gorilla trekking & wildlife safaris in rwanda

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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Relish Nature to the Fullest With Gorilla Tracking Safaris in Rwanda

Gorilla spotting tourism in Rwanda is on a dramatic rise after the increase in the population of gorillas. Many travelers are visiting the place just to look into the eyes of amazing primates. With the aid of the tour operators arranging Gorilla Tracking Safaris in Rwanda, you can track the gorillas in the finest manner. There are a lot many trusted tour operators who may be tracked online. Guides will take you to the magnificent wildlife reserves along the wilderness destinations of Rwanda and Uganda.

You can expect to get the best safari experience of life, enjoy game viewing and get services of high standards. In case, there is any danger, the operators will offer quick rescue services to get you out of the situation. It is always advised to contact a reliable tour operator for wildlife watching in Rwanda and Uganda.

Planned safari tours to Uganda and Rwanda

If you take up planned gorilla safari tours, the safari will start from Kampala after the guide has picked you up from hotel to commence the scenic journey. You will be moving towards the south western of Uganda to Mgahinga or Bwindi where you will see the world’s most endangered species of animals and man’s closest resembling cousin, gorilla.

Why to consider Rwanda safari ride?

There are actually 700-720 mountain gorillas that are remaining and they are found in Rwanda, Uganda and Congo. Uganda and Rwanda can be called Gorilla countries in real sense. They harbor almost half of the Mountain Gorillas that remain in the world till date. The impenetrable forest of Bwindi holds the largest population of gorillas and the largest family of gorillas comprise of 36-40 gorillas at one place. In fact, Mgahinga National Park is the most favorite destination for gorilla tracking. The entire adventure is captivating since as soon as you look into the eyes of the man’s primate cousins, you will feel the world differently.

When it comes to primate family, a gorilla is the bulkiest companion. Tracking gorilla can be exhausting but the memories you will carry will be cherished throughout the life. Gorilla Tracking Safaris in Rwanda can range from 3 days to 5 days and 6 nights.

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