hawthorne and his market & chetan bhagt and his market

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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Cultural studies p- 8

Popular CultureHawthorne and his Market

&Chetan Bhagat and his Market

Presented By : Bhumi v joshi.

Roll No : 2Enrollment No : 14101020

A cultural studies concerns not only the work that is produced but also the means of production.

How to support the author , of finding a publisher and even of marketing the particular work?

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Chetan Bhagat

Hawthorne and his market

In what frame of mind did the young Hawthorne

handle the challenges of getting a work of fiction

published ?

Two worlds :

Two worlds

Exploration of his own personal fears during the middle third of the 19th century.

World of American publishing at the time Translate his fear of failure and his own unconscious demons into a classic story of good and evil.

Difficulty of publication Market :

- No international copyrights

- American publishers had private works by British writers and sell them cheaply.

- Hawthorne's seriousness and complex prose style made him more difficult to read than the average popular author.

- Forbidden topics that drew him.

He deals with….. Embraced art itself as a feminine quality

Writing about puritan hypocrisies also demonstrate to all women

Dark reform may be described as “immoral didacticism”


Exposing not only satanic evil but also .. Religion , sexuality and politics

Hits upon a sensational combination

Able to spin a tale of evil of “ the power of blackness” and demonstrate his fitness for both classic literature and his contemporary market place.

Demonstrates clearly not only the difference between popular trend and great literature but also their common roots in popular culture.

Chetan Bhagat and his market

Why he Is popular ?

Knows the process of Production – Marketing and consumption because he learnt from IIM and IIT

Knows how best to utilize the cultural milieu and economical conditions of the readers

Knows the demographic of India

“ Biographer Of India”- Shashi Tharoor

He deals with…..Stands for youth

Problems of youth from the way young would like to narrate

Length of books – just like Novella

“unput downable “

Simple narrative style of language

Understanding of target audience and their zeitgeist – getting admission in IIM and IIT, Call center- Job, entrepreneurship, marriage, education system as enterprise.

Deals with current issues .

Epilogue and prologue is quite important

Radhika finds new path of living with freedom

Military uncle understands and accepts his daughter in

law as working woman

• media

Campus novel , campus slangs, symbols

Use of Social media

Face book Twitter


Basic tone- Hindutva

3 Mistakes of my life

Representation of youth – Indian culture

Affordable price of novel - 90 to 150 Rs only.

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