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~ German Propaganda ~

World War II

(syn: especially disapproving)

information, ideas, opinions or images, often only giving

one part of an argument, which are broadcast, published or

in some other way spread with the intention of influencing

people's opinions



marginal (syn: SMALL) / adjective

very small in amount or effect

marginalize / verb

Something or someone that

is marginalized is treated

as unimportant.

marginalization / noun

the ACT of making something or

someone unimportant.


Vote Hitler!


The Nazis viewed this as

one of their best posters. It is

by Mjölnir.

The caption translates:

"National Socialism: The

Organized Will of the


Goebbels claimed that

Mjölnir perfected the art of

drawing the Nazi Storm


How would this

poster persuade a

citizen to contribute

money to the war


Master propagandist of the Nazi

regime and dictator of its cultural

life for twelve years, Joseph

Goebbels was born into a strict

Catholic, working-class family from

Rheydt, in the Rhineland, on 29

October 1897.

He was educated at a Roman

Catholic school and went on to

study history and literature at the

University of Heidelberg under

Professor Friedrich Gundolf, a

Jewish literary historian renowned

as a Goethe scholar and a close

disciple of the poet Stefan George.

Goebbels’ Propaganda


He achieved the Nazi 'co-ordination' of cultural life very quickly,astutely combining propaganda, bribery and terrorism, "cleansing"the arts in the name of the volkisch ideal, subjecting editors andjournalists to State control, eliminating all Jews and politicalopponents from positions of influence.

On 10 May 1933 he staged the great ritual "burning of the books" inBerlin, where the works of Jewish, Marxist and other "subversive"authors were publicly burned in huge bonfires.

He declared not long before his death: "We shall go down in historyas the greatest statesmen of all time, or the greatest criminals."

A Propaganda Primer

Reichspropagandaleiter Dr. Goebbels:"Propaganda has no principles of its own. It has only one

goal, and in politics that goal is always to conquer themasses. Any means to that end is good. And, anymeans that does not serve that end is bad.“

Gauleiter August Eigruber:The propagandist never asks "Why?" He needs no

justification, but rather only this granite faith: "I believe inthe Führer, I believe in the Reich, and I believe invictory!“

The source: Franz J. Huber, ed., Propagandisten-Fibel. Herausgegeben vomGaupropagandaamt Oberdonau der NSDAP. (Wels: Leitner & Co, 1942).

Under the Treaty of

Versailles, the Saar was

placed under French

administration, pending a

referendum to be held in


This poster encouraged

Germans to be aware of the

upcoming referendum.

The text translates: "1935 —

Saar Referendum! We in the

Saar are loyal — We stand

for honor and the Fatherland.

Are you thinking of us?"

This poster probably dates

to the mid-1930's. It

promotes the Nazi

charitable organization

(the NSV).

The text: "Support the

assistance program for

mothers and children."

This poster was also

issued shortly after the

Anschluß with Austria.

The caption: "One

People, One Reich, One


The text of this 1940

poster reads: "Youth

Serves the Führer. All 10-

year-olds into the Hitler


Membership in the Hitler

Youth had become

mandatory in 1936.

Caption: This was before

Hitler took over Austria, and

was unhappy with the Austrian


Two Austrian police are

beating a woman. The third

policeman tells the Jewish

reporter than he can't write

about the incident.

The reporter says that it is OK,

since he is using it as a story

about Nazi atrocities in


(20 February 1934)

This 1940 poster

advertises the worst of

the Nazi anti-Semitic

films, "The Eternal


The ugly Jew is holding part

of Russia under his arm,

branded with the hammer

and sickle. One hand holds

a whip. The other hand

holds bloody coins.

From the film, “The Eternal


What is the “danger” here?

The Jew is holding a “Gentile”

German woman…

The caption reads "The

Jew: The inciter of war,

the prolonger of war."

Released in late 1943

or early 1944.

This poster was issued

around May 1942.

The text translates as:

"This is how we fight.

You, too, must work for


This poster makes

the most direct


comparison -- just as

a dove descended on

Christ when he was

baptized by John the

Baptist, so what

looks to be an eagle

hovers against the

light of heaven over

an idealized Hitler.

The text: "Long live

Germany!." 1936

Released late in the war.

The text translates as:

"Mothers! Fight for your


* Note that the mother

portrayed has four

children, consistent with

the Nazi goal of

encouraging as many

births as possible.

Hubert Lanzinger.

Flag Bearer. 1933.

The elevation of leaders into personality cults.

Cover: "When you see this


Page 2: "Remember what the Jews

have done to our people." The page

reviews World War I, for which the

Jews are held responsible, then states:

"Now for the first time, World Jewry

openly says what it wants: 'Germany

must die!'"

Page 3: "And you can read the Jew's

solution in the booklet The War Aim of

World Plutocracy." A review of

Kaufman's proposal follows. "The

German Wehrmacht will ensure that

World Jewry's terrible plan, as

proclaimed by the Jew Kaufman, will

never become reality.

Page 4: "You must ensure through

your behavior that Jewry never again

has even the slightest influence on our


Legion of Shame

Ignorant, lured by


They stand disgraced

in Judah’s fold.

Souls poisoned, blood


Disaster broods in

their wombs.

August 1935

*women who “cave in” to

Jewish pressures…

They belong to

the church, she

belongs to Satan.

Both are lost to

the German


July 1936


Why, for what purpose is

the blood flowing?

Behind the scenes, the Jew


That makes the answer


They bleed for the Jews.

18 May 1944


The sword will not be


The Stürmer stands

as ever

In battle for the

people and the


It fights the Jews

because it loves the


November 1935


The German

propaganda machine

went into overdrive

towards the end of

WW2 trying to drive a

wedge between the

Brits and the Yanks.

Anti-Semitism is the political, social, and

economic agitation and activities directed

against Jews. The term is now used to

denote anti-Judaic acts or sentiments

based on any grounds, including religious

ones. The adjective Semitic originally was

applied to all descendants of Shem, the

eldest son of the biblical patriarch Noah; in

later usage it refers to a group of peoples

of southwestern Asia, including both Jews

and Arabs.

The word anti-Semitism was coined in

1879 to denote hostility only towards

Jews. This hostility is supposedly justified

by a theory, first developed in Germany,

that peoples of the so-called Aryan stock

are superior in physique and character to

all those of Semitic stock. This racial

superiority was used to justify the civil and

religious persecution of Jews during

Hitler's Holocaust.


The Chronology of Anti-Semitism

1710 - J.A. Eisenmenger's Judaism Exposed is published.

1764 - Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary gives a secular basis to anti-Jewish


1782 - The Austrian Emperor, Joseph II, issues an Edict of Toleration,

acknowledging Jews as permanent residents.

1807 - Napoleon revises French provisions for Jewish equality enacted on 1790-


1845 - Alphonse Toussenel, a socialist, condemns "Jewish money power" in his

The Jews, Kings of the Epoch.

1850 - Richard Wagner publishes Jewry in Music under a pseudonym.

1855 - Count Gobineau provides a theoretical basis for racial anti-Semitism in

Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races.

1867-1871 - Germany, Austria, and Hungary institute legal equality for Jews.

1873 - Financial crash causes a major depression in Central Europe.

1879 - Wilhelm Marr introduces the term anti-Semite into politics while founding the first anti-

Semitic party. Court Chaplin Stoecker and his Christian Social party turn to anti-Semitism.

The historian Heinrich von Treitschke publishes "A Word About Our Jews."

1881 - Wide-scale anti-Jewish riots (pogroms) in Russia initiate a massive westward Jewish


1886 - Edouard Drumont publishes La France Juive.

1889 - Austrian university fraternities adopt the "Aryan paragraph," prohibiting Jewish


1895 - Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer on the French General Staff, is convicted of

treason and sentenced to life imprisonment on Devil's Island (pardoned in 1906).

1898 - Protocols of the Elders of Zion is fabricated in Paris from old and new materials,

probably by agents of the Okhrana (tsarist secret police).

1898-1900 - Ritual-murder accusations lead to sensational trials of Austria-Hungary and


1912 - Roman Dmowski organizes the boycott of Jewish businesses in Poland.

1917 - Balfour Declaration promises British support for a Jewish national home

in Palestine.

1919 - Minorities' Treaty, safeguarding Jewish equality, is signed by Poland and


Pogroms occur in Hungary, following the overthrow of the communist regime of

Bela Kun, and throughout the rest of eastern Europe.

1920 - A quota limiting Jewish attendance is established at Hungarian


1921 - Henry Ford reissues articles from his newspaper in a four-volume

pamphlet, The International Jew.

1922 - Radical rightists assassinate Walther Rathenau in Germany.

1933 - January 30. Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.

April. Hitler's government institutes an official boycott of Jewish businesses in

Germany, purges the civil service, and restricts admission to public schools

and universities.

1935 - Nuremberg Laws, defining German citizenship in racial terms, abolish

Jewish emancipation in Germany.

1936 - Cardinal Hlond's pastoral letter on the Jewish question in Poland

condemns Jews as atheists and revolutionaries and lends church support for

economic anti-Semitism.

1938 - May. "First Jewish Law" in Hungary limits participation in economic and

professional life.

November 9-10. During the Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass),

stormtroopers burn 300 synagogues, loot and vandalize hundreds of Jewish

shops, kill 91 Jews, and send 25,000 concentration camps.


1939 - Beginning in September, the Nazi policy of forced emigration of Jews is

phased out in favor of deporting them to the East, where they are concentrated in


1941 - January. The fascist Iron Guard instigates a wave of pogroms in Romania.

March. Commissariat-General for Jewish Affairs, created by the Vichy regime, directs

anti- Jewish policies in France.

September 29-30. 33,771 Jews are massacred at Babi Yar, outside of Kiev.

1942 - January 20. The Wannsee Conference systematizes the Final Solution of the

Jewish Question.

By April, Einsatzgruppen (mobile death squads) operating behind the advancing

German armies have murdered 461,500 Soviet Jews.

July-September. First phase of mass deportations of Western-European Jews to


1943 - January-April. Jews inside the Warsaw ghetto resist deportation.

October. Operation "Reinhard" ends; 1.5 million Jews have been exterminated in

the death camps at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka.

1944 - By July 7, over 437,000 Hungarian Jews have been deported to


October 7. Jewish prisoners revolt in Auschwitz.

1945 - April-May. With the collapse of Nazi Germany, the Holocaust ends.

1948 - Founding of the State of Israel.

1953 - The manufactured "Jewish Doctors' Plot" against high-ranking officials

exploits latent anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union.

1962 - Anti-Semitic outrages occur in Argentina.

1967 - The Six-Day War in the Middle East launches a sustained anti-Zionist

campaign in the Eastern Bloc.

1979 - The Call, Cairo newspaper of the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood,

condemns a monolithic Jewish conspiracy against Islam.

1987 - Several Anti-Semitic works, including Protocols, become best sellers

in Japan.

Taken from: Anti-Semitism in the Modern World: An Anthology of Texts D.C.


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