globalgiving - crowdfunding - global open challenge

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Some tips and tricks for fundraising and crowdfunding, especially for organizations getting ready to participate in GlobalGiving's Open Challenge


I have my project page.

Now what?

Welcome to the Global Open Challenge

You have 30 days to raise $4,000 from 50 donors. Ready? Go.

We want to run the race with you

Identify Your Network Donors Friends Family Board Members Personal network Coworkers Staff Fans Community


But don’t just have them donate

Old Fundraising

Development Director

Email to 100 donors asking for $10 each

Organization receives $1,000

Get your network to spread the word

Crowdfunding Development Director

Emails 100 donors asking for $10 each and to tell

100 of their friends.

100x100x$10 = $100,000

Same effort, but better result.

Everyone has different strengths Tell your supporters all

the ways they can help

Donate Spread the word Host a fundraiser Offer matching funds Feature your project on

their blog or social network

Provide creative ideas to get donors energized

Pre-Challenge Warm UpGetting Ready for the

Challenge Send emails, host an event,

make phone calls Feature the Challenge on your

organization’s homepage Prepare an “elevator pitch” Spread the word on social

networks like Facebook and Twitter

Connect with GlobalGiving Twitter: @GlobalGiving

CommunicateSuggested Communications

Plan 1 day before Challenge: kick-off

reminder 2 weeks: Tell supporters how

you’re doing and how they can still help

3 days before the end of the Challenge: Last push for outreach, stress the urgency to act now

After the Challenge: Thank everyone who helped you and let them know the results of their efforts.

Dennis Gaboury - Outreach

Email, calls, pleading with friends and family

Leverage partnerships Emphasize the partnership with GlobalGiving

Use our reputation and vetting process to boost credibility.

US donors get tax deductions when they donate to your project through GlobalGiving

Don’t forget the power of a personal ask Be passionate

Erika Keaveney – Lotus Consider the scope and cost of your project Rally your Board Members Ask a donor to designate their donation as “matching

funds” Tell donors about your progress in the Challenge: post

an update every time you reach a new milestone Use social networks Use creative media: pictures, slide shows, videos, etc. Ask your supporters to tell their networks

Jared Schwartz-Critical Exposure

Critical Exposure’s supporters are dedicated and tech savvy.• Keep the ask simple and clear.

Ask supporters leverage their own personal social media networks. Keep asking... and asking. ..and asking... and asking...

• Make it easy for our supporters to participate. Sample twitter, facebook, e-mail, fliers, etc. Set the suggested donation low.

• Make them feel part of something special; get them emotionally involved. Keep our supporters updated.Take advantage of the GG framework. Leverage their competitive nature. Set goals and rewards. Plan of AttackUse crowd-sourcing and an array of social media channels to turn our small group of tech savvy supporters into a powerful fundraising force.

Why we were successful•Ran a goal oriented campaign.• Developed a Strategic Communications Plan.• Made the tough decisions ahead of time.• Created an echo chamber; there was no magic bullet.• Were willing to experiment and abandon what didn’t work.• Kept the message consistent.• Kept the ask simple and reasonable.• Treated our supporters as partners, not as ATMs.• Tapped into our supporters competitive nature.• Provided regular updates and access to the standings.• Got our supporters emotionally involved!

Facebook, Twitter, crowd-sourcing -- these wonderful tools were what enabled us to tap into our supporters’ personal networks, but ultimately, it was about getting our supporters emotionally invested in being part of something big that carried us well past our wildest expectations.

Jared Schwartz-Critical Exposure

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