gothic art and_architecture

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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Images of Gothic cathedrals in France. I do not own these images. They were all found using Google images.


Gothic Art and Architecture

Art Produced in Western Europe from the middle of the 12th to 16th


Origins of Gothic Style in France

• Began c. 1137-44• Invented by Abbot Suger of the French royal

monastery• None of the architectural devices used were new;

synthesis of existing styles was what was revolutionary

-Basilica of Saint-Denis-Began in 1136 by Abbot Suger and completed at end of 13th century -First major structure built in Gothic Style-Burial site for kings of France for centuries

Rose Window inside Saint-Denis

Choir Seats

Royal Tombs

Tomb of Louis XII and Ann of Britanny

Chartres Cathedral

-Built between 1194 and 1260 to replace basilica that burned-Supposedly houses the tunic of Virgin Mary

South spire, built in 1140s

Flying buttresses on the apse

Royal Portal on the West Front

Sculpture of Christ in Majesty on West Portal

Kings and Queens on West Portal

Chapel of St. Piat at East end

Detail of North Rose Window

Blue Virgin Window- survivor of Romanesque cathedral

Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral

16th century statue

Reims Cathedral

-Completed at end of 13th century to replace another cathedral that had burned-West front added in 14th century-Place where 24 French kings were coronated-Treasury contains flask with which kings were anointed

-Almost destroyed during World War I-Rockefeller family contributed greatly to a fundraising drive in the US to restore it-Reopened in 1937

Detail of sculptures on west front

Rose window and interior sculptures

Notre Dame of Paris

-Begun in 1163 and completed in 1250-During reigns of Louis XIV and Louis XV, underwent many renovations. Many tombs and stained glass windows were destroyed-Napoleon crowned emperor here


Sainte-Chapelle, Paris

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