getting busy learning. taking effective notes can help students raise their grades… students who...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Is this your last year’s notebook?

It’s time to organize your notes!!

Did You Know???

Taking effective notes can help students raise their grades…

Students who learn to take good notes can raise their grades by 34%

Learning to take good notes is one Of the most effective things you Do to become a better learner.


A personalized textbook A working portfolio—all of your class

notes and class work in one convenient spot!!

Why use this FORMAT?

Simply writing down lecture notes does not mean you have LEARNED the information…neither does doing the work.

Why use this FORMAT?

You must ACTIVELY do something with the information in order to really understand it. Note taking becomes an active process.


It will serve as a portfolio, showing everything you have done over the course of the year.

You will have the best study guide for Ms. A’s English class right in your hands at final exam time.

Okay…so what’s the deal?

Begin by decorating your COVER (AUTHOR)PAGE:A. Class Information:The name of the course

The class period The Teacher: Ms. Anders Your name

B. Visual Content: Literary/Grammatical InformationInclude at least three references to literature or grammar that you like or

are interested in. These can include books, movies, plays, signs, symbols, etc. Draw the images on your cover and label them if you feel it’s necessary.

C. Personal Information:Identify one aspect of yourself as a person or as a student and place it on

the cover. If you are a skateboarding expert, use the skateboard as a symbol for yourself. If you play the violin, use the violin as a symbol for yourself and include it in your cover design. The symbol can be your favorite thing, a hobby, or something special about you.

Some Examples of Cover Pages…

Table of Contents:

You will create this in the front of your notebook, so leave plenty of blank pages or add them with loose leaf as we go.

Update on a daily basis Your pages must be numbered to

correlate to your TOC.

Dividing Your Notebook into Sections:

Your notebook will be divided into the UNITS we study and each unit will have four sections:

1. DARTS or (Learning Goals)2. Vocabulary3. Notes4. Worksheets and handouts

Maintaining Your Notebook:

No doodling that does not contain notes or reflection of the right side

Contains only ENGLISH work—No other classes!!

Date and number EACH page Make sure each page is in its proper


Does it “Count”?



Your notebooks will be checked periodically, and sometimes unannounced!

Sometimes you will check your notebooks. EVERY assignment should complete and

neat. Sometimes I spot check and sometimes I

will grade on thoroughness, creativity, organization, and quality of work.

Your artistic and creative touch should be visible throughout the notebook.

Examples of Assignment Pages…

Don’t Worry…

This is going to be AWESOME!!!

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