health and well being human resources. how many have mental health problems? who has these problems?...

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Health and Well Being

Human Resources

• How many have mental health problems?

• Who has these problems?

• Happy, Healthy and Here.

Is Health & Well Being an Issue?

What was in place

• Written Procedures/Policies

• Stress Risk Assessments

• Occupational Health Involvement

• Training

• Management Information

The Starting Point

• Corporate recognition – need to do more

• Change in personnel

• HSE visit 2007

• HWB Steering Group established

• Wanted Stress/ Health and Well Being Guidance

• Wanted better understanding of Management


Drivers for Change

Six areas that need to be managed

• Demands

• Control

• Support

• Relationships

• Role

• Change

HSE Advice

Health and Well Being

European Week of Safety and Health

Health and Well Being Initiative

Stress Management Workshops

Alternative Therapies

Body MOTs

Walk in the Park

Free Healthy Lunch

Health and Well Being

Training course established

Occupational Health Guidance

Health and Well Being Guidance

Recommendation from HWB Steering Group

Working party to arrange survey

5 companies invited

Specification sent to HWB group

Schools not included

Health and Well Being

• Marketing and publicity – Web site

• Data Protection Issues – Non-Disclosure


• Union involvement

Health and Well Being

Getting Responses

• Daily update to Chief Officers

• Encouraged competition between service areas

• Rough sample of results at end of third week

• Final cut 6 weeks after start date

Health and Well Being

Each question relates to one stressor

I have to work very intensively = Demands

Each response scored 1-5

Average score then generates your


Doing very well (+80%)

Good (50-80%)

Need for improvement (20-50%)

Urgent action needed (below 20%)

Scoring system

Survey Findings

Overall results very good

Some ‘hot spots’

Health and Well Being

Overall score

4 categories – Very good

3 categories - Good

Health and Well Being

Benchmarked against other Organisations

3 categories – Above average

4 categories - Average

Health and Well Being

Benchmarked against other Councils

6 categories – Above Council average

Peer support – Below Council average

Health and Well Being

Health and Well Being

Health and Well Being

Post survey actions

• Comprehensive Area Assessment

• 3.3 Does the organisation plan, organise and develop its

workforce effectively…

• Productive and Skilled workforce

• Encourages and supports staff in organisational change

Health and Well Being

Pros …….

• Compared to the HSE method quick and easy

• Efficient use of resources

• Confidentiality

• Benchmarking

• Stakeholder involvement

Health and Well Being

…….and Cons

• Marketing and publicity

• Getting the Headcounts right

• IT interface (NDA)

• Publicising the outcomes

Health and Well Being

Lessons learnt

• Senior management commitment

• Specify what you want at the start

• Decide who to leave out

• More than one approach

• Marketing and Publicity

• Stick to the HSE inspection pack

Health and Well Being

Any questions?

Health and Well Being

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