grammar book emilia

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Grammar BookBy:

Emilia Daniel

Table of Contents

3. Presente -ar –er –ir 4. Stem Changers 5. Irregulars –go –zco –yo6. Saber vs conocer7. Reflexives8. ‘se’ impersonal9. Dipthongs10. Verbs like…Uir/guir12. Verbs like…Cer/cir13 Verbs like…Ger/gir14. Hace +__+ que + present/presentente15.Imperfecto 16. Preterite17, Car/Gar/zar, spock , cucaracha , snake/ snakey, Ir/Ser18. comparatives/ superlatives19. El futuro20. Por vs. Para21. Conditional22. Los mandatos23. pres. Perfects24. Double object pronoun25. Adverbs26. Subjective27. Se impersonal 28. Progressive + ir, Andar, segir

Ar, Er, Ir Los verbos regulares en el presente

Ar-oamosas ana


o emos

Es en



o imos

es en



Camino Caminamos

Caminas Caminan



Como Comemos

Comes Comen



Vivo Vivimos

Vives Viven


Stem Changers aka Boot verbs

The verbs change in the root They do not change in the nosotros

form or the vosotros E ie O ue U ue

Yo nosotros

Tú vosotros

El/ella/utd Ellos/Ellas/Utds




Irregulars -go -zco -yo

The “go” “zco” verbs are only in the irregulars in the yo form

“go” verbs- caer, decir, oir, puner, hacer, tener, traer, venir

“zco” verbs (cer/cir)- conocer, producir, conducir

y los demás – ser, ir, estar, ver, saber, dar

Yo - Conozco

Yo - Produzco

Yo - Conduzco

Yo – Tengo

Yo – Hago

Yo - Vengo

Ser- Ir-

Soy Somos Voy Vamos

Eres Son Vas Van

Es Va

Saber Vs Conocer

Both saber y conocer translate to the English verb to know

Both “yo” forms are irregular

Conocer- Conozco conocemosConocesConocenConoce

Saber – Sé sabemosSabessabenSabe


Brenda se lava- se is reflexive Reflexives also can be added on the

end of an infinitive. Such as…- Puedo ver me en el espejo

‘se impersonal

pronoun ”se” is in front of verbs to make general statements.

¿cómo se dice man en español? In English it translates to either “you

say” or “one says.”

Dipthongs w/accents

Dipthongs are the strong or weak vowels in a word next to each other.

Strong vowel sounds are a,e,o. Weak vowel sounds are i,u,y. puerto, ciudad, siete, hay.

*two strong vowels cannot be in the same syllable

Verbs like…Uir/Guir

Guir Uir-Yo form only changes from Gu to

G -Conseguirconsigoconsiguesconsigueconseguimosconsiguen

-Nosotros form is the only that doesn’t change.-Verbs that end in -uir (not guir) add y before o, e, and a endings-atribuir atribuyoatribuyesatribuyeatribuimosatribuyen

Verbs like…Cer/cir

Verbs that end in a vowel + cer or cir add z before the c in the yo form only.

Verbs that end in a consonant + cer or cir change the c to z in the yo form only.

conducir = conduzco ejercer = ejerzo

Verbs like…Ger/gir

Verbs that end in ger and gir change the g to j in the yo form only.

coger = cojo fingir = finjo

Hace +__+ que + Present/Presentente

The yo form is the only irregular

Hago, haces, hace, hacemos, hacen


The imperfect tense is used to refer to actions in the past that occurred repeatedly.

Yo caminaba todo los días.











“Snapshot” of time. Known beginning and or ending Trigger words: ayer, anoche, aneayer,

la semana pasada ect…

É ÍAste isteó ióAmos imosAron ieron

Car, Gar, ZarCar quéGar quéZar cé* 1st person only “yo”

SpockHacer hicehicistehizohicimoshicieronIr/serFuiFuiste FueFuimos Fueron Dar/verd/v - id/v - isted/v - io d/v - imosd/v - ieron

CucarachaAndar anduvEstar estuvPoder pudPoner pusQuerer quisSaber supTener tuvVenir vinConducir conduj Producir produjTraducir tradujTraer trajDecir dij


ÉisteOimosieron“j” verbs

Snake/ Snakeyo Stem changers and

Y changers

Dormir-Dormi dormimosDormisteDurmio Durmieron

Leer-Leí leimosLeisteLeyó leyeron


Adjective Superlative




Joven younger El/la menor

young Menor que

Viejo older El/la mayor

old Mayor que

Malo worse El/la peor bad Peor que

Bueno better El/la mejor good Mejor que

El Futuro

Infinitives +

vivir = viviré

ÉÁs ÁEmosÁn

“Will factor”

Ir + a + infinitive (immediate future)

Decir- to sayHaber- there to be/to haveHacer- to make doPoder-to be able Poner- to put,place,restQuerer-to want, loveSaber- to knowSalir- to leave, go outTener-to haveValer- to be worthVenir- to come

Por VS. Para

Por7 uses

1. use to indicate motion or a general location ( around, through , along, or by)

2. descries a duration of an action (for, during in)

3. expresses the reason for an action ( because, account of and on behalf of)

4. indicates the object of a search ( for & in search of)

5. means by which something is done (by way of ,by means of)

6. exchange or substituting (in exchange for)

I. units of measures (per, by) Also used in several expressions ( por

aqui, por ejemplo, por eso, por fin) Portal, Portugal , “por”ever , porpase ,

import/export , I’m por pay for me , Transportation

Not interchangeable with Para


7 uses

1. expresses destination ( toward, in the direction of)

2. deadline or specific time in a future (by , for)

3. propose or goal + [ infinitive] (in order to)

4. propose+[noun] ( for, used for)5. recipient of something6. comparison with others or to

make an opion ( for , considering)

7. in the employ of (for)o More specific than por o Not interchangeable with por


Subject Ending Subject Ending

yo -ía nosotros/nosotras


tú -ías vosotros/vosotras


él -ía ellos -ían

ella -ía ellas -ían

usted -ía ustedes -ían

Los mandatosTu – Simply drop the ‘s’


Los irregulares - Di, haz , ve, pon , sal , se , ten , ven


Tu – put it in ‘yo’ and change to oppsite vowel, add an ‘s’


Ud./Uds. – put it in ‘yo’ form and change ti opposite vowel

DOP + IOP + ‘se’ can attach to an affirmative

DOP+IOP+ ‘se’ must go before the negative command

T= tener , V= Venir , D= dat/decir , I= ir , S= ser , H= hacer/haber , E= Estar , S= saber

Los irregulares - TVDISHES

Los irregulares - TVDISHES

Ud. /Uds –same as above

Los irregulares: TVDISHES

Pres. Perfects

Conjugating the present perfect• In Spanish , the present-tence conjunctions of the verb Haber for present

perfect.• I have spoken -> He hablado• We have spoken -> Hemos hablado

yo he

Tu has

El/ella/Ud ha



vosotros hebeis

Ellos/Ellas/ Uds.


Irregulars• Abrir ->Abierto . Romper -> roto• Cubrir-> Cubierto . Ver-> visto• Decir-> Dicho . Volver -> Vuelto• Escribir-> escrito . Ir -> ido• Hacer-> hecho• Morir-> muerto• Poner-> puesto• Resoiver- Resuelto

Double object pronouns

Examples:Give it to meDa-me-loDo not give it to meNo me lo diga

o Place directly before conjugated verb or attacked to the infinitive


Provide more information about the verb They tell how , when, where, how often and

how much Spanish adverbs: are often formed by adding –

mente to the feminine singular form ExamplesRápido -> rápidamenteTranquil -> tranquilamenteFacil-> fácilmenteNormal-> normalmente


ar er

e a

Example:Hable HablesHableHablemosHableisHablen

IrregularsDar: de , des , deEstar: este , Ir: vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayanSaber: sepa, sepas , sepa , sepamos , sepanSer: sea, seas , sea, seamos, sean

Attitudes , uncertain, hypothetical

W – wish , wantE- emotionD- doubtD- denialI- Impersonal expressionN- negation , non- existingG- god

Se impersonal

Facts, actions, definite, Main clause + subordinate clause

connetted by que Se bueno que Es mejor que Es malo que Es importante que Es urgente que Es ojala que

Progressive + Ir , Andar , segir

Ing Ir + present participle = slowly but

surely_____ ing Andar + present participle is going

around ______ing Seguir + present participle is still_____


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