hade edge breeze newsletter - 2013 - autumn

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Hade Edge Breeze Newsletter - 2013 - Autumn




Autumn 2013




According  to  the  Met  Office,  this  summer  has  been  the  warmest,  driest  and  sunniest  for  seven  years  and  it  was  such  a  relief  to  wake  on  13th  July  to  a  warm,  sunny  day  for  our  biggest  ever  Gala.  It  certainly  was  a  day  to  remember,  with  a  huge  range  of  aBracCons  for  all  the  family  during  the  day,  followed  by  the  live  music  and  dancing  at  the  Party  in  the  Park  evening  event.  There’s  more  about  the  Gala  in  the  following  pages.    

In  this  ediCon  of  The  Breeze,  we’ve  launched  our  Children’s  Photography  CompeCCon.  Now  that  the  majority  of  us  have  “camera  phones”  it’s  so  easy  to  capture  that  stunning  shot  and  those  who  are  a  bit  more  ambiCous  can  get  the  “real”  camera  out!  

You  may  remember  that  in  a  previous  ediCon,  we  menConed  that  we  had  been  given  trees  by  The  Woodland  Trust  for  planCng  in  Hade  Edge  and  that  we  had  “heeled  them  in”  unCl  they  were  large  enough  to  survive  the  local  weather  condiCons!  The  good  news  is  that  they  are  growing  well  and,  although  they  are  sCll  quite  small,  we  are  now  looking  for  good  locaCons  to  plant  them  when  they  are  a  liBle  more  robust.  If  you  have  any  suggesCons,  please  get  in  touch  at:    info@hadeedgebreeze.co.uk

Dave  Lloyd



The sun shone on the Gala this year and the people of Hade Edge, their friends and families poured onto the football field to enjoy a diverse range of stalls and attractions.

The pig roast sold out in record time and the heat of the day meant that takings at the ice cream van were higher than ever. The bar was so busy that the ice pack used to chill the lager got used up half way through the afternoon. This caused a certain amount of stress not least between the two dodgy barmen who could only serve pints of froth. Thankfully a reserve pack was deployed preventing a riot amongst the many thirsty punters.

Takings from all of the stalls were at record levels; the Gala Queen was crowned, the band played, vintage cars twinkled, the dogs looked cute as a button and the success of the day was yet another demonstration of what can be achieved when local people come together.

A separate sub committee was set up to organise this years Gala and the team did the most fantastic job. They promoted the event well and brought in sponsorship from local businesses as well as a number of new stalls and attractions that helped to draw the crowds. Thanks to all those who contributed to what was a wonderful day, be it by making cakes, entering competitions, helping to set up or just by coming along and spending a few quid. Particular thanks to the committee members and volunteers who helped out and in particular the Gala Sub Committee, Helen Craggs, David Lloyd, Angela Vernoum, Rachel Smith and Lisa Dalton.

The party in the park that took place in the evening was also very well attended and fantastic fun. Bar takings were once again boosted by the happy revellers who enjoyed the three bands whilst munching their way through picnics and barbeque. Dancing on the grass went on beyond the official close time, a sign of what a great time we all had.

The entire day was an absolute triumph, drawing neighbours together and raising money which is divided up to support local good causes such as the school, the chapel, pre school, football club and a Christmas lunch and presents for the seniors of the village. The HEAR committee are keen to organise more events and are only limited by the number of local people willing to take a lead. If you would like to be involved in the committee you will be made to feel more than welcome. Why not come along to the next HEAR meeting (without any obligation!) they take place on the second Tuesday of the month. Call the secretary Leigh on 078877 000 76 or 680 767 to find out where the next meeting is to take place. Let’s join together and continue to make Hade Edge a great place to live.

Matthew MilburnChair of HEAR


Starting the year at Hade Edge J& I School

Head Teacher Jeff Kilner reports…

I have to start by saying what an excellent beginning to the school year that we are having. Our new reception children have joined us with such enthusiasm and excitement that we are overwhelmed by their confidence. All pupils are settling well into their routines and we are thoroughly enjoying the use of outdoor areas of school as well as all the new resources inside. Over the Summer break we had lots of work done within school with all classrooms being freshly decorated and new storage units fitted in our Terrific Tigers Class. I took great pleasure in listening to the excited comments from the children as they walked in and saw the new room.

On arrival back at school we have stirred things up again with a change to our house group system. The houses are now named after prominent locations and landmarks relating to the Tour De France that will be passing through in July 2014. We are continuing our enrichment activities that were very successful last year but are extending the groups from 4 to six which gives children access to learning new skills in sewing, baking, art, sport, gardening and other areas too. Our school is also celebrating having a new teacher join us. Mrs Stead will be working with our Key Stage Two pupils and has already made an impact within school and with the children. We are very pleased to continue having four teachers as this continues the provision of small class sizes and lots of support for all pupils.

Our whole school topic for this term is ‘Weather and climate disasters’ therefore pupils will learn about many aspects of geography set to climate change and events. Hopefully we will not be experiencing any real drastic weather conditions but then this is Hade Edge!

So, a busy start to the school year. With the excitement and the enthusiasm that is in abundance within school I am sure we will have more to report in the coming months.

Thanks, Jeff Kilner.


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Hade  Edge  AFC  2012/2013The 2012/2013 season has been a very positive one for Hade Edge AFC both on and off the field, that includes everyone from the senior first down to the under 5 and 6 year old training teams.The senior first team just missed out on promotion, finishing 3rd in Division 4, with the biggest points total for quite some time with 49 points.The senior second team finished a respectable joint 6th in reserve division 3 and the senior third team finished in joint 11th with 9 points.The fact that Hade Edge can put out 3 teams each week is a credit to the way in which the club is run and to the commitment of the lads themselves, especially when so many other teams in the Holme Valley and the District League as a whole have struggled to raise 1 team. Well done to Andy Daisey, Darren Chiapporri and Ian Walton for the respective team management throughout the season.The Junior section is going from strength to strength, the under 16 team have decided not to carry on into the under 17 section, but the majority of Jay Beaumont’s team have signed to play open age football at Hade Edge which is a great boost to the senior team. Judging by the performances of a couple of the under16’s, who were old enough to play for the seniors this year and have already played, the competition for places will be even greater next year.The under 14’s have had a great season under the guidance of Tony Munday, finishing a respectable 9th in their division. Tony is currently in the process of gaining his FA level 2 coaching course, which will make him the most qualified coach at the club.The under 11’s had an influx of players this season and have 2 teams in their age group, the Lions finishing 4th and Tiger 3rd in their respective divisions, well done to Iain Castleton and Simon Matthews this season.The under 9’s had 2 teams in their age group again this year, the Lions found it difficult in what is a very strong local division, finishing 10th, but the performances towards the end of the season really give cause for optimism. The Tigers had a great season, finishing 9th with 23 points, thanks to Eddie Dalton and Keith Hollingworth for looking after the two teams. The under 8’s and under 7’s have both had excellent season’s, no league table is available for these age groups but both teams would have been in the top few teams if results were recorded. Both teams play excellent football and will be a force next year as well. Well done to Simon O’Kane and Andy Akers for running the Under 8’s and Darren Cocker and Richard Dresser for running the Under 7’s.The under 6 and 5 training morning has been well attended all season, a mass of youngsters come and enjoy the training provided by John Dalton. This season culminated with a visit from Manchester City coaches who ran a session on the 29th June.Most people will have noticed that building work is well under way for the new changing facilities at our pitch in Hade Edge. Years of fundraising and meetings by the club house committee finally saw work start at the beginning of June, and the speed at which it has developed has been fantastic.

Further fundraising and grant applications are still on- going, the next one will be a Golf Day on the 27th


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SHAUN HEAP HOG ROAST & BBQ Hade Edge, Holmfirth

All outdoor events catered for Very competitive prices Fully Insured For prices & enquiries: Shaun Heap- 01484 682547 Heaps farm shop now open Sundays


HOLMFIRTH PARISH CHURCHHade Edge is in the Parish of Holy Trinity, Holmfirth. Services; 8.00am B.C.P. Communion, every other week.

10.30am Parish Eucharist every week.

Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals; Rev Keith Griffin 682644

We run a Sunday Club for four to ten year olds, 10.30 till 11.45 am every Sunday morning.

Harvest Festival to be held on the 29th September at 10.30am.

Events;During the Autumn there will be various regular events held in the gallery room in the church and if anyone would like a copy of the church magazine in which these are advertised, do please ask me for one.

Friday 18th October a Fashion Show is to be held, 7.30pm start. Tickets £6 includes a glassof wine. Please contact Audrey on 684924.

Saturday 9th November is the date of the Autumn Fair 10.00am until 2.00pm

All are welcome to any of these services and events.Appeal for books. Appeal for books. Appeal for books. Appeal for books. We would be very grateful for any books you no longer require, which we can sell in our second hand bookstall which is open during the summer months. We can arrange to collect any books: 01484 684924. Thank you.


Hade Edge Chapel

Dunford Road, Hade Edge

Hade Edge Pre-School opened in 1995 serving families with children aged between 2 and 5 who live locally and in the surrounding areas. The Pre-School operates from the Methodist Church Hall in the village using the hall and dining room/kitchen and there is a fully enclosed outdoor play area. A maximum of 24 children may attend the setting at any one time. The pre-school is open every weekday during term time, except Tuesdays. On Mondays and Wednesdays the Pre School is open between 9am and 3pm and on Thursdays and Fridays open between 9am and 1pm.

Please contact the pre-school manager Jane Higginson (07584  895  929) for details on enrolling your child, fees are £3/hr. We are able to take children from age 2, and all children age 3 upwards are entitled to 15 hours early learning provision, paid for by government.



Services  held  every  Sunday  between  September  and  December.Services  during  January  and  February  are  held  on  the  first  and  third  Sundays  only.  

All  services  commence  at  2.30p.m.

Minister:  Rev  Laura  Hardy  :  Telephone  851985

New  Circuit  Celebra:on  Service

The  Circuit  Welcome  Service  will  be  held  at  3p.m.  on  Sunday  1  September  at  Lindley  Methodist  Church.  Everyone  is  welcome.  There  will  be  no  service  at  Hade  Edge  on  that  day.

Good  News  from  the  Pews

Jacob’s  Ladder  -­‐  This  45  minute  family  service  (children  especially  welcome)  will  be  held  on  the  following  Sundays  at  2.30p.m:6  October3  November1  December  –  This  will  be  a  Toy  Service  and  you  are  invited  to  provide  new/good  quality  second-­‐hand  toys  (unwrapped)  which  will  be  donated  to  the  Huddersfield  Welcome  Centre  for  distribuCon  amongst  children  in  the  area  who  may  not  otherwise  be  receiving  a  Christmas  gii.  Please  support  this  worthwhile  cause.  (Free  tea  and  biscuits  are  provided  aier  these  services.)

Harvest  Fes:val  –  Sunday  13  October  2013.  Welcome  to  our  ‘Harvest  Home’  Service  at  which  giis  of  food:  Cnned  produce,  pasta,  sugar,  cereals,  coffee,  tea  and  similar  items  will  be  welcomed  and  distributed  to  the  needy  through  the  Huddersfield  Welcome  Centre.

Remembrance  Sunday  –  Sunday  10  November  2013.  You  are  cordially  invited  to  remember  the  fallen  at  this  special  service.

Chapel  Anniversary  Service  –  Sunday  17  November  2013.  Come  and  celebrate  with  us  the  birthday  of  the  Chapel  and  join  us  in  a  tradiConal  Hade  Edge  Tea  aierwards.

Candlelight  Carols  –  Christmas  Eve  11.30p.m.  –  Start  your  Christmas  by  praising  our  Saviour.  Join  us  in  the  perfect  Christmas  selng.

Smiles  from  the  Aisles

As  part  of  the  programme  of  ecumenical  interface  a  bingo  session  was  arranged  by  the  Methodist  minister  at  the  local  Catholic  Hall.  As  he  passed  the  hall  that  evening  he  was  surprised  to  hear  a  loud  commoCon  going  on  with  people  spilling  out  into  the  street.  He  picked  up  one  of  his  members  from  the  pavement  and  asked  her  what  on  earth  was  going  on.  She  replied  angrily,  “They’re  calling  the  numbers  out  in  LaCn  and  the  Protestants  can’t  win!


Hade Edge Methodist Chapel, Dunford Road, Hade Edge, Holmfirth, HD9 2RT

I’m sure the children have just about recovered from the ‘Out of this world’ gala. Thank you to all the children and parents who got involved. We would also like to thank all of the parents who donated and helped on the day to ensure fun was had by all. We are hoping to use the money raised from the gala event for some new outdoor equipment such as a football net and scooters.

I would also like to personally thank the staff for all their hard work this year. In May we received a visit from Kirklees who gave us a glowing report and commented on the many improvements which have been made recently, in particular the beautiful sensory garden which I’m sure you have all seen when walking past.

All of the team at Hade Edge Pre-School would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye and good luck to all of our pre-school children that have left to start ‘big’ school in September. All the children had a great time at our leavers’ party on the last day of term.

Looking towards the new preschool year, as autumn arrives we will be encouraging the children to explore the change in the season through outdoor nature trails and activities such as leaf and bark rubbings. The school has kindly given us child-friendly cameras which the children will use to photograph and collect evidence of the autumn season which we will display at Pre-School. The children are also welcome to bring collections from home. We have many different topics throughout a pre-school year and we post the topics on our parent/welcome notice board.

We have a suggestion box in the entrance of the Pre-School and we are always open to suggestions for topics, events and activities and feedback.

We will soon be announcing the date for our AGM and if you are a parent or carer of a child at Pre-School and would like to hear more about how our Pre School is run and how you can get involved in making important decisions regarding your child’s Pre-School experience then please come along.

Emma Serjeant

Chair of Hade Edge Pre-School


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My name is Hettie Irving and I am 15 and a half years old. I am currently studying at Holmfirth High School and I live in Hade Edge. I am available for babysitting on weekdays until 11pm and later on Fridays and Saturdays. My fee is £5 per hour. Please contact me if you are interested. Thank you.

07713 138239 01484 681692

Babysitting Service


What a wonderful summers day it was this year for the Hade Edge Gala. It was certainly the best yet. Thank you to every body that supported us and a huge thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers, with out you it really wouldn’t be possible.The day started with the float procession accompanied by the wonderful Simon Wood and the Hade Edge Training Band. The Gala Queen Lauren Heaton and Gala King Ashley Hepworth were attended on the float by Oriana Newton and Max Cunningham. The procession was a sight to behold. Lead by the Holmfirth Police, the school and pre school children and parents made their way to the football field. Truly wonderful. The children were dressed up in this years theme of fancy dress “Outer Space.” Parents and childrenalike made a huge effort. The outfits were astonishing. Mandy Walker (Vice Chair Parish council) andDavid Elliot (Chapel) had the difficult job of judging the fancy dress. Well done to all of you! They were very impressed.The field was jam packed with marquees, gazebos, stalls galore, outside traders, bouncy castles and vintage vehicles. The hog roast was sponsored by our very own Brindon Addy and was a huge hit. The fleet ofvintage cars, tractors and trucks was a lovely sight to see. Thanks to Steve Richardson for sorting them outto come to the Gala and also for judging the classes for the vehicle competition.Our displays began with Scholes School Maypole dancing. We hope they return next year, it was a lovelytimeless classic. Next up were Hade Edge school with their brilliant Hakka Display. Well done to the childrenof both schools. The most amazing Huddersfield MSA Thai Boxing Club demonstration team did a truly spectacular display! They are already booked again for next year. The fun dog classes were judged by Hilary Rushworth (Miley Animal Care) and Paul Hodgson (West Yorkshire Dog Rescue). Thank you to the owners and the pooches, you were all brilliant and great entertainment. A massive thank you to Huddersfield Pets At Home for sponsoring these classes, the first prizes were superb and well worth winning.The Holmfirth Police certainly entertained the children. Being locked in the police cells in their van was very exciting. The New Mill Cubs cave bus was a real hit with the little ones as were their camp donuts. Punch and Judy had the smaller children entertained, their reams of laughter was beautiful. Thanks to Allison Wagstaff and the lovely Kate Gamble for judging the cupcake competition. The entries were exceptional! Also to Phil Neale for judging the children’s art competition. He was extremely impressed with your efforts kids. WELL DONE TO ALL OF OUR COMPETITION ENTRANTS.We were privileged to have Wayne from Wise Owls Birds of Prey Rescue at the Gala with his beautiful owlsand hawks. Children and adults alike were in awe of these amazing creatures and we even had some flying displays. The wind in Hade Edge was kind on Gala day. Of course a massive thank you to Simon Wood and his training band and accordion band for serenading us throughout the day.The evening party in the park was a huge success too. Thanks to Storm Riders, Unsuited and the brilliant State of Confusion. We certainly ate, drank and were very merry! A beautiful evening of exceptional music, laughter and fun.

The Gala was the best yet. We raised just under £4000 all to split between the school, pre school and toddler group, chapel, football club and the senior citizens Christmas lunch and presents. The HEAR committee will also be buying more plants for the village planters ready for winter.

Thank you to our sponsors:Thornton & Ross, Brindon Addy, Pets at Home Huddersfield, Access North, DCM Property Matters & Phoenix Van Hire



Photographs courtesy of Joe Brereton & Chris Wiper Photography.



Huddersfield Sailing Club Hade Edge

Where it’s always a good sailing day!



Away Days

Boshaw Whams is an excellent water for small boat sailing but every once in a while we like to have a weekend away at bigger venues. In June we made our annual trip to Coniston Water, camping at the National Trust campsite on the lakeshore near Torver. This year the weekend was relatively rain free with strong, challenging winds leading to swimming lessons for most of us. Nevertheless a good time was had by all. Our second trip for this season is to Shell Island near Harlech in Wales. This gives us a rare chance to do some sea sailing and practice surfing down waves.

Perhaps like this:

Or if we’re unlucky with the winds – like this:

To find out more about the sport of sailing come down to the clubhouse any Saturday or Sunday afternoon and have a chat. We also race on Wednesday evenings and can be found in the Bay Horse afterwards at 9pm from April to August. Full details of the club’s activities can be found on our website: www.huddersfieldsailing.org.uk . The latest news can also be found on our Facebook page.


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Henderson Opticians


News from the old wooden hutIm hoping that this won't be my last contribution to the breeze but for those that don't know, our funding from Edgar Dickinson finishes in December and that means that although the Academy can look after itself financially the funding for me won't be there. Anyway fingers crossed…..

All our groups had busy times before the summer break. The senior band had a fantastic concert at Moldgreen Church with the lovely Martene Grimson. The band performed its 'Viennese' show and took the audience by storm. Martene sung as beautifully as ever, the highlight for me was rather unexpectedly by Andrew Lloyd Webber- 'Unexpected Song'. Really stirring stuff. This annual concert is not one to be missed…. 

The band also made its annual pilgrimage to Durham for the miners gala. Another long but good day out.Exciting news is that we have now started our new beginner band. There are already around 15 new players rehearsing on Fridays at 5.30. Our new rehearsal room means that we can now have simultaneous rehearsals and this gives us so much more flexibility its great. The Training Band played its round of school and village galas and as always were brilliant. The highlight for me was playing at our own Hade Edge Gala with the children conducting all the pieces. Absolutely fab.Youth Band had a cracking day at Morley March contest picking up another Best Youth Band Prize and beating plenty of senior bands on the way. They also had a lovely concert with the Community Choir at Hepworth Church. This was a lovely evening with a packed audience. Choir have a busy schedule but still have space for sons and their Dads, or even Mums and daughters! Rehearsals are at 6 on Mondays.



Jazz Collective had a great gig with Denby Dale Ladies choir. The band really impressed and I know everyone enjoyed my special array of jokes… No, honestly they did………    Look out for Jazz Collective at Marsden Jazz Festival once again. Sunday Morning. Clarinet group and saxophone group are really well settled in now and this is one area where we are looking to build. In September we are hoping to start a Beginner Wind Band. Although we are receiving so much interest that I think we may end up with two wind bands!!! Keep a look out.

Rock School, Generation 1, played to an excited audience at Meltham Sports Club. This was a lovely evening and we received a lovely donation as a result. Thanks to Anna, Theos mum, for organising. Rock School Gen 2 are already to get gigging now and have a great line up. Keep an eye out for them as they will be worth the watch. Rock School Gen3 have made a great start.

Anyone interested in joining these youngsters should get in touch, they need a bass player and a singer to complete their own young line up.

Finally, Accordion and Concertina band have also been busy. They made their folk festival debut at Holmfirth Church and were a big hit. Following that they shared a stage with Roger Davies at Upperthong, raising more money for charity and giving another great concert. 

After all that the big BIG highlight for me was our own Arts Festival. Artists, Performers, Poets, so many people helped, gave their time, provided wifi, exhibited art, it was just a brilliant weekend. Two Valleys Radio were our brilliant joint hosts, along with an exciting Edgy Session, and all in all this is something I really would love to build on. Vestawind from Norway provided an emotional start to our final concert and we all thoroughly enjoyed them. The collaboration of Senior Band and Roger Davies

Simon Wood..Musical Director


Autumn tomato chutney

Ingredients1 1kg ripe tomatoes, peeled and

chopped2 750g cooking apples, peeled,

cored and chopped3 375g light muscovado sugar4 250g onions, chopped5 250g raisins6 1 green pepper, deseeded and

chopped7 2 tsp salt ½ tsp ground ginger8 350ml cider vinegar

Method1. Put all the ingredients into a large pan and bring to the boil

over a medium heat. Stir occasionally until the sugar has dissolved. Boil the mixture, uncovered, for about 45-50 mins until the fruit is tender and thickened. Cool, then transfer the mixture to a sterilised jar and seal.

Recipe from Good Food magazine.....tried and tested

A good tomato chutney takes some beating, and this version is great because it's not too sweet



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Mice, Cockroaches, Rabbits and Foxes

Paul Harvey Pest Control 07973 524332 (ph37jh38@aol.com)


Edgy’s new venue is the Postcard Inn in Holmfirth. The managers are so welcoming and so behind our night of music. Don’t forget we raise money on the night via a raffle, for our village, to go towards funding the Hade Edge Gala. We shall also be doing individual nights too for the likes of Kerry Sykes’ toddler group.June sessions saw Ian, Matt Bentley and Secret Notes. It was a smash. We raised £80 on the raffle. Thanks to the band room for hosting this event. The next up was a special Edgy as part of the Top of the World Art weekend. This was transmitted live by Two Valleys Radio. Irene Pirerra, Chris Martin, Kath Reade and Alex Quinn and the man in the Street provided us with a fantastic night of music. We raised £101 for the band, so a good night all round. After a summers break the September sessions at our new venue was amazing. A cracking venue. Suilven opened with a brilliant acoustic set followed by Diamond Dac & Alec Becconsall who did a wicked Blues set. Bo Weavil, from Manchester headlined. They were an exceptional group of musicians, blues with a kick, and a big kick. Dom Dudhill can certainly play the fiddle! All of the acts went down a storm. We raised £88 on the raffle. Thank you to every one that supports Edgy. It’s a superb night of laughter, music & chat. We are so lucky to have such wonderful talent wanting to play for us. Hope to see you there!

5th October 2nd November Steve Chapman Smith Ade JL Payne Dariush Kanani Chris Martin Peculiar Blue Decca Comedian/Musician

7th December Rum Doodle ROGER DAVIES- yes really!!!! Alex Quinn and the Man in the Street

Please try to get to a sessions. It’s a great night of great music. Please also visit & like our facebook page to keep up with every thing EDGY! www.facebook.com/Edgy.Sessions.Acoustic.Night



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Addy’s Butchers

Now open Sundays 10am-2pm

If you have forgotten to get your Sunday Roast then don’t worry you can now pop in and see us on a Sunday. We have our usual range of quality, locally sourced meats and pies. You could always sneak in a crafty bacon sandwich too!

Brisket and BeerWe can all agree we have had a fantastic summer, with more than our share of glorious sunshine. Unfortunately all good things come to an end and the cooler weather Hade Edge is famed for is just around the corner. Here we have a recipe to warm the soul through the harsher seasons.

• 1.25kg boned and rolled brisket• 6 tbsp rape-seed oil• Knob of butter• 2 large onions• 2 carrots• 500ml ale (The Nook’s own Oat Stout works great!)• 2 bay leaves• 2 tsp muscovado sugar• 550g parsnips• 1tsp treacle• 1tsp Dijon mustard• mixed herbs to taste• Salt and pepper

*Preheat your oven to 200°C. Brush the brisket with the rape-seed oil and lightly season it. Brown the meat in the oven for 30 minutes. While this is cooking, fry the onions in the butter. *Turn the oven down to 160°C then add the onions, carrots, bay leaves, sugar, mustard and ale to the brisket; if necessary, add water or stock to the liquid to ensure the meat is half-covered. Cover the dish and cook for another 2hours.*An hour before the beef is done, slice the parsnips and toss them in oil; season well and roast theseon a baking sheet. After 30 minutes, remove, then drizzle with the treacle; return them to the oven and cook for a further 30 minutes or until tender. *Remove the brisket, place on a warm plate and cover with foil. Turn the oven up to 190°C, add the parsnips and also more water if needed, before cooking for another 15minutes. *Add some of the gravy to moisten the meat, season to taste and serve on a large plate with vegetables and mashed potato.


Childrens Photography Competition

Send your favorite Winter photograph to the Breeze. It can be of any thing wintery, or Christmassy and the best photographs will be printed in the next Breeze due out in December. Our judge will be Mr Joe Brereton. The categories are : PreschoolReception to year 2 Years 3-6.Over 12’sKids don’t forget to include your age, school year and name & you may be featured in the next edition of the Breeze.Good Luck!email: info@hadeedgebreeze.co.uk


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323 Dunford RoadHade EdgeHolmfirth


Store AddressUnit 6Phase 2 Great Northern Retail ParkLeeds RoadHuddersfieldHD1 6ND

Opening hoursMon - Fri: 9am - 8pmSat: 9am - 6pm Sun: 10.30am - 4.30pm

Telephone 0845 600 9477

Pets at Home, Leeds Road Huddersfield were a great support to our Hade Edge Gala. A big thank you to their manager Rob Helliwell. They sponsored our dog classes with exceptional first prizes for each class. They also came to the Gala and gave advice and goodie bags out to pet owners. We are really appreciative of the support of such a wonderful caring company. We went to the Store to find out a bit more about them and take some photographs of the amazing animals.

Pets at Home offers the ultimate pet shop experience. It really is a paradise for pets and pet owners. They have all the pet supplies, pet food, toys and accessories you and your pet need at great value prices.

All store colleagues are fully trained in pet care and dedicated to the welfare of your animals, with most of them being experienced pet owners themselves. So whether you are a new owner or an expert, store colleagues are on hand to help you make the right choices. They also have a fantastic range of free, informative care sheets for you to take away, offering help and advice on how to look after your pet.

Shopping in Pets at Home is fun too! All stores have aquaria's with cold water and tropical fish and for our furry friends a special bunny village where kids and adults alike can enjoy watching guinea pigs and rabbits hop about. Many larger stores have grooming salons and even bright modern fully equipped Companion Care veterinary surgeries. They are also more than happy if you want to shop with your dog, a free dog biscuit from the till is sure to make it home from home. With free and convenient parking and a carry to car service, Pets at Home really is a one stop shopping experience. So why not call into your local store soon, it's worth a visit.

Pets at Home now have over 300 pet stores across the UK

In 2007, in recognition of their achievements, Pets at Home won Retail Week's Specialty Retailer of the Year award.

Pets at home strive to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

Pets promise

Pets are good for us!

Pets at Home believe in and promote responsible pet ownership. Not only are pets great companions and family members but they can help reduce stress in adults and help children learn about life and even do better in school!


There are two fantastic veterinary groups within the Pets at Home family;

Companion Care and Vets4Pets

They offer a network of over 220 veterinary practices throughout the UK so they hope you’ll find a surgery that’s local to you. With extended opening times, free car parking and teams of friendly animal-loving experts, their vet practices provide the very highest levels of care for your pets.

Services & facilitiesPets at Home’s veterinary facilities and specialist equipment allows them to treat most cases at the surgery. They are happy to explain how they may help you and your pet.


A selection of ‘Pets at Homes’Lovely Animals


Photographs courtesy of Lisa Dalton(Lisa Dalton Photography & Memory Framing)

The postcard Inn Edgy Session


Acoustic Night

First Saturday of every Month

Free EntryMusic starts at 8.30pm

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