhitzungen identifiziert werden


Markets in assets such as

property are susceptible to

excessive price spikes. Inflated

self-esteem, the herd mentality

and other ‘abnormal

behaviours’ exhibited by

investors may lead to an

incipient upward trend in prices

fuelling itself further, thus

creating a price bubble which in

turn precipitates a speculation-

driven debt and banking crisis.

With this in mind, the research

project investigates whether the

rise in housing prices observed

since 2009 can be seen as

evidence of a price bubble. The

aim is to develop a measurement

and analysis system that will

enable timely identification of

signs of overheating.

price + spike + excessive

speculation-driven capital

markets (Guardian 2013)

Überhitzungen identifizieren =

identify overheating?; signs of


Information Classification: General

Text 6.5

Sich auf den Traum einlassen heißt

in den Untergrund gehen:

To tune into dreams is to go


In an ancient landscape still

untouched by the ravages of

tourism, Susan Marling tuned

into a world of fantasy that

left both Lawrence of Arabia

and Steven Spielberg


into gadgets.

Women make better detectives

because they are so tuned into

the subtleties of people's


use of the definite article with

Traum: borderline case between

individual and generic meaning;

best translated by a plural; Duden

definition ‘auf etw. eingehen’ not

particularly helpful; PONS: get

(emotionally) involved comes

closer; better: tune into

note the construction: X heißt Y =

to-INF is to-INF

in den Untergrund gehen carries

connotations of (political) illegality

(go underground)

allen festen Halt preisgeben, den das

Establishment eingeschliffener

Sitten und Gewohnheiten,

Wahrnehmungs- und Denkformen

zu bieten pflegt, und abtauchen in

jene Vorzeit, jene disparate, diffuse

halluzinatorische Empfindungs- und

Bilderwelt, aus der menschliche

Kultur sich einst mühsam erhoben


to loosen the hold which our

inner Establishment of deeply

ingrained habits, customs,

perceptions and ways of

thinking has on us, and to

plunge (var. descend) into the

primordial world, that

disparate, hazy (var. blurry,

nebulous) hallucinatory world

of sensations and images from

which human culture once

struggled to emerge.

*give up a / one’s firm hold is

unidiomatic (take / grab a firm

hold); loosen all / one’s hold / one’s

grip are potential equivalents but

they are not normally followed by a

relative clause

perceptions rather than ‘forms of

perception’ (see Chapter 2.1)

disparat (+ Nebeneinander,

Forschungsstand, Quelle, Befund,

Wirklichkeit) = ungleichartig, nicht

zueinanderpassend = disparate;

diffus = unklar, ungeordnet,

konturlos, verschwommen ≠ diffuse

(= verbose and ill-organized)

Für Menschen gibt es zweierlei

Vorzeit: diejenige, die sie als Kinder

durchleben, ehe die Parameter der

Kultur recht greifen, und diejenige,

die die Menschheit als ganze schon

durchgemacht haben muss, damit

jeder einzelne sie noch einmal im

Zeitraffer durchlaufen kann.

For humans there are two

types of early life or

prehistory: that which (the

one) they live through [var.

experience] as children, before

the parameters of culture close

in on them [var. get a real (var.

tight[er], serious) grip (var.

hold) on them], and that which

(the one) humanity as a whole

must already have passed

through for each of us to be

able to do the same in fast-

forward mode.

Vorzeit and Vorgeschichte are

synonymous here; there is an

allusion here to the psychoanalytic

sense of Vorgeschichte; in German

Vorgeschichte also refers to a

patient’s medical and personal

history (his or her antecedents)

Parameter = a vague term; equally

popular in English with the same


Zeitraffer (literally) = time-lapse

photography; here: in fast-forward

mode (cf. But there is also a sense

that we are experiencing history in

Information Classification: General

fast-forward mode, as

transformations accumulate in

economic practice, in social and

religious experience, … R.F.

Forster, Luck and the Irish: A Brief

History from 1870)

Nun ist zwar evident, dass unsere

individuelle Vorzeit nie ganz


It is obvious that our

individual prehistory never

quite ends.

nun: concessive marker

Niemand ist in der Lage, die

Verletzungen und Wünsche seiner

Kindheit so vollständig zu

verarbeiten, dass rein gar nichts

davon zurückbliebe.

No one can deal with (var.:

work through / confront /

come to terms with) all the

harms [var. injuries, hurts,

wrongs] and desires [var.

wishes] of childhood in a way

that will eliminate them


verarbeiten (cf. aufarbeiten,

bewältigen, often used with

reference to the Nazi era): a term

originally used by Adorno, distinct

from Freud’s durcharbeiten; it

means ‘to confront the past in all its

horror in order to break its spell’

Deshalb bleibt jeder ein bisschen

Kind; niemand wird

hundertprozentig erwachsen, und die

Gärungsmasse unserer Träume ist

eine ständig wiederkehrende

Erinnerung daran.

That’s why (that is why)

everyone keeps something of

the child in them; no one

grows up fully, and the

ferment of our dreams is [our

fermenting dreams are] a

constant reminder of that.

Gärungsmasse: original metaphor

drawn from wine growing;

normalization recommended

(?fermentation mass of our dreams)

Doch was hat sie noch mit der

Vorzeit der Menschen zu tun?

But how does it relate to the

prehistory of the human race?

Gärt auch die noch im Traumleben

des 21. Jahrhunderts unbewältigt


Does this prehistory continue

to ferment in the dream life of

[var. dreams we dream in] the

21st century?

extended metaphor

Ist sie dafür nicht viel zu lange her? Isn’t it too long ago for that to

be possible?

dafür = for that to be possible

Gewiß, sie ist in unvorstellbare

Ferne gerückt. Gerade das aber

bringt sie in die Nähe des Traums.

Wenn wir träumen, verliert unser

Zeitempfinden jegliche


Certainly, it has become

remote beyond imagination.

This, however, is precisely

what brings it closer to

dreams: when we dream, our

sense of time goes beyond the

relativity of the present.

cf. relative = ‘that exists or has a

specific quality only in comparison

to something else’

th-wh clause to achieve theme-

rheme arrangement

Etwas Ähnliches geschieht, wenn

wir versuchen, an den


zurückzudenken. Oder kann sich

irgend jemand eine Spanne von 2,5

Millionen Jahren plastisch


Something similar happens

when we try to cast our minds

back to the beginning of

humanity (var.: the origins of

humankind). Or can anyone

seriously imagine a time span

of 2.5 million years?

Damit sind auch die Fachleute für

die Vorzeit, die Paläontologen,

hoffnungslos überfordert.

That’s out of the reach even of

[var. totally out of reach even

for] those specializing in

Information Classification: General

prehistory, the so-called


Und doch verfügen sie inzwischen

über genügend biochemische

Hilfsmittel, um aus Knochenresten,

Erdformationen und Steinen eine

Geschichte zu rekonstruieren, die

einerseits so schemenhaft-undeutlich

bleibt, dass sie nicht aufhört, wie ein

Traum anzumuten, und sich

andrerseits als wissenschaftliches

Resultat ganz nüchtern erzählen


And yet they now have a

sufficient biochemical

armamentarium [var. enough

biochemical instruments] to

reconstruct from bits of bone,

earth formations and stones a

history that remains so vague

[var. hazy] in its contours as to

appear like a dream, while at

the same time it can be

narrated quite soberly as an

outcome of science.

Text 6.6

Kleinstädte in Deutschland – Ein


Small towns in Germany: an


Kleinstädte sind eine von der Forschung

vernachlässigte Siedlungskategorie und

ein zu wenig beachteter Stadttyp. Fast

jede Veröffentlichung zum Thema

Kleinstädte leitet mit diesem Statement

ein. Die Stadtforschung ist auf

Großstädte fixiert. Die Geografie und

verwandte Disziplinen subsumieren

Kleinstädte meist unter die ländlichen

Räume. Die Forschung zu ländlichen

Räumen konzentriert sich dabei auf die

Dörfer. Damit sind Kleinstädte quasi

weiße Flecken auf der Landkarte – nicht

bedeutend genug für die Stadtforschung

und nicht ländlich genug für die


Small towns (defined in

Germany as towns with a

population of 5,000 to 20,000)

constitute an under-researched

(var. understudied) settlement

category and are not being paid

enough attention as a town type

– this is the kind of prefatory

remark one comes across in

almost any publication on the

subject. The field of urban

studies has a fixation on large

cities. Geography and related

disciplines tend to subsume

small towns under the category

of rural areas, with research on

rural areas focussing on

villages. Does this mean that

small towns can still be regarded

as something approaching voids

on the map – a terra incognita

that is not sufficiently

significant for urban studies and

not sufficiently rural for spatial


The term Kleinstadt deserves

special attention. On the one

hand, it readily translates into

English as small town. On the

other, its definition varies from

country to country, and there

does not appear to be an agreed-

upon definition in the

Anglophone literature. It is

advisable therefore to

accompany the term with a


more tightly knit thematic

progression is achieved by

starting the second English

sentence with this (cf. Section


Oddly enough, Statement has

acquired a rather specific sense

in German (‘generelle Aussage’)

which is not necessarily always

matched by English statement

eine Fixierung haben (see

Chapter 4.1.1)

damit: this pronominal adverb

normally has conclusive force

(‘hence’, ‘consequently’), but

making a shift from adverb to

Information Classification: General

verb (mean; see Section 2.4.2) is

preferable here, especially since

we are dealing with a question

weiße Flecken auf der

Landkarte: this common

metaphor alludes to the heady

days of exploration and

discovery, when mapmakers had

not yet fully charted the earth;

the English equivalent is ‘voids

on the map’: By the latter half of

the 18th century, however, at the

time of the American Revolution

and explosive intellectual

growth throughout Europe, the

northwestern corner of North

America and the adjacent

Pacific were still voids on the

map … (W. Tad Pfeffer)

a terra incognita: use of a

supplemental relative clause (cf.

Section 2.4.3)

Die Raumplanung hat die Kleinstädte

erst im Zuge des demografischen

Wandels „wiederentdeckt“.

Insbesondere in den besonders

betroffenen, ländlichen und/oder

peripher gelegenen Regionen sollen die

Kleinstädte soziale Infrastrukturen für

ihre Bevölkerung und die ihres

Umlandes bündeln. In diesem Kontext

ist häufig von „Ankerfunktionen“ die

Rede, die Kleinstädte einnehmen sollen.

Spatial planning has

‘rediscovered‘ small towns only

as a result of demographic

change, which has had a

significant impact on remote

rural and/or accessible rural

areas that lie within commuting

distance of metropolitan areas.

It is especially in these areas that

small towns are expected to

provide social infrastructure

both for their own population

and for that of the surrounding

areas, a function often referred

to as ‘anchoring’.

The double emphasis achieved

by the somewhat infelicitous

sequence insbesondere …

besonders is impossible to

imitate in English (*especially in

the particularly affected …

regions); the idea of ‘besondere

Betroffenheit’ has therefore

been rendered in a supplemental

relative clause appended to the

first sentence; the second

sentence then takes up as theme

the rheme ‘remote rural and/or

accessible rural areas …’ and

highlights it by resorting to an it-


ländliche und/oder peripher

gelegen: peripher gelegen is not

a clearly defined term; probably,

a distinction is being made

between areas that lie on the

periphery of a city and those that

do not; however, the term could

also refer to areas near borders

with other countries; the

translation attempts to strike a

compromise between these two

interpretations: either areas are

Information Classification: General

remote or they are more or less

close to a large city

Ankerfunktion: Cp. The findings

reported here are based on a

study of three organisations

operating at an urban scale in

different cities in the north of

England and providing an

‘anchoring’ function within the

urban economy (Taylor & Luter,

2013) [Dobson, J. (2019)

Reinterpreting urban institutions

for sustainability: How

epistemic networks shape

knowledge and logics.

Environmental Science and

Policy, 92. pp. 133-140.]

the ‘anchoring’ function of

exogenous geographic factors

[Ballinger, Clint. "Why

geographic factors are necessary

in development studies." (2011)]

Mobilität im ländlichen Raum Mobility in rural areas

Ländliche Räume sind aufgrund ihrer

Bevölkerungsdichte, Siedlungsstruktur

und Wirtschaftskraft stärker vom

demografischen Wandel betroffen als

andere Räume. Dies wirkt sich auch auf

das Mobilitätsmanagement aus: Im

ländlichen Raum braucht es andere

Maßnahmen als in Städten, um das

individuelle Mobilitätsverhalten

zielorientiert zu beeinflussen. Ein

wesentlicher Aspekt bleibt in beiden

Fällen aber gleich: Die

Verantwortlichen müssen die

Bevölkerung bei Projekten


Due to their population density,

settlement structure and

economic performance, rural

areas are more profoundly

affected by demographic change

than other areas. This has

implications for mobility

management: rural areas require

policies that differ from those of

large cities if they wish to

influence individuals’ mobility

behaviour in the desired

direction. One essential aspect,

however, remains the same,

regardless of area: those in

authority need to win public

approval for their projects.

this text uses standard

terminology that is easy to find

in the major lexicographic


die Verantwortlichen: *those


mitnehmen: a colloquial term

meaning ‘to win approval /


Demografischer Wandel und

Heterogenität der ländlichen Räume

sorgen für einige spezifische

Herausforderungen. Wirtschaftskraft

und eine angemessene Lebensqualität

für die Bevölkerung vor Ort müssen

gewährleistet werden. Fehlende

finanzielle Ressourcen erschweren das

jedoch zunehmend.

Demographic change and the

heterogeneity of rural areas

present a number of specific

challenges. It is imperative to

ensure economic prosperity and

an adequate quality of life for

local populations, a task made

increasingly difficult by a lack

of financial resources.

the text offers opportunities for

sentence combining, as

illustrated by the supplemental

relative clause (a task …)

Text 6.7

Information Classification: General

Züge des Quintettsatzes Textural features of the quintet *Setting characteristics

Meine letzten Anmerkungen zur

Entstehung des Streichquintetts bei

Boccherini bezogen sich auf das

Biographische, auf äußere

Anregungen und gewisse


What I have just been saying about

the background to Boccherini’s

string quintets was mainly

biographical in nature, focussing

on external factors which

stimulated his work and the

conditions of employment.

meine letzten Anmerkungen: not

*my previous comments regarding

(cf. Section 3.3)

Anregungen: not *motivations (cf.

Section 3.3)

Arbeitsbedingungen: not

*conditions which influenced his

work (cf. Section 3.3)

Doch möchte ich nun einen Blick

auf das entscheidende Merkmal

der Gattung Streichquintett

werfen, also auf den musikalischen


Now I would like to turn my

attention to the distinguishing

feature of the string quintet as a

genre, namely its musical texture.

Satz: not *its musical setting (see

introductory text above)

Ich beginne bei Mozart. In der

Forschung ist man sich einig darin,

dass sich Mozarts Streichquintette

durch das Merkmal einer

besonderen satztechnischen

Differenziertheit auszeichnen.

Let me begin with Mozart. There is

broad agreement among

researchers (var. scholars) (in the

field) that Mozart’s string quintets

are distinguished by a particular

refinement of textural technique

(var. by an ultra-refinement of

textural design / textural treatment

/ textural features / texture).

satztechnische Differenziertheit:

the learned words differenziert

(‚fein bis ins einzelne abgestuft‘ /

Differenzierheit and differentiated

/ differentiation are false friends:

the English word refers, among

other things, to the act of

recognizing a difference or the

process of becoming dissimilar,

while the German word describes

the state of being refined); hence,

‘textural differentiation’ would

refer to the fact that several voices

or parts can be distinguished; cp.

‘ultra-refinement of style’ (John

Daverio, with reference to

Beethoven’s string quartets); cp.

the following sentence from

Enyclopedia Britannica,

Micropedia, s.v. symphony:

Especially in their later

symphonies Mozart and Haydn

achieved a refinement of detail,

balance, and elegance never

surpassed by any other symphony


Die fünf Stimmen des

Mozart’schen Besetzungstyps, 2

Vl, 2 Vle und Vc, bilden einen

Rahmen, der vielfältige



The five parts in Mozart’s

instrumentation, 2 vns, 2 vla, and

vc, create a framework that offers

(var.: presents) multiple

possibilities for combinations.

note the different abbreviations;

instrumentation is the art of

combining instruments in any sort

of musical composition, while

orchestration tends to refer more

narrowly to symphonies

Mozart schöpft diese

Möglichkeiten sehr kunstvoll aus

und schafft abwechslungsreiche

Strukturen. Die Zahl der Stimmen

variiert relativ häufig. Innerhalb

des fünfstimmigen Satzes werden

Mozart raises these possibilities to

the level of genuine art (var. makes

full artistic use of these

possibilities), creating a wide

variety of textures (var. structures).

The number of voices varies

relatively frequently. Within the

Information Classification: General

abwechselnd verschiedene

Gruppen von Stimmen gebildet.

five-part setting, various

alternating groups of voices are


Bemerkenswert ist, dass Mozart

gerne die Technik alternierender

Chöre im Sinne eines Echoeffekts

einsetzt: einem Hochchor aus zwei

Violinen und Bratsche kann zum

Beispiel ein Tiefchor aus 2

Bratschen und einem Violoncello


It is noteworthy that Mozart liked

to use the technique of alternating

choruses that create an echo effect:

for example, a high chorus of two

violins and a viola can be used as a

contrast to a low chorus consisting

of two violas and a cello.

Echoeffekt: echo effect

Diese Kombination von zwei Trios

setzt eine Streichquintettbesetzung

mit zwei Bratschen voraus.

This combination of two trios

requires the string quartet to have

two violas in its instrumentation.

Es sei angemerkt, dass M.H.

Schmid in diesem Zusammenhang

auf die historische Herkunft der

doppelten Bratschen in Salzburg

hingewiesen hat: die doppelten

Bratschen kommen aus der

italienischen Ensembletradition

des 17. Jahrhunderts und haben

sich in Salzburg im Streichersatz

des Orchesters erhalten.

It should be noted (var. in passing)

that M.H. Schmid has pointed out

the historical background of the

double violas in Salzburg: the

double viola has its roots in the

tradition of the Italian ensemble of

the 17th century and survived in

Salzburg in the string section of the


Streichersatz: string section

Gleichwohl sollte man nicht

vergessen, dass Mozart zum

Streichquintett über

vorausgegangene Erfahrungen im

Komponieren von Kammermusik

für kleinere Besetzungen gelangt

ist. Seinen Erfahrungen mit der

Komposition von Streichquartetten

kommt dabei sicher die

entscheidende Rolle zu.

At the same time it should not be

forgotten that Mozart came to the

string quintet from previous

experience in composing chamber

music for smaller groups of

musicians. His experience of

composing string quartets is

clearly the most decisive aspect


Nun zu Boccherini. Wie bei

Mozart, entstand das

Streichquintett bei Boccherini auf

der Grundlage von Erfahrungen

mit anderen, kleineren


Let us return to Boccherini. (var.:

Now for Boccherini.) As (was the

case) with Mozart, Boccherini’s

string quintets resulted from his

experience with other, smaller

genres of chamber music.

passivity vs. activity; person or

work in subject position (see

Section 2.4.2)

Die schematische Darstellung in

Tabelle 1 zeigt, auf welche

Gattungen sich seine Werke mit

eigener Definition als „opus“ in

chronologischer Folge bis zu op.

23 verteilen.

Table 1 shows in schematic form

how those works which he

classified as an ‘opus’ are

distributed across the various

genres in chronological order, up

to op. 23.

Die elf Jahre vor dem ersten

Streichquintett gliedern sich in

zwei Phasen: eine kurze

Jugendphase, in der sich

Boccherini geradezu systematisch

die Satztechniken von Duett, Trio

und Quartett erarbeitet. Nach einer

We can divide the first eleven

years before his first string quintet

into two phases. A short juvenile

phase which saw Boccherini

working (in nothing less than a

systematic manner) on the textural

techniques of the duet, trio and

die elf Jahre … = we can divide:

passivity vs. activity

geradezu: see the discussion of

geradezu, which implies a kind of

Information Classification: General

jahrelangen Pause setzt er 1766 das

Komponieren von Werkserien

wieder fort.

quartet (in a manner which is

nothing less than systematic), and

a second phase, from 1766, when,

after a hiatus of several years, he

continued to compose entire series

of works.

meta-statement, in Section 3.3.3

(?in an almost systematic manner)

English needs to be more explicit;

hence, the insertion of ‘a second


which saw … (cf. Section 2.4.2)

Es ist interessant, dass im Zeitraum

von fünf Jahren zwei Gattungen

dominant im Vordergrund seines

Schaffens stehen: zuerst das

Streichtrio (op.4 und 6), danach

das Streichquartett (op.8 und 9).

It is interesting to note that in the

space of five years, two genres

were predominantly at the

forefront of his compositions: first,

the string trio (op. 4 and 6), and

thereafter the string quartet (op. 8

and 9).

Wenn sich daran im Jahr 1771

sofort die Streichquintette op. 10

und 11 anschließen, kann man sich

kaum des Eindrucks erwehren,

dass sich hier eine

Entwicklungslinie im Schaffen

Boccherinis abzeichnet.

And if we consider the string

quintets op. 10 and 11 which

directly follow his previous pieces,

the abiding impression is that a line

of progression can be discerned in

the works of Boccherini.

the (our) abiding impression is

that: nominal construction (cf.

Section 4.1.2)

sich abzeichnet = we can discern,

… can be discerned, ?we are

witnessing (+ event): passivity vs.

activity (optional)

Entwicklungslinie:*trajectory of

development (used of countries,

debates, etc.); developmental

thread, line of progression,

evolutionary line of change; cp.

However, early in the seventeenth

century the solo madrigal came to

prominence, beginning a line of

progression that would lead to the

development of opera. (Davidson,

James Robert. Reconciling Music

and Text: A Conductor's Critical

Examination of Conventional

Approaches to Articulation in

Early Choral Music. Diss.

University of Kansas, 2015.)

Die Progression ergibt sich aus der

Zunahme der Besetzung vom Trio

zum Quintett. Es scheint, als habe

Boccherini seine Erfahrungsbasis

– ein zweites Mal - systematisch

erweitert. Der entscheidende letzte

Schritt war der vom Streichquartett

zum Streichquintett.

The progression arises from the

increase in ensemble size from

(the) trio to (the) quintet. It appears

that Boccherini was systematically

extending the boundaries of his

experience, for a second time. The

final, decisive step was from the

string quartet to the string quintet.

*increase in instrumentation

Additional practice text: theology

Information Classification: General

Introduction: Theology and religious studies

Theology deals with questions raised by the major religions. By virtue of being based on

unfalsifiable beliefs, it cannot, strictly speaking, be viewed as a science (cf. Popper 1963), but

continues to be included in the humanities canon, partly because it has a strong and diverse

‘lobby’, that is, a variety of religious communities that subsume different confessional

orientations (e.g. Catholic, Lutheran, Orthodox in Christianity), theological styles (evangelical,

liberal, feminist) and academic disciplines (systematic theology, biblical theology, historical

theology). Religious studies differ from theology in exploring religious belief and behaviour

from outside any particular faith. By necessity, such ‘neutral’ study of religion casts its net

wider to include anthropological, sociological and economic analyses and hence vocabularies.

Despite the unscientific character of theology qua intellectual undertaking, its language should

by no means be equated with the language of belief. It is a metalanguage that, by definition,

seeks to make rational statements about religious facts and beliefs (‘ratio fidei’), differing in

this sense from the language of belief as a historical entity (Hünermann 2016: 74). This

metalanguage has generated a plethora of highly specific terminology. Fortunately for the

translator, most of this terminology can now be found in web-based resources compiled with

almost ‘religious’ fervour by theologians and laypeople.

The traditional language of theology is rich in words derived from Latin or Greek, allowing

subtle distinctions to be made, such as that between eternal (ewig) and everlasting

(immerwährend), or between deist (deistisch), theist (theistisch) and fideist (fideistisch). Since

the 19th century, it has been influenced by developments in related disciplines, especially

philosophy (cp. for example finitude / Endlichkeit), psychology and sociology, as well as by

social movements. Whale (1998) summarizes major vocabulary trends, such as the shift away

from metaphysics, which has made terms such as aseity (Aseität) and impassibility

(leidenschaftslose Gelassenheit) obsolescent. Other terms, like the old propitiation (Sühne) at

1 John 2:2, retained in the 1881 Revised Version of the New Testament, have been replaced, in

this case by expiation. At the same time there has been a return to Biblical roots, reflected in

terminology by the greater use of terms from the Greek Bible, for example, parousia (first used

1875; Parusie) for the Old English advent, and Theotokos (first in 1874) for the older Deipara.

An example:

Therefore, there must be a parousia or else the transfiguration was pointless.

The new theologies have also made a significant impact, most notably Liberation Theology,

giving English theology terms such as interstructured (interstrukturiert), antitheology

(Antitheologie), ideologized (ideologisiert), praxis (Praxis), and terms derived from Marxism,

such as exploitation (Ausbeutung) and proletariat (Proletariat). With changes in theological

emphases, some words are used in innovative patterns. Hermeneutics (Hermeneutik), for

example, is extended to a hermeneutic of suffering / of reconciliation / charity / the smile / the

abyss, etc. Likewise the reference of a term may change, for example option, which once

denoted the technicality of an Archbishop presenting the patronage of a living, is now more

commonly used of God’s positive choice of the marginalised (Ruether 1990, 147, cited in

Whale 1998). Similarly, revelation (Offenbarung), which used to be taken to mean a set of

disclosed propositions, is now more commonly understood to refer to God’s self-disclosure.

Other recent coinages include henotheism (first used 1860; Henotheismus), orthopraxy (1852;

Orthopraxie), Hexateuch (1878; Hexateuch), egotheism (1856; Egotheismus), and theophobia

(1870; Theophobie). More recent coinages are deabsolutised (Cuppitt 1977, 41; deabsolutiert),

Information Classification: General

immanentism (Brown 1987, 57; Immanentismus), compossibility (Blumenfeld 1987, 201;

Kompossibilität), and psychosemiosis (Psychosemiose). In line with these trends, there is a

certain predilection for learned words:

These are sometimes seen as emanations of the divine, sometimes as personified good guardian forces of the

human. (Emanationen)

The more efficacious meaning will emerge if certain conditions are met in psychosemiosis. (wirkmächtig)

To put it differently, emptiness is always emptiness for some plenitude. (Fülle)

Religious revelations are not the source of new moral precepts, but merely mark the ultimacy implicit in morality.


The Spirit does not bring the eschaton, but enables apostolic witness. (Eschaton, Endzeit)

Whale (1998) identifies German theology as another key source of new vocabulary, such as

Dasein or Heilsgeschichte, some of which are left untranslated or given along with an English

translation (e.g. Verdinglichung [‘reification’]). Even the symbol Q for the non-Marcan source

of material in Matthew and Luke has been borrowed from German. Other terms have been

calqued: demythologise (entmythologisieren).

Theology shares many of its most common phraseologisms with philosophy (see the previous

section): the notion / existence / meaning / sense / idea / problem / principle / … of. But there

is greater concern with the interpretation and understanding of texts as well as the authority of

Biblical or other sources. Another somewhat curious stylistic feature is the overuse of the

following conjoined prepositions:

… the emphasis of Karl Barth on divine revelation as a vertical invasion into human history in and through Christ

… (in und durch Christus)

… we explored the identification of Jesus as the Son of Man in and through the Passion

God is outside space and time; up and down, before and after (davor und danach)

… how do we analyze the narratives in and of the sacred text without engaging in a flight from history

These perspectives, pertinent in and of themselves, were not, however, integrated into an overarching, complete,

and coherent conception of eschatology. (an sich, a priori)

The same applies to the identity of the subject over and against the thing. (im Vergleich zum Objekt)

Is it a product of the self as it develops a utopian expectation that stands over and against the present? (die über

die Gegenwart und in Kontrast zu ihr gesetzt wird)

Since the unknowing of what is beyond being is something above and beyond speech, mind, or being itself, one

should ascribe to it an understanding beyond being … (das jenseits aller Rede, allen Geistes, allen Seins liegt)

Since then His ministry has continued both from within and without our planetary body. (innerhalb und außerhalb)

A final feature worth noting is the slightly archaic, occasionally poetic style which is still the

norm in theology, as evidenced by stylistic features such as the following:

• use of for as a conjunction (= denn): This growth of the one into the other is never finished for it is a

continual transforming union.

• use of that which rather than what: Therefore, that which is in no way in a state of potentiality but is pure

actuality must be most perfect.

• fronted that-clauses, poetic turns of phrase (the very heavens, depths): That Moses not only ascended

Sinai but also into the very heavens themselves, even if he could not fully understand their depths, is

simply assumed.

Information Classification: General

Interestingly, such features are blended with a sprinkling of colloquial expressions, reminding

one of the language of sermons:

But inasmuch as they are the sorts of things (actions and characters) that delight God, one can imagine God's

delight in welcoming them (for which one might use the metaphor of reward). (= die Art von Dingen, not *so


Following is a list of technical and general collocations that are highly specific to theology:

technical: ascend into heaven (gen Himmel fahren, in den Himmel aufsteigen), speak about God (über Gott

sprechen), hear the word ([auf] das Wort Gottes hören), take on flesh (Fleisch werden), negation of negation

(Negation der Negation), act of will (Willensakt), canon of scriptures (Schriftenkanon), economy of salvation

(Heilsökonomie), gift (Geschenk) / wrath (Zorn) / hand (Hand) / likeness (Ebenbild) etc. of God, birth / humanity

/ etc. of Christ, tree of life (Lebensbaum)

general: be the work of (Christ, a divine creator, making these differences is the work of the Last Judgement; das

Werk sein), open/pave/point/offer the/a way (den Weg bereiten), the fullness of sth (his incarnation opened the

way to the fullness of salvation; = die Fülle des Heils), have the power (truth has the power to liberate us; = die

Macht haben), open the door (the love of God is the key which opens the door to knowledge; das Tor öffnen), know

all things (allwissend sein), give the name (For if that mystery is not performed in any figurative sense, then it is

not rightly given the name of mystery) (nennen, den Namen verleihen), make the world (die Welt erschaffen), have

the capacity (die Fähigkeit haben), take many forms (viele Formen annehmen), fulfil the law (das Gesetz erfüllen),

natural order of things / order of nature (natürliche Ordnung), system of thought (Denksystem), hierarchy of truth

(Hierarchie der Wahrheit), scholar of science and religion (Wissenschaftler, der sich mit dem Dialog zwischen

Naturwissenschaft und Religion befasst), act of memory (Akt der Erinnerung)

Contextualization and documentation

The text to be translated is the introduction to a research article about the sin of pride and the

virtue of humility, as treated in one of the classic autobiographical works of the early Church

Fathers, Saint Augustine of Hippo’s ‘Confessions’. The text illustrates a wide array of

difficulties associated with theological texts, including the translation of quotes from original

sources, the rendition of German reported speech as well as the use of overt and covert allusions

to biblical and other sources, of Greek technical terms (Protreptikos), of general language items

as technical terms (eigener Wille) and of vague general academic compounds

(Erklärungszusammenhang). A translator commissioned to translate the entire article would do

well to zip through the following secondary literature before starting to translate:

J. J. O’DONNELL, Augustine. A New Biography, New York 2005.

E. FELDMANN, Confessiones, in: Augustinus-Lexikon 1 (1986-1994) 1134-1193, 1166f

D. J. MACQUEEN, Augustine on superbia. The historial background and sources of his doctrine, in: MSR 34

(1977) 193-211, 196-200; COURCELLE 269-272; N. BAUMANN, Praesumptio, in: Augustinus-Lexikon 4

(2016) 886.

source text translator’s version

substantially revised by D.S.


Die Confessiones sind als betende

Anrede an Gott verfasst und

beschäftigen sich mit den ersten

etwa 33 Jahren im Leben


The Confessiones take the form of

a prayerful address to God and

concern themselves with roughly

the first 33 years of Augustine’s


betend: that takes the form of

prayer, full of prayers = prayerful

Laut O’Donnell dürfte die

Theologie, weniger aber die

According to O’Donnell, the main

purpose for composing this work

Information Classification: General

Autobiographie, deren

Abfassungszweck sein.

was more likely to have been

theological than autobiographical.

Ebenso lassen sich die

Bekenntnisse als Protreptikos, als

Werbeschrift, verstehen.

Gleichwohl stellt Augustinus

darin die Bedeutung von Stolz und

Demut für sein eigenes Leben dar.

Alternatively, the Confessions

could be seen as a protreptikos, an

encouragement for faith (var. a

textual genre intended to

encourage conversion). The fact

remains that Augustine expresses

in the work the significance of

pride and humility to his own life.

ebenso: introduces an alternative

way of seeing things, not a

conclusion (*and so)

protreptikos: see Wikipedia

gleichwohl: *while at the same


Es wird klar, womit er wohl selbst

ringt. Im Rückblick auf seine

Vergangenheit bemerkt Bischof

Augustinus, der 397 bis etwa 401

seine Confessiones verfasst, dass

er von Ehrgeiz und Selbstsucht

angetrieben wurde.

The object of his struggles is

clear. Writing between 397 and

401, Bishop Augustine reflects in

his Confessiones on his past life, a

life which has been motivated by

ambition and egoism. (var.

acknowledges that his past life …)

nominal construction (see Chapter


participial construction (see

Chapter 2.4)

shell noun: a life which (see

Chapter 2.4)

Der Stolz, das Vertrauen des

Menschen in eigenes Wollen und

eigene Fähigkeiten, bildet in

seinen Augen die Wurzel allen


In Augustine’s eyes, pride -

human reliance on self-will and

personal ability - constitutes the

root of all evil.

eigenes Wollen: ‘inconspicuous’

terminological item (see Chapter

3.6) = self-will

Für Hochmut steht das lateinische

Wort superbia. Zudem lässt sich

ein breites Spektrum

sinnverwandter Ausdrücke

zusammenstellen, die Teilaspekte

von Stolz benennen, wie etwa

ambitio, audacia, cothurnus,

elatio, exaltatio, fastus, iactantia,

praesumptio, tumor und typhus,

darüber hinaus uana gloria.

Demut übersetzt das lateinische

Wort humilitas. Auch cognitio sui,

confessio und oboedientia spielen

in diesem Bedeutungsfeld eine


Pride is expressed by (var. the)

Latin superbia. A broad spectrum

(var. range) of other terms similar

in meaning (var. synonymous

terms) can be put together to

express (var. to refer to) the

various aspects of pride, such as

ambitio, audacia, cothurnus,

elatio, exaltatio, fastus, iactantia,

praesumptio, tumor and typhus, as

well as uana gloria. The Latin

humilitas can be translated as (var.

translates as) humility. cognitio

sui, confessio and oboedientia also

have a role to play in this semantic


(the) Latin: the definite article is

often optional when reference is

made to the origin of a word or

stretch of text (cf. translated from

[the] German)

Hochmut und Demut durchziehen

die Confessiones und bieten

wichtige Reflexionsmomente und


The themes of pride and humility

run throughout (var. pervade) the

Confessiones, inviting reflection

and allowing us to appreciate how

these terms relate to (var. fit into)

the Augustinian strain of theology

as a whole.

[Here is an example of an


Während superbia in

menschlicher Verantwortung liegt,

phrasal verbs (with spatial

metaphorics, cf. Chapter 3.3):

durchziehen = run throughout

general-language compounds: in

the compound Reflexionsmoment

the suffixoid -moment does not

refer to a point in time (*offering

opportunities for moments of

reflection), but rather to an

‘Umstand’ or ‘Gesichtspunkt’

(Duden); a move from the German

specifying compound to an

English simplex is indicated (see

Information Classification: General

ist die augustinische humilitas

nicht von Menschen gemacht,

sondern von Gott gegeben. Auf

diese Weise wird sie fundamental

für Augustins Gnadentheologie.

Man könnte sagen: Humilitas steht

in Wechselbeziehung mit der

gratia. Dieses Faktum verdeutlicht

Augustinus in seinen Confessiones

– neben dem Ringen Gottes mit

dem Hochmut derer, die er retten


Sections 2.3.4 and 2.4.2)

Erklärungszusammenhang: this is

a fairly general academic word

that requires consideration of the

wider context (*contextual

references); what the author is

probably trying to say is that the

significance of pride and humility

within a Christian framework

become clearer in the light of

Augustine’s text (cf. the author’s

conclusion; see central column)

Die Überzeugung, dass Gott den

Stolzen widersteht, aber den

Demütigen seine Gnade schenkt,

bildet für Green das Grundthema

dieses augustinischen Werkes und

einen dominierenden Faktor in der

Entwicklung seiner Theologie.

The conviction that God resists

(var. ?opposes the demands of) the

proud but rewards the humble

with his grace, is in Green’s view

the main theme in this

Augustinian work and a dominant

factor in the development of his


allusion to James 4:6 ‘God resists

the proud, but gives grace to the


Zudem veranschaulicht diese

Schrift auch seine Gnadenlehre.

The work (var. the Confessiones)

also illustrate(s) his teaching on


?this text (could be taken to refer

to the author’s texts)

Dem Aufbau der Confessiones

folgend führt dieser Artikel die

Dialektik von Demut und Gnade

vor Augen. Abschließend werden

die Ergebnisse systematisierend

durchgesehen und erläutert.

Following the structure of the

Confessiones, this article brings to

the fore the dialectic of humility

and grace. The conclusion gives a

systematic review and explanation

of the findings (var. The article

concludes with …).

do not use a passive construction;

English is subject-initial,

especially in such previews of the

content of journal articles: ?in

conclusion, the results are

systematically reviewed and


Der Confessio-Begriff

Augustinus berichtet von seiner

eigenen confessio peccatorum.

Gott habe sich seiner erbarmt,

noch bevor er ihm bekannt habe

(me miseratus es et nondum

confitentem), denn Gottes Gnade

gehe dem Geständnis voraus. Gott

sei ihm noch innerer als sein

Inneres und höher als sein

Höchstes gewesen (vgl. conf.


The concept of confessio

Augustine relates his own

confessio peccatorum, confiding

that God had had compassion on

him even before he acknowledged

God (me miseratus es et nondum

confitentem), for (var. as) God’s

mercy, he says, precedes the

confession of faith. He adds that

God has been more deeply within

him than his own inner being and

higher than his highest self (cf.

conf. 3.6.11).

confiding that, he says, he adds

that: needed to render German

reported speech (see Chapter 5)

for: see the remarks on archaic

style in Section 6.5

Ein Schlüssel für das Verständnis

des Bekenntnisbegriffes in den

Confessiones kann im ersten

Abschnitt des zehnten Buches

gesehen werden. Zunächst fordert

sich Augustinus selbst auf, Gott zu

erkennen, wie er von ihm erkannt

ist (vgl. 1 Kor 13,12). Auch an

seine Seelenkraft appelliert er, in

One of the keys to understanding

the confessional concept in the

Confessiones can be found in the

first section of the tenth book.

Augustine first challenges himself

to acknowledge God as he is

acknowledged by God (cf. 1 Cor.

13,12). He also calls on the power

of his soul (virtus animae meae) to

Kor = Korinter = Corinthians =

Cor (either of two letters written

by St. Paul to the Christians of

Corinth and included as books in

the New Testament)

Seelenkraft: the Church Fathers

used the Latin term ‘virtus

animae’ to describe what is known

Information Classification: General

die Seele einzutreten. Es heißt

dann programmatisch:

enter into his soul. So then,

expressed programmatically:

today as ‘resilience’; in

mysticism, a distinction is made

between several types of

Seelenkraft; strategies: 1) direct

translation from Latin (virtus

animae meae = power of my soul);

2) intelligent guessing +

concordancing (search for

occurrences of soul within a

window of 7 words next to force,

power, strength, etc.; the results

show that Augustinian theology

distinguishes three ‘powers of the


„Siehe da, du liebtest nämlich die

Wahrheit, denn wer sie tut, kommt

zum Licht (Joh 3,21). Ich will sie

in meinem Herzen vor dir im

Bekenntnis (in confessione) tun, in

meiner Schreibfeder aber vor

vielen Zeugen“ (conf. 10.1.1).

“Lo! you loved the truth because

anyone who does so comes to the

light” (John 3,21) I want to act in

truth in my heart through

confession (in confessione) before

you, and with my pen before

many witnesses.” (conf. 10.1.1).

English rendition from the

recently acclaimed translation by

Maria Boulding; both texts were

translated from the Latin and

contain the same infelicity: in stilo

is in my writings / in my work as a

writer rather than with my pen;

stilus here refers to the use of the

stylus in literary composition, i.e.

the practice of writing

Die confessio vollzieht sich

zunächst im Herzen und unhörbar,

zwischen Gott und Mensch;

vernehmbar ist nur ein äußeres

Echo, hier in schriftlicher Form.

The confessio first takes place

inaudibly in the heart, between

God and the human being; only an

external echo is perceptible, here

in the written form.

human being: man is felt to be

sexist these days

do not confuse äußeres and

äußerstes (*faintest)

Ratzinger sieht in der Wiedergabe

von Joh 3,21 eine Auslegung des

sich daran anschließenden Satzes.

„Dieses vom Herrn geforderte Tun

der Wahrheit, in dem der Mensch

ans Licht kommt, geschieht eben

in der confessio.“ Zur Erläuterung

greift Ratzinger auf einen auf Joh

3,21 deutenden Abschnitt aus dem

augustinischen Kommentar zum

Johannesevangelium zurück.

Ratzinger sees in the reproduction

of John 3,21 an interpretation of

the subsequent sentence. “This

acting out of the truth required by

the Lord, takes place in the

confessio.” By way of further

explanation Ratzinger cites a

section from Augustine’s

commentary on the gospel of John

which alludes to John 3,21.

einen auf … deutenden: ?make

reference to

Eigene, unabhängig von Christus

verrichtete Werke führen nicht

zum Licht. Der Mensch dürfe

nicht länger sich selbst für gut

halten, sondern solle seine eigene

Nichtigkeit eingestehen und Gott

als den allein Guten anerkennen

und ehren. Durch das Wirken

Gottes, durch seine Gnade, werde

der Mensch sich seiner Sünden

bewusst; er entscheide sich, sie zu

bekennen, um die Wahrheit zu


For Augustine, personal works

done independently of Christ do

not lead to the Light. Human

beings, he says, should no longer

consider themselves good but

should admit to their own

nothingness, acknowledging and

honouring God as the only good

being. By the action of God, by

God’s grace, human beings are

said to be made aware of their sin;

they decide to confess it in order

to act in Truth.

These are indirect quotes from

Augustine. This needs to be

signalled in English through the

use of reporting structures.

entscheide sich: not *must decide

Gott als den allein Guten: ??God

as the only good (= Gott als das

einzig Gute); cp. the following

quote from David G. Clark, C.S.

Lewis: A Guide to His Theology

(2007, Wiley-Blackwell): Lewis

quickly dismisses this possibility

by pointing out that an evil being

Information Classification: General

cannot be the equal of God, the

good being.

Additional Practice Text: Education (for further detail, see Siepmann 2019)


Education is the handing down of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits from one

generation of humans to the next. As societies have grown more complex, this process of

transmission has gradually become more formal. It began in the schools of rhetoric of ancient

Greece, was greatly transformed and accelerated by the invention of printing in the fifteenth

century and culminated in the nineteenth century in the introduction of compulsory schooling

in many countries. Since then, there has been a steady growth in, and diversification of, the

science of education, with the rise of general education as well as of various subject-specific


There is no genuinely ‘pedagogic’ idiom peculiar to education science. Before the ‘empirical

turn’ which took place in the 1970s and 1980s and which led to an influx of terms from

sociology and psychology (social capital / Sozialkapital, longitudinal study /

Längsschnittstudie, motor development / motorische Entwicklung, selective mutism / selektiver

Mutismus, behaviour modification / Verhaltensmodifikation), pedagogy had borrowed a great

deal of its vocabulary from philosophy of culture, historicism and existentialism. As in

theology, usage differs widely between particular specialisms, such as action research, feminist

pedagogy and humanist education. At the same time, it seems impossible to draw a clear,

consistent borderline between the general language of education, its use in the teaching

professions, in academe and journalism, and Bildungssprache (cp. pass mark /

Bestehensgrenze, Mindestpunktzahl; parental involvement / Elternarbeit, Beteiligung der

Eltern; intrinsic motivation / intrinsische Motivation, proximal development / proximale

Entwicklung). Likewise there is a proliferation of terms relevant to education but deriving from

areas such as welfare and safety (inclusive education / Inklusion; assistive technology /

Unterstützungstechnologie; hearing impairment / Hörbehinderung), law and administration

(tuition fee income / Erlöse [Einnahmen] aus Studienbeiträgen [Studiengebühren], invigilator

/ Aufsichtsperson, student number control limits / Beschränkung der Studierendenzahl), or

particular trades and professions.

The empirical research carried out in these areas may provide some guidance on such eternal

questions as how much relative importance we should attach to the transmission of basic

knowledge and skills vis-à-vis the encouragement of critical thinking. Educationalists have

come out firmly on the side of critical thinking, but the prevalent rhetoric of economization

shaped by the Chicago School of Economics is mythologizing employability and adaptation to

economic change as the inevitable imperatives of schooling. This has resulted in output-

oriented thinking that confuses higher scores on simple standardized tests with better education

and encourages senseless competition between ‘autonomous’ schools, thus hastening the

abandonment of serious teaching in favour of glamorous school websites and other publicity

stunts as well as producing an increasing number of ‘at-risk’ youths whose family background

cannot compensate for the failings of the school system.


Information Classification: General

This section discusses a comparatively short excerpt from an article on at-risk youths and the

ways in which individualized sport education can be used to help them. In so doing, it carries

forward the discussion on the pervasiveness of spatial metaphor in the general academic

vocabulary (see Chapter 3.3), and combines this focus with a complex translation problem

arising at paragraph level.

The paragraph reproduced below is taken from an academic journal article concerned with a

specifically German approach to re-integrating at-risk youths into mainstream society and

education. In Germany, when adolescents do not respond to traditional child welfare services,

they receive intensive individual care. This type of educational provision assumes a great

diversity of forms, one of which consists in taking at-risk youths on educational sailing trips.

(1) Mit dem Segeln sind hohe pädagogische Anforderungen verbunden. (2) Häufig gehen die

Initiatoren davon aus, vorgefundene, natürlich gegebene Strukturen seien a priori (segel-)

pädagogisch nutzbar. (3) Ein intuitives Erschließen von Räumen reicht jedoch nicht aus, um

diese für pädagogische Absichten gesichert nutzen zu können. (4) Erst ein systematisch-

reflektierter und konzeptionell fundierter Umgang mit Räumen und Strukturen lässt ein

pädagogisches Setting entstehen. (5) Gelingt dies nicht, so wirken gegebene

Strukturbedingungen den pädagogischen Zielen entgegen. (6) Dann wiederholt sich auf dem

Schiff nur das, was Erzieher und schwieriger Jugendlicher miteinander immer schon belastet

hat: die mangelnde Motivation der Jugendlichen, das bedrückende und ineffektive Klima der

Bevormundung, fehlende Partizipationsmöglichkeiten und harsche Erziehungsmittel, die zu

Widerstand führen.

The excerpt under examination starts with a topic sentence apprising readers of the central point

of the paragraph, which is that educational sailing trips place considerable demands on

educators. This is followed by four sentences centring around the notions of ‘Strukturen’ and

‘Räume’, and it is precisely these lexemes that may constitute a translation problem because, at

least to the uninitiated, there appears to be no clear lexico-semantic link between the use of

‘Strukturen’ in sentence 2 and ‘Räume’ in sentence 3, although intuition tells us that the two

must be related. This assumption is indeed borne out in sentence 4, where the words form a

conjoined phrase (‘Räume und Strukturen’). Cohesion between sentences 2 and 3 is also

achieved by the connection between ‘pädagogisch nutzbar’ and ‘pädagogisch … nutzen’, which

can be said to form a relationship of complex lexical repetition (Hoey 1991: 55). This linkage

allows even the uninitiated reader to draw the inference that, although there is no explicit

surface signal connecting ‘Räume’ and ‘Strukturen’, there must be an implicit link to the extent

that both can be ‘used for educational purposes’ by professional social agents.

Readers acquainted with German-style Erziehungswissenschaften / Pädagogik enjoy an

advantage over the uninitiated reader or translator because they can draw on mental stores of

information derived from previous encounters with ‘Räume’ and ‘Strukturen’ in similar texts;

in other words, the ‘world knowledge’ or ‘encyclopedic knowledge’ (or, more specifically,

disciplinary knowledge) they bring to bear on the text is different. It is the translator’s task to

reconstruct the ways in which readers equipped with disciplinary knowledge (especially those

familiar with the ‘spatial turn’; see below) will read more into this use of ‘Räume’ than is

provided in the preceding context. A brief investigation of German texts will reveal that, in

Hoey’s (2005) idiom, disciplinary readers are ‘primed’ to expect ‘Räume’ and ‘Strukturen’ to

occur in close sequence and may perceive Räume to function as a partial paraphrase of

Information Classification: General

Strukturen in some contexts.1 In construing a mental model of the writer’s intention, they may

interpret ‘Räume’ in sentence 2 as shorthand for ‘Strukturen von Räumen’.

At this stage, experienced translators will begin to feel at least a prick of doubt about standard

equivalences such as ‘structures and spaces’, since both the binomial ‘structures and spaces’

and the genitive construction ‘structures of * spaces’ would be an unusual use in English-

language texts in the humanities and social sciences (and, more specifically, in education texts),

even as an exploitation of current norms; the latter construction occurs a mere 54 times on

Google Books, almost exclusively in (inexpertly) translated works and in one or two

mathematical works written by native speakers (e.g. the algebraic and metric structures of

spaces). It would appear then that, dictionary definitions notwithstanding, the interplay of Raum

and Struktur must be interpreted in a wider sense than is possible in English. We would have

to fuse the two sense divisions made by the Duden into one while at the same time introducing

new facets of meaning:

Raum = eine unter einem bestimmten Aspekt als Einheit verstandener realer oder abstrakter

Ort, der von sozialen Akteuren erfahren oder konstruiert wird

Notwithstanding dictionary definitions, we find that English space more or less exactly parallels

German Raum in its adjectival and prepositional modification, with the German genitive

corresponding to prepositional phrases introduced by of and for:

Raum + des/der + eventuality (usually good, e.g.

Möglichkeiten) / event (e.g. Austausches,

Kommunikation) / information (e.g. Wissens) /

emotion (e.g. Liebe) / abstract entity (e.g. Seele;

heiliger/imaginärer Raum)

space + of/for + eventuality (usually good, e.g.

possibility) / event (e.g. negotiation / dialogue / debate

/ participation / resistance / reflection) / information

(e.g. knowledge, new readings of the texts) / emotion

(e.g. love) / abstract entity (e.g. narrative / conceptual

space) / person (lower-status workers)

The specific meanings of space and Raum we have been discussing can thus be sketched as


A space is an abstract entity created by social agents for particular purposes.

It is often new or needs to be re-entered or re-defined.

Spaces are often charged with positive semantic prosody.

Other abstract entities (or, more rarely, people) open (up) spaces.

People explore spaces.

Structure may be ascribed to spaces.

Further research into the recent history of the humanities and social sciences will reveal that

such usages can be traced back to the ‘spatial turn’, which was sparked by Henri Lefebvre’s

seminal work ‘La production de l’espace’, published in 1974 and not fully translated into

English until 1991. Lefebvre was the first to distinguish between places as physical

configurations and spaces as the embodiment of social relations, discourses and practices.

1 As Hoey (1991) points out, ‘paraphrase’ is a better term to use than ‘synonymy’ because it is context that makes or negates the relation between synonyms. Thus, “‘statesman’ and ‘politician’ might constitute a paraphrase in one place and be contrasted in another” (Hoey 1991: 63).

Information Classification: General

However, there are three minor but important differences between German Raum and English

space with respect to this particular usage:

1) abstract vs. concrete

German Raum [= as used in certain humanities subjects to mean ‚eine unter einem bestimmten

Aspekt als Einheit verstandener realer oder abstrakter Ort, der von sozialen Akteuren erfahren

oder konstruiert wird‘] hovers on the borderline between the abstract and the concrete.

By contrast, English space [= opportunity for social actors to engage in purposeful activity; ≠

area limited in extent] can be said to be firmly on the abstract side of the divide.

2) In German this use of Raum is quite pervasive even in journalistic usage; in English it is far

more common in academic usage, with some uses (such as ‘space of hope’) being apparently

restricted to specific domains, especially literary studies, theology and geography.

3) If we now zoom in on the domain-specific use of space in education, a look at the academic,

and more specifically, the education section of COCA shows that space is generally less

frequent in education than, say, in sociology, but is used with the same meaning as in sociology,

as evidenced by the following example:

Classrooms, like courtrooms, are cultural spaces in which communication is shaped by the

rules and rituals of the organization (COCA)

Turning now to a comparison of Struktur and structure, we find roughly the same situation:

almost perfect symmetry in use, but a slightly broader meaning in German:

1) Raum and space have a closely similar humanities-specific meaning not recorded by current

dictionaries. The difference between the two appears to reside in the higher degree of

abstraction of the English word, and the use of this particular meaning of the German word in

the general language. In other words, when space is used with this specific meaning in a

humanities text, there is usually no overlapping of concrete and abstract senses.

2) Struktur und structure, having arisen from the same sources in structuralism and systems

theory, are more or less full equivalents in all their senses.

3) However, there appear to be certain differences in the syntagmatic combinations of these

words in that German readily allows combinations of the type ‘Strukturen von Räumen’ or

‘Räume und Strukturen’ (with the meanings under discussion), whereas English does not (for

a full discussion, see Siepmann 2019).

To sum up: Raum and space, and Struktur and structure, are close semantic equivalents, but

differ somewhat in their syntagmatic behaviour.

Armed with this knowledge, and with the above discussion of cohesion in mind, we can now

suggest potential translations for the paragraph under examination. We have seen that

‘structures’ can be ‘natural’ in English, in the sense of ‘existing in nature’. However, the

German text says ‘vorgefundene, natürlich gegebene Strukturen’, which encompasses both the

‘naturally existing’ and the ‘normal, as expected’ meanings of ‘natürlich’. The nominal

counterpart to ‘natürlich gegeben’, ‘natürliche Gegebenheiten’ even has a clear preference for

the first sense and normally translates as ‘natural conditions/circumstances’ (i.e., in this case,

natural conditions at sea), while ‘vorgefunden’ suggests both senses, including the sense that

would here refer to patterns of social behaviour found on a sailing boat.

Information Classification: General

A translation by ‘naturally occurring structures (encountered in sailing)’ does justice only to

the ‘naturally existing’ meaning, as any search for ‘naturally occurring’ would confirm. More

seriously, any translation using structures raises the question of how to provide a clear cohesive

link with sentence 2 and prepare the reader for the (highly unusual) potential combination of

‘spaces and structures’ in sentence 5. One way out of this dilemma may be to modify structure

in some way to indicate that these structures are part of a space that learners are expected to


the natural structures encountered on sailing boats

the patterns of spatially located2 natural structures found in sailing

the kinds of spatially located natural structures encountered in sailing

By thus introducing the semantic feature of space into the equation, we would establish a

cohesive link with the potential use of the noun space in sentence 3 and the use of ‘spaces and

structures’ in sentence 5. The problem with this solution is that it neglects the abstract sense of

German Raum; space will then be taken to refer to the sailing boat as a ‘place’ of learning where

learners are exposed to, and grapple with, the elements (i.e. learn how to sail a boat) rather than

a set of abstract behavioural patterns (i.e. learn how to cope with their emotions and interact

with others in reasonable ways).

The solution to this translational quagmire lies in disambiguating structure into its abstract and

concrete senses and replacing it with metaphorical terms which have similar uses in English-

language education science and which will allow the translator to create the lexically explicit

cohesive links typical of well-written academic text. What the learners are confronted with is

a) natural conditions and b) a learning environment. These two words can be shown to form

a common binomial in English: ‘environment and conditions’. Our use of ‘environment’ is also

justified by what we have learned about social systems and structures: they are characterized

by social interactions taking place in a ‘bounded environment’ (see above). The following

example from an education text confirms this line of reasoning:

The book focuses on creating environments and conditions that evoke and nurture the potential of all students.

It remains for us to deal with the conjoined phrase ‘Räume und Strukturen’. As we have noted,

this phrase is virtually non-existent in English. In addition, a literal translation would fail to

establish a cohesive relation with the preceding use of ‘environment’ and ‘condition’. What is

required is a general wording that encompasses the meaning of both nouns, such as ‘situational


Sailing makes high educational demands. Those who initiate sailing projects often start from

the assumption that the environments and conditions naturally encountered in sailing, in and

of themselves, can be used for social education and learning. However, reliance on intuitions

about such environments (variant: an intuitive exploration of such environments) is not

sufficient to make purposeful educational use of them. It is only through a systematic, reflective

and conceptually sound approach towards situational factors that educators can create a viable

educational setting. Otherwise (variant: absent this) the prevailing structural conditions will

counteract educational goals. In that case, what happens on board the ship merely repeats what

has always burdened the interaction between educators and at-risk youths: the youth’s lack of

2 Some readers may quibble over this collocation, since ‘spatial’ and ‘located’ are very close in meaning, but it is an established usage in some of the humanities.

Information Classification: General

motivation, the depressing, ineffective climate of mandated learning, absence of participatory

opportunities and harsh socio-educational practices that produce resistance.

Note that a different translation solution would have to be offered if the terms structure and

space were central to the entire text under discussion, but this was not the case.

Information Classification: General

2. Exercises and solutions

Chapter 2.2: Article use

Revise the following pieces of text with respect to the use of determiners (articles and pronouns).

1. With respect to the pregnancy-induced immunosuppression, it has been postulated that the T cell activity

(adaptive immune defence; Luppi [2003]) and particularly the production of pro-inflammatory Th1 cytokines

(Sherer et al. 2018) are reduced …

2. (introductory paragraph) The concerns about policy uncertainty have intensified in the wake of the global

financial crisis, the serial crises in the Eurozone, and the partisan policy disputes in the United States. For example,

the Federal Open Market Committee (2009) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (2012, 2013) suggest that

the uncertainty about U.S. and European fiscal, regulatory, and monetary policies contributed to a steep economic

decline in 2008–2009 and slow recoveries afterward.

3. In this study, we examine how social capital, teacher efficacy, and organizational support increase the teacher

job satisfaction. The research suggests that teachers worldwide are exceedingly dissatisfied with jobs and have

significantly higher levels of turnover than their counterparts in the other professions. We investigate this

phenomenon using a sample of 122 elementary school teachers. We found that teachers’ centrality position, or

each teacher’s relationship with every other teacher, in their school’s trust network and the density of a teacher’s

academic advice ego-network predicted the development of teacher job satisfaction. Additionally, we found that

teacher efficacy mediated the relationship between teacher’s trust and academic advice relationships and job

satisfaction, and the perceived organizational support strengthened the relationship between teacher efficacy and

job satisfaction. The article concludes by offering the implications of the findings for both administrators and

teachers as well as for social capital, teaching efficacy, and teacher job satisfaction literatures.


1. With respect to the pregnancy-induced immunosuppression, it has been postulated that the T cell activity

(adaptive immune defence; Luppi [2003]) and particularly the production of pro-inflammatory Th1 cytokines

(Sherer et al. 2018) are reduced …

2. The concerns about policy uncertainty have intensified in the wake of the global financial crisis, the serial crises

in the Eurozone, and the partisan policy disputes in the United States. For example, the Federal Open Market

Committee (2009) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (2012, 2013) suggest that the uncertainty about

U.S. and European fiscal, regulatory, and monetary policies contributed to a steep economic decline in 2008–2009

and slow recoveries afterward.

3. In this study, we examine how social capital, teacher efficacy, and organizational support increase the teacher

job satisfaction. The research suggests that teachers worldwide are exceedingly dissatisfied with their jobs and

have significantly higher levels of turnover than their counterparts in the other professions. We investigate this

phenomenon using a sample of 122 elementary school teachers. We found that teachers’ centrality position, or

each teacher’s relationship with every other teacher, in their school’s trust network and the density of a teacher’s

academic advice ego-network predicted the development of teacher job satisfaction. Additionally, we found that

teacher efficacy mediated the relationship between teacher’s trust and academic advice relationships and job

satisfaction, and the perceived organizational support strengthened the relationship between teacher efficacy and

job satisfaction. The article concludes by offering the implications of the findings for both administrators and

teachers as well as for the social capital, teaching efficacy, and teacher job satisfaction literatures.

Chapter 2.3.5: Compounds

1. Translate the following English compounds into German. The compounds are in

boldface type.

a) However, this belief has a firm foundation both in the literature concerning parental

involvement and in the school improvement research base.

Information Classification: General

b) … there are many IAMs in use in the climate change research community for multiple


c) Agencies that regulate the safety of goods and services have begun to address information

system component trustworthiness in products ranging from medical devices (Food and Drug

Administration) to aircraft and the air traffic control system (Federal Aviation Administration).


a) im aktuellen Forschungsstand zum Themenfeld der Schulentwicklung; in der

Schulentwicklungsforschung; in der Forschungsliteratur zu Schulreformen; in der zur

Schuloptimierung vorliegenden Forschung

b) in der internationalen Klimaforschung; innerhalb der internationalen Forschergemeinde im

Bereich Klimaforschung; in der Gemeinschaft der Klimawissenschaftler; durch Forscher in der


c) die Zuverlässigkeit / Vertrauenswürdigkeit der Komponenten von Informationssystemen

2. Translate the following sentences into English, paying particular attention to nominal


a) … leicht zugängliche und faire Gerichtsverfahren sicherzustellen.

b) Knapp 39.000 der verdächtigten Funktionäre, darunter auch zahlreiche Tschekisten, wurden

auf Stalins Weisung ohne Gerichtsverfahren erschossen.

c) Der aktuelle Reflexionsstand der Hochschuldidaktik im Bereich Fremdsprachendidaktik

und Translationswissenschaft fordert von den Absolventen der einschlägigen Studiengänge

zu Recht eine nativnahe fremdsprachliche Kompetenz, die in der Praxis indes nur selten erreicht


d) Das Wissen, was der Kommunikationspartner meint, und die Fähigkeit, im Sinne des

Kommunikationspartners angemessen darauf zu reagieren – sprich: die kommunikativ-

kulturelle Kompetenz - ergeben sich also aus der Fähigkeit, Wortschatz-‚Figuren’

konventionelle ‚Hintergründe’ der Interpretation zuschreiben zu können (vgl. Feilke 1996:

155). So kann schon die Nennung einer oder mehrerer Kollokationen genügen, um eine

spezifische Rezeptionspräferenz entstehen zu lassen.


a) To ensure readily accessible and fair trials.

b) In the course of 1937 and 1938 Stalin received 383 such lists, and around 39,000 of the

suspected officials, including numerous members of the Cheka, were summarily executed on

Stalin's instructions.

c) Current thinking among university specialists in the teaching of foreign languages /

foreign language education and translation / translation studies tends to suggest that

graduate students should display a nativelike competence in the languages they have chosen to


d) The identification of a communication partner’s message and the ability to react

appropriately to this message (i.e. communicative-cultural competence) both stem from the

Information Classification: General

ability to attribute conventional interpretational ‘(back)grounds’ to lexical ‘figures’ (cf. Feilke

1996: 155). Thus the mere mention of one or more collocations may be sufficient to suggest

some particular situation to a language user.

3. Discuss the appropriacy of the following renderings of German adjectival compounds.

Translation Your version

Dieser war mittlerweile von der

unabdingbaren Notwendigkeit

einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen

den gemäßigten Kräften im

Bürgertum und in der

Arbeiterschaft überzeugt und

stimmte darum am 26. Oktober

dem Vorschlag von Reichskanzler

Wirth zu, eine Kommission aus

Regierungsparteien und Deutscher

Volkspartei zu bilden und in deren

Rahmen eine gemeinsame

Plattform für die anstehenden


Entscheidungen, namentlich in der

Reparationsfrage, zu erarbeiten.

On 26 October he therefore voted

for the chancellor's proposal to set

up a commission made up of the

parties in government and the

German People's Party in order to

create a common platform that

would take all necessary politico-

economic decisions, including that

of the question of reparations.

Translation Your version

Sie ging dann um die Mitte des 19.

Jahrhunderts in eine Phase über, in

der das Prestige der europäischen

Zivilisation außerhalb Europas

seinen Höhepunkt erreichte, und

steigerte sich in den Jahrzehnten

um 1900 zu größter


Emphase, die allerdings angesichts

der nun massiv eingesetzten

Druckmittel imperialistischer

Politik als zunehmend

heuchlerisch aufgefasst wurde.

The prestige of European

civilization reached its peak

outside Europe in the middle of the

nineteenth century, before the

emphasis on a civilizing mission,

came to be seen as increasingly

hypocritical in the decades around

1900, in view of the massive use of

force in pursuit of imperialist aims.

Chapter 2.4: Clausal complexity

1. In the following translation, the lengthy German subject has been exactly matched by an

overlong English subject. How could the translation be improved?

Annahmen bezüglich des überlegenen Status der

Literatursprache wurden zunächst nicht hinterfragt,

aber schließlich erkannte man, wie abwegig es war,

einen Pflanzen- oder Strauchnamen allein aufgrund

seiner Erwähnung in einem literarischen Werk


Assumptions concerning the superior status of literary

language were at first

unchallenged, but the absurdity of guaranteeing

inclusion of the name of a plant or shrub if it was

mentioned in a work of literature was eventually


Information Classification: General

Solution: discontinuous clause: the absurdity was eventually recognized of …

2. The following German sentence illustrates the German tendency to place multiple adjuncts

clause-medially; for convenience, the adverbials (adjuncts) have been numbered. Re-read the

chapter on relation vs. specification and make suggestions for improving the translator’s

version. The sentence is situated in the following context:

Die Prozesse der Globalisierung rücken nicht nur unsere Gegenwart, sondern auch unsere

Geschichte zunehmend in ein verändertes Licht. So stehen gegenwärtig die

Geisteswissenschaften mehr denn je unter Druck, ihre Perspektiven und Forschungsthemen mit

dem Prozess der Globalisierung zu verbinden, so dass die sachliche Notwendigkeit entsteht,

unsere Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft im Horizont umfassender Globalisierung neu

zu befragen und zu konzipieren (Mersmann / Kippenberg 2016).

Die geisteswissenschaftliche Neubefragung und

Neukonzeption unserer Vergangenheit nimmt (1) seit

über 20 Jahren (2) beispielsweise (3) in den

Geschichtswissenschaften (4) im Rahmen

globalgeschichtlicher Forschungen immer

deutlichere Züge an, so dass ein neues Bild von der

Weltgeschichte als Verflechtungsgeschichte entsteht.

The revisiting and reconceptualization of our past has,

for more than 20 years, clearly taken on ever new

contours in the framework of global historical

studies. For example, in the history discipline, a

new picture has emerged of world history as the

history of integration.

Solution: If, for example, we consider developments in historical scholarship, it is evident that,

for more than 20 years, efforts towards reassessing and reconceptualizing our past have become

increasingly prevalent as part of global history research, resulting in a new picture of word

history as interconnected or entangled histories.


How many meanings of the following learned words can you bring to mind?

abstract (v), accrete, compulsion, mastery


abstract3 verb 1 to consider sth generally or separately from sth else abstrahieren sth; sth from sth; (away) from sth; sth to sth/to the point where; sth as sth ◊ … idealisations are by definition abstracted away

from real data … ◊ As such, the model abstracts away from some of the more subtle issues which arise in the

context of hedonic wage determination … ◊ The latter stages can be highly abstracted ideologies. ◊ Derrida must

abstract from capitalist social relations and naturalise the ego as an historically indeterminate actor … ◊ … the

intellect can only abstract universals from particulars previously grasped by the senses ◊ This line of thought can

be abstracted to the argument that … ◊ Thus Manchester itself became abstracted as the symbol both of Britain's

economic power and of the industrial middle class. 2 summarize zusammenfassen sth ◊ This article was

abstracted in the Journal of the American Medical Association 42 ( May 28 , 1904 ) : 1451. ◊ La homosexualidad

en Colombia (abstracted by H. Warnes ). ◊ … the multi-source scholarly argument whose origins trace back to the Port Royal Society manages the proliferation of external voices from print only by abstracting them into routine

citations. 3 remove sth from somewhere absondern; trennen; loslösen sth (from sth) ◊ Phosphorus …

is abstracted from the soil … ◊ … it would be necessary to abstract the relevant scientific information from the

plethora of historical detail … ◊ In modernity, larger meta-narratives give way to a focus on isolated moments of

dissonance abstracted from any overarching speculative frame. PHRASES: abstracting from sth if one disregards ◊ Abstracting from these loans, spending rises by 2.1 per cent.

Information Classification: General

accrete verb Quantification 1 to grow together or accumulate sich ansammeln; wachsen; bereichern

(um etw.) (sth); to sth ◊ If liquid water is present, the snowflake may accrete. ◊ As people read more science

fiction, their schemas accrete extra features, such as the time-dilation effects of faster-than-light intergalactic travel,

or 'warp' engines … ◊ … each added segment of a life accretes to the body of the story … ◊ … sacraments

gradually accreted to the focal ceremony of the Eucharist ◊ These accreted changes provide a glimpse not so

much of the creative process as they do of self-censorship … ◊ … the specifically Arabic work on these ancient

Greek texts was most often viewed by the Christian translators as accreted commentary at best … 2 to form or be formed by smaller pieces of matter growing together due to the effects of gravity

zusammenwachsen; sich bilden; anziehen (sth); from sth; into sth ◊ Instruments were able to detect

light that was emitted by the accreting matter as it spiraled into the black hole … ◊ … the Earth accreted from the

original solar nebula … ◊ In this disk the first solid particles formed and then grew as they accreted additional

matter from the surrounding gas. ◊ … these systems may be too young for disk material to begin accreting into planetary bodies … ~ + N white dwarf | gas | material | matter

compulsion noun 1 [C, U] using force to cause something to occur to-INF ◊ Regulatees subject to

compulsion tend to be more grudging in their behaviour. ◊ Coercion typically involves psychological compulsion. ◊ … there is no compulsion to take such a view. ◊ … a man is free if he does not act under compulsion … 2 [C] an unshakeable impulse to do or say something, regardless of whether this is rational to-INF; for sth ◊ The

compulsion to see in Beethoven’s labelling a ‘metaphysical’ or at least a serious truth is as old as the quartet itself. ◊ The essential logic of capitalism manifests itself as a compulsion for the constant accumulation of capital … 3 (psychology) [C] an irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions, even against your will ◊

Individuals with obsessive compulsions often go through life compelled to carry out certain ritual cleansing behaviors. ADJ/N + ~ amendment | external | fifth | inner | legal | mimetic | obsession | own | physical | repetition | s | state V +

~ be | become | lay ~ + V be ~ + N computer | obsession | phobia PREP case of | example of AND/OR addiction | coercion | fear | obsession | phobia

mastery noun SYNONYM command 1 outstanding knowledge or understanding of something

Beherrschung of sth ◊ What is known only within a very limited sphere is his complete mastery of the Irish

language. ◊ The work demonstrates a mastery of French and Vatican archival manuscripts as well as the printed

sources. ◊ … there was no significant difference in the content mastery of students when literature was used … 2 possession (of skills or knowledge) Besitz of sth ◊ An apprentice must be able to demonstrate mastery of all

required skills and knowledge before being allowed to graduate to journeyman status. ◊ When a director puts down the baton and sits down to play one of the parts with the students, he or she is demonstrating mastery of the skills

the students want to learn. ◊ Two teachers had completed the five required courses for a reading endorsement in

the state of Florida and demonstrated mastery of the six reading competencies. 3 outstanding skill or expertise

Können; Meisterschaft ◊ … the grand, sweet calm of the dead face, calm and satisfied amidst all the traces

of anguish, the real livid flesh, the thorough mastery with which the whole form is rendered, and the isolation of the

supreme sufferer, make a picture that haunts one like a remembrance of a friend's deathbed. ◊ Wood and

Townsend wished to acquire and exhibit only those works that represented the highest level of artistic mastery. 4 control Kontrolle of sth; over sth ◊ … the underlying goal driving many past and current resource management

efforts in the American West has been the domination and mastery of nature … ◊ Evidence accumulated during the last three decades indicates that the period of modern economic growth was one of major improvements in

human physiology induced by accelerating technological change and greater mastery of the environment. ◊ This

expedition too was a failure, but it demonstrated again the English mastery of the Atlantic. ◊ … Sparta would assist

Persia in regaining mastery over the Greek cities of Ionia. ◊ The principal impetus behind the new generosity

toward labor, though, had been a fear of the unions and the hope of regaining mastery over the personnel. 5 superiority Überlegenheit of sb; over sb/sth; of sb over sb/sth ◊ … their 'props' – their tents, maps, jeeps,

planes and cameras – indicate the technological mastery of the West over the uncivilised East. ADJ/N + ~ artistic |

certain | complete | content | disciplinary | early | easy | enactive | environmental | full | gain | great | high | human | intellectual | language | low | metrical | new | personal | political | practical | reading | relative | s | skill | student | subject | successful | such | task | teacher | technical | technological | thorough | work V + ~ achieve | acquire | assess | attain | base | be | demonstrate | develop | display | emphasize | facilitate | gain | guide | include | increase | indicate | measure | obtain | promote | reach | regain | require | show | test ~ + V be | have | learn | ream ~ + N approach | attempt | climate | condition | criterion | experience | goal | group | independence | induction | learning | level | motivation | orientation | performance | program | scale | teaching | test | tests PREP strive for | struggle for | difference in | result in AND/OR achievement | autonomy | competence | control | depression | development | distress | domination | experience | goal | improvement | independence | knowledge | learning | orientation | performance | pleasure | possession | power | rule | satisfaction | understanding | use PREP degree of | development of | discourse of | effect of | extent of | feeling of | level of | sense of | term of | base on | lead to

Information Classification: General

3. Translate the following sentences into English, paying particular attention to the best options

for adjunct placement and subject prominence.


Ihr viertes, ebenfalls der EU entstammendes Beispiel

war eine spezifische Sammlung von

Lebensmittelabfällen, die vor zwei Jahren von

Eurostat initiiert wurde.

Her fourth example, also from the EU, was a specific

collection of food waste begun by Eurostat two years


In der Theorie der interaktiven Teamkognition wird

davon ausgegangen, dass die häufig in Form expliziter

Kommunikation erfolgende Interaktion im Team das

Herzstück der Teamkognition ist ...

The theory of interactive team cognition proposes that

team interaction, often in the form of explicit

communication, is at the heart of team cognition …

Innerhalb des Flügels können verschiedene

zugrundeliegende Knochen- und Federlängen durch

die Veränderung der Gelenkpositionen eine Reihe von

unterschiedlichen Flugstilen ermöglichen …

Within the wing, variations in underlying bone and

feather lengths may, in altering the joint positions,

permit a range of different flight styles …

Arbeitsrückstände sind nicht immer auf

Personalmangel zurückzuführen. Viele moderne

Lagerhaltungsverfahren haben die Notwendigkeit

großer Lagerbestände von Ersatzkomponenten in

erheblichem Maße reduziert oder beseitigt.

Backlogs of work are not always attributable to

staffing deficits. Many modern inventory control

practices have, to a significant extent, reduced or

removed the need for large inventories of spare

components. Some maintenance delays may be

attributed to the

Die weitgefasste Kategorie der Gewissenhaftigkeit

umfasst eine große Anzahl sich überlappender

Dispositionskonstrukte, die im Laufe der letzten

Jahrzehnte in verschiedenen Persönlichkeitstheorien

mit unterschiedlichen Bezeichnungen wie

Selbstkontrolle, Ich-Kontrolle,

Anstrengungskontrolle, ... versehen wurden.

The broad rubric of conscientiousness encompasses a

large number of overlapping dispositional constructs

that have, over the decades, been variously described

in different theories of personality with such labels as

self-control, ego control, effort control, …

Es wurde eine Systemkomponente geschaffen, die mit

Hilfe des Markups die entsprechenden Textteile

zunächst nach Stichwort, dann nach Wortart und dann

nach anderen Merkmalen der Eintragsstruktur

einander zuordnen konnte.

A component of the system was built that could, using

the mark-up, match the corresponding pieces of text,

first by headword, then by part of speech, then by

other features of the entry structure.

Wenn man die Annahme für richtig hält, dass

Synapsen durch bestimmte Strukturen ihrer Nutzung

verändert werden, dann folgt daraus, dass

Zellverbände durch Interaktion miteinander ihre

Synapsen gegenseitig modifizieren können.

if one accepts that synapses are modified by patterns

of use, then it follows that cell assemblies can, by

interacting with each other, modify each other's


4. Comment on the principles underlying the thematic organisation of the italicized sentences

in the following extracts, then translate these sentences into English. If you choose to abandon

the thematic organisation of a German sentence, give reasons for your choice.

a) Sozialistisch war Deutschland seit den Sozialversicherungsgesetzen Bismarcks …

Information Classification: General

b) Für 1413 belegt Jacqueline Guiral-Hadjiossif den Aufenthalt eines Schiffes aus Groix in

Valencia …

c) Besonders kritisch sahen die Parlamentarier die Tatsache, das SWIFT die angeforderten

Daten nur nur in größeren Datenpaketen und nicht individuell gefiltert weiterleiten kann.

d) Auf dem Höhepunkt des Bahnbaus im Jahre 1898 waren um die 460.000 Inder gleichzeitig

im Einsatz. Diese in der Welt einzigartigen Zahlen erklären sich unter anderem aus dem hohen

Anteil von Frauen und Kindern. Bevorzugt wurden ganze Familien beschäftigt …

e) Der Reichspräsident, der sich zu dieser Zeit auf seinem Gut Neudeck in Ostpreußen aufhielt,

sah das ganz anders und lehnte Schleichers Vorschlag unwirsch ab. Nicht anders reagierte

Hindenburg, als er, nach Berlin zurückgekehrt, am 10. August von Reichskanzler von Papen

mit der Überlegung konfrontiert wurde, Hitler als Kanzler an die Spitze einer das Zentrum

einbeziehenden Mehrheitsregierung zu berufen.

f) Gemeinsam war den meisten Indianern, dass sie von einer technologischen Revolution

berührt worden waren. Nicht anders kann man die Einführung von Pferden als Last- und

Reittieren bezeichnen, die um 1680 vom spanisch kolonisierten Süden Nordamerikas

ausgegangen war.

g) Polen blieb geteilt, Irland ein Teil des Vereinigten Königreiches, Böhmen unter der

habsburgischen Krone. Noch weniger gelang es einer der Nationalbewegungen, ein Imperium

zu zerstören.


a) Germany had been ‘socialist‘ since the days of Bismarck’s national insurance laws …

b) Jacqueline Guiral-Hadjiossif notes the arrival in Valencia of a ship from Groix in 1413.

c) A particularly serious point of criticism noted by …

d) It was thought preferable (var.: advantageous) to employ whole families …

e) Hindenburg, who was currently on holiday on his estates at Neudeck in East Prussia, took a

very different view of the situation and rejected Schleicher's proposal in no uncertain terms,

maintaining his position on his return to Berlin, when Papen suggested appointing Hitler

chancellor at the head of a majority government that also included the Centre Party.

f) One thing common to most of the Indians of the Great Plains was the impact of a

technological revolution. There is no other way to describe the use of horses for riding and

carrying, which had first been introduced in the early seventeenth century in the Spanish-held

south of North America.

g) The partition of Poland continued, Ireland remained part of the United Kingdom, and

Bohemia did not separate from the Habsburg Monarchy. Still less did any of the national

movements destroy an empire.

5. What do you make of the following attempts to render German theme-rheme arrangement?

Information Classification: General

Reclus ist im modernen Sinne ein Beziehungsdenker,

niemand, der in Kategorien verdinglichter

Großregionen denkt. Auch insofern kann sein Werk

noch vor dem von Ratzel, der eher zum schematischen

Theoretisieren neigt, von heute aus als geographische

Summe des 19. Jahrhunderts gesehen werden, auch

wenn es für die europäische Geographie des 19.

Jahrhunderts nicht repräsentativ ist.

Reclus was a relational thinker, not someone who

thought in essentialized regional categories. For that

reason his work – more than that of Ratzel, who was

rather inclined to schematic theorizing – may be seen

today as a geographical summa of the nineteenth

century, even if it is not representative of nineteenth-

century academic geography.

Die deutsche Forschungsuniversität wurde also mit

einer außerordentlichen Verzögerung von mindestens

einem halben Jahrhundert in anderen europäischen

Wissenschaftsnationen modifiziert übernommen.

Früher schon wurde sie außerhalb Europas


The German research university was thus adopted in

modified form by other European nations with an

important scientific life, though only after an

extraordinary delay of at least half a century. Its

influence was felt earlier outside Europe.

Chapter 3:

1. General-language words

What do you make of the following translations of general-language words?

Translation Post-edited version

Anhand ausgewählter

Analysebeispiele soll gezeigt

werden, wie in den Soldaten die

dramaturgische Aussage keimhaft

bereits auf der

präkompositorischen Ebene der

Materialplanung angelegt sein


This study uses selected analytical

examples to show how, in The

Soldiers, the opera’s dramaturgical

expressiveness can be arranged

seminally at the precompositional,

material planning level.

This study uses selected analytical

examples to show how, in The

Soldiers, the opera’s dramaturgical

intent is already discernible in

embryonic form at the

precompositional, material

planning level.

Von epistemischen Kulturen ist

deshalb zu sprechen, weil wir

erstens nur wenigen Objekten

emotional neutral gegenüber

stehen …

We need to address epistemic

cultures …

It is appropriate to speak of

epistemic cultures …

Die Analysen könnten zentrale

Hinweise dafür geben, wie eine

global orientierte Geschichte der

Philosophie zu konzipieren ist.

These analyses could well yield

key pointers on how to

conceptualize a globally oriented

history of philosophy.

… may well offer / yield / provide

vital clues as to …

Die Titel zeigen, dass die

Darstellungen der Philosophie

im englischsprachigen Raum seit

den letzten 25 Jahren deutliche

Tendenzen zur Globalisierung


These titles indicate that the

expositions of philosophy in the

Anglophone sphere over the past

25 years display definite

globalization tendencies.

These titles indicate that, over the

past 25 years, accounts of

philosophy in the Anglophone

sphere have displayed definite

tendencies towards globalization.

Deutlich hatte der Text Gregors

diesen Lebensgang bis zum hier

erreichten Punkt als einen Prozess

von Ablösungsschritten stilisiert,

um Benedikt nun umso deutlicher

an seinem eigentlichen

Clearly Gregory’s text stylized

Benedict’s life to this point as the

narrative of his gradual steps

toward redemption in order to

no post-editing required

Information Classification: General

Bestimmungsort anlangen zu


bring him all the more powerfully

to his destination.

Die im Forschungsprozess

verwendeten und erzeugten Daten

genügen dabei hohen

Qualitätsanforderungen, die von

den wissenschaftlichen

Fachgemeinschaften selbst gesetzt

und kontrolliert werden.

The data used and generated in the

research process meet high quality

standards, which are set and

controlled by the scientific

communities in question.

… monitored …

2. Subject-specific terminology and phraseology

Please translate the following sentences into English, paying special attention to sub-technical

vocabulary and terminology.

Im Februar 1936 löste die Regierung Baldwin ein Wahlkampfversprechen ein.

Mit 14 Jahren feiern viele Mädchen und Jungen Jugendweihe.

Die allgemeine Lese- und Schreibfähigkeit wurde generell als politisch erstrebenswertes Ziel



In February 1936 Baldwin's government honoured / fulfilled / delivered one of its election

campaign promises. (strategy: use concordancing tool, search for promise within seven words

to the left or right of election)

At the age of 14 many German teenagers take part in a secular / non-religious coming-of-age

ceremony / a communist-style atheist confirmation ceremony. (strategy: international

newspaper; Wikipedia)

An ability to read and write was generally seen / viewed / regarded as a (worthwhile) political

objective (worth striving for). (compounds ending in -fähigkeit can usually be translated using

ability + to + INF; cp. also Chapter 2.3)

3. Typical errors. Revise the following translations.

Typical error Correct translation

Was Mozarts

Salzburger Quintett

mit den beiden

Quintetten von

Michael Haydn

stilistisch verbindet,

geht gewiss über das


Merkmal der Anlage

in vier Sätzen und

den Besetzungstyp

What really stylistically

connects Mozart’s Salzburg

quintet with the two quintets

by Michael Hayden certainly

goes beyond just the

common features of their

arrangement into four

movements and their

common instrumentation,

using two violas.

There are clear stylistic

commonalities between

Mozart’s Salzburg quintet and

the two quintets by Michael

Hayden, and these certainly go

beyond just the shared features

of their division into four

movements and use of the same

instrumentation involving

two violas.

Information Classification: General

mit zwei Bratschen


strategy: Google book search (“division into * movements” vs. “arrangement into *


Typical error Correct translation

Die Konsequenz

daraus ist, dass


besondere Mittel

einsetzen muss, um

die klangliche

Disposition des


aufzulockern und zu


The consequence of this is

that Boccherini has to make

use of various particular

methods of loosening and

dividing the sonorous

disposition of the string


The consequence of this is that

Boccherini has to use special

techniques to make the string

quintet sound more lively and

more subtle.

strategies: search for ‘sound’ in musicology corpus; paraphrase German verb-particle


Chapters 4 and 5

1. Please revise the following translation, paying particular attention to the construction


Translator Correct translation

Eine ausgeprägte

Selbstwirksamkeit bei

Lehrkräften geht u. a.

einher mit erhöhtem

Engagement und


sowie einer erhöhten

Resilienz bei der

Bewältigung beruflicher

Stress- und


A strong sense of self-efficacy in

teachers coincides with an

increased sense of commitment,

job satisfaction and enhanced

resilience when dealing with

stressful and challenging


In the case of teachers, high self-

efficacy scores are associated, among

other things, with increased

commitment and job satisfaction as

well as with enhanced resilience in

dealing with stressful and challenging

situations in the day-to-day conduct of

their professional lives.

The first thing to do is to abstract from the textual surface the general construction underlying

German einhergehen. To this end, we need to obtain more data from language banks such as

Wortschatz Uni Leipzig or the Kookkurrenzdatenbank of the Institut für Deutsche Sprache, or,

preferably, a corpus of academic German:

Zudem würde mit der Renaturierung auch eine Veränderung der Tierarten einhergehen.

Häufig spielen in diesen Ländern die hohen Kosten eine Rolle, die mit einer Familiengründung einhergehen.

Die Taufe muss mit dem christlichen Glauben einhergehen.

Information Classification: General

Welche Beschwerden können mit der Erkrankung einhergehen?

Die Begleiterscheinungen, die mit Stress einhergehen, sind vielfältig.

Kündigungen werden mit der Verschmelzung der beiden Betriebe nicht einhergehen.

… Arbeitslosigkeit sowie die damit einhergehenden sozialen Probleme …

… der in Hamburg eingeschlagene Weg einer an ökonomischen Kriterien ausgerichteten Stadtentwicklung mit

einer erheblichen Akzentverschiebung einhergeht …

A corpus search yields the following typical collocates of einhergehen:

We find that the statistically most significant subject nouns can be assigned to categories we

could term ‘disorder’ (Depression, Autismus, Erkrankung) and ‘quantifying nouns’

(Verminderung, Verringerung, Beeinträchtigung); typical objects could be classified as

belonging to the categories of ‘quantifying nouns’, ‘symptoms’ (Fieber, Erbrechen, Juckreiz)

or ‘eventuality’ (risk, change). This gives us the following schema: disorder + einhergehen mit

+ symptom and quantifying noun + einhergehen mit + quantifying noun / eventuality.

Consideration of the above example sentences, coupled with further abstraction, reveals that all

uses can be said to combine state or event/process nouns, as in the source language sentence:

Selbstwirksamkeit [ability, state] geht einher mit Engagement / Resilienz (etc.) [abilities, states]

This distinction between states and events, only implicit in einhergehen, takes on crucial

importance when assessing the offending translation. The English verb coincide has two basic

meanings; in its temporal meaning, it prominently features time periods, processes, events or

propositions as subject or object nouns, although other abstract nouns are possible; in its

‘equivalence’ sense, it is used of interests, ideas, views, or stories.

This period [time] also coincides with a decline in mills [process] / with a major diversity-related policy shock


The third wave of the industrial revolution [process] coincided with massive urbanization [process].

This reduction [process] coincided with the implementation of the tobacco cessation benefit [process].

My position [proposition] here coincides precisely with that advanced in The Powers of Literacy [proposition].

Dictionaries translate einhergehen by be accompanied by (PONS) and correlate (Linguee),

only the second of which fills the bill in this case. Another possibility is associate; any two

abstract entities can be correlated or associated.

It is important to realize that our revision of the above translation has had less to do with simple

word combining than with underlying constructions. It would have been impossible to find a

Information Classification: General

solution in a collocational dictionary, since the word partners of einhergehen in the sentence in

question are highly context-specific.

2. Consider the following two extracts from a defective translation of a handbook chapter.

What has gone wrong? How would you remedy the deficiencies?

[Foreignness is constructed in the establishment of linguistic variation (sect. 5).] Constructing foreignness has

become an essential part of the nation-building processes of the 19th and 20th centuries to the effect that the

distinction of linguistic foreignness is one of the counter stones for national identity formation. (Knapp, Handbook

of Foreign Language Communication and Learning)

The noun phrase the distinction of linguistic foreignness is doubly interesting. From the

perspective of cross-cultural mediation, it literally transplants a German concept ‘reified’ by

the author (die sprachliche Unterscheidung des Fremden or die Unterscheidung sprachlicher

Fremdheit) into an English context, presenting it as given knowledge. In the German original,

coherence may have been achieved by the link between ‘die Konstruktion der Fremdheit’ and

the phrase in question, but such a function cannot be served by the literal graft the distinction

of linguistic foreignness, which is syntactically inappropriate and, hence, semantically

confusing. This is because Unterscheidung des Fremden is a genitivus obiectivus derived from

the verbal phrase ‘sprachliche Fremdheit unterscheiden’; English distinction takes no such

pattern: you cannot ‘distinguish one thing’, but only several things, so that collocations such as

the distinction of Christ’s two natures or the distinction of state from society are natural-

sounding expressions, but the distinction of linguistic foreignness is not. The only acceptable

uses of of-phrases are those that encode genitivi subiectivi: distinctions of age / gender etc., and,

in the sense of ‘honour’, the distinction of knighthood (cp. our discussion in Chapter 2.3);

indeed, a reader with native-speaker competence may, for a split second, hesitate between the

two senses.

Here is the second extract from the same translated text. Why is it problematic?

The way Europe currently deals with languages as foreign languages is crucially determined by the phase of the

nationalisation of languages. During this period the choice of particular linguistic varieties as standards massively

changed the rank of other languages with respect to the people’s standards. This resulted in a long-term

devaluation of the previous language of scholarship, Latin, and, of course, in the devaluation of smaller regional

varieties. The functional ranges of the latter became successively smaller, they turned into languages of social

proximity (Koch and Oesterreicher), ‘domestic languages’.

3. Please revise the English translation of the following text.

Bernd Alois Zimmermanns Oper Die Soldaten, ein musiktheatralisches Schlüsselwerk der

zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, vereint komplexe musikalische Strukturen mit

unmittelbarer dramatischer Aussagekraft, serielles Kalkül mit expressiver Geste. Dabei

erweisen sich beide Aspekte des Werkes weniger als Gegensätze, sondern vielmehr als

Ausprägungen einer einheitlichen kompositorischen Grundidee: Auf allen Ebenen der

seriellen Disposition, der Tonhöhenorganisation etwa oder der metrischen Konzeption,

vermag die musikalische Struktur konkrete außermusikalische Sachverhalte zu benennen,

erhält das vermeintlich Abstrakte einen Verweischarakter auf die szenische Umsetzung.

Anhand ausgewählter Analysebeispiele soll gezeigt werden, wie in den Soldaten die

dramaturgische Aussage keimhaft bereits auf der präkompositorischen Ebene der

Materialplanung angelegt sein kann.

Translator’s version

Information Classification: General

Bernd Alois Zimmermann’s The Soldiers, a key operatic work from the latter half of the

twentieth century, unites complex musical structures with clear dramatic expressiveness,

serial calculation with expressive gesture. Neither aspect of his work proves a contrast to the

other as such; indeed they co-exist rather more as expressions of a coherent compositional

idea: At all levels of his serial disposition, the way he organises the tone pitch or conceives of

the metre, Zimmermann’s musical structure renders it impossible to reference concrete

extramusical states, thereby giving that which is ostensibly abstract a referential character to

the stage performance itself. This study uses selected analytical examples to show how, in The

Soldiers, the opera’s dramaturgical expressiveness can be arranged seminally at the

precompositional, material planning level.

Revised version

Bernd Alois Zimmermann’s The Soldiers, a key music-theatrical work from the latter half of the

twentieth century, unites complex musical structures with immediate dramatic force,

calculated serialism with expressive gesture. However, these two aspects of the work in

question should not be viewed as contrasts; rather, they co-exist as expressions of a coherent

compositional idea: at all levels of serialization, such as pitch organization or metrical

structure, the opera’s musical structure makes it possible to refer to concrete extramusical

content, so that what is supposedly abstract becomes capable of referring to the stage

performance itself. This study uses selected analytical examples to show how, in The Soldiers,

the opera’s dramaturgical intent is already discernible in nascent form at the

precompositional, material planning level.

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