health & fitness july

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  • Health & FitnessJuly

  • july 201226

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    Trophology: Dietary advice and views vary from dietician to personal trainer. This is one personal trainers view on what to eat and what not to eat based on his research

    and personal experiences.

    We have all heard the advice given by doctors regarding a balanced diet and getting five a day in our meals. However, many people dont realise that modern medical training includes little or no nutritional science. The intake of foods such as meat, milk, starch, fat and sugar is no different than pouring petrol, diesel, sugar and alcohol into the tank of your car and expecting it to run smoothly.

    The science of food combining boils down to pH balance- acid/alkaline. If you add a measure of acid to a measure of alkaline you get a neutral solution like plain water. This is the principle behind taking bicarbonate (strong alkaline) for acid indigestion. The digestion of any concentrated protein (animal protein) requires a highly acidic medium, which must be maintained for several hours to break down and assimilate the proteins. The digestion of carbohydrate/ starch however, requires an alkaline medium for digestion, which is initiated by saliva in the mouth. This in turn signals the stomach to reduce its acidity in order for an alkaline medium to complete digestion. From this you can see the problem when a protein and starch are eaten together. Acid and alkaline juices are secreted together therefore neutralizing each other and the result is a weak watery solution in the stomach that cannot digest either food type. The proteins start to putrefy and the starch starts to ferment, fed on by the ever present bacteria in the digestive tract.

    David Sheehan

  • july 2012 27

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    This putrefied and fermented food now begins to cause all sorts of digestive problems, including: gas, heartburn, cramps, bloating, constipation, foul stools, bleeding piles,

    colitis etc. Also a lot of so called allergies are just a direct result of incorrect food combining. The blood carries toxins from the putrefying, fermented mess as it

    passes slowly through the intestines and these toxins cause rashes, hives, headaches, nausea and other allergy symptoms. The same foods that

    cause these reactions, when incorrectly combined, very often cause no ill effects when taken correctly and according to the laws of


    So what happens to this undigested food? In order to protect itself from the toxins produced by the bacteria

    now feeding on this mess, the colon secretes large amounts of mucous to trap the toxins before they

    damage the sensitive lining of the colon. When food is continually being improperly combined every day at every meal, the colon produces a steady stream of mucous, which accumulates and gets impacted in the folds of the colon. This causes a narrowing of the passage through the colon and a constant seeping of toxins into the bloodstream by osmosis. When this build up of toxic mucous reaches a certain critical level, it causes a section of the colon to bulge outwards, causing a condition called diverticulosis. Colitis and cancer are the inevitably the next stages of colon deterioration caused by these conditions.

    The following are examples of common incorrect combinations: protein and starch (meat and potatoes, burger and fries, eggs and toast, meat

    and rice/pasta, anything battered etc.), protein and protein (meat and milk, mixed fry, fish and

    meat), starch and acid (oranges and bananas- fruit salad, vinegar on chips, tomatoes on bread, toast

    and orange juice), protein and acid ( orange juice and eggs/ meat, vinegar dressing and meat), protein and fat

    (fatty bacon, marbled steaks, meat cooked in fat), protein and sugar ( any sugary dessert after meat), starch and

    sugar (bread and jam, cereal and sugar).

    From the above list it may seem that there is nothing left to eat. But dont freak out just yet!! There is no need to be fanatical

    about controlling your diet or counting calories, or worrying about cholesterol. There are many ways to enjoy your favourite foods if you

    simply follow the rules of trophology. If foods are properly combined then regardless of how many calories or how much cholesterol they contain they

    will not make you fat or clog up your veins and organs, especially if at least half your daily food intake is taken fresh and raw.

    Food combining for health

  • july 2012

    4 sets, 8 12 repsSingle Arm Seated Dumbbell Curls

    As above, position your elbow against the inside of your leg (close to the knee)

    Lift the dumbbell keeping your elbow pressed against your leg. Repeat the curl for 8-12 reps then change arms

    11 2

    4 sets, 8 12 repsDouble Arm Seated Curls

    Sit in position with your back against the seat (this is how you want to be positioned for this exercise)

    Lift with both arms 145 degrees to the position above. Repeat curls for 8-12 reps)

    21 2

    4 sets, 8 12 repsDouble Arm Seated Hammer Curls

    Sit with your back pressed firmly against the seat. NOTE: The dumbbells are now being held with your hands facing outwards.

    Lift the dumbbells straight up as seen above keeping the dumbbells in the hammer position. Repeat exercise for 10-12 reps

    31 2

    Biceps workout


    Health &




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  • july 2012

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    Clinic available4 sets, 21 reps (3x7)Z Bar 7-7-7 Curls4

    Start Position Lift the Z bar 90 degrees to level

    Then release back down. Repeat to do 7 reps.

    1 2 3

    Start Position is now as above.

    Lift the Z bar 45 degrees to the position as you can see above

    Release down, but only to the start position (4) then once again repeat for 7 reps.

    4 5 6

    Now let the Z bar down to the position above. This is your last section of this exercise.

    Lift the Z bar up 180 degrees to the position as seen above.

    Release all the way down and repeat for 7 reps

    7 8 9

    Use the Z bar (see picture) for this exercise

    Health &



    This exercise is called 7-7-7s because you do 21 reps, which consist of 3x7 reps. Below follow the 9 pictures to complete the one exercise. Then repeat for 4 sets.

    Do not rest or put the Z bar down. Continue straight to 4

    Again do not rest here. Continue straight to 7.

    These 3 lifts of 21 reps is one set.

    Photos taken at Erics Gym, located in Riviera del Sol.

  • july 2012

    Health &



  • july 2012

    Health &



    Easy recipes protein powder

    Protein shake alternatives:

    Easy pancake with a fraction of the carbohydrates and full of protein

    Ingredients: 1 scoop flavoured protein powder of your choice, water.

    Directions: Place protein powder in a bowl and add just enough water that the mixture has a consistency similar to pancake batter (it should be slightly lumpy). Pour the mixture onto a non-stick skillet on medium heat. Cook 1-2 minutes on each side.

    to make with your

    In A Hurry Cookie

    Ingredients: 1 scoop flavoured protein powder of your choice, 1 egg white.

    Directions: Mix egg white and protein powder in a bowl. Add water to the mixture until it forms a doughy substance. Spray a bowl with non-stick spray and place the batter inside. Place in a microwave and heat for 15-45 seconds, depending on the power of your microwave. Let cool and enjoy.

    Easy Vanilla Protein Cheesecake

    Ingredients: 1/2 or 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup fat free cream cheese, 4 tsp. sugar (or sweetener of your choice), 2 tsp. milk. If youre calorie counting: For base, low fat plain biscuits & low fat margarine.

    Directions: For cheesecake topping: Mix everything together thoroughly in a bowl. Set aside. For base: Break biscuits down in a food processor, heat margarine in a pan. Once melted, stir in broken biscuits and mix to a doughy consistency. Spread out in a tin. Place cheesecake topping generously on top of the base and leave to set in the fridge for a couple of hours.

  • july 201232

    Health &



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    Mens Lifestyle

  • july 2012

    Health &



    The PlankThe plank provides a great warm-up that engages all the muscles of the core.Begin in the pictured position. Keep your torso straight and rigid and your body in a straight line from ears to toes with no sagging or bending. Hold the position 15-60 seconds while maintaining control.To increase the difficulty and intensity of this movement, alternate lifting one arm out in front of you while maintaining your posture for 10 seconds and repeating on the other side. You can do the same with each leg, by lifting your foot up and holding that position for 10 seconds and repeating on the opposite leg.

    V-Sit Abdominal Exercise

    The v-sit is an effective abdominal and core exercise that works the rectus abdominis, the external obliques, and internal obliques. This exercise also engages the hip flexors.To do the V-sit, start in a seated position on the floor, contract your abdominal muscles and core, and lift your legs up to a 45-degree angle as pictured. Reach your arms straight forward or reach up toward your shins as you are able. Maintain good core posture and a strong spine while you hold the position for several seconds. Rest and repeat several times. As you get stronger, hold the position longer.

    The Hip Bridge Exercise

    The hip bridge exercise isolates and strengthens the gluteus (butt) muscles and hamstrings (back of the upper leg). This is a good core strengthener that targets both the abs and the lower back muscles. The bridge exercise is considered a basic rehab exercise to improve core and spinal stabilization.Hold the position pictured below for 15-60 seconds while maintaining control. To increase the difficulty and intensity of this movement, alternate lifting up on your toes so heel come off the ground and then reverse it with the toes off the ground and your weight on your heels.

    The Core: Why is it important?Though commonly used to refer to the abs and lower-back muscles collectively (considered the epicentre of the body), the term core actually applies to several muscles throughout the upper and lower body. The transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis (your six-pack muscle), internal obliques, multifidus, spinal erectors, lats, glutes, and traps can be considered core muscles.

    They all work together, often simultaneously, to stabilize and support the spine. Since the spinal cord is the main avenue for sending messages to the muscles throughout your body, the safer your body senses that it is, the more comfortable it feels sending those messages out and the more clearly they are received.

    Building a strong core is the first step toward making maximal gains in strength and power and performing any kind of skilled athletic movement. Strong supporting muscles around the spine also reduce lower-back pain, as well as the risk for lower-back injury. Since the core encompasses all the abdominal muscles that make up that aesthetic six-pack look, its the foundation of a ripped midsection!

    Important! If your core is weak, you not only severely compromise the amount of strength and muscle you can build in your workouts, but you also risk serious injury lifting heavy weights or doing any exercise that loads the lower back. Take core training seriously to optimise the overall benefits of your workouts and to train safely.

  • july 2012

    Health &



  • july 2012 35

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    Prevention is better than cureWhy is it that we service our cars yearly so they dont break down, yet we never stop to think to service the most important thing in the world, our body?

    A survey carried out by Everyman Male Cancer Charity suggested that nearly twice as many men as women had not visited their Doctors in the past year.

    Evidence suggests fewer men go to the Dentist or the pharmacists for advice and information, or attend clinics, although men are more likely to end up in hospital because they delay seeking medical advice.

    Even male cancer helplines are used more by women, seeking advise on behalf of partners, fathers or sons and the fact that more women get skin cancer than men, but more men die from it indicates how late men are going to the doctors.

    Men could really learn from women about attitudes to health!!

    Historically women have always been the custodians of health. They have cervical and breast screening and they take the kids to the GP. As generally men dont do any of that, they are much more reluctant to seek help when they have symptoms.

    General Body MOT

    There has been much media coverage lately surrounding male health. Medicare offer a general body MOT for as little as 140. Their clinic is easy to find, in La Cala de Mijas. The only way to write an honest article on this, was to undergo the health check myself. Follow my experience on the next few pages!

    Quote Lifestyle for a

    15 discount on your MOT!

    One person dies every hour from prostate cancer


  • 36

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    My own experience undergoing the general body MOTWell, the day (which I have to admit, I wasnt looking forward to!) finally arrived. My appointment was scheduled for 10.00a.m and the fact that I wasnt allowed to have any breakfast - actually nothing to eat or drink after midnight - was playing on my mind. I was starving (no, I wasnt!!!! But I felt as though I was.) I could have water though, but my brain was telling me that wasnt good enough and I was losing kilos by the second. Biting the bullet and feeling very apprehensive, off I went.

    The Clinic was easy to find in La Cala de Mijas with plenty of parking. In I went and was immediately put at ease by the atmosphere. It wasnt at all clinical and cold but more of a comfortable mini Spa. The staff were very attentive and professional and I was entrusted into the care of a Nurse Practitioner who took me into a private room. We got talking and she filled me in on her extensive 30 years experience both in Spain and the U.K. I could feel myself calming down and thinking that this might not be so bad after all.

    She then explained exactly what I was to expect from this MOT and why it was so important, as generally, men seem to shrug off the fact that they should look after themselves more medically. Did I have any worries or did I need to discuss anything specifically? she enquired. There was nothing particular so we went on to discuss my medical history - surgery, medication, allergies, diet etc. She then proceeded by enquiring about any family illnesses along with my lifestyle in regards to how it could impact on my health. I was extremely at ease with her very pleasant manner and was actually enjoying my time there.

    Cancer survival rates in the UK are amongst the lowest in Europe, this is generally because the British dont have a pro-active approach to their healthcare needs and seek medical assistance later. In Spain the medical facilities were recently voted 2nd out of all EU member states, in their prevention and treatment of cancer.

    Men tend not to talk about health preferring to discuss the game at the weekend, their car or a partner. Even politics is a more popular subject than health!

    In this recent survey it was found that men are going to the doctors with very advanced cancers and thus decreased survival rates. Generally survival is 60:40 when it could be as much as 99:1.

    Evidence yet again that we all need to take a much more pro-active approach to our health. Prevention and early detection is your best form of defence!!

    10 Symptoms men tend to ignore: Indigestion,

    Frequency in urinating,

    Pain or stinging when urinating

    Being over weight


    Skin changes

    Lump or bumps

    Erectile dysfunction

    Changes to bowel habits

    Unexplained Pain

  • july 2012 37

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    FitnessOn to the first part of the exam which consisted of the examination of my mouth, throat and teeth with the explanation that the overall health of my teeth with regard to bacteria had a direct impact on the state of my gut. My eyes were then checked with regard to any damage or infection and then a look in both ears. Finally she checked the lymph nodes/glands in my neck.

    We went on to discuss my lifestyle with regards to exercise; diet and my weight/height ratio were measured. The conclusion that was arrived at was that I am smaller and fatter than I originally thought! My smoking (nonexistent) and drinking (wont go there) habits were then discussed and we then moved on to lung function. A peak flow gauge was placed in my mouth and I had to exhale as strong as I could to measure my lung capacity (mine was phenomenal, hitting 700 on the scale!!) I was then given another piece of apparatus, which was used to gauge my inhaling capability. The idea was to inhale to such an extent in order to make 1, 2 or all 3 of the little balls inside, move upwards.

    Then my heartbeat was listened to in order to detect any erratic or irregular breathing, which was completely fine.

    An examination of my skin was next to detect any rashes or moles etc. that I might have been worried about or that the Nurse Practitioner felt needed looked at. We then went on to discuss my sleep patterns in relation to fatigue/stress.

    Next an examination of Breast tissue - feeling for any lumps or abnormalities - just a mention that next month I will be having a Chest Screening to be held in conjunction with the Positively Pink charity (read about my experience in next months issue). Did you know that as many as 300 men per year are diagnosed with Breast Cancer in the UK!!!!!! This screening is a definite Must. Sorry, forgot to mention the urine sample I had done which was checked for ten different elements such as sugar/blood/protein etc.

    The next topic was advice and education on Testicular Cancer. Unless you request this, no examination is given (I decided to forgo this one!)

  • Health &



    For more information on Clinica Medicare and there services please call 952 835 776 or email:

    Clinica Medicare also offer:

    Well Womens clinics, Cervical Smears, Vaccination programmes (children & travel) General consultations, Blood analysis, Wound care, Diabetes management, Hypertension clinics, Sexual Health assessments, Weight management, Asthma clinics as well as Home based Nursing care.

    The Full MOTincludes:

    Full medical history: family history, current health problems/concerns.

    Blood analysis: Full blood count, cholesterol, liver function, PSA (Prostate)

    Urine analysis: Checking for 10 different elements of the urine i.e. sugar, blood, protein

    Lifestyle: Diet, exercise, BMI, waist to height ratio, alcohol, smoking etc.

    Lung function: Peak flow, spirometry and listening to the chest, Oxygen saturations,

    ECG: Full Eco cardio gram

    Mouth /throat/teeth: examination

    Ears: examination

    Eyes: examination

    Lymph nodes: examination

    Testicular examination or advice and education

    Abdomen: examination, discuss bowels, bloating, changes, general pain, indigestion

    Skin: Rashes, moles, concerns

    Sleep pattern, stress, and fatigue

    Breast tissue concerns

    Prostate or urinary problems

    There is always room for flexibility on tests to ensure they include the clients specific needs.

    Finally, I was asked to lie on the bed to have an electro-Cardiogram. This consisted in having electro pads placed on my chest and shins to detect irregular heart rhythms. All was fine. And the very last test was to have some blood taken in order to check for Prostate Cancer, liver function and full blood count. And no, no, no, I did not have the finger test as shown in T.V programmes such as Embarrassing Bodies and which had caused all of the apprehension about undergoing the MOT in the first place. No, this was (thankfully) not the case, as the blood test will determine whether or not there are any abnormalities (Phew.) Why was I so worried??? It was a breeze. I got dressed in a haze of relief (I even forgot my rumbling stomach.) I would be contacted in roughly five days, when the results were through to go back and discuss them. By the way all of this is included in the one price. They dont charge you additionally to go over the results like other practices. If anything further was required, I would be put in touch with the necessary Doctors/Departments with appointments made. How easy was this!

    This was certainly a morning well spent. I left with such a feel-good feeling. I had actually done something that, health wise, was so worthwhile. Knowing what I know now, I just dont know why I had put it off for so long.

  • july 2012

    Health &



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  • july 2012

    Health &



    Testosterone supplements may help male

    weight loss Some experts

    have linked low testosterone levels to a male menopause, with symptoms including changes in sleeping patterns, poor concentration, feeling worthless, and anxiety.

    The relationship between obesity and testosterone appears to be a vicious cycle. There are numerous studies showing that obesity, in particular abdominal obesity, is associated with reduced testosterone levels in men and a reduction in muscle. With ageing, especially beyond 40-50 years, testosterone levels tend to decline slowly, which may predispose men to abdominal obesity which will then further lower testosterone levels.

  • july 2012 41

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    FitnessFindings announced at the European Congress on Obesity are showing that older obese men could lose excess weight by taking testosterone supplements.

    The study looked at 115 obese men aged between 38-83 years with low testosterone levels. They were injected with the hormone every 12 weeks to increase levels.

    Dr Farid Saad, lead author of the study said: We came across this by accident. These men were being given testosterone for a hormone deficiency - they had a range of problems - erectile dysfunction, fatigue and lack of energy. In the study, hormone-deficient men were given testosterone supplements in a similar way to HRT for older women. Men lost an average of 16kg over five years when testosterone levels were increased back to normal.

    When we analysed the data we found that every year, for five years, they had lost weight. It may be that the increased testosterone restored their energy levels and led to a behavioural change of being more physically active.

    The findings announced at the conference also suggest that raising testosterone levels could reduce waist circumference and blood pressure.

    Although some may deem this as a quick fix solution to combat obesity many would opt for this rather than hit the gym, which would, once upon a time have been a more idealistic approach. It is far more sensible and safer for men to reduce their food intake and take up exercise, which in turn would reduce their obesity and elevate their own testosterone levels. 952 939 955

    Calling all tradesmen



  • july 201242

    Health &


    for menThere are many benefits to waxing versus other forms of hair removal. It is an effective method to remove large amounts of hair at one time. It is a long-lasting method. Hair in waxed areas will not grow back for two to eight weeks. When hair is shaved or removed by depilatory cream, the hair is removed at the surface rather than the root. Within a few days, the hair can be seen at the surface. With these methods, hair tends to grow back in a rough stubble. Areas that are repeatedly waxed over long periods of time often exhibit regrowth that is softer.

    Hair removal isnt just for women. Find out how to painlessly remove even the most stubborn body hair!

    Do you have hair on your body that you wish you didnt? Maybe you have unwanted hair on your back, too much on your hands and arms, and excess hair on your buttocks? Or maybe youve got too much hair on your chest or legs or a stubborn monobrow. For years, swimmers, cyclists, and body builders have waxed their bodies to remove unwanted or excess hair. But these days, waxing for men is much more common, and a great choice for any man who wants a smoother, hairless look. Waxing is a temporary hair removal process that strips hair from the root and prevents it from growing back for up to eight weeks.


  • july 2012 43

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    Local 10, Camping Los Jarales, Calahonda, Mijas Costa, 29649 Tel: 951063105

    Male Grooming SpecialistsMens Hair Cuts

    Hair cuts, clipper, colour and highlights.

    Male Grooming Services Including eyebrow and body waxing,

    manicures and pedicures, facials.

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    Fish Therapy Relaxing foot treatment.

    Hair & Beauty

    So why do men wax? Men wax their eyebrows to give them more

    definition and to get rid of a unibrow. Men wax the hair on their chest to keep the area

    smooth without irritating regrowth. Men wax their legs for a cleaner appearance or

    to better compete in athletic activities (think aerodynamic).

    Men wax their underarms so they dont trap odour and sweat.

    Men remove hair on their back so theyre less self-conscious.

    Men even wax their pubic area in order to be more comfortable or to please their partner. Some men opt for Brazilian bikini waxes, in which all the hair in the area is removed.

    Men with hairy feet wax them in the summer to look better in sandals.

    Here are a few important waxing tips for men: Clean up. Come to a waxing salon freshly showered. Stay dry. Avoid using lotion prior to waxing, as youll

    get better results if your skin is less oily. Be hairy. Sounds like a contradiction, but your hair

    should be at least one-quarter inch in length (which makes it long enough to lay flat on your skin). Avoid shaving for at least two weeks to ensure that your hair is long enough to come out in the wax.

    Get comfortable. Wear loose clothing that day to prevent irritation after waxing.

    Stay relaxed. The more relaxed your muscles are, the better (and less painful!) your hair removal results will be.

    Waxing has a number of pros and cons. Waxing doesnt need to be done as often as some other methods of hair removal, it doesnt increase hair growth. On the other hand, waxing can be painful, because the hair is being pulled out from its roots. You might also experience irritation from waxing or even develop an allergic reaction. Test products on a small, hidden area before you apply wax to larger areas of the body to ensure youre not allergic to any of the ingredients.

    Overall, waxing is a safe, effective, and simple solution for men to remove unwanted body hair almost anywhere. Ta


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