goodwin development trust - hull neighbourhood hubs

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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Goodwin Development Trust - Hull

Neighbourhood Hubs

Goodwin Development Trust - Hull

Set up as a charitable organisation in 1994 by residents of the Thornton Estate in Hull

Improving their quality of life and the services available on their estate

Now employs over 300 staff with a turnover of £9.2 million working across 38 sites

Delivers services that improve the quality of life for residents throughout the city

Goodwin Development Trust - HullMission Statement


“We are a locally controlled and accountable organisation, committed to improving the Quality of Life within communities through identifying and addressing the needs of local people and by working in partnership with them and with statutory, voluntary and professional organisations.”

Neighbourhood Management

•Neighbourhood Management Programme operates on the estate with substantial involvement from the residents. •Programme operates initiatives covering aspects such as health, safer and stronger communities, youth and economic development.•Within the Thornton estate Goodwin also operates an IT training centre including Learn Direct , a community café and a members club.

Guide Neighbourhood

Guide Neighbourhoods are successful community organisations who have tackled issues such as crime, poor housing and unemployment in their community.As part of the Guide Neighbourhood programme Goodwin Development Trust regularly hosts visitors from other organisations interested in Community Regeneration, the main purpose of which is to pass on the lessons we have learnt to other community groups who want to tackle similar issues.

Goodwin LINK

•Goodwin LINK is an independent learning and innovation network set up and managed by Goodwin Development Trust.•Overall goal is to improve the quality of life of people living in deprived neighbourhoods. •Helping communities and community-based organisations to develop innovative new services through practical learning, knowledge management and networking.

The Octagon

The Octagon is an award-winning conference facility . •It also plays a vital role in investing in the community since all profits from the venue are used by Goodwin to help to fund projects that are aimed at improving the quality of life for local residents.•Created an opportunity for service providers to work together to deliver joined up package of delivery. •Provides space for the new Riverside Health Centre (West Hull Primary Care Trust), Riverside Customer Services Centre (Hull City Council), Octagon Children’s Centre

Childcare and Welfare

Goodwin is responsible for hosting two Sure Start Children Centres. Sure Start Children’s Centres are multi-purpose centres bringing together childcare, early education, health, employment and support services for pre-school children and families.Child care is also available through The Octagon Nursery which is a 60 place purpose built nursery housed in the Octagon and the Clockhouse Nursery which has capacity for 50 children.

Octagon Fitness Centre

The Octagon Fitness Centre is the first Community Gym to be built in Hull

Facilities include a gym and outside multi-usegames area. The highly qualified team of instructors also

provide specially devised health programmes for members.

Community Transport

West Hull Community Transport acquired specialist vehicles that are designed to provide services to enable residents of whatever age or disability additional and improved access to facilities and locations throughout the City of Hull.

Community Warden Schemes

•Goodwin Development Trust successfully running Community Warden Schemes across Hull

•Goodwin has also become a centre of excellence for the Yorkshire and Humber region

Volunteer Doulas

Pioneering project to recruit, train and match up volunteer Doulas with pregnant women who need support at what can be a lonely and difficult time.

•A Doula is a trained and experienced partner who accompanies a woman through pregnancy and childbirth and the first few weeks of family life.

Health and Wellbeing initiative Specifically developed to address the new challenges with

regard to the impact of  lifestyles on individual health Input as an organisation spreads across the entire age

range of the population (and indeed extends into pre-natal with services provided by the Children's Centres.

Knowledge and experience of the communities assisted ensures social inclusion is at the centre of all the services provided

Considerable attention given to the effects of a significant increase in an ageing population and the pressures which this can put on traditional support providers.

PUBLIC HEALTH Healthwise Hull - a five-year programme to help people and

communities across Yorkshire and Humber to eat better, be more physically active and improve their mental health.

Empower local residents to make a difference to the overall health by improving the health choices that they, their families and friends make.

Community Health Champions - Volunteers and are undertaking health screening activities with the aim of signpostng people at risk of cardiovascular disease to services

Health Wardens  are trained to assist in smoking cessation and also to signpost those who seek help to reduce alcohol consumption and to consider more healthy ways of living.

SUPPORTING PEOPLE TO LIVE IN THEIR HOMES FOR LONGERFor those who are in declining health due to age

related or other long-term medical condition yet not currently in need of hospital/specialist residential care, Goodwin offers a range of services in partnership with other bodies which can significantly assist in the delay of hospital admission of the individual or by maintaining their general quality of life. These include:-

The ‘Handyvan’ Service Royal British Legion WorkersBefrienders

‘HandyVan’ fitter ‘HandyVan’ fitter will visit the home following an initial

assessment of need and carry out such tasks as installing free window/door locks, spy holes and other measures designed to improve security against crime which addresses the fear of crime itself.

They are also providing advice and reassurance Proactive in reducing the risk of accident or avoidable

injury wherever possible is uppermost -  This may be something as simple as changing an overhead light bulb or installing grab rails to prevent falls.

The aim however remains the same - the creation of a continued safe living environment for those most at risk

Royal British Legion Workers

This activity assists ex-service personnel and their dependants in all aspects of their lives whether it be specific advice on welfare, benefits, pensions, compensation, career options etc

The provision of material support in the form of accessing short/long term stays in residential homes around the country, mini-breaks,

‘Immediate needs’ grants for those eligible which can cover help with debt, essential property repairs/household goods and much more.

The service also extends to those serving custodial sentences within the area as well as organising bespoke visits to Remembrance Sites, War Graves and Memorials.

Befrienders‘Befrienders’ undertake a variety of activities  with

older and vulnerable people such as Occasional shoppingEscortsHealth & Wellbeing activities etc. Assistance with letter writing/reading and ‘call in

time’ telephone support is also available. Users include those experiencing mobility

problems, loneliness/isolation as well as low level health problems and disabilities

Danny’s DreamProvides targeted support around personal

care and daily living activities for ChildrenYoung peopleAdults with severe physical and/or learning


To allow them to achieve their potential to the fullest possible extent.

 e-healthWorking to develop and adapt the use of

technology for those who have serious medical conditions whereby the individual can continue to  stay within their home environment and monitor their health at ‘arm’s length’ rather than be in hospital.

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