goonengerry public school newsletter

Post on 29-Apr-2022






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From the Principal What a lovely week at Goonengerry Public School.

This week I have continued to immerse my self in the classrooms and engage with learning.

In the Kindergarten room I have loved the excitement and energy around learning to read. Kindergarten have been learning their decoding skills in a fun, interactive and exciting manner, whilst all so building their vocabulary. It is amazing to see the already strong foundations building in the pebbles classroom. I have also seen students setting clear learning goals around counting forwards to 30 and backwards from 30. Ask you Kindergarten student what their learning goal is for counting?

In the rocks class their is a buzz around the learning of insects and their features. How nice it has been to see students continuing their learning outside the classroom as they investigate insects around the school.

In the boulders room as a class they have been engaging in individualised learning goals across writing and numeracy, with reading goals the where to next. This will continue to build across the weeks and students will develop their understanding of where they are at and where to next.

Each week we continue to strengthen practice and continue the success that is Goonengerry Public School.

Naplan 2021 Term 2 week 4

All year 3 and 5 students at Goonengerry Public School and across the country will undertake NAPLAN testing (11th-21st May 2021). NAPLAN is made up of four test; writing, reading, numeracy and conventions of language.



- Year 3 paper based

- Year 5 online

Reading, Numeracy, Conventions of Language

- Year 3 online

- Year 5 online

Practice test

Students will participate in an online practice test in preparation for the tests to allow students to become familiar with the testing platform. The practice test held within week 9 or 10.

If you have any concerns or questions around NAPLAN, please contact the school.

Dylan Harry

Relieving Principal Goonengerry Public School

Goonengerry Rd, Goonengerry NSW 2482

Phone: (02) 6684 9134

Goonengerry Public School


Term 1 Week 8 16 March 2021

14 Goonengerry Road, GOONENGERRY NSW 2480 p: 6684 9134 e:

Forward into the Future

Member of the Valley of Small Schools

Thursday 10am


On Fridays the Boulders have been learning about Solids,

Liquids and Gases in science. We have had lots of fun

doing various experiments including making our own

steam boats, lava lamps and slime!

All of these have helped us to understand the properties

of solids, liquids and gases. Here are some photos of the

Boulders making their slime. We first identified if the

ingredients were solids or liquids, came up with an initial

experiment method. The students then had to play

around with the ingredient amounts to create the perfect

slime. `

P&C film night Hello GPS Parents!

First of all Congratulations, thank you, and well done for what can only be dubbed a mighty team effort!

We all deserve to feel really awesome about our collaborative effort the last couple of weeks to garner some well-earned “Dollar, Bucks” from our annual Federal Film Society, Fundraising night. At first glance it looks as if we gathered together just shy of $3000. With many parents playing big and small roles, it is worth mentioning it was a fun event, many new connections and friendships were spawned and the feedback from the community was extremely positive, glowing in fact!

There is always room for more help as the many hands makes light work motto applies to events like this and the running of the P&C in general.

Our next P&C meeting and Annual General Meeting is coming up this Wednesday 3.15pm at the school so please come and get amongst it, connect with the school community at the very best level, where we can prop up our kids and teachers with support and ideas to make Goonengerry Public School the best it can be, and it’s already pretty great!!!

Term 1 Week 8 16 March 2021

Member of the Valley of Small Schools

Each fortnight we recognise students that are doing great things at our school.

Congratulations to the following students for:

Exceptional manners MABEL

Thanks for Coming - 100% attendance FIN, NABEELA

“Good on You” - great display of Citizenship - DEWI, ELLA, SUMMER

Being responsible - IMOGEN

Rapid Response - impressive return of notes TOTO, LOTTIE

Term 1 Week 8 16 March 2021

Member of the Valley of Small Schools

Smiling Mind & Mindfulness The Smiling Mind Mindfulness Curriculum has been

developed to assist students to improve their wellbeing,

develop essential personal and social capabilities and

enhance student engagement with learning. This is the 2nd

year that we have been engaged in this very worthwhile

program. Students in every class across the school

undertake Mindfulness activities most days.

We encourage parents to discuss the program with their

child. Parents can also engage in the benefits of mindfulness

with the free app, which can be downloaded on your phone

or smart device.

Pebbles Working very

hard this week

improving their

math skills.


In the Rocks class we have been growing our brains through maths investigations, inquiring into insects and using our fundamental movement skills to navigate our obstacle course.

Please remind your children to

bring their Library bags and

books, so they can borrow.

Library days are:

Pebbles Class FRIDAY

Rocks Class THURSDAY

Boulders Class WEDNESDAY

Harmony Day – Come and join us Harmony Day is all about togetherness and kindness, about sharing experience and knowledge. In a small but meaningful way this day of celebration - of respect for diversity - works to create the conditions that erase fear and create friendships.

At Goonengerry, we aim to create a feeling of belonging and strength of community that comes from cultural respect and friendship. Our hope is also that this feeling and celebration of our diversity is something we all continue to embrace and reflect upon, on a daily basis.


On Thursday 1st April, we invite you to join us for a day of celebration. We will be participating in whole

school activities focussing around the themes of Harmony Day. We have organised a guest speaker to talk with the Boulders about arriving in Australia as a refugee.

Lets dress up! Can everyone please wear traditional/cultural clothing, orange or warm colours.

12.30 till 1pm school performance. The children will perform for you.

In CAPA classes, the children have been working with the wonderful Sue, creating incredible musical pieces. They can't wait to show you their work. Our amazing guitar groups will also perform.

Please come and be inspired

1pm a shared lunch.

Due to Covid, at this point in time there is no shared food. How ever we will be providing nachos, vego or meat

options for lunch, For catering purposes could you please let us know if you are attending. (Adult numbers)


Term 1 Week 8 16 March 2021

Member of the Valley of Small Schools

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