green wind construction

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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GreenWind Construction is available for all of your home service needs — from roof repair and replacement, tiling, and painting, to patio construction, window and door installation, gutter cleaning, and pressure washing — at an affordable price. So, when it comes to your home service needs, consider GreenWind Construction. With you, we can give life to your ideas and dreams.


Green Wind Construction LLC.This propoal is set to highlight the ideas we discussed

as well as to guide you through the many options I have to

offer to successfully market your business online. As requested

I have highlighted the options in which I feel should be priority in

your online marketing campign set to launch January 15th to produce

the most results prior to your February launch. I have listed 13 options

I feel will generate the most telephone inquiries of potential clients.I feel will generate the most telephone inquiries of potential clients.

Analytical Reports

Tonean ‘s Online Marketing Proposal for...


Photo Gallery

Monthly Updates


Direct Mailers

Professional Web Presence

Immediate PriorityThe following options are what I feel will be the best options to maximized your

budget and produce the most immediate results an telephone traffic. Each Title

is defined on the following page.

Future PriorityThese options re also important, however I feel are not an immediate priority.

I feel a monthly ad campaign to included all options listed should be implimented

in the near future when budget allows.


Search Engine OptimizationSocial Networking

Offiline MarketingImage/ BrandingIncentives

Green Wind Construction LLC.Although I have no background in the consturction business, I do have a

marketing background and understand the importance of gaining new clients

to keep your business successful. I have Listed the options highlighted on

the previous page and offered an explination of each title for your review.

This list is what I am willing to offer for the budget we discussed.

5. Analytical ReportsI feel it is important to keep a record of what is working and what may not be working for your company through online analytical reports. I am also willing to offer monthly, weekly and quarterly reports to show you the increase of traffic to your website, show how many users acces it from newsletters,social networking or from word of mouth. This is very important to ensure you are getting yout money’s worth.

Tonean ‘s Online Marketing Proposal for...

3. NewsletterI feel a monthly newsletter will be more effective than direct mailers and produce more tangible results . Unlike flyers, with a newsletter, you are able to view exactly how many people have viewed your flyer/letter. It is also a great way to advertise upcoming incentives or specials your company may be offering. Newsletters also have the ability to be distributed by interested readers to other friends/family members in need of your construction services. Unline a flyer which may be immediately thrown in the trash, many newsletters stay stored in the users email aaccount for future reference. Just like a business card, they may not call today but they may keep your flyer/ newsletter of file for years. A montly newsletter will also give the potential client the opportunity to visit yourwebsite more often.

1. Professional Web PresenceHaving a website means nothing if it does not work for you! I feel that with there being so many other websites geared toward the construction industry a complete update will need to be done to your current website. I understand you are satisfied with the current website,however from the customer’s perspective I feel it is not very user friendly. I feel the logo is great! It should be larger to show more focus on the companyas well as to add further branding of your services. My updates will improve the browser compatibility making the site load faster on the client’s computer. I will also ensure the website is able to be accessed on smart phones ( as discussed ma( as discussed many people use the internet on their blackberry or iphone-this is an untapped group for your business as well. The overall navigation of the website will be improved as well allowing for easier access of information with out having to click around the website as much. As you requested I will also update the imagesand add your seasonal updates/specials. Clients want toe be in and out and have little time for these current issues your website has ( no mobile compability, slow load times, difficult navigation )

Marketing Package- Immediate Priority

4. Search Engine OptimizationAs we discussed, your website currently has no ranking on google or the many other search engines. I am also willing to do SEO. For detailed description of this please review This is vital in the online world of marketing to ensure potential clients see your website as the first choice in the construction field! A maximum ranking on the search engine can make or break your online marketing campaign.

2. Social NetworkingYou currently have a facebook page. I feel this is a good start but again there is no point in having something that does not work for you or your company. Facebook is an online community which means you have the potential to reach millions of people! That’s many people to view your website, company specials etc. and you are able to tailor your advertising to clients that have an interestin your services. I am willing to offer updates to your facebook pageand increase your friend list. There are also many other blog sites, online classified sites and other online social nenetworking avenuse that you should persue to further market your business.

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